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Potato: A tale from the great depression
Lied, Kate
During the Great Depression Dorothy is just a baby, but she remembers how hard her parents had to work. For two weeks the family moves to Idaho and picks potatoes. They use the leftover potatoes to trade for groceries which helps the family survive the Depression.

Poinsettia and her family
Bond, Felicia
Poinsettia pig gets tired of sharing the crowded family house with her six brothers and sisters. She throws a tantrum when she cannot find a spot to read her book. When the family leaves and she is left alone, she becomes lonely and learns to appreciate her family.

Pigs will be pigs
Axelrod, Amy
A family visits a Mexican restaurant where they use counting skills to save money. The family eats too much and everyone feels sick to their stomach.

Pigs in the pantry: Fun with math and cooking
Axelrod, Amy
Mrs. Pig isn't feeling well so Mr. Pig and the piglets decide to make her favorite chili. There's only one problem--they don't know how to cook! While Mom is taking a nap, Mr. Pig and the piglets make such a mess in the kitchen that Mrs. Pig wakes up to find the firemen cleaning up a big mess.

Pigs in the mud in the middle of the road
Plourde, Lynn
There are pigs blocking the road!Grandma knows what to do though -- shoo them out of the way!The whole family moves the pigs, hens, sheep, and bulls out of the way so their car can get through.

Pigs from a to z
Geisert, Arthur
Seven pigs are trying to build the perfect tree house. Throughout the book, the reader must find seven pigs, 5 forms of a letter, the letter before it, and the letter after it.

Pig william
Dubanevich, Arlene
William takes his time doing everything. One day he messes around so long that he misses the bus and also the school picnic. At home, William takes his fish and radio outside for his own picnic. At the school picnic, it starts to rain and the picnic is cancelled. By the time his brothers arrive home, it stopped raining and they join in his picnic.

McCully, Emily Arnold
Have you ever been lost or disconnected by those you love? Little Bitty experiences those experiences when she accidentally falls out of the truck on the way to a family picnic. Will the mouse family successfully find Little Bitty?

Ray, Mary Lyn
Take a trip with Anna through the happenings in her life. Look at Anna's experiences with piano lessons, picking blueberries with siblings, her marriage, and her children. After eighty years she is still playing the piano in the same house she grew up in.

Williams, Jay
Getting what you want isn't always easy. This is the lesson that Petronella, once known as Peter, learns. Petronella battles off animals and people to get the man she loves. In doing so, she also realizes that the richest people aren't always the best people.

Peter's chair
Keats, Ezra Jack
Peter has a new baby sister. He is upset because his crib, chair, and other furniture have been painted pink. Peter runs away and becomes very frightened to be by himself. When his mom calls him home, he is very happy and tells his father that he wants to paint his favorite chair pink for his little sister.

Pemba Sherpa
Cossi, Olga
Perma, a nyuny pa,or old man, tells a story from when he had to gather firewood for school as young boy. One morning his sister Yang Ki says she wants to go with him. Yang Ki wants to be a Sherpa but girls aren't allowed. That morning she disobeys her brother and follows him, but when Pemba falls in a landslide, Yang Ki becomes the heroine and proves that girls can be brave and strong.

Peanut butter and jelly
Westcott, Nadine Bernard
Through a rhyme, two little children show how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Patrick's dinosaurs
Carrick, Carol
Patrick's older brother, Hank, knows everything about dinosaurs. As Hank tells Patrick about them, Patrick begins to see them everywhere. They are in the streets, at the zoo, outside his window - until Hank explains that they have been gone for sixty million years.

Nerlove, Miriam
It is time for Passover and a father tells his son the tradition of Passover. He explains the different types of food that are eaten and the hunt that occurs after dinner. They then sing songs together.

Parents in the pigpen, pigs in the tub
Ehrlich, Amy
When little Millie forgets to close the pasture gate, the animals discover the good life inside the house. As the animals take over, the family moves to the barn. After a while, even the animals get tired of their new life, and eventually everything returns to normal.

