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How the second grade got $8,20550 to visit the statue of liberty
Zimelman, Nathan
Tells the triumphs and setbacks of the second grade as they try a variety of fundraisers to save money for a trip to the Statue of Liberty.

How to make an apple pie and see the world
Priceman, Marjorie
A girl decides to make an apple pie. She goes to the store and finds it closed. Now she must travel across the world to gather ingredients for her pie. She goes to Italy, France, Sri Lanka, England, Jamaica, and Vermont. Once her ingredients are gathered, she takes them home and bakes an apple pie.

How we learned the earth is round
Lauber, Patricia
How was the earth determined to be round?Let's see how the early Greeks determined it to be and how explorers actually proved it.

Hugh can do
Armstrong, Jennifer
Hugh is an orphan who wants to go to the city to make his fortune. Even though he encounters many obstacles, he pushes on and makes it to the city.

I go with my family to grandma's
Levinson, Riki
Five cousins, each from a different borough of New York City, travel with their families to go to Grandma's house. They all travel in different ways and they all end up in the same place. No matter how they get to Grandma's, they all enjoy being able to play together.

I have an olive tree
Bunting, Eve
On Sophia's seventh birthday, her grandfather gave her an olive tree. Sophia is a little disappointed by the gift and doesn't understand why her grandfather would give her an olive tree that she can't even see. After all, it is Greece and she lives in California! It isn't until her grandfather passes away that Sophia truly understands the importance and meaning of the gift when she and her mother visit the olive tree in Greece.

I have heard of a land
Thomas, Joyce Carol
Moving across country must have been very hard. Pioneers often picked up their belongings and moved on toward a common goal: starting a new life!

I have to go!
Munsch, Robert
Andrew's parents always ask him if he has to go to the bathroom before they go anywhere. He always says no. A few moments later he has to go!

I know a farm
Collier, Ethel
A little girl goes to visit a farm with her father. She gets to see all of the animals in the barn. The owner of the farm, Mr. and Mrs. Green, give her a hen egg, flowers, and apple cake. They tell her that she can come back in a few weeks and take a kitten home.

I lost my tooth in africa
Diakite, Penda
Amina and her parents take a trip to Mali to visit family. On the way, Amina realizes that her tooth is loose! While visiting her father's family, Amina loses the tooth and places it under a calabash tree. She receives a hen and a rooster from the African Tooth Fairy.

I love you like crazy cakes
Lewis, Rose
A woman writes a letter to officials in China to ask for the adoption of a baby girl. The new mother cries and the little girl does too when they are united. This begins a love story between a mother and her baby in a new country before they travel to another new country for the baby.

I saw your face
Dawes, Kwame
A poem and child portraits illustrate the shared beauty and heritage of African people living throughout the world.

I wonder if i'll see a whale
Weller, F.W.
A young girl dreams of seeing a whale during a trip to the sea, then the excitement of finally spotting one.

I'll see you in my dreams
Jukes, Mavis
On the way to see her sick uncle, a little girl pretends to fly like he used to. She learns to face her fears about flying in airplanes.

Ice cream Larry
Pinkwater, Daniel
Larry loves to eat ice cream. It keeps him cool and he doesn't get hungry. After eating a ton of ice cream, Larry is asked to be the spokesbear for Iceberg Ice Cream's new product. Larry is so excited! His picture is shown on posters, billboards, and fliers which advertise the new Larry Bars. Thanks to his new job, Larry has his own walk-in freezer to sleep in and 50 ice cream bars a day.

Ida B. Wells, voice of truth
Duster, Michelle
Ira B. Wells was an educator, feminist, and anti-lynching civil rights leader who founded many important clubs for African Americans. Even when faced with threats and criticisms, Ida B. Wells still kept writing, speaking, and traveling to challenge the racist and sexist norms of her time and leading the fight for justice and equality as a leader who made a difference for us all.

In november
Rylant, Cynthia
In November the air is chilly. The earth and all of it's animals and people begin to prepare for winter. Animals begin to sleep more and make warm homes for themselves. Friends and family gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving. Enyoy the sites, sounds, and activities of November.

