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Oh say can you say?
Seuss, Dr.
Oh say can you say is filled with tongue twisters to make the reading fun and challenging. The story features pages of rhymes ranging from animals to people.

Lin's uncommon life
Shackelford, Scott//Castle, Emily
Elinor Ostrom, also known as Lin, worked "little by little, bit by bit, family by family" in order that the world could become a better place. Lin wanted to study the way that people could share resources because she believed that "so much good can be done on so many levels". Lin was discouraged from going to graduate school but she did and studied hard until she earned her PhD degree in political science. She wanted to create a research center where people could work together and ask hard questions. With her husband, they established the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at the University of Indiana. With their groundbreaking research, Elinor taught people how to share common resources around the world. She also earned the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences - the first woman to do so.

Go to sleep, nicholas joe
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Nicholas Joe refuses to go to bed. Instead he visits parents and children all over the United States, putting them to bed, and listening to their bedtime excuses.

Sheep in a jeep
Shaw, Nancy
Sheep in a jeep create havoc and learn a lesson of how catastrophies come from fooling around.

The someday house
Shelby, Anne
Follow the path of a child's dream world as she describes many wonderful places to live from the mountains to a bakery to the moon.

Love, your bear pete
Sheldon, Dyan
Brenda loses her teddy bear, Pete, on a bus. She thinks he's gone forever, but soon starts to receive postcards from him. Pete is traveling all over the world and having many adventures. He soon realizes he misses Brenda too much and returns home.

How I learned geography
Shulevitz, Uri
A war occurs and a boy and his family must flee from their homeland. Food is scarce and there is no entertainment. One day, Father brings home a map. The little boy studies the map. He learns geography and allows his imagination to take him to faraway places. He forgets about his hunger and his sadness.

Train song
Siebert, Diane
This song book describes how trains work, where trains go, and what trains serve, as well as information about engineers and ticket buyers.

Truck song
Siebert, Diane
A rhymed text and several illustrations describe the journey of a transcontinental truck.

In the time of the drums
Siegelson, K.
Raised by his grandmother Twi, a young boy named Mentu learns of the toils and tragedies of slavery and how one day he too will have to be strong in the cotton fields. As Mentu grows, Twi shares her talks of living in Africa through the use of drums. When Twi's spirit calls her home to Africa, Mentu's day to be strong arrives.

The goose that almost got cooked
Simont, Marc
Emily the goose gets separated from her flock during their migration to Lake Artok. She drops in on a farm with other geese. As more and more geese begin to disappear, Emily realizes that her life is in danger.

Rainbow rhino
Sis, Peter
Rainbow Rhino and his bird friends go on a journey and find places that match their respective colors and stay there. They soon discover that their old home behind the mountain is the best because they are together with all their colors.

Mandy's grandmother
Skorpen, Leisel
When her grandmother comes to town, Mandy thinks she is sad and mean. After awhile, they begin to understand one another and learn from each other.

Townsfolk and countryfolk
Sopko, Eugen
Three well educated men go to the country to help the simple folk. The three cannot take care of themselves in the country and decide to go back to town.

Peter spier's circus
Spier, Peter
The circus comes to town. Everyone is introduced, performs and when finished, they all pack up and the circus moves on.

Six hogs on a scooter
Spinelli, Eileen
The hog family wants to go to the opera. But when father Hog's car breaks down, they must find a different mode of transportation. After unsucessfully trying a scooter, roller skates, and other ideas, the six hogs take the bus. By the time they get to the opera, the show is over.

A joyful day!
Stanbridge, Bobette
Cheerful bird has many nature-filled adventures with her tree friends and rock friends. Also meet Miss Annie Elephant who changes colors with her mood, and Selina Butterfly who changes patterns.

