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Hush harbor: Praying in secret
Evans, Freddi Williams
Simmy is both excited and nervous for his job as Scout during the community meeting. Simmy is excited because this means the elders trust him, but he is nervous because slaves are not supposed to gather and sing together. Simmy must be very careful and listen for the master during the meeting.

Hush little baby: A folk song with pictures
Frazee, Marla
The baby will not hush and the family can't take it any longer. A peddler, who has a wagon filled with toys and animals, tries to aid the family. Nothing works, until exhaustion takes over and the loving family has the sweetest baby in town.

Hush, little baby
Zemach, Margot
Based on the popular lullaby, a baby is promised a strange assortment of things, from a mockingbird to a horse and cart--all for not crying.

I am you: A book about ubuntu
Moahloli, Refiloe
Ubuntu is an ancient philosophy from many African cultures. The word promotes the idea that a person is known through other people - a concept of shared humanity, compassion, and oneness. Observe the many ways that we are all connected.

I know an old lady who swallowed a fly
Rounds, Glen
During this familiar folksong, an old lady swallows all sorts of animals. In each instance, she swallows another animal in hopes of catching the previously swallowed animal.

I like winter
Lenski, Lois
A boy tells of all the things he likes about winter, including snow, Christmas, ice skating, sledding, etc.

I lost my tooth in africa
Diakite, Penda
Amina and her parents take a trip to Mali to visit family. On the way, Amina realizes that her tooth is loose! While visiting her father's family, Amina loses the tooth and places it under a calabash tree. She receives a hen and a rooster from the African Tooth Fairy.

I was born to be a brother
Michels-Gualtieri, Zaydek G.
A big brother describes the duties he has when teaching his little sister. He has many responsibilities to uphold and for the most part gets along well with his baby sister. There are times, however, when siblings get in the way, but in the end a little sister is the best thing in the world. (With music CD)

I'll be you and you be me
Krauss, Ruth
Would you and your friends like to read the poems, plays, fairy tales, and songs in this book?Which parts will you pantomime?

If you take a mouse to the movies
Numeroff, Laura
A little mouse sure can be demanding when you spend the day together!Everything the mouse does with the little boy reminds him of something else he needs or wants to do!For example, once you get the mouse some paper and glue, he'll ask you for glitter!

If you're happy and you know it!
Ormerod, Jan
A young girl and a collection of different animals make up their own versions of the popular song, If you're happy and you know it! Characters do their own thing and express themselves in different ways while participating in a social activity.

In my momma's kitchen
Nolen, Jerdine
A young girl's fondest memories happen in her momma's kitchen. Achievements, family, stories, cooking and love are all celebrated in the kitchen. Great-Aunt Caroline, corn-pudding time and nighttime serenades are a few of the special moments in this loving family.

In the rain with baby duck
Hest, Amy
In order to get to Grandpa's house for the traditional pancake breakfast, Baby duck has to walk in the rain. Baby duck doesn't like the rain but his grandpa shows him a way to enjoy it.

In the time of the drums
Siegelson, Kim L.
Mentu and Twi tell the story of an African family newly arrived in the Americas. Twi never gives up on returning to her native Africa. Twi tells stories of cooking, planting, music and dancing from her native land.

Irene jennie and the christmas masquerade: The johnkankus
Smalls, Irene
Irene Jennie, a young girl living on a plantation, is sad when she can't spend Christmas with her parents. She prays for things to change and a Christmas parade cheers her up. As she watches the parade with her godmother, she receives a nice surprise.

It's about time, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Jesse Bear tells of his adventures of his day from start to finish. He tells his adventures through songs. Jesse Bear gets sick and must stay in bed to get better. Mama Bear comes in to put Jesse Bear to bed for the night and tells him to rest up for adventures tomorrow.

Johnny crow's new garden
Brooke, L. Leslie
Johnny Crow has a new garden of the local animals. They sang, dance, and have a party thanking Johnny Crow.

Politi, Leo
As Juanita grows up, she brings happiness to her parents, even when the business is not going well. She partakes in the blessing of the animals and shows her kindness to others.

Jump up time: A trinidad carnival story
Joseph, Lynn
The Trinidad carnival is coming up and Lily's sister Christine is getting all the attention from her family over her hummingbird costume. Lily wishes that she could wear a fancy costume and jump up at the children's carnival too. When the big day comes, Lily helps Christine have courage to go up on the stage.

Junk pile!
Borton, Lady
When Jamie Kay helps her dad in their magical junk yard, Robert Haines and other kids make fun of her. Jamie Kay has to find a way to show the kids that her junkyard is magical. But most of all, Jamie has to find a way to make a friend.

Just enough is plenty: A hanukkah tale
Goldin, Barbara Diamond
It is almost time for Hanukkah. Malka's family invites a peddler for dinner. They are surprised when they wake up in the morning and find that the peddler has left behind wonderful gifts.

Letitia rabbit's string song
Hoban, Russell
Letita is the spring queen and Miss Green tells her she must find a song to put Mr. Brumus, who is in charge of winter, to sleep. With the help of a magic string and her own creativity, she finds a song.

Lift every voice and sing
Johnsson, James Weldan
Lift every voice puts pictures to the African American National Anthem. The lyrics tell the story of Black people's past struggles and the hope that Blacks will continue to have towards their future.

Little white duck
Whippo, Walt
A little white duck and his friends, little green frog, little black bug, and little red snake enjoy spending their time playing and swimming in the water.

