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On the day his daddy left
Adams, Eric J.//Adams, Kathleen
On the day his daddy leaves town, Danny wakes up early to write down a secret question, then he slips it into his pocket. He shows and talks about the secret question to his teacher, his mom, his friend, and even his dad. Each person tries to reassure Danny that his parent's divorce is not his fault. Danny's secret question flies away in the wind, but he still keeps asking other questions -- and he always will.

The babe and I
Adler, David A.
A young boy and his family are living through the Great Depression of 1932. When he learns that his father does not have a job, he gets a job with his friend selling newspapers to help make money for his family. He sells all of his papers outside of Yankee Stadium due to the popularity of Babe Ruth and his stories in the paper. He even gets to meet the Babe!

Louella mae, she's run away!
Alarcon, Karen Beaumont
Louella Mae has disappeared and her family goes on a wild search around the farm to find her. At the end, not only is her location discovered, but also the fact that Louella Mae is really a pig!

There's a little bit of me in jamey
Amadeo, Diana M.
Jamey has leukemia and becomes very sick. His brother feels like his family cares more about Jamey than they do him. His mother assures him that he is loved just as much as Jamey. When Jamey needs a bone marrow transplant he agrees to be the donor.

Billy and the big new school
Anholt, Laurence
Billy is very nervous about starting at his new school. He wants to stay home with his mother. Then he meets a small bird who is hurt and cannot fly. Billy takes care of it until it is ready to fly again. Find out how Billy gets himself ready to go to school and how he uses his bird story to make a friend.

Fly high, Fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
A pet fly follows Buzz and his parents on vacation. Throughout the trip the parents continue to worry that Fly Guy is lost, but always find him hiding in inconspicuous places. As it turns out, Buzz's parents get lost and have to rely on Fly Guy to save the day.

Ziggy piggy and the three little pigs
Asch, Frank
A new character is added to the story of the three little pigs, changing the tale to four little pigs. The fourth pig saves his brothers from the wolf by being resourceful.

Good-bye, house
Ballard, Robin
A little girl copes with moving to a new house with mama and papa. Before they leave for the new house, the girl says good-bye to the old house and all the rooms in it. When they arrive at the new house, she decides the change is not as bad as she thought.

Pictures for Miss Josie
Belton, Sandra
A young boy is introduced by his father to Miss Josie, who as first freightens him. As he grows up, he learns to admire her and the two develop a special friendship. Soon the grown boy passes on his memories to his own son and introduces Miss Josie to him.

The strange disappearence of arthur cluck
Benchley, Nathaniel
A young chick is taken from his home. His mother's friend, the wise owl, tries to find out who took Arthur. The owl finally finds Arthur in a cage on the way to the petting zoo and brings him back to his mother.

The Berenstain bears visit the dentist
Berenstain, Stan & Berenstain, Jan
Sister Bear wakes up to find that she has a loose tooth, and she tries to wiggle it out all day, but it won't budge! That afternoon, Brother Bear goes to see Dr. Bearson, the family dentist. After watching his checkup, Dr. Bearson gently pulls Sister Bear's tooth out, and she is no longer scared of the dentist.

In control, Ms. Wiz?
Blacker, Terence
It all seems so simple. To stop the local library from being closed down, Ms. Wiz sprinkles her special powder over a few books to bring them to life. But soon the greediest man in the world, some Flopsy Bunnies, and a very royal couple are on the loose. Jack and Podge are worried- this time, is Ms. Wiz really in control?

Monster and the toy sale
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy see an ad in the newspaper that reads モTOY SALE TODAY!ヤ Together, they bicycle to the store. On their journey, they are very helpful to others. Monster and the little boy serve as policemen to direct traffic, and as mangers at the toy store. They are so busy that they run out of time to shop for their own toys. Everyone is grateful for their unselfish behavior.

Monster goes to the circus
Blance, Ellen & Cook, Ann
Monster takes a trip to the circus. While there, he sees many different circus performances. To everyone's surprise, Monster has an act to include himself into the circus ring.

The happy voyage
Brown, Judith Gwyn
A young boy goes sailing on a large ship all by himself to go stay with his aunt. He has never met his aunt before, so he worries that she may not know which passenger he is. He tells the crew and they help him find his aunt.

Babar and that rascal arthur
Brunhoff, Laurent de
Babar, his family, and cousin Arthur go on vacation. Arthur sneaks off to find adventure. After parachuting off a plain, Arthur is lost. Many animals try to help Arthur find his way home.

Joey's cat
Burch, Robert
Joey's cat has kittens in the garage, but why won't Joey's parents let him go near them?He finally does get near them when Mama Cat's kittens are in danger from a opossum in the garage. Mama Cat then allows Joey to see the kittens.

