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Time to pray
Addasi, Maha
Yasmin visits her grandma for an unexpected visit that was very special. Yasmin learns about the traditional Muslim prayers. Yasmin receives a special gift that will help her remember the visit forever.

Adoff, Arnold
A little girl is named Flamboyan after a tree that is the color of her hair. One day, she imagines she is flying over her city, and she tells of all that she would see.

The return of freddy legrand
Agee, Jon
Freddy Legrand tries to fly across the Atlantic, but crashes. He is rescued by Sophie and Albert. He builds a new plane and plans and encounters great new adventures.

The adventures of bert
Ahlberg, Allan
Bert is a young man whose life is full of adventures. He ends up safely with his family in the end --- but he spends some time in Scotland, is chased by a giant sausage, and rescues a puppy in the river.

You're a genius, blackboard bear
Alexander, Martha
Anthony wants to go to the moon. His only problem is that he does not know how to build a spaceship. When Anthony goes to sleep, his friend blackboard bear builds a spaceship. Together they pack the spaceship for their trip. Anthony begins to get worried about the trip and decides he will stay safely at home while blackboard bear goes to the moon himself.

The case for loving: The fight for interracial marriage
Alko, Selina
Mildred and Richard Loving wanted to love each other with freedom without having to be legally limited by where they lived as husband and wife based on the color of their skin. Marriages between people of different races were against the law in 17 states. In those states, interracial marriage was illegal. So Mildred and Richard got married in Washington DC then moved to Virginia where their marriage certificate hung on the wall of their home. The police did not honor the certificate so the Lovings were taken away and locked up in jail. They moved away from their families back to Washington DC where they had three children. The Lovings took their case all the way to the Supreme Court and won on June 12, 1967. Richard had his courageous message read aloud in court. The message was: "Tell the court I love my wife and it is just unfair that I can't live with her in Virginia". From that day, it was unconstitutional to make marriage a crime because of race.

The stupids take off
Allard, Harry//Marshall, James
The Stupid family go on a trip to escape from their bizarre uncle. While on their trip, they run into more bizarre relatives. They have one adventure after another until they reach home.

Dancing in the wings
Allen, Debbie
Sassy uses her unique characteristics and height to become a great ballet dancer. Sassy does not allow bullying from the other students to prevent her from trying out for a summer dance festival. Sassy learns the benefits of perseverence and self-esteem.

Kofi and his magic
Angelou, Maya
A young Ashanti boy describes some of the wonders of his life in and around the West African village of Bonwire.

Bubba and beau go night-night
Appelt, Kathi
Baby Bubba and his puppy Beau love going for truck rides with Big Bubba. After a long day they return home, but still are not ready for bed. When they drive around at night they finally fall asleep in the truck after seeing the Feed & Seed Store, the ice cream store, and the fruit and vegetable stand.

The buffalo storm
Applegate, Katherine
Hallie and her parents are leaving their home in Nebraska and setting out in a wagon for Oregon. Hallie is sad to leave her home and her grandmother, but she isn't afraid. She is'nt afraid of anything, except for storms. When hallie experiences her greatest storm she's ever seen during her journey, she isn't afraid, though, thanks to her grandmother's beloved quilt and kind words.

Ship's cook ginger
Ardizzone, Edward
Two young boys longed to be at sea, so their parents took them on a trip. Their parents were called off on an emergency but the boys stayed. They encounter a series of problems, but the crew and the boys survive.

Tim's friend towser
Ardizzone, Edward
Tim and Ginger are cabin boys who find a dog on the S.S. Royal. The captain does not like dogs, so they try to find it a home every time they go to shore. When the captain finds the dog in hiding, he scolds the boys. In the end, the boys get to keep the dog.

Tim's last voyage
Ardizzone, Edward
A brother and sister are extra crew members on a ship. It is not as easy as they thought to work on a ship. They face many adventures and dangers together.

Tim to the rescue
Ardizzone, Edward
Tim got to be the second ship boy on a ship. The first ship boy, Ginger, puts a hair growing formula on his hair and it works. Tim saves Ginger in a storm by grabbing him by his hair. Tim receives a gold medal.

