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A balloon for grandad
Gray, Nigel
Sam lost his balloon out the back door. At first he was sad, but his father reminded him of his grandfather Abdulla who lived very far away. Sam thought about how his balloon might travel to his grandfather and make him very happy.

A birthday for blue
Lydon, Kerry Raines
It was little Blue's seventh birthday. He must celebrate while traveling west with his family on a conastoga wagon. Blue's father was unable to give him a present, so he planted seven trees along the wagon trail that would be Blue's forever.

A christmas story
Wildsmith, Brian
The traditional Christmas story is told through the eyes of a young girl and her donkey. They try to find Mary and Joseph and follow their trip to Bethlehelm.

A forest of boxes
Gunthorp, Karen
Davy the mouse is curious to see what lies beyond his area of the forest. One day he leaves and what an adventure he has when he goes to the city and thinks he is in a forest of boxes.

A joyful day!
Stanbridge, Bobette
Cheerful bird has many nature-filled adventures with her tree friends and rock friends. Also meet Miss Annie Elephant who changes colors with her mood, and Selina Butterfly who changes patterns.

A regular rolling noah
Lyon, George Ella
A young boy is hired to be a helping hand with the farm animals during a move. On a train, he tells of his travels from Kentucky to Canada.

A road might lead to anywhere
Field, Rachel
A little girl leaves her home to explore where the road may go. She travels to different countries, cities, shops, houses and caves. She eventually takes the road that leads her back home.

A smooth move
Rabe, Berniece
Gus and his family move from Portland to Washington D.C. when his dad starts a new job. He keeps a journal to help the move go smoothly. While he misses his friends, Gus knows he will like his new home.

A summer day
Florian, Douglas
A family gets up at the crack of dawn to take a trip to the countryside. They spend an enjoyable day together swimming and fishing.

A visit to the dairy farm
Ziegler, Sandra
Kathy's class takes a field trip to her dairy farm to see and learn where milk and other dairy products come from.

A weekend in the country
Lorenz, Lee
A bunch of farm animals take a weekend trip form the city to the country to learn about country life.

Abel's moon
Hughes, Shirley
Abel Grable returns from his work greeted by his family. When he tells them all about his adventures, his children only want to hear more. Before he sets out on his next outing for work, he writes his stories down. As he is away, his children take his writing table and create a certain machine that lets them be with their dad all the time while he's gone.

Dorros, Arthur
A little girl uses her imagination to transport her and her grandmother out of a bus to view the many sites over New York City.

Accidental zucchini
Grover, Max
Max takes an alphabet tour. He sees cupcake canyon, ice cream island, macaroni merry-go-round, and peach pie pile. Max stops to visit many other letters on his tour.

Across the blue mountains
Clark, Emma Chichester
Miss Milberry lives happily at the base of the blue mountains with her beautiful garden and her animals, but she is curious about what it is like on the other side of the mountains. Miss Milberry takes a long trip trying to get to the other side, but she ends up at a place that looks very familiar.

Across the wide dark sea: The mayflower journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A young boy and his family leave England with many other people to search for a new life in a new land. They dream of finding a place where they can worship God in their own way. During their journey, everyone endures many hardships, but they find what they are looking for.

Across town
A man journeys across town and makes friends with a cat (A Wordless Book).

Aekyung's dream
Paek, Min
A little girl named Aekyung has trouble adjusting to America, because it is so different from Korea. She doesn't like to go to school because her classmates make fun of her. Eventually she begins to feel more comfortable and accepted.

Ahoy there, little polar bear
De Beer, Hans
Lars, a little polar bear, gets caught in a fish net and gets thrown on board of a ship. He meets a cat, Nemo, and goes to the city. Nemo and his other friends help Lars find his way back to the North Pole.

Albert b. cub & zebra
Rockwell, Anne
Albert B. Cub's friend named Zebra is missing. Albert looks all over for Zebra, travelling from A to Z. Finally, Albert finds Zebra at the zoo. (A Wordless Book)

Alexander, who's not (do you hear me?I mean it!) going to move
Viorst, Judith
Alexander loves his home, friends, and his life the way it is. Faced with a move to another town, Alexander becomes agitated and upset. In time he finds a way to adjust.

All aboard the train
Kessler, Ethel//Kessler, Leonard
Two children and their mother take an exciting train ride into town. They pass by many interesting things and see lots of interesting people on their journey.

All aboard, owney!
Sattler, Jennifer
Climb aboard with Owney the mail dog as he travels the Adirondack railroad! Meet his new wilderness friends and enjoy the colorful view.

Amelia bedelia goes camping
Parish, Peggy
Amelia Bedielia follows exact instructions given to her on a camping trip, including rowing boats and pitching the tent.

Amos: The story of an old dog and his couch
Seligson, Susan//Schneider, Howie
An old dog is bored and sad because the kids are all grown up and the Bobsons are always gone. He later discovers he can make new friends and his couch can go places if he uses his imagination.

Amy elizabeth explores bloomingdales
Konigsburg, E.L.
Amy Elizabeth goes to New York to visit her grandma, who promises to take Amy Elizabeth to Bloomingdales to shop, however they spend so much time exploring other places, that they never make it there.

Amy's travels
Starke, Kathryn
Come along with Amy on her wonderful journey to all seven continents on earth. Read about the desert in Asia, the rainforest and jungles of Africa, the mountains of South America, and the cities of Europe. Feel the bitter cold of Antarctica, go on a safari, and meet people around the world who speak different languages. Traveling to brand new places is one of the most exciting ways to learn, and it's a trip you'll never forget!