My brother, ant
Byars, Betsy
Anthony is a wild and creative little brother who, in the course of four different stories, tests the patience of his older brother.

Cannon, Janell
Crickwing is different from all the other cockroaches. He likes to create sculptures and has a twisted wing. Crickwing is tired of being bullied by the bigger animals in the forest and mistakenly takes his anger out on the leaf-cutter ants, learning a valuable lesson in return.

Loudmouth George and the sixth-grade bully
Carlson, Nancy
George's first day of school is ruined by Big Mike, who bullies George and steals his lunch. All week, George does everything he can to keep Big Mike happy. However, George can't live in fear forever! George and his friend Harriet spend the weekend devising a plan to stop Big Mike and his evil ways.

Halmoni and the picnic
Choi, Sook Nyul
Yunmi wants her grandmother, Halmoni to feel at home in New York City. However, Halmoni is having trouble adjusting to the American customs that differ so much from the customs of her native Korea. Yunmi's friends suggest that Halmoni chaperone the annual class picnic to Central Park. It may be an opportunity to open-up and feel comfortable in her new home.

Fair monaco
Cole, Brock
Three sisters go to stay at their grandma's house. They ask to do things, but their grandma won't let them do anything but eat dinner and go to bed. She is too worried about all the horrible things outside. While the girls are dreaming, they end up in their grandma's horrible dream. The only way they can change it is to dream of their own good dreams. When their grandma wakes up, she is happy because of the good dream she had, since it was the same as her grandchildren.

Rain forest
Cowcher, Helen
A powerful change threatens the creatures of the tropical rain forest-machines. How long will they be able to survive?

A fine, fine school
Creech, Sharon
Mr. Keeene knows he has a fine school with great teachers and students. Since everyone is learning so much, he decides to have school on Saturdays, then Sundays, and then eventually all summer. Eventually, one student named Tillie tells Mr. Keene that they are not learning anything outside of school. Everyone is relieved when Mr. Keene announces the return of a normal school year.

Henry & the crazed chicken pirates
Crimi, Carolyn
The Buccaneer Bunnies live a happy life until one day they receive a message in a bottle from the Crazed Chicken Pirates. Henry worries about the note and starts writing plans even through the other bunnies don't believe the note. The day the chickens invade, Henry has to be brave and think of a way to save the other bunnies!

Inspector hopper
Cushman, Doug
Inspector Hopper and his partner McBugg work as a team to solve several mysterious case. Join them as they look for Mrs. Ladybug who strangely disappears. Find out what happens to the officer's boat. And discover how they catch a thief with additional help.

Bullies never win
Cuyler, Margery
Jessica always worries and in first grade her biggest worry is the class bully, Brenda. Brenda picks on Jessica about her homework, her clothes and sports, but it was the worst at lunch. Jessica feels lonely and hurt, and can't seem to stand up for herself. Finally Jessica has had enough and she takes a stand for herself!

100th day worries
Cuyler, Margery
When her teacher tells the class that everyone must bring in collections of 100 for the 100th day of school, Jessica begins to worry. What will she bring in?Her family finally helps her come up with a special collection.

Ella the elegant elephant
D'Amico, Carmela & D'Amica, Steven
Ella is the new elephant at school and is worried about fitting in. to feel more comfortable, Ella wears the lucky hat her grandmother gave her. Much to her dismay., Ella's lucky hat cause much teasing to come her way. In the end, through, it is Ella's lucky hat that saves the day when the bully gets into trouble and is forced to have a change of heart.

Lucy dove
Del Negro, Janice
Lucy Dove is up for a challenge. In the town she lives in, there is a rich laird. He was told by a fortune teller that a pair of trousers sewn by the light of the full moon in the graveyard of old St. Andrew's Church would bring him good luck. The rich laird proclaims that a sackful of gold will be awarded to whoever sews the trousers. St. Andrew's churchyard is believed to be haunted by some fearsome thing and anyone who enters the churchyard is said to never be seen again. Despite these factors, Lucy takes on the laird's challenge. As Lucy sits and sews in the graveyard, she is greeted by the fearsome thing that everyone had talked about. The monster runs after Lucy as she carries the finished trousers in her hands. Finally, Lucy gets the trousers to the laird and receives her well deserved bag of gold.

The worry stone
Dengler, Marianna
When growing up, Amanda loved her Grandfather and his stories. But now that Amanda is old, she feels lonely. One day at the park she befriends a lonely boy. She is able to give the boy something very special. Then he gives her something in return.

