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Time train
Fleischman, Paul
A class takes a trip to learn about dinosaurs. Somehow the class takes a wrong turn and ends up visiting prehistoric times. During the trip, members of the class play with dinosaurs and eat dinosaur eggs for breakfast.

Faraway home
Kurtz, Jane
When a letter arrives from Africa regarding Grandma's illness, the girl's father decides to leave the U.S. and go home to Ethiopia. His anticipation sparks stories of his childhood which he tells to his daughter.

Molly bannaky
McGill, Alice
After spilling a bucket of milk and being brought before the court, Molly Walsh is sent from England to America as an indentured servant. After seven long years she gains her freedom, a farm of her own, and an African slave who becomes her husband.

Millions of cats
Gag, Wanda
An old man and woman live in a very nice, clean house, but they are very lonely until the day the old man brings hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats home.

The bremen-town musicians
Plume, Ilse
Four animals were growing old and useless to their owners so they decide to run away and become musicians. Along their journey, they chase away robbers and find their place to stay forever.

Angela's airplane
Munsch, Robert
Angela loses her father at the airport and climbs into a plane. She starts pushing buttons and the plane takes off. Then she crashes the plane and promises never to fly again, but becomes a pilot later.

My mom travels a lot
Bauer, Caroline, Feller
My mom travels all the time. I miss her, but sometimes it is fun-we get to go to the airport, and when she comes back, she brings us neat presents. My mom misses a lot of fun-like when our dog had puppies and, when I was in the school play-but that just makes seeing her when she comes home more fun!

Albert b. cub & zebra
Rockwell, Anne
Albert B. Cub's friend named Zebra is missing. Albert looks all over for Zebra, travelling from A to Z. Finally, Albert finds Zebra at the zoo. (A Wordless Book)

Sector 7
Wiesner, David
While on a school trip to the Empire State building, a boy is taken by a friendly cloud to visit Sector 7 Join in his adventure as he discovers how clouds are shaped and channeled throughout the country. (A Wordless Book).

My shoes and I
Lainez, Rene Colato
Mario's shoes take him everywhere, and they have an important trip in front of them. Mario and his father are leaving El Salvador to join his mother in the United States. His shoes take him through three countries, through storms, over mountains and through rivers. Through each part of the journey, the shoes fall apart, but Mario makes sure they make it to the end of the journey.

Rooster's off to see the world
Carle, Eric
Rooster wants to take a trip around the world. Two cats, three frogs, four turtles and five fish join him along the way. It gets dark, and everyone begins to worry about where they will sleep and what they will eat. Rooster decides he did not plan his trip very well. Everyone decides to go home. Rooster goes home also. He falls asleep and dreams about his trip around the world.

Gorky rises
Steig, William
Gorky the frog invents a magical potion that allows him to fly through the country side and town.

The ballooning adventure of paddy pork
Goodall, John S.
Paddy takes off in a balloon and experiences many adventures.

You're a genius, blackboard bear
Alexander, Martha
Anthony wants to go to the moon. His only problem is that he does not know how to build a spaceship. When Anthony goes to sleep, his friend blackboard bear builds a spaceship. Together they pack the spaceship for their trip. Anthony begins to get worried about the trip and decides he will stay safely at home while blackboard bear goes to the moon himself.

Love, your bear pete
Sheldon, Dyan
Brenda loses her teddy bear, Pete, on a bus. She thinks he's gone forever, but soon starts to receive postcards from him. Pete is traveling all over the world and having many adventures. He soon realizes he misses Brenda too much and returns home.

Where is the bear?
Nims, Bonnie
A young bear travels through kitchens, parks, and grocery stores to view the city.

Hey!Get off our train
Burningham, John
A little boy dreams that he travels in his toy train and picks up a lot of different animals on his journey who are in trouble.

Mrs. Armitage on wheels
Blake, Quentin
Mrs. Armitage starts out with just a bike, but ends up with a one-of-a-kind contraption! After a great deal of additions and improvements, Mrs. Armitage's bike can't take it any more. Mrs. Armitage is forced to junk the bike and start over with roller skates.

Wings: A tale of two chickens
Marshall, James
Winnie the chicken seeks an adventure and jumps into a hot air balloon with a fox. Little does she know that the fox plans to eat her, but her friend, Harriet, saves her before it is too late.

Rainbow rhino
Sis, Peter
Rainbow Rhino and his bird friends go on a journey and find places that match their respective colors and stay there. They soon discover that their old home behind the mountain is the best because they are together with all their colors.

Weekend girl
Hest, Amy
Sophie always spends a weekend with her grandparents when her parents take a trip to honeymoon cottage. Every year her grandparents have a special surprise, so she can hardly wait for this year's surprise.

Salty sails north
Rand, Gloria
Salty the dog travels on a boat around the world with his master.

Aunt lulu
Pinkwater, Daniel
Aunt Lulu, the librarian, grows tired of living in Alaska. So she moves to New Jersey and takes her fourteen sled dogs with her.

Peter spier's circus
Spier, Peter
The circus comes to town. Everyone is introduced, performs and when finished, they all pack up and the circus moves on.

A visit to the dairy farm
Ziegler, Sandra
Kathy's class takes a field trip to her dairy farm to see and learn where milk and other dairy products come from.

