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The leaf man
Joyce, William
When the Old Lady is too sick to take care of the garden, the brave bugs realized that they must summon the Leaf Men to save the garden from the destruction made by the evil Spider Queen. The Leaf Men save the garden and the Old Lady's heart returns so she can once again grow her garden.

Keats, Ezra Jack
A shy boy loves his puppet Louie.

How santa got his job
Krensky, Stephen
Santa was not always the lovable gift giver we know him as today. He tried out many jobs starting when he was a young man including chimney sweep, postal worker, cook, zookeeper, and circus performer before he found the job that was right for him. He only became the Santa we know and love after meeting the elves at the circus and going to their homes where he suggested they work together to give gifts to people around the world on one special night a year.

Zelda and ivy
Kvasnosky, Laura McGee
Zelda, the oldest sister, is always bossing Ivy around when they play. Zelda helps Ivy feel better by sharing her favorite toy with her.

Baby loves
Lawrence, Michael
Baby loves so many things, including Mommy and Daddy, slippers, food, rain, and bathtime. Each thing is loved more than the last. But Mommy and Daddy love baby more than anything in the world.

Chugga-chugga choo-choo
Lewis, Kevin
A freight train's day proves to be very busy. After a long day of traveling into tunnels and up steep mountains, even the train needs a rest.

My friend harry
Lewis, Kim
James takes his new stuffed elephant, Harry, everywhere with him. Eventually, when Harry begins to become worn and his ears start to sag, James is old enough to start school. Being separated from a close companion like Harry will take a little more effort than James thinks.

Hill of fire
Lewis, P. Thomas
Bored of his day-to-day lifestyle, a farmer complains to his wife and son how nothing ever hannpens. One day while plowing, the farmer comes across an explosion coming from his field. It turns out to be a volcano erupting and the farmer's field becomes a place in history.

My yellow ball
Lillegard, Dee
Five times a young girl throws her ball into the sky. With each throw, her imagination grows more and more as her ball travels to different parts of the world where it encounters various people and animals. On her last throw, the ball strikes a star and the girl makes a delightful wish.

The red bird
Lindgren, Astrid
A brother and sister who live a very poor and hard life find a secret doorway to a モperfect worldヤ. The children leave it to go back to their lives after being told if they shut the door they can never return. But, one cold hard day they entered the モroomヤ again and face the decision, モDo we shut the door?ヤ.

At the mall
Loomis, Christine
Three children and their mother find new and fun things at the mall. As they walk and shop, they notice the candy store, white mice, teens gathering and more. They eventually find the perfect gift to complete their trip.

At the library
Loomis, Christine
An exciting trip to the library takes you through many activities -- from looking for books, to checking the computer, to playing with blocks, to listening to fun stories. You will find so much at the library.

Herbert's treasure
Low, Alice
Herbert collects treasures from the dump, until his whole room is filled with things. His mother wants all the junk out of his room. One day, Herbert's problems are solved by finding a key that fits a door from the dump. He decides to build a castle, with the door and wood he finds, to store all his treasures. This satisfies both his mother and himself.

Just like new
Manson, Ainslie
It is a time of war and children in England won't have Christmas presents. A little girl's class decides to give gifts they love that are like new. The little girl unselfishly gives up her most cherished doll and inserts a note, and a girl from England becomes her pen pal after receiving the gift.

The cut-ups (Los bromistas)
Marshall, James
Spud Jenkins and Joe Turner are a couple of boys who have wild imaginations, create chaos through their neighborhood, help a girl get some toys and start off on the wrong foot with the assistant principal.

Oh my gosh my pocket
Marshall, Janet Perry
A young boy decides what he wants to take to school today in his pocket and tells why it is important to take these things.

Too big!
Masurel, Claire
When Charlie and his dad are at the carnival, he wins the biggest prize of all, a dinosaur. His new toy is so big, he can't take it anywhere!Charlie's dinosaur must stay at home while he takes his other toys on outings, until he has to go to the doctor. All of the other toys hide so they don't have to go to the doctor's, but the dinosaur is too big- he can't!After their trip to the doctor, Charlie and his dinosaur are inseperable.