In the time of the drums
Siegelson, K.
Raised by his grandmother Twi, a young boy named Mentu learns of the toils and tragedies of slavery and how one day he too will have to be strong in the cotton fields. As Mentu grows, Twi shares her talks of living in Africa through the use of drums. When Twi's spirit calls her home to Africa, Mentu's day to be strong arrives.

Inspector mouse
Stone, Bernard//Steadman, Ralph
Some mice find their store empty. Toothy Mouse and Inspector Mouse travel to the club and the pier to find their stolen cheese.

Iron horses
Kay, Verla
Building a railroad takes a lot of work. Many people must be involved from the planners and politicians in the capital, to the Irishmen and Chinese men building the track out west. When it is finally finished, the track is a wonderful form of transportation.

Dorros, Arthur
Rosalba and her grandmother go for an adventure. They fly from New York to la Isla. They fly over la Isla stopping to visit all of grandmother's favorite spots from her childhood. Some things have changed but not everything has.

Jack & Jim
Crowther, Kitty
An adventurous blackbird wants to venture out, beyond his home in the forest, to explore the beach. He meets a white seagull and the two quickly become friends. However, their outward appearances quickly cause some adverse reactions from others in town. These friends stand fast to their friendship and overcome adversity. Eventually, the village of seagulls accepts Jack for his gift of stories.

Goodall, John S.
Jacko, the monkey, runs away from his organ-grinder master. He takes a journey on a ship out to sea.

Jeanne-marie in gay paris
Jeanne-Marie visits her aunt in Paris. Her aunt gives her money to do whatever she wants. Jeanne-Marie sees all the sights, but saves some money to buy presents for her friends.

Jeremy's tail
Ball, Duncan
Jeremy shows a great deal of determination in finding the donkey all by himself. He constantly shows this pride by telling people not to tell him where the donkey may be.

Journey home
McKay, Lawrence
Mai is going along with her mom to Vietnam, where mom hopes to find her mother and father, who were separated during the Vietnam War. There Mia learns about where her mom came from and gains a new sense of identity and feeling of home.

Just us women
Caines, Jeanette
A young girl goes on a long trip with her aunt to North Carolina. They prepare their maps, their lunch, and plan all the fun things that they will do together. The trip is unique because they are just women spending time together.

Kenny's window
Sendak, Maurice
Kenny has a dream one night while he is sleeping. He dreams that if he answers seven questions correctly, his dream will come true. There is an unexpected ending to the story when Kenny changes his mind.

Kite flier
Haseley, Dennis
A young man leaves home, marries, and begins to fly kites. He teaches his son the joy of kite flying, and with each changing event in their lives, a new kite is launched. When the son wants to travel, too, they make a very symbolic kite for both of them.

Klara's new world
Winter, Jeanette
Klara's family struggled in Sweden so they moved to America. The long trip and struggles of leaving her home make her sad but with time she became very happy.

Kofi and his magic
Angelou, Maya
A young Ashanti boy describes some of the wonders of his life in and around the West African village of Bonwire.

Lady muck
Mayne, William
Boark the pig wants to make his wife Sowk happy, so he goes to dig her up some roots. Instead he finds truffles which the two decide to take to the market and sell. On the way Sowk can not resist and eats all of the truffles but one!

Left behind
Carrick, Carol
Christopher goes on a field trip with his class to an aquarium. They take the subway there, but on the way back Christopher gets pushed off the train and lost. Eventually, he finds a policeman who helps him go home.

Lemon whip
A cake and a lemon escape from a refrigerator to explore the world together. They see many things and decide to travel over land and sea together, forever.

Letters to a soldier
Falvey, David// Mrs. Julie Hutt's fourth-grade class
A collection of letters written by Mrs. Julie Hutt's fourth grade class to 1st Lieutenant David Falvey during his tour in Iraq. Read the students' letter to Lieutenant Falvey and his responses back to each individual student. Pictures of the letters, students, and Lieutenant Falvey's safe arrival back to the states are included!

