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Bears in pairs
Yektai, Niki
Several different bears are described by their activities, feelings, and different colors.

Sleep, big bear, sleep!
Wright, Maureen
It's time for Big Bear to hibernate, so Old Man Winter keeps telling him sleep, Big Bear, sleep. But Big Bear doesn't hear very well. He thinks Old Man Winter has told him to drive a jeep, to sweep, and to leap. Big Bear just can't seem to hear what Old Man winter is saying. Finally, Old Man Winter finds a noisy way to get Big Bear's attention.

The lonely doll
Wright, Dare
A little doll, Edith, is lonely when two bears come to visit her. Mr. Bear watches Edith and Little Bear for awhile, but Mr. Bear has to leave for an errand. Edith and her new friend disobey, get into trouble and are punished. Edith is afraid that Mr. Bear and Little Bear will leave which will bring back feelings of loneliness again. However, they stayed.

Holiday for edith and the bears
Wright, D.
A doll, Edith, and Little Bear are told about boats by Big Bear. Little Bear is told not to go on a boat, but he and Edith disobey and get lost in the big ocean. Big Bear saves them and they learn their lesson about going on a boat by themselves.

Blue rabbit and friends
Wormell, Christopher
Blue Rabbit, Bear, Goose, and Dog all go looking for new places to live because each of them are unhappy with where they currently live. They help each other find new places to live.

Little mouse's painting
Wolkstein, D.
Little mouse paints a picture and her friends Bear, Squirrel, and Porcupine all see their images in it. Mouse tells them that they are seeing things, but when she takes the painting home she sees it from a new perspective.

Bear and mrs. duck
Winthrop, Elizabeth
Nora loves Bear. They eat lunch, read stories, and sleep next to each other. Bear gets sick so Mrs. Duck comes to babysit. Bear and Mrs. Duck become friends.

The bear and the fly
Winter, P.
The bear family is eating dinner when a fly interrupts them. The Papa tries to catch the fly but is unsuccessful until the fly flies out he window. (Wordless book).

A starlit somersault downhill
Willard, Nancy
Friendship is very important to this little rabbit who wants to nap with his bear friend. Unfortunately for the rabbit, he learns he cannot rest as long and as peacefully as the bear can. He learns that he is meant to be free doing somersaults downhill in the snow.

Brian wildsmith's circus
Wildsmith, Brian
Vivid colors and movement across each page makes a reader feel like they are actually at a circus. Come see the different animals and people that perform in a circus!

Tom goes to kindergarten
Wild, Margaret//Tegge, David
Tom is anxious and excited for his first day of kindergarten. When he finally arrives, he does not want his family to leave and insists they stay with him. The next day, Tom feels grown up but now his parents do not want to leave kindergarten.

Thank you, santa
Wild, Margaret
Samantha writes Santa a thank-you letter and the two become pen pals. Santa writes about his reindeer and Samantha writes about the polar bear at the zoo. By the time Christmas comes, Samantha has learned many things about Santa and giving.

Wait! No paint!
Whatley, Bruce
The three little pigs move out to build their own homes. But when the big, bad wolf comes, the first two pigs escape to the brick house. Throughout the ordeal, the pigs hear a mysterious voice that turns out to be the illustrator. The illustrator runs out of paint while finishing the story and finally saves the pigs by changing them and the wolf into Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Good-bye, daddy!
Weninger, Briggitte
Tom gets very upset when he must say goodbye to his father, who no longer lives with him and his mother. He gets so upset that he hides and cries, and then misses out on a hug. But his mother tells him a story of a young bear in the same situation who learns how to resolve the problem.

Let's go swimming
Watanabe, Shigeo
Bear asks his father to take him to the swimming pool on a hot day. At first Bear is frightened but then he realizes that swimming is fun.

I can take a walk
Watanabe, S.
A bear takes a walk by himself near his home. He imagines that he is climbing over high bridges and tall mountains. He later walks with his father who teaches him the proper way to cross the street.

Get set!Go!
Watanabe, S.
A bear starts an obstacle race. He encounters obstacles and problems, but he keeps going. He finishes the race, but no one knows who wins.

The biggest bear
Ward, Leila
Johnny brings home a baby bear that eats everything and grows bigger and bigger. Johnny tries to take him back to the woods, but the bear keeps coming back. Finally, the bear finds a home in a zoo.

Humphrey's bear
Wahl, Jan
Humphrey sails with his stuffed bear on some very scary adventures. He eventually finds his lost security and gets reassurance from his parents.

Going west
Waddell, Martin
A little girl experiences one of the most dramatic changes in her life. While going west to build a new home, she learns to cope with many different things. She regains hopes and dreams for her new home.

Let's go home, little bear
Waddell, Martin
Big bear and little bear walk home through the woods in the snow. When little bear is frightened by noises he hears during the walk, big bear reassures him about how the sounds are made.

Can't you sleep little bear?
Waddell, Martin
When bedtime comes, Little Bear is afraid of the dark until Big Bear brings him light and love.

Bearsie bear and the surprise sleepover party
Waber, Bernard
Bearsie bear is all snuggly in his bed when Moosie moose arrives. This is when all the chaos starts. After Moosie moose arrives, Goosie goose, Foxie fox, Cowsie cow, and finally Porkie porcupine stop by for a visit. Everyone jumps out when Porkie porcupine gets into bed. In the end, they all sleep peacefully during the surprise sleepover party.

Ira sleeps over
Waber, Bernard
Ira has to make a tough decision about a bear, and just does not know what to do. The sleep over proves to be stressful, but it finds a way to work itself out.

Where are you, ernest and celestine?
Vincent, Gabrielle
When Ernest and Celestine go to a museum, they lose each other. They finally find each other, and Celestine admits her fear of being lost and alone. They admit they like each other better than the pictures in the museum.