The christmas gift
McCully, Emily Arnold
A family of mice celebrate Christmas. They go to their grandparents and open gifts. Unfortunately, one of the children break all of their toys, so Grandpa takes him up to the attic and gives him his old train set.

The bear's bicycle
McLeod, Emily Warren
A little boy and his teddy bear go on a bicycle ride through an imaginative trip. They are cautious and safe along their trip.

Little oh
Melmed, Laura
Little Oh is a woman's only child, who is made from origami paper. The paper doll is restless indoors so she ventures outside for the adventure of her life. What happens when she finally finds her way back home to her mother?

I was born to be a brother
Michels-Gualtieri, Zaydek G.
A big brother describes the duties he has when teaching his little sister. He has many responsibilities to uphold and for the most part gets along well with his baby sister. There are times, however, when siblings get in the way, but in the end a little sister is the best thing in the world. (With music CD)

Where does it go?
Miller, Margaret
Various children learn where different objects are supposed to go. After four tries, the correct answer is given.

Guess who?
Miller, Margaret
Decide if you have an answer to the main question in this book. Words and photographs become an exciting and educational game for the reader.

The little girl and the dragon
Minarik, Else Holmelund
A dragon comes out of a little girl's book and eats all of her toys. She refuses to let him back in the book until he gives back all of her toys.

How Willy got his wheels
Mohler, Diana & Turner, Deborah
As a homeless and handicapped dog, Willy never finds true happiness until he is rescued from the animal hospital and given a home and family. However, Willy lacks the ability to walk on his own and his owner Deborah tries several attempts to help Willy. Finally, Willy is given a wheel chair which enables him to finally be free and live his life to its fullest.

Pablo's tree
Mora, Pat
When Pablo is adopted as a baby, his grandfather buys a tree in his honor. Each year on Pablo's birthday, his grandfather decorates the tree in a special way to surprise Pablo.

The big box
Morrison, Toni//Morrison, Slade
Patty, Mickey, and Liza Sue just can't handle their freedom. The things they do frighten the adults around them. The adults decide to put them in a big brown box because they care about the youngsters. The children will have everything they need, except their freedom. Isn't that the one thing children need?

Monster and the baby
Mueller, Virginia
Monster tries to stop baby from crying. He gives her toys and she is finally happy.

We share everything!
Munsch, Robert
Jeremiah and Amanda are ready for kindergarten, except for the part where they need to share. Amanda wants the book, the blocks, and the paint. Jeremiah wants the book, the blocks, and the paint. In kindergarten, sharing is key. Will Jeremiah and Amanda find the key?They sure have a surprise for everyone!

Exactly alike
Ness, Evaline
Elizabeth has four brothers who look exactly alike and she cannot tell who is who. Though her brothers make fun of her, she decides to be nice and share her toys with all of them. In return, they are nice to her and tell her their names.

Leo cockroach...toy tester
O'Malley, Kevin
Leo the cockroach is a toy tester for Mildred Splatt's toy company. He tests toys at night and puts the best toys in her office without her realizing it is him doing all the work. Whenever Mildred sees Leo she tries to squash him because she thinks he is only a pest. One day, Leo decides to fly over to the toy company across the street to see if he can help their business and earn more respect. When he is treated poorly, by the president who does not like his ideas, Leo escapes to work for Mildred again. He writes a letter explaining that he is the one that helps her and he is named Employee of the Year.

I lost my bear
P. Feiffer, Jules
Oh no, a little girl lost her teddy bear!Her family doesn't have time to help her, so she becomes a detective. In the process of searching for her bear, she finds many of her other missing toys before finding her bear.