Papa's latkes
Edwards, Michelle
A Jewish family deals with the recent death of their mother and wife, while trying to keep their Chanukan traditions alive. Each family member deals with their emotions. They work as a single parent family to move on, while embracing their traditions of the past.

Papa small
Lenski, Lois
The small family work together to get the housework completed. They also eat together, go to the supermarket together, and go to church together.

Painted dreams
Williams, Karen Lynn
Ti Marie loves to paint, but her family is too poor to afford paint so she uses bricks, stones and charcoal. One day, as she is walking to the river, she sees Msie Antoine painting a snake and admires his art supplies. Later on in the night she decides to look through his trash to see if he has any left over supplies. She uses them to paint on the wall behind her family's place at the Haitian market. Find out how the people at the market react.

Over the deep blue sea
Ikeda, Daisaku
Akiko and Hiroshi are anxious to explore their new home. They meet a boy named Pablo who helps them explore the sea by swimming and by boat. Pablo becomes their good friend once he is able to accept the fact that Akiko and Hiroshi are not natives of the land.

Outside over there
Sendak, Maurice
Ida is supposed to take care of her baby sister while their father is at sea. One day when she is not paying attention, goblins come and kidnap her sister. Ida plays her horn to charm the goblins with her music and rescues her sister. From that day on, she never takes her eyes off her baby sister.

Out and about
Hughes, Shirley
A little boy and girl utilize their senses to explore the world around them.

Our tree named Steve
Zweibel, Alan
In a letter to his children, a father reflects upon the importance of a good friend and the value of a place to feel safe and secure. The father recalls various memories of his family as it has grown in relationship to a favorite tree that had been part of their lives since they built their home. The tree seems to help the family through many events but does not withstand a huge storm. The father uses the wood to build a tree house to continue its importance to the family.

Our snowman
Goffstein, M.B.
A boy and his sister build a snowman. At night, they notice the snowman looks lonely. The girl and her father build a snowwoman to keep him company.

Open house for butterflies
Krauss, Ruth
An easy to read children's how-to-book. Random definitions and observations from a child's perspective. This story promotes respect for the little everyday things and language development.

Only at the children's table
Baron-Hall, Daria
Relatives visit for Christmas Eve dinner. With a house full of children and adults, there are two separate tables. One little girl does not want to sit at the children's table because she thinks she's too grown up. In the end, she sits with the kids and discovers the true magic of Christmas.

One saturday morning
Baker, Barbara
A large family is made up of unique members. They work together as a unit.

One of three
Johnson, Angela
This book describes daily reflections by the youngest of three sisters. She discusses family relationships, and unfortunately she thinks that three girls is one girl too many.

One child, one seed: A south african counting book
Cave, Kathryn
Play a simple counting game. Watch a pumpkin grow. Follow young Nothando and discover the rhythms of her daily life in her South African village.

One candle
Bunting, Eve
A Jewish family spends Hanukkah that same way every year. Traditions are passed from generation to generation. After a family meal, grandma and great-aunt Rose tell their story. One very special candle is lit in honor of their memories.

Once upon a time and grandma
Blegvad, Lenore
Grandma takes Emma and Luke to visit the house she once lived in when she was a little girl named Norrie. Grandma tells Emma and Luke the kinds of things Norrie used to do. When Emma and Luke have difficulty believing Grandma was Norrie, she proves it to them.

On mother's lap
Scott, Ann Herbert
A boy and all his possessions are rocking with mom. The baby awakens and wants to rock too. The boy is worried there will not be room, but there is always room on mother's lap.

On friday something funny happened
Prater, John
Let's learn the days of the week!Each day is defined by the many activities that the family does.

Oliver, amanda and grandmother
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Through five short stories, Grandmother Pig shows Oliver and Amanda how much fun she is to be around.

Oliver and amanda and the big snow
Leevwen, Jean Van
Amanda and Oliver are brother and sister pigs who see the first snow of the year. They have many adventures in the snow including building a snow fort, sledding, and making a snow pig.

