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Ahlberg, Allan
The familiar lullaby beginning with Hush, little baby, don't say a word,finds many new twists in this story. Read all about the many adventures that the baby encounters with other members of the family.

Go tell aunt rhody
This illustrated version of the children's folk song tells about a goose that dies and is then used to stuff a feather bed.

Ella sets the stage
Amico, Carmela
Ella wants so badly to be in the school talent show, but she has no talent. She decides instead to join the talent show committee and helps make the show the best it can be. During the show, something unexpected happens and Ella comes to the rescue, finding her true talent: helping others.

The earth and i
Asch, Frank
The child in the story describes the reciprocity between himself,herself and the earth using activities such as playing, listening and growing and emotions and relationships, such as sadness and friendship.

The day gogo went to vote: South africa, 1994
Batezat Sisulu, Elinor
Thembi and her beloved great-grandmother, who has not left the house for many years, go together to vote on the momentous day when black South Africans are allowed to vote for the first time.

The way to start a day
Baylor, Byrd
Morning time is a sacred time. The beginning of a new day is about to unfold. There's a lot of movement around the world. Wake up to enjoy the warmth of the sun.

Over in the ocean: In a coral reef
Berkes, Marianne
Count one through 10 while using rhymes to talk about different activities between mother fishes and their babies. Move to the rhythm of this poem about ocean creatures !

Three cheers for catherine the great!
Best, Cari
A family moves from Russia to America. The grandma of the family has a birthday and she does not want presents. Her grand-daughter spends hours trying to figure out the perfect no present for her grandma.

The desert mermaid (La sirena del desierta)
Blanco, Alberto
The last of the desert mermaids is found living in an oasis in the Sonara desert. An Indian and his horse take her on a journey to find the roots of her ancestors. Here she finds the gift of song and can finally join the thousands of mermaids riding the waves.

Chipper's choices
Boegehold, Betty
Chipper makes up five stories, riddles, and songs for his friends so they can have something to do when the winter season comes.

My gran
Boon, Debbie
A little girl has a very special grandmother. When Gran visits, they make things, eat different foods, and spend fun time together.

Head and shoulders
Borgert-Spaniol, Megan
Use the music and the song lyrics of this active song to touch your "head, shoulders, knees and toes" over and over again. Add your "eyes and ears and knees and toes" to the song and you have learned how your body parts work together to help you move and live as a human being.

Junk pile!
Borton, Lady
When Jamie Kay helps her dad in their magical junk yard, Robert Haines and other kids make fun of her. Jamie Kay has to find a way to show the kids that her junkyard is magical. But most of all, Jamie has to find a way to make a friend.

Brodsky, Beverly
The buffalo was very important for the survival of Native Americans. Learn about the history and importance of the buffalo. Excerpts from Native American songs and many original paintings add an artistic dimension.

Johnny crow's new garden
Brooke, L. Leslie
Johnny Crow has a new garden of the local animals. They sang, dance, and have a party thanking Johnny Crow.

The vegetable show
Brown, Laurie Krasny
Different vegetables put on a vaudeville show for a group of children to enhance their popularity. For example, Bud the Spud does some magic tricks where he becomes a bowl of mashed potatoes, french fries, and potato pancakes. Other vegetable performers include B.A. Dilly (pickle), Miss Lotta Root (carrot), and Super Chile (pepper). By the time the show is over, the children like their vegetables.

The little fir tree
Brown, Margaret Wise
A fir tree is cut down to be used as a Christmas tree for a boy with a handicap. After the holidays, the tree is replanted in the forest. Every year, the boy's father digs up the tree to be decorated. One year, the boy goes to the forest by himself to decorate a tree.

She'll be comin' round the mountain
Bullock, Kathleen
In this illustrated version of the familiar folk song, a family welcomes a young girl into their home after she comes round the mountain driving six white horses.

Night tree
Bunting, Eve
Nina and her brother go with the family to Luke's forest to decorate a Christmas tree. They sing songs, drink hot chocolate, and decorate the tree all night long.