My daddy
Paradis, Susan
A little boy observes his father crossing the street, running outside in the rain, mowing the grass, riding his bike and diving into the ocean. The boy has great admiration for his father and everything his father does seems extraordinary to him. When the boy's father hugs him and throws him in the air, the boy feels very special and loved.

Everything to spend the night
Paul, Ann Whitford
A little girl packs her bag full of things she will need for an overnight at her grandparents. She brings, snacks, toys, clothes, a toothbrush, and many other things A through Z. She does forget one very important thing, her pajamas. She borrows some from her grandfather and says I love you!

No dragons for tea: Fire safety for kids (and dragons)
Pendziwol, Jean//Gourbault, Martine
A little girl meets a friendly dragon at the beach and invites him to tea and lunch. During lunch the dragon sneezes fire and the table and curtains catch on fire. The fire alarm goes off but the little girl knows the important rules of fire safety. She tells the dragon that they must not stay inside and must meet their mother outside by the tree. When the dragon tries to go back in for his teddy bear, the little girl tells him to never to go back insidde a burning building. The little girls mother calls for help and the fire men come and put out the fire. Everyone is safe which is really important. The next time that they want to have tea, the friends will have a picnic on the beach.

The little engine that could
Piper, Watty
A train needs an engine to carry toys to good boys and girls. The little engine tries to help, but does not think he can get a this large hill with all the toys. With much persistence, he proves that he can do it.

Moy moy
Politi, Leo
Moy Moy is the youngest sister who is fascinated by toys and bright celebrations. She sees and is in the Chinese New Year Parade where she is no longer afraid of the lion.

Mr. fong's toy shop
Politi, Leo
Mr. Fong entertains the children with stories and toys. In preparation for the Moon Festival, he creates a shadow puppet play for the children.

Pedro: The angel of olvera street
Politi, Leo
Pedro's favorite thing about Olvera Street is the celebration of Christmas. This year, Pedro directs the posada, and the angelic singer gets his wish -- a lovely music box.

The chalk doll
Pomerantz, Charlotte
Rosie is sick and asks her mother to tell her stories about when her mom was young. Her mother remininses about the clothes she used to wear, the toys she played with, and the foods she ate when she was little. At the end of the day, Rosie is feeling better so they make a paper doll together.

Someone special died
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl deals with the death of someone close to her. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She has many feelings of anger, sadness, and loneliness. She finds a way to feel better, though, when she makes a scrapbook to remember everything about this special person. She learns that everything dies.

Where's chimpy?
Rabe, Berniece
When it is time for Misty to go to sleep, she cannot find her stuffed monkey, Chimpy. Her dad helps his daughter with Down's Syndrome to retrace her day and find her monkey in the process.

10 minutes till bedtime
Rathmann, Peggy
When dad yells 10 minutes till bedtime, the hamster parade shows up to take you on a tour to get ready for bed. From the kitchen to the bath and the bedroom the hamsters help along each step of the way to make getting ready for bed fun.

Shaker boy
Ray, Mary Lyn
At age six, Celeb comes to live with the Shakers and he spends the rest of his life in their unique culture. He learns their ways, their songs, and is inspired by angels.

Curious George rides a bike (Georges fait du velo)
Rey, H.A.
Curious George, a monkey from Africa, receives a new bicycle from a man who wears a yellow hat. He has many interesting adventures on his new bike, including riding into a rock when he watches boats travel down the river.

Curious george goes to the hospital
Rey, Margret//Rey, H.A.
Curious George needs to go to the hospital. While he is there, he succeeds in making a sad girl very happy and creates a lot of mischief.

Veronica's first year
Rheingrover, Jean Sasso
Nathan learns that his new baby sister has Down Syndrome. Nathan wants to help his special sister. He works with his parents to complete Veronica's baby book.

Your body from head to toe
Roca, Nuria
Your body can do so many things. When you were born, you were only a baby. Then as you grew, you learned how to walk, eat, hear, taste, smell, see, and touch things. It is important to take care of your body so that it can continue to sense the world around you.