Feel better, ernest
Vincent, Gabrielle
Ernest is sick so Celestine takes care of him because the doctor says he must stay in bed. When Ernest recovers, he and Celestine celebrate.

Breakfast time, ernest and celestine
Vincent, Gabrielle
When Celestine, a mouse, breaks a cup, her bear friend Ernest offers to help her clean up the mess. But Celestine thinks that is is her responsibility.

Ernest and celestine's picnic
Vincent, Gabrielle
Ernest and Celestine plan to go on a picnic, but it is raining outside. They decide to pretend it is a sunny day and they go on the picnic anyway. While they are on their picnic, they make a new friend who invites them to his house.

Ernest and celestine at the circus
Vincent, Gabrielle
Celestine is bored, so Ernest dresses her up like a clown and takes her to the circus. Ernest used to work at the circus so they end up doing an act together and are loved by the audience.

Merry christmas, ernest and celestine
Vincent, Gabrielle
It is Christmas time and Ernest promises Celestine that they could throw a party. Now Ernest doesn't think it is possible because they don't have any money. But Celestine persists and they make all the decorations and presents by hand. The party is a hit based on love and friendship.

Bravo, ernest and celestine!
Vincent, Gabrielle
Ernest, the bear, and Celestine, the mouse, have a leaky roof and no money to fix it. In order to make money, Celestine gets Ernest to play the violin while she sings. They end up spending all the money, so they must do it again.

Smile, ernest and celestine
Vincent, Gabrielle
Celestine decides to tidy Ernest's dresser drawers. She comes across his old pictures and realizes that he has no pictures of her. He tells her to dress up, so they can take pictures together.

Ernest and celestine's patchwork quilt
Vincent, Gabrielle
This is a picture book about two friends, a bear and a mouse. Together they make a quilt out of fabric samples found in the garbage. When they realize only one of them can use the quilt, they make another one.

Becky and the bear
Van Woerkom, Dorothy
Becky's father and brother go hunting for some food while she stays at home with Granny. Becky wishes she was old enough to go hunting and be brave. When Granny has to leave, Becky is left behind to finish some chores and is chased by a large bear.

Van Fleet, Matthew
Check out these rhyming, interactive pages with texture. Colorful 3-dimensional pictures come to life with humor on every page (A Board Book).

Deep in the forest
Turkle, Brinton
This picture book illustrates a story similar to that of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. When a little girl and her parents go out, a bear goes into their house and eats their food, sits on their chairs, and sleeps in their beds. (wordless book)

Sir toby jungle's beastly journey
Tripp, Wallace
A feared knight, growing old, decides it is time for his last adventure. He goes into the forest and finds all of his enemies. They travel with him in the hopes of getting revenge. However, the revenge is Sir Toby's.

The grannies three
Tozer, Mary
One day, a strong wind carries three grannies to a strange land called the Doodlebird Forest. On their adventure, they meet and make friends with three Doodlebirds, a dragon, and four large honey bears, all of whom help the three grannies return home safely.

The sky jumps into your shoes at night
Tomkins, Jasper
The sky holds many roles and responsibilities in our lives. From every word that is spoken to every beautiful thing in nature, the sky is always present and ready to play. The sky is always with us, touching everyone of us in every moment.

Somebody and the three blairs
Tolhurst, Marilyn
When the Blair family returns home one day, they find that someone or something has been there. Food is all over the floor, chairs are broken, and there is water all over the bathroom. Little do they know, the culprit is asleep in baby's bed!

Polar bear night
Thompson, Lauren
Take a quiet journey through the stillness of the night where stars form a blanket of light over sleeping animals. Then let the warmth of mother bear's fur guide you into a deep slumber.

"Stand back" said the elephant. I'm going to sneeze!
Thomas, Patricia
When an elephant announces that he is going to sneeze, all of the animals panic. If he sneezes, chaos will erupt by feathers flying off birds and stripes leaving zebras. Fortunately, the mouse has a plan, and it is up to him to save the animals from the elephant's devastating sneeze.

My many colored days
Suess, Dr.
Dr. Suess uses bright colors, fun rhymes, and active animals to discuss the different moods a person feels. Some days you feel yellow, like a buzzy bee, while other days you feel brown, low, low down. Despite all the different moods you feel, you're still you!

The patchwork path: A quilt map to freedom
Stroud, Bettye
Hannah and her father are slaves who decide to escape to freedom. They use the patterns in the quilt made by her mother, who passed away, to follow the Underground Railroad.

Heat wave at mud flat
Stevenson, James
It hasn't rained for months in Mud Flat, and the animals have never been so hot. They try to help each other stay cool, but it is the rain that brings relief and happiness in the end.

The night after christmas
Stevenson, James
A doll and teddy bear are thrown out after Christmas, because their owners received new toys for Christmas. A dog befriends them and finds them a new home.

Tops and bottoms
Stevens, Janet
Hare and Bear decide to become business partners. Due to Bear's laziness, Hare tricks him three times. This is a great book because it shows children proper eating habits (with vegetables), and it provides a moral.

The singing chick
Stenmark, Victoria
The song of a very cheerful chick cannot be stopped, even after becoming lunch. Soon the fox, the wolf, and the bear are all singing his happy song.

A joyful day!
Stanbridge, Bobette
Cheerful bird has many nature-filled adventures with her tree friends and rock friends. Also meet Miss Annie Elephant who changes colors with her mood, and Selina Butterfly who changes patterns.

No dinner! The story of the old woman and the pumpkin
Souhami, Jessica
An old woman is on her way to her granddaughter's house for dinner, but meets many animals on her way. In order to escape the animals, she promises to come back all fat and fed. The animals are outwitted when the old woman is disguised as a pumpkin.