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Beware the dragons!
Wilson, S.
Tildy sets sail over Spooner Bay, being warned to beware of the dragons. When she encounters the dragons, she finds them friendly, and realizes that they only want to play. She decides to teach the town about the friendly dragons.

Beyond turkey
Herman, Debbie // Koffsky, Ann D.
Almost 400 years ago, pilgrims traveled to North America. They met and befriended the Indians of the area. The different cultures came together to prepare a harvest and a celebration. This celebration became known as Thanksgiving.

Big red truck
Schlossberg, Stephen
Ray pretends that his reliable red tricycle is a big red truck, and he wants to see the wide open country. Along his way, he has to pay for things like lunch at a restaurant, a tow truck for his wrecked truck, and a speeding ticket. Because he has no money, Ray has to do jobs like wash dishes, mow the grass, and pull weeds to pay for these predicaments. Coincidentally, these jobs are exactly the same as the chores his parents want him to do.

Crews, Donald
Each summer, young Donald Crews takes a train ride and car ride to Bigmama's farm. He plays with the his cousins on the big porch, then explores the shed, outhouse, toolshed, stable, barn, and pond for fishing. His family gathers around a big table to eat and celebrate being together.

Black and white
Macaulay, David
This story contains four separate stories. There is a train, a boy and his parents, commuters waiting for the train, and Holstien cows. All the stories are related to one another

Bonjour, mr. satie
dePaola, Tomie
Mr. Satie has to decide whose paintings are better - Henri or Pablo. His decision ends up uniting the two artists and ending their feud.

Cox, David
Abigail is a little girl who bosses everyone around. On her stagecoach ride to Narrabri, a robber tries to steal all of the passengers' valuables. However, when he encounters Abigail, she yells at him and calls him Bossyboots. He listens to her and gives up all the loot.

Boundless grace
Hoffman, Mary
According to the stories Grace read, her family is not normal. Grace's father lives in Africa while she and her mother live in America. Grace visits her father to learn about his new family and the African culture in Gambia. Grace's visit to Africa helps her to understand that her family is normal.

Brave irene
Steig, William
A little girl has to go through the snow to take a dress to her mother who made it for one of her customers.

Bubba and beau go night-night
Appelt, Kathi
Baby Bubba and his puppy Beau love going for truck rides with Big Bubba. After a long day they return home, but still are not ready for bed. When they drive around at night they finally fall asleep in the truck after seeing the Feed & Seed Store, the ice cream store, and the fruit and vegetable stand.

Bunnies at christmas time
Ehrlich, Amy
An invitation is sent to Santa Claus to join the bunnies for a Christmas party. Instead of Santa, their Uncle Jack dressed as Santa arrives with plenty of gifts.

Bus ride
Jewell, Nancy
Jamie, a young girl is going on a bus ride alone to visit her grandpa. She meets Mrs. Rivers who sits with her and takes care of her. She becomes very fond of Mrs. Rivers and then must get off to meet her grandfather. She tells him all about her new friend.

Cassie's journey
Harvey, Brett
A young girl deals with hardships and dangers when traveling. Her family moves from Illinois to California by wagon in the 1860's.

Chicken soup with rice
Sendak, Maurice
A little boy travels through the months of the year and explains how he would enjoy chicken soup with rice each month.

Chugga-chugga choo-choo
Lewis, Kevin
A freight train's day proves to be very busy. After a long day of traveling into tunnels and up steep mountains, even the train needs a rest.

O'Kelly, Mattie Lou
A farm family anticipates a day at the circus. The story describes the work to be done first, the trip to the circus, and finally the excitement of the circus.

City dog
Kuskin, Karla
A city dog goes to the country and experiences the sun, trees, and fields. The city dog runs, barks, and realizes the differences between the city and country.

Robbins, Ken
A drive through the city and country is depicted through wonderful pictures as seen from the backseat of a car.

Clink Clank Clunk
Aroner, Miriam
Rabbit is taking a trip into town and is kind enough to pick up nine friends along the way. Much to his dismay, Rabbit's car begins to fall apart more and more with each friend that gets in! With a little teamwork and persistence though, the ten make it safely to town where Rabbit buys a new car.

Clipper ship
Lewis, Thomas P.
Adventures aboard the Rainbird, a clipper ship, are given from the perspective of the captain's young son as he journey's from New York around South America to California. On the voyage the captain becomes ill so his wives assume the duties of captain on the ship.

Bauer, Marion
A boy spends his day outside with his cat exploring different types of clouds and the different things that clouds do. He also explains in a colorful and easy way, what clouds are made of and how we interact with clouds on an everyday basis, using weather terminology.

Cold feet
DeFelice, Cynthia
Playing the bagpipes is Willie McPhee's favorite form of entertainment, but because his audience is unable to pay for his entertainment, Willie is forced to leave. On his journey to find money, he becomes tired and his clothes wear out. Across the forest he sees a dead man and since his shoes are torn, he takes the dead man's boots. As he approaches a house to find hospitality, see how the dead man comes back to haunt him.

Commander toad and the planet of the grapes
Yolen, Jane
Commander Toad and his crew travel from star to star in their ship called Star Warts. They have many adventures when they land on the planet of the grapes and everyone begins having allergic reactions.

