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Gold fever
Kay, Verla
In a rhyming story a farmer joins a group of miners to look for gold. They travel through praries, deserts, and mountains panning for gold but never find much. The farmer, after finding no gold, leaves the miners to go back home to his farm and family.

Iron horses
Kay, Verla
Building a railroad takes a lot of work. Many people must be involved from the planners and politicians in the capital, to the Irishmen and Chinese men building the track out west. When it is finally finished, the track is a wonderful form of transportation.

All aboard the train
Kessler, Ethel//Kessler, Leonard
Two children and their mother take an exciting train ride into town. They pass by many interesting things and see lots of interesting people on their journey.

Nova's ark
Kirk, David
A young robot turns a field trip to space into a quest for his father when his stolen ship crashes. He makes new friends and finds his father as well as an alternative source of energy.

Bed bouncers
Knutson, Kimberly
Two young children become bed bouncers in a fantasy through the sky. They see the moon, the stars, and friends from other lands. The kids return home to wait for their next bed bouncing adventure.

Amy elizabeth explores bloomingdales
Konigsburg, E.L.
Amy Elizabeth goes to New York to visit her grandma, who promises to take Amy Elizabeth to Bloomingdales to shop, however they spend so much time exploring other places, that they never make it there.

The secret in the dungeon
Krahn, Fernando
A curious child slips away from a tour group at an old castle. He stumbles upon a sleeping dragon in the dungeon.

Faraway home
Kurtz, Jane
When a letter arrives from Africa regarding Grandma's illness, the girl's father decides to leave the U.S. and go home to Ethiopia. His anticipation sparks stories of his childhood which he tells to his daughter.

City dog
Kuskin, Karla
A city dog goes to the country and experiences the sun, trees, and fields. The city dog runs, barks, and realizes the differences between the city and country.

Kuskin, Karla
Using his imagination, Paul goes on a fantastic trip looking for his magical grandmother. Along the way, he sings a song that his grandmother eventually loves.

My shoes and I
Lainez, Rene Colato
Mario's shoes take him everywhere, and they have an important trip in front of them. Mario and his father are leaving El Salvador to join his mother in the United States. His shoes take him through three countries, through storms, over mountains and through rivers. Through each part of the journey, the shoes fall apart, but Mario makes sure they make it to the end of the journey.

The tooth fairy meets El Raton Perez
Lainez, Rene Colato
The Tooth Fairy and El Raton Perez see their signal for a new tooth. When they get to the house, they meet each other for the first time. They start fighting over whose tooth it is which causes the tooth to fly across the room. The tooth lands in the bookshelf. El Raton Perez can't climb up and the Tooth Fairy can't fit in small places. They decide to work together and share the tooth.

Marven of the great north woods
Lasky, Kathryn
A boy named Marvin leaves his family during the flu epidemic. He goes to a lumberjack camp in northern Minnesota and works and learns French while making some interesting friends. Marvin learns to ski, dance, and do the bookkeeping as a lumberjack.

How we learned the earth is round
Lauber, Patricia
How was the earth determined to be round?Let's see how the early Greeks determined it to be and how explorers actually proved it.

Audrey and barbara
Lawson, Janet
Audrey has big ideas for herself and her cat, Barbara. She wants to cross the ocean in her bathtub sailboat to visit the Taj-Mahal and ride on an elephant. But will her imagination take her all the way to India?

The four little children who went around the world
Lear, Edward
Four children travel around the world in less than 18 weeks. They stop at many different islands and countries and find that each is unique.

Petits bleus dans paris
Leblond, Joelle//Willemin, Veronique
Jean loses his mother while sightseeing in Paris. A bird shows him all the famous sights in Paris and eventually leads him to his mother (Written in French)

Fish soup
LeGuin, Ursula K.
The thinking man and the writing woman are good friends. They decide to find a child to run messages between their homes and to catch fish for their fish soup. The child is created by their imaginations and a touch of magic.

The red book
Lehman, Barbara
A friendship forms when two boys from different parts of the world find a magical red book. The boy from the urban city decides to use balloons to fly to the island where his new friend lives, but he accidentally drops the red book along the way. The boy on the island is disappointed when he can no longer view his city companion in the pages of the book, but is relieved when he lands on the beach instead! Back in the city, the red book is discovered by a man riding his bike on the street (A wordless book).

An ellis island christmas
Leighton, Maxine Rhea
Krysia and her family leave Poland around Christmas to meet their father, who is already living in New York. It is a long trip on land and by water, but they eventually land at Ellis Island where their father is waiting.

The train
Lenica, Jan
A train that carries people and animals travels to magical places.

The little auto
Lenski, Lois
Mr.Small maintains a little auto and goes for a drive. His drive starts in the country and continues through a town. After many adventures in his auto. Mr. Small returns to his garage.

The little airplane
Lenski, Lois
Pilot Small with the cooperation of a mechanic readies his airplane for flight. He then takes off , enjoys the landscape, runs into trouble, fixes the clogged fuel line and return to the airport.

My little island
Lessac, Frane
A young boy and his friend, Lucca, travel to the Caribbean to visit the boy's island home.

