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Maestro, Betsy//Maestro, Giulio
A child describes his journey across a river on a ferryboat. He explains how cars and people can travel on it and describes the pretty sights in the water.

The rattlebang picnic
Mahy, Margaret
Jack and Marion McTavish decide to get an old car and have 7 children instead of 1 new car. They go on a picnic adventure with their children and Granny McTavish who always cooks everything too long.

Wings: A tale of two chickens
Marshall, James
Winnie the chicken seeks an adventure and jumps into a hot air balloon with a fox. Little does she know that the fox plans to eat her, but her friend, Harriet, saves her before it is too late.

Still dreaming = Seguimos sonando
Martinez, Claudia Guadalupe
Many workers from Mexico leave their homeland with their families to a land of opportunity where they dream to live a life without borders. A young boy and his parents drive their car far away until there are no city lights. Papa sings a sweet sad song on the side of the road where there are other people at a campfire. The boy eventually learns that the laborers worked in Alaska, Los Angeles, Michigan, Minnesota, Kansas, and Chicago, and they cross the border together to find answers to their dreams.

Hannah's cold winter
Marx, Trish
A family in Budapest, Hungary enjoys taking family trips to the zoo to see the hippos. When the war hits their city, they save the hippos by collecting all the straw things that they can to feed them.

Two friends: A story from Zambia
Mashiri, Pascal
Two friends need sleep. Unfortunately, snoring becomes a problem for one of them. The friend that solves the problem doesnメt get the sleep.

The blue-eyed pussy
Mathieson, Egon
A blue-eyed cat goes looking for the Land of Many Mice and gets laughed at and criticized along the way because of the color of his eyes.

Lady muck
Mayne, William
Boark the pig wants to make his wife Sowk happy, so he goes to dig her up some roots. Instead he finds truffles which the two decide to take to the market and sell. On the way Sowk can not resist and eats all of the truffles but one!

Little bunny on the move
McCarty, Peter
Where is Little Bunny going?Past the cow and the sheep, over the train tracks, and through the fence - but where will his trip end?

Rome antics
McCaulay, David
With the help of a pigeon, we take a journey through the city of Rome where there are many ancient buildings and sculptures. We soar over beautiful architecture and cobblestone streets as we explore the city.

The christmas donkey
McClure, Gillian
When news arrives that everyone has to return to the place where they were born to pay tax, a local donkey dealer sells all of his donkeys, including Arrod, a wild and proud donkey. Arrod believes only a king is good enough to have him, but he leads the way to Bethlehem when Joseph, a poor carpenter, and his pregnant wife, Mary, buys him.

The christmas gift
McCully, Emily Arnold
A family of mice celebrate Christmas. They go to their grandparents and open gifts. Unfortunately, one of the children break all of their toys, so Grandpa takes him up to the attic and gives him his old train set.

McCully, Emily Arnold
A family of mice go on a picnic. When one of the children fall out of the car, the family discovers that he is missing and they go to find him.

Popcorn at the palace
McCully, Emily Arnold
Based on real events, Maisie Ferris, a girl from the mid-1800s, and her family don't really fit in with their neighbors in the small town of Galesburg, Illinois with their new ideas. They take one of their American creations, popcorn, to England and impress everyone with their corn that turns to snow.

Molly bannaky
McGill, Alice
After spilling a bucket of milk and being brought before the court, Molly Walsh is sent from England to America as an indentured servant. After seven long years she gains her freedom, a farm of her own, and an African slave who becomes her husband.

Journey home
McKay, Lawrence
Mai is going along with her mom to Vietnam, where mom hopes to find her mother and father, who were separated during the Vietnam War. There Mia learns about where her mom came from and gains a new sense of identity and feeling of home.

Grandfather's trolley
McMillan, Bruce
A little girl shares exciting adventures with her grandfather on his trolley. Sounds and photographs make it an exciting trip!

McPhail, David
A boy and a lost bear have many adventures as they try to find the bear's home.

Pigs ahoy
McPhail, David
A new passenger on a ship is placed in a room full of pigs. At first, he finds their lack of manners to be disturbing but when they're gone, he misses the fun atmosphere that they created.

First flight
McPhail, David
A little boy takes his first airplane fight until his teddy bear disrupts the trip.

Lola loves stories
McQuinn, Anna
Lola and her dad go to the library on Saturdays to pick out books to read during the week. Every time Lola reads a book, she acts it out the next day. If she reads about building, she becomes a builder. If Lola reads a book about fairies, she becomes a fairy. What will Lola be next?

Look what i see! Where can i be? Visiting China
Michels, Dia L.
A baby takes a trip to China with her family and learns and sees many things related to the Chinese culture. The baby visits a market, the opera, the countryside and the famous Great Wall.

Nobody's cat
Miles, Miska
An alley cat goes on an adventure to different places. He has a few fights, finds some food and then goes home again.

Here in space
Milgrim, David
A boy sets out for an adventure on his bike. As he travels around, he discovers many strange wonders about planet Earth. But his biggest discovery of all is that we are all living in outer space.

Grandma's house
Moore, Elaine
Kim loves going to grandma's house because they spend lots of time together. They both enjoy the country life.

Pablo's tree
Mora, Pat
When Pablo is adopted as a baby, his grandfather buys a tree in his honor. Each year on Pablo's birthday, his grandfather decorates the tree in a special way to surprise Pablo.