Cotton mill town
Hershey, Kathleen
A little girl tells about her visit with her grandma. She wishes she too could live in the cotton mill town. She tells of all the things they do until it is time for her to return home. She enjoys picking berries and peaches, gardening, and fishing.

Curious george
Rey, H.A.
Curious George, an African monkey, becomes quite adventurous as he travels on boats, to zoos, and many other places. After taking in the sights and getting into mischief, George is captured and must live at the zoo.

Curious maggie
Gunthorp, Karen
Maggie, the duck, is curious to see what is beyond the farmyard where she lives. On an adventure outside of the farmyard, Maggie discovers what trouble is.

Dancing in the wings
Allen, Debbie
Sassy uses her unique characteristics and height to become a great ballet dancer. Sassy does not allow bullying from the other students to prevent her from trying out for a summer dance festival. Sassy learns the benefits of perseverence and self-esteem.

Dear daddy
Schindel, John
Jesse really wants to visit his father who lives far away. Jesse and his dad write letters back and forth to pass the time until Jesse can visit in the summer.

Bang, Molly
Delphine receives a present from her grandmother, but she must go to the post office (far away) to get it. Delphine encounters many exciting adventures on her way to pick up the present.

Dinosaur bob
Joyce, William
While on a safari in Africa, the Lazardo family find a dinosaur. They bring him home with them. The dinosaur ends up playing baseball for the Pimlico Pirates.

Dinosaur dream
Nolan, Dennis
Wilbur meets a baby dinosaur and travels back in time to take him home. He has the adventure of a lifetime and experiences more than he has ever dreamed.

Doctor De Soto goes to Africa
Steig, William
Dr. and Mrs. De Soto travel all the way to Africa to fix an elephant's tooth. When the elephant's enemy kidnaps Dr. De Soto, the elephant worries that Dr. De Soto will never get away.

Easter surprise
Stock, Catherine
On Easter vacation, a family drives to their cabin for a week. They color Easter eggs, go on an Easter egg hunt, and find their Easter baskets.

Elena's serenade
Geeslin, Campbell
Elenaメs father is a glassblower. Elena wants her father to teach her how to blow glass. He refuses to teach her because she is a girl. After disguising herself as a boy, she learns how to blow glass. She shows her father she can blow glass and then reveals that it is her.

Eliza's daddy
Thomas, Ianthe
Eliza's mother and father are divorced so she spends every Saturday with her father. She is curious about his new family and wants to visit them more often.

Emeka's gift: An african counting story
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
As Emeka sets off to visit his grandmother in the next village, he wonders what he can take her for a present. He passes through the market and sees lots of things Granny would like - there were four brooms, five big hats to keep the sun off, six necklaces, eight water pots. But with no money, Emeka can not buy anything. Will Granny understand?

Faraway home
Kurtz, Jane
When a letter arrives from Africa regarding Grandma's illness, the girl's father decides to leave the U.S. and go home to Ethiopia. His anticipation sparks stories of his childhood which he tells to his daughter.

Father's rubber shoes
Yeo, Yumi
Yungsu's family moves from Korea to America. When Yungsu goes into his new town and sees children playing, he missed his friends from Korea. Yungsu tells his mother that he wants to go back to Korea, but his father explains that their life will be better in America.

Maestro, Betsy//Maestro, Giulio
A child describes his journey across a river on a ferryboat. He explains how cars and people can travel on it and describes the pretty sights in the water.

Find waldo now
Handford, Martin
As Waldo travels through time, look for him in every era. Waldo visits the cavemen, Egyptians, Romans, Vikings, Middle Ages, Aztecs, and many more!His red and white striped shirt are tough to find!

First flight
McPhail, David
A little boy takes his first airplane fight until his teddy bear disrupts the trip.

Fish soup
LeGuin, Ursula K.
The thinking man and the writing woman are good friends. They decide to find a child to run messages between their homes and to catch fish for their fish soup. The child is created by their imaginations and a touch of magic.

Five trucks
Floca, Brian
A little boy observes how five different trucks assist in the preparation and take-off of his airplane. Description of the trucks and their duties are very clear. It takes many people working together to complete the goal of take-off!

Adoff, Arnold
A little girl is named Flamboyan after a tree that is the color of her hair. One day, she imagines she is flying over her city, and she tells of all that she would see.

Fly high, Fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
A pet fly follows Buzz and his parents on vacation. Throughout the trip the parents continue to worry that Fly Guy is lost, but always find him hiding in inconspicuous places. As it turns out, Buzz's parents get lost and have to rely on Fly Guy to save the day.

Follow the road
Tresselt, Alvin
The road travels through many settings and environments and goes in many directions. It travels over hills, through valleys, across train tracks, and around parks--all over the world!

Charlip, Remy
Ned was invited to a party in Florida, but he lived in New York. His friend lends him an airplane but the engine explodes. It was an exchange of good fortune and bad luck from there on - until he ends up at his surprise birthday party - fortunately.

Four fur feet
Brown, Margaret Wise
A furry animal travels around the world and lets the reader follow him.



Frank and ernest on the road
Day, Alexandra
Frank and Ernest drive a truck. They learn truck language along the way. They use funny words that have a real meaning to truck drivers.

Free fall
Wiesner, David
After falling asleep with a book, a boy dreams of a magical adventure. He travels to a kingdom, a forest, and a city where he meets animals and many characters. (A Wordless Book)