Hugh can do
Armstrong, Jennifer
Hugh is an orphan who wants to go to the city to make his fortune. Even though he encounters many obstacles, he pushes on and makes it to the city.

Fly high, Fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
A pet fly follows Buzz and his parents on vacation. Throughout the trip the parents continue to worry that Fly Guy is lost, but always find him hiding in inconspicuous places. As it turns out, Buzz's parents get lost and have to rely on Fly Guy to save the day.

Clink Clank Clunk
Aroner, Miriam
Rabbit is taking a trip into town and is kind enough to pick up nine friends along the way. Much to his dismay, Rabbit's car begins to fall apart more and more with each friend that gets in! With a little teamwork and persistence though, the ten make it safely to town where Rabbit buys a new car.

My little round house
Baasansuren, Bolormaa Adapted by: Mixter, Helen
Baby Jilu talks through his first year in the world, from when he is born to when he is a year old. he is born into a round world, with a round bed in a round home in Mongolia. His family comes to meet him, and they travel to their autumn quarters. Once snow begins to fall, Jilu's family moves on to their winter campground and soon celebrate Tsagaan Sar, meaning Spring will come again. In the spring, Jilu can ride on the camel saddle with his mother, and he will not have to wear boots again until after summer.

Home in the sky
Baker, Jeannie
A pigeon, Light, decides to change his usual routine. He then explores many new places.

Jeremy's tail
Ball, Duncan
Jeremy shows a great deal of determination in finding the donkey all by himself. He constantly shows this pride by telling people not to tell him where the donkey may be.

Mystery bottle
Balouch, Kristen
A little boy receives a package in the mail. In the package he finds a great bottle that, when opened, blows out a great wind that casts him all the way to Iran and into his Baba Bozorg's arms where he learns a great lesson about love and family.

Bang, Molly
Delphine receives a present from her grandmother, but she must go to the post office (far away) to get it. Delphine encounters many exciting adventures on her way to pick up the present.

Banyai, Istvan
These artistic scenes aren't what you might think. Each is really a picture within a picture. Images zoom in and out from different perspectives and scenes from land, sea, and air in this wordless book.

How georgia drove the car carefully from boston to new york
Bate, Lucy
While on her mother's lap, a young girl begins to imagine driving her family to see her grandparents.

My mom travels a lot
Bauer, Caroline, Feller
My mom travels all the time. I miss her, but sometimes it is fun-we get to go to the airport, and when she comes back, she brings us neat presents. My mom misses a lot of fun-like when our dog had puppies and, when I was in the school play-but that just makes seeing her when she comes home more fun!

Bauer, Marion
A boy spends his day outside with his cat exploring different types of clouds and the different things that clouds do. He also explains in a colorful and easy way, what clouds are made of and how we interact with clouds on an everyday basis, using weather terminology.

The magic school bus gets baked in a cake
Beech, Linda
It is Ms. Frizzle's birthday so the kids plan a party, but something is missing -- a cake!For a field trip, they go to the bakery and bake a cake and accidentally get baked inside the magic school bus.

Madeline in america: An other holiday tales
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Madeline's grandfather passes away and leaves all of his inheritance to Madeline, but it is in Texas instead of Paris. Madeline takes her friends to Texas and they enjoy the inheritance. Then they find out Madeline does not get it till she is 21 So it is back to Paris.

Hosni the dreamer: An arabian tale
Ben-Ezer, Ehud
Hosni is a shepherd who spends his days telling stories to his sheep and his nights dreaming about the city. When he finally has the opportunity to travel to the city, his life changes. He hears some special words of wisdom from a wise old man.

Halmoni's day
Bercaw, Edna Coe
Jennifer's Korean grandmother arrives just in time for Grandparents Day at school. But Jennifer is afraid that her grandmother will embarrass her because she doesn't speak English. However, after her grandmother tells Jennifer's class the story of her childhood, Jennifer is not embarrassed at all.