Amy's travels
Starke, Kathryn
Come along with Amy on her wonderful journey to all seven continents on earth. Read about the desert in Asia, the rainforest and jungles of Africa, the mountains of South America, and the cities of Europe. Feel the bitter cold of Antarctica, go on a safari, and meet people around the world who speak different languages. Traveling to brand new places is one of the most exciting ways to learn, and it's a trip you'll never forget!

Gorky rises
Steig, William
Gorky the frog invents a magical potion that allows him to fly through the country side and town.

Brave irene
Steig, William
A little girl has to go through the snow to take a dress to her mother who made it for one of her customers.

Doctor De Soto goes to Africa
Steig, William
Dr. and Mrs. De Soto travel all the way to Africa to fix an elephant's tooth. When the elephant's enemy kidnaps Dr. De Soto, the elephant worries that Dr. De Soto will never get away.

Train ride
Steptoe, John
A group of young boys take a trip on a train to go to a place that has mysterious games. They had a lot of fun on their trip.

Are we almost there?
Stevenson, James
Two boys are so excited to go to the beach that they fight all the way in the car. Their father gets angry and tells them to stop. After that, all the father hears is Are we there yet?.

Rolling rose
Stevenson, James
Rose rolled out the door one day in her walker because no one was paying attention to her. She and her friends toured the area in their walkers until rain set in and they had to return home where everyone was happy to see that they were safe.

The sea view hotel
Stevenson, James
Hubert and his family go on vacation to a beach. Hubert expects to play with other youngsters, but there are none. He never expects a grown-up could be fun too!

The worst person in the world at crab beach
Stevenson, James
A crabby man leaves his home for a vacation. At his hotel, he meets crabby people. He actually likes the crabby people, because they are worse than he is, even though he will not admit it.

The gardener
Stewart, Sarah
Lydia takes a train to go live with her Uncle Jim who doesn't smile. Lydia uses flowers and plants to bring joy to everyone. She writes home to her mother, father, and grandmother to describe to new experiences.

The tower of life: How Yaffa Eliach rebuilt her town in stories and photographs
Stiefel, Chana
Yaffa loved helping her Grandma Alte in her photography studio in Poland. Many people had their photographs made during special events and celebrations, then they were mailed overseas to relatives before the Jewish New Year. After the Holocaust when 3500 Jewish souls were murdered by Nazi soldiers, Yaffa worked for 17 years to recover 6000 photographs and stories about people from Eishyshok, which is now a different town in Lithuania. Yaffa became a professor of history who rebuilt the lives of those lost by connecting with their loved one's photographs from six continents.

Easter surprise
Stock, Catherine
On Easter vacation, a family drives to their cabin for a week. They color Easter eggs, go on an Easter egg hunt, and find their Easter baskets.

Inspector mouse
Stone, Bernard//Steadman, Ralph
Some mice find their store empty. Toothy Mouse and Inspector Mouse travel to the club and the pier to find their stolen cheese.

The greatest potatoes
Stowell, Penelope
Cornelius Vanderbilt sets out on a mission to find the best potato dish ever. He travels around and finds none that are good enough. Vanderbilt goes to Cary Moon's Restaurant, where George Crum is the head chef. Crum makes many dishes that Vanderbilt does not like. Crum decides to make the potatoes so crispy and salty, so he will not like them. Vanderbilt loves them and that is how the potato chip is invented.

Grandfather's christmas tree
Strand, Keith
A young couple embarks on their own to an unknown land to build their life. When times get hard for their family, they adjust their lifestyles to make things work.

Window music
Suen, Anastasia
The train trip of a little girl and her family is described through colorful illustrations and rhyming words. She travels over streets, past horses at play, around growing fruit trees, and through a city to the final stop.

Suen, Anastasia
The subway is underground uptown. People walk to it, hop on it, and ride it. Some play music, others watch out the windows. When it comes to stops, some get off, others continue to ride the subway until they reach their destination.