The night of las posadas
dePaola, Tomie
Lupe and Roberto are going to play the roles of Mary and Joseph in a reenactment of the night that Jesus Christ was born. Lupe's aunt, Sister Angie, is in charge of the production. However, Sister Angie becomes sick and Lupe and Roberto must proceed to the village. There is a bad snowstorm and the couple gets stranded in the snow. Friends of Sister Angie come to the rescue and play the role of Mary and Joseph, then disappear. Lupe and Roberto finally arrive and close the production. Later, Sister Angie wanders the church and finds the cloaks of the carving of Mary and Joseph covered in fresh snow.

Country angel christmas
dePaola, Tomie
The country angels are given the task to prepare the Christmas celebration this year. Ari, Pip, and Kira, the youngest of the angels, want to help but no one will let them. Even though they were pushed away, the young angels end up saving the celebration.

The sleeping lady
Dixon, Ann
Nekatla and Susitha are a young couple preparing to wed. THe wedding is put on hold when war breaks out, and Nekatla must travel to another village to try to restore peace. Susitha waits on a grassy hill for Nekatla to return, and she falls asleep. Nekatla is killed in war, and Susitha never awakens and is now known as the sleeping lady.

Loop the loop
Dugan, Barbara
Mrs. Simpson and a girl, Anne, become friends. Mrs. Simpson shows Anne how to do a loop the loop with a yo-yo before she is placed in a nursing home and cannot remember anything.

Six foolish fisherman
Elkin, Benjamin
Six brothers venture on a fishing trip to a river. After catching fish from their different spots, the brothers count each other to make sure everyone is OK. When a little boy helps them figure out their mistake, all is well.

Stella louella's runaway book
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Stella Louella cannot seem to find her library book that is due at 5:00 All day, she tracks down its whereabouts along with others in the community who have seen the book along its trip. Find out where the book ends up.

Hush harbor: Praying in secret
Evans, Freddi Williams
Simmy is both excited and nervous for his job as Scout during the community meeting. Simmy is excited because this means the elders trust him, but he is nervous because slaves are not supposed to gather and sing together. Simmy must be very careful and listen for the master during the meeting.

Snow day
Fain, Moira
Maggie is very embarrassed when her teacher, Sister Agatha Ann, punishes her for drawing on her desk. She must write a poem and recite it for the class the following day. All night she worries about her unfinished homework, but the next day she wakes up to a snow day!Through her fun in the snow and the help from her teacher, Maggie discovers her own special way of writing poetry.

The house that jack built
Galdone, Paul
Jack's house is a lot more than just his house. Many animals and people have a connection to this seemingly simple house.

Molly's family
Garden, Nancy
When Molly draws a picture of her family, some students in her class say that her family is weird. They tell her she can't have two mommies. After talking to her teacher and her family, she realizes all families are different and that she is lucky to have two mommies.

Snow bear
George, Jean Craighead
Bessie finds a new friend while exploring an ice ship-- a baby polar bear. She and Snow Bear play together like best pals. Bessie's brother and Snow Bear's mother watch carefully because they are both concerned and worried about their friendship. Will Bessie and Snow Bear's happiness be enough to keep them together?

Jimmy and joe have a real thanksgiving
Glendinning, Sally
Jimmy and Joe are going to invite an elderly woman to Thanksgiving dinner. When they find her unconcious in her house, they get help for her.

Mouse house
Godden, Rumer
A family of mice get lucky when one of the children, Bonnie, escapes and becomes trapped in a doll mouse-house. Eventually, the little girl who owns the mouse-house puts the house away in the cellar for the family to live in.

Smoking stinks
Gosselin, Kim
Maddie and Alex get the facts about smoking!They learn the truth by interviewing Maddie's grandpa, Norman. His mistakes intrigue their class's journey to stay healthy and live smoke-free.

Rachel's recital
Green, Melinda
Rachel's mother thinks Rachel is going to be a famous pianist, so she has Rachel take piano lessons once a week and practice for an hour everyday after school. But Rachel is in trouble when she finds she will be in a recital and doesn't know her piece.

Grandpa's face
Greenfield, Eloise
Tamika loves spending time with her Grandfather. They enjoy walking, talking, and going to theatre together. One day, Tamika gets afraid while watching her Grandfather rehearse for a play. Tamika learns about different emotions, and especially that her Grandfather will always love her.

Adam and the wolf
Gunthorp, Karen
Despite warnings not to go looking for strawberries because of the wolf, Adam goes anyway and finds a pleasant and unexpected friend.

Haas, Jesse
Hurry!Hurry!If the grass gets wet, then the hay will spoil. Grandpa, Grandma, and Nora work hard to gather the hay before the gray clouds bring the rain. Cooperation and commitment help the family successfully gather the hay.