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  • Tags: acrobat
Lionni, Leo
Cornelius, the crocodile, is able to walk upright by standing on his head. The other crocodiles become jealous when Cornelius brags about his skill.

Let's dance
Ancona, George
Children from all backgrounds move and dance to different rhythms of their culture. Dances range from tap to folk dances and from Native American dance to Tibetan dance. There are many forms, types, and styles of dance a person can do to express their emotions. There are different dances for men, women, animals, and puppets too!

Louanne pig in the talent show
Carlson, Nancy
Louanne's school is putting on a talent show. There's only one problem though: Louanne doesn't have a talent. When an unexpected turn of events causes Louanne to step up to the plate, she discovers her hidden talent: saving the day!

Monster goes to the circus
Blance, Ellen & Cook, Ann
Monster takes a trip to the circus. While there, he sees many different circus performances. To everyone's surprise, Monster has an act to include himself into the circus ring.

Olivia saves the circus
Falconer, Ian
After making breakfast for her two younger brothers, Olivia dresses herself and heads to school. Today is Olivia's turn to tell the class about her vacation. She tells of a time when all the circus people are sick and she has to run the entire show. She uses her imagination to tell about her experiences as a lion tamer, juggler, and more. Olivia then heads for home, talks with her mother, and goes to bed.

Pierre's dream
Armstrong, Jennifer
Is it all a dream? Pierre thinks so. He is the star of the circus, daring to do things he wouldn't do if he was awake. Pierre tames a lion, walks on a high wire, and all sorts of other scary or dangerous things. As the star of the circus, Pierre proves to the people of Apt that he is not just a lazy, foolish man.

The circus alphabet
Bronson, Linda
Come along on a circus adventure. Each illustration depicts a letter of the alphabet that relates to the overall circus theme.