The donkey's dream
Berger, Barbara Helen
The story of the Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus and how important the donkey was to their journey.

Three cheers for catherine the great!
Best, Cari
A family moves from Russia to America. The grandma of the family has a birthday and she does not want presents. Her grand-daughter spends hours trying to figure out the perfect no present for her grandma.

When Catherine the Great and I were eight!
Best, Cari
Sara, her mother, and Russian grandmother Catherine the Great, pile into Mr. Minsky's car along with a few of their other neighbors. They make their way to the beach to escape the heat of the hot summer day. Although they find it takes longer than planned to reach the beach, everyone has fun along the way.

We are moving
Biale, Rachel
Make a scrapbook on how do you feel before we move. Draw several pictures of how you feel. What does your house look like now?What will our new house look like?What is special to you before we move?

Gregory cool
Binch, Caroline
A young African-American boy visits an unfamiliar country. He is extremely apprehensive, but grows to love it. He misses it upon his return home.

Mrs. Armitage on wheels
Blake, Quentin
Mrs. Armitage starts out with just a bike, but ends up with a one-of-a-kind contraption! After a great deal of additions and improvements, Mrs. Armitage's bike can't take it any more. Mrs. Armitage is forced to junk the bike and start over with roller skates.

Monster goes around the town
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster goes for a trip around the town with a little boy. The little boy brings his camera and takes pictures at all the places they visit together.

New old shoes
Blessing, Charlotte
A brand-new pair of shoes begin on the playful feet of an American boy then his shoes are donated and worn on the feet of African children. The shoes are worn and used in many different ways for play and work.

Bogart, Jo Ellen
Whenever Grandma goes on a trip, she brings back a present. Sometimes it's something tangible and other times it's just a memory. No matter what Grandma brings, it's always special and can be shared.

The fast sooner hound
Bontemps, Anna//Conroy, Jack
A railroad man's dog outruns the trains and makes even the fastest train look slow. The Roadmaster will not let the dog ride in the cab with his owner until he races and beats The Cannonball.

My gran
Boon, Debbie
A little girl has a very special grandmother. When Gran visits, they make things, eat different foods, and spend fun time together.

Good luck, mrs. k.!
Borden, Louise
Mrs. K teaches Ann's third grade class. In class they are explorers, scientists, poets, and astronauts. They are always learning something new. One day, Mrs. K doesn't come to school. The students learn that she is in the hospital with cancer. For the rest of the year the third grade has a substitute. On the last day of school, Mrs. K comes back to surprise her students.

Of course a goat
Bornstein, Ruth
A boy wants a goat so he asks his mother where he can find one. He has to climb a mountain and describes what he will do and see on his journey and how he will bring the goat back home where his mother will be waiting.

Sweet dried apples: A vietnamese wartime childhood
Breckler, Rosemary
It is wartime in Vietnam, and a little girl who lives in the country is faced with the prospect of her father leaving for the army. Her father, the village herb doctor, comes to stay with them until he dies. Their village is bombed and the little girl and her family must flee Vietnam.

George to the rescue
Bright, Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker decide to take a visit to the city. George, the ghost, Herman, the cat, and Miss Oliver, the owl, decide to go along. They have many great adventures in the city, but are happy when it is time to return home.

The notebook keeper: A story of kindness from the border
Briseno, Stephen
Families seeking asylum into the U.S. at the Tijuana, Mexico border have to wait for a long time to enter the United States after being denied entry. During the wait at the border, a girl and her mother look for a refugee who keeps a list of people waiting to cross into the United States. This act of kindness from the border, initiated by a notebook keeper, gives families hope as they wait.

Tom thumb
Brooke, L. Leslie
Tom Thumb was a tiny boy given to a ploughman and his wife. Tom has many misfortunes including getting put in a pudding, being swallowed by a cow, and almost drowning. However, he ends his journey at the King's Court.

The happy voyage
Brown, Judith Gwyn
A young boy goes sailing on a large ship all by himself to go stay with his aunt. He has never met his aunt before, so he worries that she may not know which passenger he is. He tells the crew and they help him find his aunt.