Lights on the river
Thomas, Jane Resh
Teresa and her family are migrant farm workers whose home is wherever there is work. With no permanent home, Teresa carries with her a wooden box containing a single candle from her grandmother that reminds her of the place she considers home.

Lin's uncommon life
Shackelford, Scott//Castle, Emily
Elinor Ostrom, also known as Lin, worked "little by little, bit by bit, family by family" in order that the world could become a better place. Lin wanted to study the way that people could share resources because she believed that "so much good can be done on so many levels". Lin was discouraged from going to graduate school but she did and studied hard until she earned her PhD degree in political science. She wanted to create a research center where people could work together and ask hard questions. With her husband, they established the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at the University of Indiana. With their groundbreaking research, Elinor taught people how to share common resources around the world. She also earned the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences - the first woman to do so.

Little bunny on the move
McCarty, Peter
Where is Little Bunny going?Past the cow and the sheep, over the train tracks, and through the fence - but where will his trip end?

Little fox goes to the end of the world
Tompert, Ann
Little fox tells his mother about traveling to the end of the world. He tells elaborate stories of the things he encounters. At the end, he tells his mother that he misses her and comes straight home.

Little john
Orgel, Doris//Storm, Theodor
Little John constantly wants to be rocked to sleep in his bed. When his mother falls asleep and can no longer trundle the bed, the moon befriends Little John and takes him on a journey.

Little polar bear
De Beer, Hans
A baby polar bear wakes up to find himself in a world surrounded by color. He makes many friends, but becomes homesick. His friends help him develop a plan to get back home where everything is white.

Lola loves stories
McQuinn, Anna
Lola and her dad go to the library on Saturdays to pick out books to read during the week. Every time Lola reads a book, she acts it out the next day. If she reads about building, she becomes a builder. If Lola reads a book about fairies, she becomes a fairy. What will Lola be next?

Look what i see! Where can i be? Visiting China
Michels, Dia L.
A baby takes a trip to China with her family and learns and sees many things related to the Chinese culture. The baby visits a market, the opera, the countryside and the famous Great Wall.

Looking for the easy life
Myers, Walter Dean
Oswego Pete, a monkey living on Monkey Island, is tired of working for his good life. He wants to find the easy life so he challenges Uh-Huh Freddie, the Chief Monkey, for his position. The two of them, along with other monkeys go off in search for the Easy Life. While exploring, they run into challenges and they realize that work is good if you have a good life.

McPhail, David
A boy and a lost bear have many adventures as they try to find the bear's home.

Love, your bear pete
Sheldon, Dyan
Brenda loses her teddy bear, Pete, on a bus. She thinks he's gone forever, but soon starts to receive postcards from him. Pete is traveling all over the world and having many adventures. He soon realizes he misses Brenda too much and returns home.

Lucy's summer
Hall, Donald
Lucy spends her New Hampshire summer of 1910 doing a variety of things. She helps her mother can fruits and vegetables and make beautiful hats to sell. She attends a Fourth of July celebration where she meets an organ grinder with a monkey and a gypsy couple trying to sell picture frames. The highlight of Lucy's summer was taking the train into Boston with her mother. That was one day that Lucy will never forget.

Madeline in america: An other holiday tales
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Madeline's grandfather passes away and leaves all of his inheritance to Madeline, but it is in Texas instead of Paris. Madeline takes her friends to Texas and they enjoy the inheritance. Then they find out Madeline does not get it till she is 21 So it is back to Paris.

Mailing may
Tunnell, Michael
May is determined to visit her grandmother who lives far away. Since her family cannot afford to send her by train, May's dad gets the brilliant idea to mail her. After an adventurous ride in the mail car, May arrives at Grandma's house safe and sound.

Mandy's grandmother
Skorpen, Leisel
When her grandmother comes to town, Mandy thinks she is sad and mean. After awhile, they begin to understand one another and learn from each other.