An African princess
Edmonds, Lyra
Lyra is a young girl who lives in the city and who comes from a line of African princesses. She is teased by her classmates and starts to wonder whether or not she is a princess. Her family goes to visit her aunt who confirms that she is an African princess.

An autummn tale
Updike, David
On the eve of Halloween, Homer carves a jack-o-lantern from a pumpkin in his yard. That night, when he goes to watch the moon rise, he puts the pumpkin on his head. He is surprised to see the trees moving and talking. Homer goes on a short journey with the trees and returns home the next morning.

An edwardian holiday
Goodall, John S.
A family takes a trip away from home to a variety of places.

An ellis island christmas
Leighton, Maxine Rhea
Krysia and her family leave Poland around Christmas to meet their father, who is already living in New York. It is a long trip on land and by water, but they eventually land at Ellis Island where their father is waiting.

Angela's airplane
Munsch, Robert
Angela loses her father at the airport and climbs into a plane. She starts pushing buttons and the plane takes off. Then she crashes the plane and promises never to fly again, but becomes a pilot later.

Annushka's voyage
Tarbescu, Edith
When Tanya and Annushka's mother dies, their father has no choice but to leave Russia for the streets paved with gold. Several years later, the girls' father sends two tickets for their own voyage to America. Before the girls leave, their grandmother gives them each a Sabbath candlestick which will light their way to the New World. Tanya and Annushka's voyage is filled with many sick and sleepless nights. The girls unite with their father by raising their candlesticks.

Apple juice tea
Weston, Martha
When Gran first comes to visit, Polly wishes she would leave so her life could get back to normal. One night, Gran babysits and they have a tea party. After that, there are many more tea parties and special times.

Apples to oregon
Hopkinson, Deborah
Loosely based on a true pioneer story, this tale describes the trip of apples across the country. When Papa decides to travel the Oregon Trail, he refuses to leave his beloved fruits, especially the apples. Building a wagon to carry his trees, the family forges rivers, endures hailstorms and droughts, and deals with nasty Jack Frost. Papa has the help of his children (and their clothing) to save his trees.

Are we almost there?
Stevenson, James
Two boys are so excited to go to the beach that they fight all the way in the car. Their father gets angry and tells them to stop. After that, all the father hears is Are we there yet?.

Astro bunnies
Loomis, Christine
Zip!Zoom!Join these astro bunnies as they explore outer space. Help the bunnies get to outer space. What will they find there?Whether it's shooting starts or bunnies from other places, astro bunnies always come home.

Audrey and barbara
Lawson, Janet
Audrey has big ideas for herself and her cat, Barbara. She wants to cross the ocean in her bathtub sailboat to visit the Taj-Mahal and ride on an elephant. But will her imagination take her all the way to India?

Aunt lulu
Pinkwater, Daniel
Aunt Lulu, the librarian, grows tired of living in Alaska. So she moves to New Jersey and takes her fourteen sled dogs with her.

Aunt minnie mcgranahan
Prigger, Mary Skillings
Aunt Minnie McGranahan lives alone and has a very orderly life. She has a system for doing everything from cleaning to feeding her animals. One day, Minnie receives a telegram from across the country telling her that her nieces and nephews need someone to raise them and take care of them. Despite her neighbors' doubts that nine children could never fit into her perfectly ordered schedule, Minnie and the children work as a team and live together quite nicely.

Auntie claus
Primavera, Elise
Sophie, a spoiled child, is very excited to get lots of presents on Christmas even though she has everything. She follows her Auntie Claus on a business trip and finds out she is Santa's sister. Sophie learns from this experience that giving is better than receiving.

Aurora means dawn
Sanders, Scott Russell
New settlers in Ohio get stuck in a rain storm. Villagers come to take the new settlers to their land.

Babar and zephir
Brunhoff, Jean de
Zephir the monkey goes home to visit his family. While he is there, someone kidnaps princess Isabelle and Zephir goes to find her.

Babar comes to america
Brunhoff, Laurent de
Babar, the elephant, visits America. Babar and other elephants visit their old friends, meet new friends, and sight see throughout America. Although Babar is sad to leave, he will always treasure the memories.

Baby elephant's trunk
Joslin, Sesyle
Baby Elephant is very happy when mother elephant tells him that they are going to cross the ocean and visit France. All night long, Baby Elephant quizzes Mother Elephant about what they will do and say when they get to Paris.

Carlstrom, Nancy White
As an Indonesian extended family prepares for a trip to the market, the preparation and responsibilities of the family members are explained. We see the family and their goods on a bus during their journey through the hills to the market. The family completes a successful day at the market and returns home.

Back home
Pinkney, Gloria Jean
Ernestine travels from the city to visit her birthplace in North Carolina. She stays with her aunt, uncle and cousin Jack. Jack thinks she has become citified. She tries to convince Jack that she is not a city girl and can adjust to life on a farm.

Bed bouncers
Knutson, Kimberly
Two young children become bed bouncers in a fantasy through the sky. They see the moon, the stars, and friends from other lands. The kids return home to wait for their next bed bouncing adventure.

Benjy's boat trip
Graham, Margaret Bloy
A little dog's family leave him alone to go on a cruise. The dog feels lonely and attempts to board another ship to find his family. Once he realizes he is in the wrong ship, he tries to make the best of the situation. Then he returns home to his family.

Benny: An adventure story
Graham, Bob
Benny is a very talented magician's assisstant. When he outshines the magician though, he is kicked out of the show. For the first time, Benny is on his own and he doesn't know where to go or what to do. He searches everywhere for a place to belong. In the last place he looks, Benny finds the perfect home.