The fourth wise man
Summers, Susan
Atraban is the fourth wise man who is to go see the new born King of the Jews. He never meets the Messiah, but during his travels he is able to help many people with the gifts he carries for the King. After years of travel, Artaban still hasn't met his King, but before both men die Artaban hears the voice of the Messiah.

Gotta go!Gotta go!
Swope, Sam
A bug crawls all the way out of her skin! She sleeps then she blossoms into a beautiful butterfly. On her journey, she repeats her chant, Gotta Go! Gotta Go To Mexico! to all the insects and animals along her way. When her destination is reached, she flutters and dances around in the warm sky with her companion. A bug returns, lays her eggs, and the cycle of life is repeated again and again.

Rabbit's morning
Tafuri, Nancy
This picture book shows a rabbit's day and his travels through the countryside where he sees other animals.

We're back!A dinosaur's story
Talbott, Hudson
Prehistoric dinosaurs travel in the twentieth century and are confused by what they see in the city. Their mission, though, is to become part of an exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in New York.

Annushka's voyage
Tarbescu, Edith
When Tanya and Annushka's mother dies, their father has no choice but to leave Russia for the streets paved with gold. Several years later, the girls' father sends two tickets for their own voyage to America. Before the girls leave, their grandmother gives them each a Sabbath candlestick which will light their way to the New World. Tanya and Annushka's voyage is filled with many sick and sleepless nights. The girls unite with their father by raising their candlesticks.

Henry explores the mountains
Taylor, Mark
Henry and his dog, Angus, go exploring in the mountains. Henry ends up stopping a forest fire and being a hero.

Mississippi bridge
Taylor, Mildred D.
Jeremy Simms, a young white boy, lives in a small town in Mississippi that is segregated. One foggy, rainy day, a bus full of people (mostly whites since some black people had been thrown off to make room for the whites), heads across the bridge and, because of the weather, crashes through the railing and into the water below. Blacks and whites, together, come to the rescue.

Swan sky
Tejima, Keizaburo
During the winter, a young swan becomes ill and is unable to fly to her summer home. Her family stays with her until she dies, then they fly to their summer home and grieve the loss of their daughter.

Gus was a friendly ghost
Thayer, Jane
Gus, the ghost, asked mouse to stay with him when the family that Gus lived with went away for the summer. The family came back and mouse did not want to share the house, but Gus insisted that he must.

Green beans
Thomas, Elizabeth
Dorthea's Gramma has very proper and strict ways of doing things including growing green beans. When Gramma leaves for a trip, she leaves Dorthea and her father in charge but they forget to take care of the beans. Everyone is surprised when Gramma returns.

Eliza's daddy
Thomas, Ianthe
Eliza's mother and father are divorced so she spends every Saturday with her father. She is curious about his new family and wants to visit them more often.

Lights on the river
Thomas, Jane Resh
Teresa and her family are migrant farm workers whose home is wherever there is work. With no permanent home, Teresa carries with her a wooden box containing a single candle from her grandmother that reminds her of the place she considers home.

I have heard of a land
Thomas, Joyce Carol
Moving across country must have been very hard. Pioneers often picked up their belongings and moved on toward a common goal: starting a new life!

Meet the gizmos
Tocco, John V.
Pong, a young Chinese Gizmo, journeys to the International Space Station (ISS) for the first time. She is welcomed by Gizmos from other parts of the world, such as Russia, Africa and America. The other Pong is given a tour of the station while sharing the creative and imaginary world of the other Gizmos. The Gizmos do a fabulous job in working as a team to welcome Pong into her new space.

Little fox goes to the end of the world
Tompert, Ann
Little fox tells his mother about traveling to the end of the world. He tells elaborate stories of the things he encounters. At the end, he tells his mother that he misses her and comes straight home.

The grannies three
Tozer, Mary
One day, a strong wind carries three grannies to a strange land called the Doodlebird Forest. On their adventure, they meet and make friends with three Doodlebirds, a dragon, and four large honey bears, all of whom help the three grannies return home safely.