Olive and the magic hat
Christelow, Eileen
While Olive and Otis pretend to do magic with their father's birthday present of a hat, it blows out the window. Mr. Foxley gets the hat and Olive and Otis must work to get it back in time for the birthday party.

Oh, brother!
Grimes, Nikki
Xavier feels sad, angry, and jealous towards his new step brother, Chris. Xavier soon realizes that Chris is coping with loneliness and resentment too. The pain over losing a parent to divorce forms a special band between Xavier and Chris so they promise each other, that no one will ever leave. Through short vignettes, the story ends with Our family is a song we sing, and we can add new notes anytime we like.

Oh, brother
Yorinks, A.
Milton and Morris are orphaned twins. They try to agree and work to survive. A job as tailors brings them back to their parents whom they thought were dead.

Nutik, the wolf pup
Gearge, Jean
As Eskimo girl brings a sickly wolf pup home to her brother who cares for it until it's old enough to rejoin the pack. The two grow close, so when it is time for the pup to leave, they can't say good-bye.

Number nine duckling
Akass, Susan
Eight of Delushka's nine eggs have hatched. The ninth duckling is scared to come out and needs his mother's help. After he emerges from his shell, he lags behind his siblings due to his fears. All of the farm animals encourage him until he can catch up and join his family.

Now I will never leave the dinner table
Martin, Jane Read//Marx, Patricia
Patty Jane's older sister Joy is perfect in everyway. She even likes to prepare and eat spinach. Patty Jane, however, refuses to eat spinach. Joy will not let Patty Jane leave the table until she eats a bite of spinach. In protest, Patty Jane plots how to make Joy leave the house.

Nothing to do
Hoban, Russell
Walter is bored, so his father gives him a magic stone that will make him think of fun activities when rubbed. However, after Walter loses the stone, he realizes that he is capable of entertaining himself. He gives his sister a magic stick so she will stop bothering him.

Noisy Nora (Julieta, estate quieta)
Wells, Rosemary
Nora is always waiting as her parents take care of her siblings, Jack and Kate. To get some attention she decides to knock over and even bring things in the house. Finally, after they tell her to hush, she decides to leave. Will the family notice her absence?

Nobody asked me if I wanted a little sister
Alexander, Martha
Oliver's new baby sister gets a lot of attention and he feels neglected. He tries to give his sister away, but realizes that she wants to be with him. Oliver discovers that he will have a playmate when she is a little older.

Nobiah's well: A modern African folktale
Guthrie, Donna
Nobiah is an African American boy who is very generous. One day he fetches water for his mother, but by the time he gets home, his water is all gone. His generosity pays off when his friends build him a well in return.

No one else like you
Goeminne, Siska
There are seven billion people living in this world. Each person is different and uniquely original. See all the ways that people can move, act, do and be. People come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they wear a variety of clothing and feel a variety of emotions. People believe in different things. Not one of them is just like you.

No fighting no biting!
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Rosa and Willy are constantly fighting and annoying cousin Joan. So Joan tells the kids a story about two little alligators that were always fighting and how each time they were almost eaten by a big alligator because they were not paying attention.

Nicky and the big, bad wolves
Gorbachev, Valeri
Little Nicky is having a bad dream when his cries for help wake everyone up. After telling his mom about the dream, Nicky realizes it wasn't as bad as it seemed. He scared his brothers and sisters though, so mom has to go outside and pretend to get rid of the scary wolves so everyone can sleep.

New baby
McCully, Emily Arnold
The youngest mouse in a big family finds it very hard to adjust to the new baby. She was used to being the center of attention and now has competition. If she shows the adults that she is still a baby, she thinks she will get more attention. It backfires, but the baby pays attention to her.

Nate the great
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Nate the Great is a detective and he has an assignment to find Annie's missing picture. After looking at all the clues, he tracks down the culprit - Annie's little brother.