Angela's airplane
Munsch, Robert
Angela loses her father at the airport and climbs into a plane. She starts pushing buttons and the plane takes off. Then she crashes the plane and promises never to fly again, but becomes a pilot later.

Where is gah-ning?
Munsch, Robert
A little girl is determined to go shopping in a place called Kapuskasing. Her father stops her from going several times, but Gah-ning doesn't give up. Finally she ends up getting there by balloons.

I have to go!
Munsch, Robert
Andrew's parents always ask him if he has to go to the bathroom before they go anywhere. He always says no. A few moments later he has to go!

Good-bye, sammy
Murrow, Lisa Ketchum
A child takes his stuffed bunny on a trip. The bunny becomes lost, so the child makes friends with a new bunny.

Looking for the easy life
Myers, Walter Dean
Oswego Pete, a monkey living on Monkey Island, is tired of working for his good life. He wants to find the easy life so he challenges Uh-Huh Freddie, the Chief Monkey, for his position. The two of them, along with other monkeys go off in search for the Easy Life. While exploring, they run into challenges and they realize that work is good if you have a good life.

Where is the bear?
Nims, Bonnie
A young bear travels through kitchens, parks, and grocery stores to view the city.

The day jimmy's boa ate the wash
Noble, Trinka Hakes
Jimmy and his classmates go on a trip to a farm. The trip is boring until Jimmy takes out his boa constrictor to meet the farm animals. The farm turns into total chaos. In all the rush to get back on the bus, Jimmy forgets his boa constrictor. Jimmy is not left without a pet because there was a pig left on the bus.

Dinosaur dream
Nolan, Dennis
Wilbur meets a baby dinosaur and travels back in time to take him home. He has the adventure of a lifetime and experiences more than he has ever dreamed.

The last christmas present
Novak, Matt
Irwin is the smallest of Santa's elves, and everyone is always bossing him around. After Santa leaves to deliver the Christmas presents, Irwin discovers a forgotten present. Determined to deliver the present, he goes on the journey himself. He proves to Santa and everyone that he is the head elf.

O'Kelly, Mattie Lou
A farm family anticipates a day at the circus. The story describes the work to be done first, the trip to the circus, and finally the excitement of the circus.

The wisdom bird: A tale of Solomon and Sheba
Oberman, Sheldon
Queen of Sheba, the wisest woman in the world, travels to Jerusalem after hearing about King Solomon, the wisest man in the world. She hopes to learn something new, but after asking for a palace made out of bird beaks, they both learn something important. This folktale is derived from Jewish, African and Biblical tales.

The boy in the moon
Olsen, I.B.
The boy in the moon travels to earth to look for the man in the moon.

Emeka's gift: An african counting story
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
As Emeka sets off to visit his grandmother in the next village, he wonders what he can take her for a present. He passes through the market and sees lots of things Granny would like - there were four brooms, five big hats to keep the sun off, six necklaces, eight water pots. But with no money, Emeka can not buy anything. Will Granny understand?

Little john
Orgel, Doris//Storm, Theodor
Little John constantly wants to be rocked to sleep in his bed. When his mother falls asleep and can no longer trundle the bed, the moon befriends Little John and takes him on a journey.

Aekyung's dream
Paek, Min
A little girl named Aekyung has trouble adjusting to America, because it is so different from Korea. She doesn't like to go to school because her classmates make fun of her. Eventually she begins to feel more comfortable and accepted.

Amelia bedelia goes camping
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedielia follows exact instructions given to her on a camping trip, including rowing boats and pitching the tent.

Good-bye: 382 shin dang dong
Park, Frances; Park, Ginger
Jangmi is sad because she is moving from her home in Korea to America. She is sad because she is leaving her best friend and all of the things she loves in Korea. Jangmi says goodbye to her Korean home and is skeptical about America. Jangmi meets a new friend, slowly accepting and appreciating her new life in America.

The third gift
Park, Linda Sue
A young boy learns his father's trade by observing the use and importance of resin from certain trees. One day becomes an important day for the family - and especially for the young boy - when they exchange tears with three merchants who are off to see an important baby.

Mommy far, mommy near: An adoption story
Peacock, Carol Antoinette
Elizabeth is a young Chinese girl who has been adopted by an American family. Elizabeth begins to question her adoption and wonders why her mommy in China did not keep her. Elizabeth's mother explains the adoption to her and loves that she has a mother who is far away and one who is close.

Where does joe go?
Pearson, Tracey Campbell
Every winter Joe from the neighborhood Snack Bar disappears without a trace. All of the towns people have creative ideas on where he is. But in the end he turns out to be someone the children love...even more than the hotdogs and ice cream he gives them in the summertime!

Back home
Pinkney, Gloria Jean
Ernestine travels from the city to visit her birthplace in North Carolina. She stays with her aunt, uncle and cousin Jack. Jack thinks she has become citified. She tries to convince Jack that she is not a city girl and can adjust to life on a farm.

Aunt lulu
Pinkwater, Daniel
Aunt Lulu, the librarian, grows tired of living in Alaska. So she moves to New Jersey and takes her fourteen sled dogs with her.

Young larry
Pinkwater, Daniel
As polar bear cubs, Larry and Roy know they will be sent off on their own someday. When their mother sends the cubs away, Larry finds himself in New Jersey. Here he must get a job to pay for the muffins he loves to eat. Larry encounters trouble as people realize he is a polar bear, but a kind old man comes to Larry's rescue and gives him a job and a place to live.