Aunt minnie mcgranahan
Prigger, Mary Skillings
Aunt Minnie McGranahan lives alone and has a very orderly life. She has a system for doing everything from cleaning to feeding her animals. One day, Minnie receives a telegram from across the country telling her that her nieces and nephews need someone to raise them and take care of them. Despite her neighbors' doubts that nine children could never fit into her perfectly ordered schedule, Minnie and the children work as a team and live together quite nicely.

Grandaddy and Janetta
Giffith, Helen V.
Janetta is going to her grandfather's house for the first time in a year. She is worried that her mother will be lonely and that her grandfather will not recognize her.

Nobody's cat
Miles, Miska
An alley cat goes on an adventure to different places. He has a few fights, finds some food and then goes home again.

Across the wide dark sea: The mayflower journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A young boy and his family leave England with many other people to search for a new life in a new land. They dream of finding a place where they can worship God in their own way. During their journey, everyone endures many hardships, but they find what they are looking for.

The christmas gift
McCully, Emily Arnold
A family of mice celebrate Christmas. They go to their grandparents and open gifts. Unfortunately, one of the children break all of their toys, so Grandpa takes him up to the attic and gives him his old train set.

Saturday market
Grossman, Patricia
Everyone gathers together early Saturday morning to open the market. They sell their wares, food, flowers, sandals, rugs, shawls, or animals to the tourists

Silly sally
Wood, Audrey
On the way to town, Silly Sally gets sidetracked by a dancing pig, a singing loon, a dog who wants to play leapfrog, and a sheep who wants to sleep. When Neddy Buttercup comes along, they all go to town.

McCully, Emily Arnold
A family of mice go on a picnic. When one of the children fall out of the car, the family discovers that he is missing and they go to find him.

Black and white
Macaulay, David
This story contains four separate stories. There is a train, a boy and his parents, commuters waiting for the train, and Holstien cows. All the stories are related to one another

A regular rolling noah
Lyon, George Ella
A young boy is hired to be a helping hand with the farm animals during a move. On a train, he tells of his travels from Kentucky to Canada.

Little bunny on the move
McCarty, Peter
Where is Little Bunny going?Past the cow and the sheep, over the train tracks, and through the fence - but where will his trip end?

Scrambled eggs super!
Seuss, Dr.
Peter T. Hooper is bored of regular scrambled eggs. He goes on a search to gather different kinds of rare and exotic eggs from many different animals to make a better kind of scrambled eggs.

Curious george
Rey, H.A.
Curious George, an African monkey, becomes quite adventurous as he travels on boats, to zoos, and many other places. After taking in the sights and getting into mischief, George is captured and must live at the zoo.

Sheep in a jeep
Shaw, Nancy
Sheep in a jeep create havoc and learn a lesson of how catastrophies come from fooling around.

Max makes a million
Kalman, Maira
A dog named Max lives in New York and tells about his life as a poet struggling to survive. In the end, he gets his book published and makes enough money to follow his dreams to Paris.

Cassie's journey
Harvey, Brett
A young girl deals with hardships and dangers when traveling. Her family moves from Illinois to California by wagon in the 1860's.

Benny: An adventure story
Graham, Bob
Benny is a very talented magician's assisstant. When he outshines the magician though, he is kicked out of the show. For the first time, Benny is on his own and he doesn't know where to go or what to do. He searches everywhere for a place to belong. In the last place he looks, Benny finds the perfect home.

The cloud eater
Reeves, Katherine
Henry and his dog, Laura, live and travel with the circus. When a problem occurs with their newest member, a giraffe, Henry has to do some critical thinking to solve the problem. Henry becomes friends with the cloud eater in the process.

Swami on rye: Max in india?
Kalman, Maira
When Max, a famous dog poet and Hollywood director, leaves the house to get a snack for his pregnant wife, he ends up magically transported to India. In this exotic adventure of unfamiliar sights, he searches for the meaning of life, but returns home in time for the birth of his family.

Harry and lulu
Yorinks, Arthur
Just like any other little girl, Lulu wants a dog. Her parents give her a stuffed poodle named Harry instead of a real pet. At first, Lulu doesn't like Harry at all!But when he comes to life and they have an adventure together, Lulu discovers what a good friend he is.

Baby elephant's trunk
Joslin, Sesyle
Baby Elephant is very happy when mother elephant tells him that they are going to cross the ocean and visit France. All night long, Baby Elephant quizzes Mother Elephant about what they will do and say when they get to Paris.

The royal hiccups
Trez, Alain//Trez, Denise
A young prince, who cannot get rid of his hiccups, is told to be frightened in order to stop them. He goes on a journey to the jungle to find a tiger who will scare him. Although he encounters the tiger many times, he is not scared. However in the end, the young prince's hiccups are gone.

Three little pigs and the big bad wolf
Rounds, Glen
The three little pigs leave home to seek their fortunes. Along the way, the big bad wolf tries to eat them. They rely on each other when their homes are destroyed and they are almost eaten by the wolf.

She'll be comin' round the mountain
Bullock, Kathleen
In this illustrated version of the familiar folk song, a family welcomes a young girl into their home after she comes round the mountain driving six white horses.

Inspector mouse
Stone, Bernard//Steadman, Ralph
Some mice find their store empty. Toothy Mouse and Inspector Mouse travel to the club and the pier to find their stolen cheese.