The mother's day mice
Bunting, Eve
It is Mother's Day and three little mice go out into the meadow to get their mother a present. One little mouse cannot find a present, so he makes up a song and sings it to his mother.

Rockin' reptiles
Calmenson, Stephanie//Cole, Joanna
Allie the Alligator is a typical young girl. She and her two girlfriends have lots of fun together playing games and dressing up. The three of them will do anything to be able to go to the Rockin Reptiles concert, their favorite band. There's a catch though -- only two can go.

Today is monday
Carle, Eric
Today is Monday and it is string bean day. Tuesday is spaghetti day and Wednesday is ZOOOOP. Thursday is roast beef and Friday is fresh fish. It is time for all the hungry children to eat up!

It's about time, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Jesse Bear tells of his adventures of his day from start to finish. He tells his adventures through songs. Jesse Bear gets sick and must stay in bed to get better. Mama Bear comes in to put Jesse Bear to bed for the night and tells him to rest up for adventures tomorrow.

Born in the gravy
Cazet, Denys
Margouita starts her first day of kindergarten. She tells papa all about her big day over an ice cream cone. She has one question that papa knows just how to answer.

Home for Navidad
Cohen, Santiago
Rosa has not seen her mother in three years. Rosa's mother works to save money in America until she is finally able to come home for Navidad. The whole family can now celebrate the Christmas holiday in the small town in Mexico.

The runaway wok
Compestine, Ying Chang
Ming lives in a poor family. He goes to the market to trade and receive food so he and his neighbors can share a Chinese new year feast. Instead of buying food, Ming chooses a magical wok. The wok rounds up the food and prized possessions of the rich to bring food to Ming's family and poor neighbors. Ming celebrates a wonderful new year, and he sells more woks to help other poor families.

The magician and McTree
Coombs, Patricia
An old magician accidentally creates a potion that makes his cat, McTree, talk. Although he is supposed to keep his new talent a secret, McTree ends up a famous attraction at the palace. But when McTree loses his appeal, the King and Queen order the old magician to be kidnapped so he can make all of the castle pets to talk. McTree must use his sense to outwit the royal party and save his old companion.

Big moon tortilla
Cowley, Joy
Marta Enos finishes her homework and accidentally knocks it out the window. She doesn't know what to do so she asks her grandmother for help. With a song and a warm tortilla, Grandmother helps Marta feel better.

Dealing with feelings: I'm scared
Crary, Elizabeth
Tracy can not wait to meet her new neighbors. Her smile disappears when she sees that her new neighbors own her worst fear, a big dog!What will Tracy do?Is she going to watch from her window, sing a happy song, or ask someone to hold her hand when she meets her new neighbors?No matter what Tracy decides, she will soon overcome her fears by getting a puppy of her own!

Dooby dooby moo
Cronin, Doreen
Duck and his friends decide to participate in the county fair, behind Farmer Brown's back. Farmer Brown knows his animals are up to something, but doesn't know what. To keep them out of trouble, he takes them to the fair with him. Little does he knnow, that's exactly where they wanted to be!

My mountain song
Crum, Shutta
Observe a relationship that blossoms between competing cousins over their grandparents. Enjoy the scenic illustrations of summer life on the mountains while reading about a legacy being passed down.

This is the way
Dalton, Anne
A family goes through the routine of their day in the rhythm of the tune here we go round the mulberry bush.

Hello muddah, hello faddah! A letter from camp
Davis, Jack E.
On a rainy first day at Camp Granada, a young camper writes home to "Muddah" and "Faddah" to ask them to let him leave the difficult place. The lyrics of this camp song is a letter from camp with all the jokes aside.

Frank and ernest play ball
Day, Alexandra
Frank and Ernest are a bear and an elephant who need jobs. Mr. Palmer lets them manage his baseball team. They do not know very much about baseball so they are always looking up baseball terms in the baseball dictionary.

A long long song
Delessert, Etienne
Acrobats and musicians appear out of nowhere and perform on the front steps of a town hall. The show takes place in a small New England village. Those who see them perform never forget who they are.