Loud emily
O'Neil, Alexis
Emily has a very loud voice and her parents and tutor do not know what to do with her. The tutor suggests that she go to a boarding school for quiet girls. Before she leaves for the school, Emily takes a trip into town where she sees a sign for loud help on a ship that is setting sail that day. Emily uses her voice to save several ships from crashing at sea.

Louie's goose
Ehrlich, H.M.
Louie's toy goose goes everywhere he goes. Sometimes the goose needs to be fixed. Louie's mom and dad, and even the sun, fixes the goose.

Lucky song
Williams, Vera B
Evie receives everything she wants from her family, including something new to wear and a kite to fly. One of the best things Evie receives is a song from her father.

March on! The day my brother Martin changed the world
Farris, Christine
Christine King Farris, the sister of Martin Luther King Jr., watched her brother during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. She describes her brother’s journey from writing his “I Have a Dream” speech to joining the crowds in their demand for freedom. She was moved by her brother’s persistence and success in persuading millions to believe in and fight for a better tomorrow in which all men are created equal.

Marsupial Sue
Lithgow, John
Marsupial Sue is not a happy kangaroo. She does not enjoy the things kangaroos do. Marsupial Sue decides to go explore and find the place where she belongs. She tries to fit in with many other groups of animals. She finally discovers the place where she is happiest.

Mary had a little lamb
Hale, Sarah Josepha
A lamb, who goes to school, has a famous 19th century nursery rhyme and song written about it.

Matunje and the wooden spoon
Mashiri, Pascal
During a time of famine, Matunje goes looking for food. He finds mangoes which fall into the water and are carried out to sea. Matunje follows and is led to the sea king who gives him a magical wooden spoon to feed his country.

Ahlberg, Allan
The familiar lullaby beginning with Hush, little baby, don't say a word,finds many new twists in this story. Read all about the many adventures that the baby encounters with other members of the family.

Munsch, Robert
It is Mortimer's bedtime but he just will not stop singing. Everyone has yelled at him, even the police. What will make him stop singing?

Mr. fong's toy shop
Politi, Leo
Mr. Fong entertains the children with stories and toys. In preparation for the Moon Festival, he creates a shadow puppet play for the children.

My gran
Boon, Debbie
A little girl has a very special grandmother. When Gran visits, they make things, eat different foods, and spend fun time together.

My kindergarten
Wells, Rosemary
Kindergarten is no longer a mystery, thanks to Emily who illustrates the lessons and activities in Miss Cribbageメs classroom. Many concepts are explored in this kindergarten classroom. Poems, songs, and activities keep the lessons light-hearted and enjoyable.

My mama sings
Peterson, Jeanne Whitehouse
A mother sings songs to her little boy just like her mama used to sing to her. One day when the mother comes home from a bad day at work, the little boy makes up a song about his mother. This makes his mother very happy.

My mountain song
Crum, Shutta
Observe a relationship that blossoms between competing cousins over their grandparents. Enjoy the scenic illustrations of summer life on the mountains while reading about a legacy being passed down.

Night tree
Bunting, Eve
Nina and her brother go with the family to Luke's forest to decorate a Christmas tree. They sing songs, drink hot chocolate, and decorate the tree all night long.

Noggin and the whale
Postgate, Oliver
Noggin gives presents to all the boys and girls on his birthday. When they play their music on the boat, a whale wants to join in. Noggin makes him an instrument, so everyone is happy.

Off to school, baby duck!
Hest, Amy
It's baby ducks first day of school and she's a little bit nervous. Mr. and Mrs. Duck tell her to be brave because she's going to have so much fun. They hurry off to school and meet Grandpa duck on the way who gives baby duck the confidence she needs for the first day. Baby duck happily goes off to school with her new friend Dary Duck.

Ogbo: Sharing life in an african village
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
Ogbo are a special part of village life in Nigeria, uniting children of the same age in a lifelong fellowship - a group with whom they celebrate festivals, share day-to-day chores, and face the challenges of growing up. A young girl named Obioma helps us understand what belonging to an ogbo means. Growing, working, and relaxing together, the ogbo weave the fabric of village life.

Old macdonald had a farm
Pearson, Tracey Campbell
Old MacDonald has a pretty typical day of feeding his animals and doing his chores.

Once in a wood: Ten tales from aesop
Rice, Eve
Follow the Fox, the Lion, and other animals through the various lessons of life. Aesop's Fables teach many lessons about being clever and playing the fool.

Over in the ocean: In a coral reef
Berkes, Marianne
Count one through 10 while using rhymes to talk about different activities between mother fishes and their babies. Move to the rhythm of this poem about ocean creatures !

Nerlove, Miriam
It is time for Passover and a father tells his son the tradition of Passover. He explains the different types of food that are eaten and the hunt that occurs after dinner. They then sing songs together.

Kuskin, Karla
Using his imagination, Paul goes on a fantastic trip looking for his magical grandmother. Along the way, he sings a song that his grandmother eventually loves.

Pieces of another world
Rockliff, Mara
A father and child go on a nighttime excursion to watch a meteor shower. Through the eyes of the child, who has no idea where they are going or why, enjoys the trip with her father. In the middle of the night, they stand in the middle of a field watching the tiny bits of other distant worlds, blazing into their own world.

Polar slumber
Rockhill, Dennis
A backyard snow bear comes to become an integral part of a little girl's slumber. She explores the arctic landscape in the bear's company and awakens to question the authenticity of the experience. Was her excursion fantasy or reality?