The journey home
Lester, Allison
After falling through a pit and landing at the North Pole, Wild and Wooley have a long journey back home. While finding their way back, they run into Santa Claus, the Good Fairy, Prince Charming and the Little Mermaid.

Tacky in trouble
Lester, Helen
Tacky the penguin always seems to be getting himself in trouble. This time, while he is surfing, he lands on a tropical island. An elephant named Rocky is envious of Tacky's pretty flowered shirt. He almost doesn't get home because Rocky wants him to decorate his table. Thanks to Tacky's quick thinking, he leaves the island safely.

The old Africa
Lester, Julius
An elderly slave uses the power of his mind to ease the suffering of his fellow slaves and eventually lead them back to Africa

Ollie knows everything
Levine, Abby
When the O'Hares take a trip to New York, Ollie seems to know everything. When he gets lost on the subway, he is able to finds his way back to the hotel.

Watch the stars come out (Mira como salen las estrellas)
Levinson, Riki
A girl's grandma tells her a bedtime story on Friday night of her mother's journey to the New World. She tells the girl how much she is like her great grandmother.

I go with my family to grandma's
Levinson, Riki
Five cousins, each from a different borough of New York City, travel with their families to go to Grandma's house. They all travel in different ways and they all end up in the same place. No matter how they get to Grandma's, they all enjoy being able to play together.

Nine for California
Levitin, Sonia
A family travels across country to go live with their dad in California. Their trip is long but full of interesting adventures and surprises.

Chugga-chugga choo-choo
Lewis, Kevin
A freight train's day proves to be very busy. After a long day of traveling into tunnels and up steep mountains, even the train needs a rest.

I love you like crazy cakes
Lewis, Rose
A woman writes a letter to officials in China to ask for the adoption of a baby girl. The new mother cries and the little girl does too when they are united. This begins a love story between a mother and her baby in a new country before they travel to another new country for the baby.

Clipper ship
Lewis, Thomas P.
Adventures aboard the Rainbird, a clipper ship, are given from the perspective of the captain's young son as he journey's from New York around South America to California. On the voyage the captain becomes ill so his wives assume the duties of captain on the ship.

My yellow ball
Lillegard, Dee
Five times a young girl throws her ball into the sky. With each throw, her imagination grows more and more as her ball travels to different parts of the world where it encounters various people and animals. On her last throw, the ball strikes a star and the girl makes a delightful wish.

The wild baby goes to sea
Lindgren, Barbro
A ten year old boy uses his imagination one day to take a sailing trip. He gathers all his friends together and takes an adventurous trip.

Snipp, snapp, snurr and the reindeer
Lindman, Maj
Snipp, Snap and Snurr vacation with their parents in Sweden. They meet a family from Lapland who come to their rescue accompanied by their pet reindeer.

Valerie and the goodnight swing
Lobe, Mira
Little Valerie doesn't like to go to bed. After her bath, she plays in her swing and with each different hat her imagination takes her off to a new place in the world.

Sailing with the wind
Locker, Thomas
Elizabeth's uncle comes sail boating into two every two years to see her family. This year he takes Elizabeth on a sail boating trip to see the ocean.

Red wolf country
London, Jonathan
A wolf and his mate travel through the country during the winter in search of a home where soon the female wolf will have babies.

Astro bunnies
Loomis, Christine
Zip!Zoom!Join these astro bunnies as they explore outer space. Help the bunnies get to outer space. What will they find there?Whether it's shooting starts or bunnies from other places, astro bunnies always come home.

A weekend in the country
Lorenz, Lee
A bunch of farm animals take a weekend trip form the city to the country to learn about country life.

A birthday for blue
Lydon, Kerry Raines
It was little Blue's seventh birthday. He must celebrate while traveling west with his family on a conastoga wagon. Blue's father was unable to give him a present, so he planted seven trees along the wagon trail that would be Blue's forever.

The biggest truck
Lyon, David
Truck driver Jim gets up when everyone else is going to sleep. He will drive seven hours to Woosterville to deliver strawberries. Drive along with Jim and his big truck.

The runaway duck
Lyon, David
Sebastian ties his wooden duck to his father's car then forgets about it. The duck ends up in France. After much effort, he gets his duck back.

Who came down that road?
Lyon, George Ella
A boy and his mother walk down a road. The boy is curious about the history of the road.

A regular rolling noah
Lyon, George Ella
A young boy is hired to be a helping hand with the farm animals during a move. On a train, he tells of his travels from Kentucky to Canada.

Going down home with daddy
Lyons, Kelly Starling
Alan looks forward to the annual family reunion at the farm where Daddy grew up, but everyone is suppose to share something special and Alan worries about arriving with empty hands.

Black and white
Macaulay, David
This story contains four separate stories. There is a train, a boy and his parents, commuters waiting for the train, and Holstien cows. All the stories are related to one another

Raven: A trickster tale from the pacific northwest
MacDermott, Gerald
A raven flies into a dark world and wants to bring light to the people. He journeys to the house of the Sky Chief. After exploring he takes the sun in his mouth and places it in the sky giving light to the world.