Sing, pierrot, sing
dePaola, Tomie
The local mime has fallen in love with the princess. When he goes to serenade her, he realizes she is already taken. Everyone laughs at him, but in the end, he realizes who his real friends are. (A Wordless Book)

I lost my tooth in africa
Diakite, Penda
Amina and her parents take a trip to Mali to visit family. On the way, Amina realizes that her tooth is loose! While visiting her father's family, Amina loses the tooth and places it under a calabash tree. She receives a hen and a rooster from the African Tooth Fairy.

Deep in the desert
Donald, Rhonda
Variations on traditional children's songs and poems will have children chiming in about cactuses, camels, and more as they learn about the desert habitat and its flora and fauna. A tarkawara (kangaroo rat) hops on the desert sand instead of a kookaburra sitting in an old gum tree. And teapots aren't the only things that are short and stout-just look at the javelina's hooves and snout. Travel the world's deserts to dig with meerkats, fly with bats, and hiss with Gila monsters! Whether sung or read aloud, "Deep in the Desert" makes learning about deserts anything but dry.

Chicken man
Edwards, Michelle
The summer that Rody worked in the kibbutz chicken coop, the hens laid more eggs than ever before. When Rody gets moved from job to job, the chickens become very unhappy. So they do something to get Rody back.

Louie's goose
Ehrlich, H.M.
Louie's toy goose goes everywhere he goes. Sometimes the goose needs to be fixed. Louie's mom and dad, and even the sun, fixes the goose.

Drummer hoff
Emberley, Barbara
This story is a folk song which depicts seven soldiers building a cannon. Drummer Hoff is the one soldier who shoots the cannon.

Hush harbor: Praying in secret
Evans, Freddi Williams
Simmy is both excited and nervous for his job as Scout during the community meeting. Simmy is excited because this means the elders trust him, but he is nervous because slaves are not supposed to gather and sing together. Simmy must be very careful and listen for the master during the meeting.

March on! The day my brother Martin changed the world
Farris, Christine
Christine King Farris, the sister of Martin Luther King Jr., watched her brother during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. She describes her brother’s journey from writing his “I Have a Dream” speech to joining the crowds in their demand for freedom. She was moved by her brother’s persistence and success in persuading millions to believe in and fight for a better tomorrow in which all men are created equal.

Gabriella's song
Fleming, Candace
When Gabriella begins to hum a tune, the inhabitants of Venice begin to hum along too. The tune makes some happy, others sad, and some even swoon. The power of music is clearly portrayed in this story.

Hush little baby: A folk song with pictures
Frazee, Marla
The baby will not hush and the family can't take it any longer. A peddler, who has a wagon filled with toys and animals, tries to aid the family. Nothing works, until exhaustion takes over and the loving family has the sweetest baby in town.

Bread is for eating
Gershator, David//Gershator, Phillis
When a little boy leaves bread on his plate, his mother reminds him how important bread is and the hard work that goes into making it. Through a song, children learn why they should not waste food, and how to be thankful for grain and bread.

Cakes and miracles: A purim tale
Goldin, Barbara Diamond
Hershel is a blind boy who loves to play outside and catch frogs in the river. His mother is always angry when he comes home covered with mud. One day Hershel has a dream that he can see. After that, he is able to help his mom make three-cornered fat cakes and cookies to sell at the market so they can earn money.

Just enough is plenty: A hanukkah tale
Goldin, Barbara Diamond
It is almost time for Hanukkah. Malka's family invites a peddler for dinner. They are surprised when they wake up in the morning and find that the peddler has left behind wonderful gifts.

The coquies still sing: A story of home, hope, and rebuilding
Gonzalez, Karina Nicole
After a terrible hurricane, the family garden is gone and there's no electricity or running water. The mango tree still stands brown and bare, and the native tree frogs stop singing their song. As the family starts the island clean up around their Puerto Rican home, the native coqui's song begins a slow resurgence months after the devastation of Hurricane Maria.

Up home
Grant, Shauntay
A young woman of African decent recalls her childhood in her native homeland of Preston, Canada. She remembers long hot days of summer playing with cousins, singing on Sunday mornings, climbing trees and picking blueberries. Gatherings with her family are special celebrations.