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Mouse tv
Novak, Matt
A mouse family can never agree about what to watch on television. One day their television breaks and they decide to be creative and try other activities. They decide the new activities are better than the television.

Eugene the brave
Conford, Ellen
Eugene, the possum, is afraid of the dark. This is a real problem since possums sleep in the day and look for food at night. When he has to rescue his sister one dark night, he discovers he is brave.

Pigs from a to z
Geisert, Arthur
Seven pigs are trying to build the perfect tree house. Throughout the book, the reader must find seven pigs, 5 forms of a letter, the letter before it, and the letter after it.

The tale of pigling bland
Potter, Beatrix
Pigling Bland is a young pig who is sent to the market with his brother by his mother. His brother gets taken away and he gets picked up by Mr. Piperson who takes him to his home. There he meets Pig-wig who was stolen by Mr. Piperson. The two of them decide to run away together.

Amanda pig, schoolgirl
VanLeeuwen, J. Amanda
Amanda is very excited for her first day of school. She makes many new friends and tries to help a girl smile in her class. Amanda plays with toys, goes outside for recess, and realizes how much fun school really is.

Five little piggies
Martin, David
Everyone knows the five little piggies- one that goes to the market, one stays home, one has roast beef, one has none, and one goes we, wee, wee all the way home. Now we will finally learn why these little piggies did all these different things!

Oliver and amanda and the big snow
Leevwen, Jean Van
Amanda and Oliver are brother and sister pigs who see the first snow of the year. They have many adventures in the snow including building a snow fort, sledding, and making a snow pig.

Garth pig and the ice cream lady
Rayner, Mary
When Garth Pig goes to buy ice cream for himself and his nine brothers and sisters, he is kidnapped in the ice cream truck by a wolf pretending to be the ice cream lady. His siblings come to rescue him.

Garth pig steals the show
Rayner, Mary
The Pig Family puts on a musical concert for charity, and during their performance, they discover that their newest member, a lady sousaphonist, is there for more than helping pigs.

Young larry
Pinkwater, Daniel
As polar bear cubs, Larry and Roy know they will be sent off on their own someday. When their mother sends the cubs away, Larry finds himself in New Jersey. Here he must get a job to pay for the muffins he loves to eat. Larry encounters trouble as people realize he is a polar bear, but a kind old man comes to Larry's rescue and gives him a job and a place to live.

Schoenherr, John
Mother and father goose come to the same pond every year to make a nest to lay their eggs. This year when the eggs hatch, one of the goslings turns out to be a curious rebel. The gosling explores around the pond until the family flies south for the winter.

Inatuk's friend
Morrow, Suzanne Stark
Because it is winter and no seals can be found, Inatuk and the people in his village are going hungry. In order to survive, Inatuk's family must move into the city where his father can work. Inatuk has a hard time because he must leave his best friend.

A ride on the red mare's back
Le Guin, Ursula K.
A young boy is taken by trolls and his older sister tries to find him with the help of her magic wooden horse. The red mare comes to life and they rescue her brother from the troll's high mountain.

Cannon, Janell
Wild and energetic, Verdi the snake is afraid of turning green and becoming lazy like the older snakes. To keep the green away, Verdi jumps and slithers all around the forest. One day Verdi does turn green, but he realizes it is the snake inside, not the color outside, that makes a great snake!

The happy birthday present
Heilbroner, Joan
Davy and Peter are brothers. Today it is a special day because it is their mom's birthday. So they set out on a journey to find a present for their mom. Upon this difficult task they come up with the best and most unique present of all.

The story of the four little children who went round the world
Lear, Edward
Four children decide to take an adventure around the world on a boat. They come to find many different lands with strange scenery.

Jane, wishing
Tobias, Tobi
Jane wishes she could change her name, hair, eye color, the number of children in her family, and even who her best friend is. In the end, Jane realizes all her wishes will not come true, and she decides to be happy anyway.

I am really a princess
Shields, Carol Diggory
A little girl dreams of being a princess. In her imaginary world, everything seems perfect. Finally she realizes her life isn't so bad.

When the new baby comes, i'm moving out
Alexander, Martha
Oliver is becoming a big brother, and is dreading the arrival of his new sibling. He becomes angry and jealous and threatens to leave his mother. However, she is able to convince him that he is loved and needed at home.



Browne, Anthony
This family goes to the zoo for the day. There is a lot of arguments that go on during the day with the family. It is not a positive day.

Are we almost there?
Stevenson, James
Two boys are so excited to go to the beach that they fight all the way in the car. Their father gets angry and tells them to stop. After that, all the father hears is Are we there yet?.

And juan
Shannon, Terry
Juan wishes that his father would forget to say "...and Juan" when he calls on his brothers and him. As he continues to learn his culture and how to become a potter, Juan begins to feel as though he really belongs.

Dumpling soup
Rattigan, Jama Kim
Marisa, a young Asian American girl, attempts to help make the dumplings for dumpling soup which her family has been making for generations. She hold a strong sense of pride, honor, and love in her heart for her family.

My big sister takes drugs
Vigna, Judith
This is a story about a boy name Paul and how his older sister, Tina, begins to take drugs to deal with the pressure when their family moves. Tina ends up getting arrested and has to go to a drug hospital. Paul learns how bad drugs are and realizes that Tina's friends were not true friends by giving her drugs.

Oh, brother
Yorinks, A.
Milton and Morris are orphaned twins. They try to agree and work to survive. A job as tailors brings them back to their parents whom they thought were dead.

Tales of amanda the pig
Van Leeuwen, Jean
This book contains five stories about Amanda the pig. Amanda learns to finish her food before going outside, she learns to have fun on a rainy day, she overcomes her fear of monsters, and she learns to get along and play with her brother.

I'll fix Anthony
Viorst, Judith
Anthony is tired of being picked on by his brother. He decides that as soon as he turns six, he is going to be taller, smarter, and faster, and he will also fix his brother.

Too hot for ice cream
Van Leeuwen, Jean
On their way to the park, Elizabeth and her sister, Sarah, stop to buy ice cream. However, it is such a hot day that the ice cream melts all over them. Before they make it to the park, it begins to rain so they decide to turn around and go back home.

Becky and the bear
Van Woerkom, Dorothy
Becky's father and brother go hunting for some food while she stays at home with Granny. Becky wishes she was old enough to go hunting and be brave. When Granny has to leave, Becky is left behind to finish some chores and is chased by a large bear.

My mama needs me
Walter, M.P.
Jason's mother just had a new baby girl and he wants to be of help. Instead of going out to play, he stays at home and tries to help his mother. She doesn't seem to need his help, but in the end he realizes that by being there, it is enough.



Shimin, Symeon
Sam is a little boy who is told by everyone that he is too young to help out around the house. When Sam begins to cry, the perfect job is found for Sam.

Jump up time: A trinidad carnival story
Joseph, Lynn
The Trinidad carnival is coming up and Lily's sister Christine is getting all the attention from her family over her hummingbird costume. Lily wishes that she could wear a fancy costume and jump up at the children's carnival too. When the big day comes, Lily helps Christine have courage to go up on the stage.

Lenny's baby brother
Smith, Peter
At first, Lenny is unhappy because her brother is too young to play with, but soon he joins in the fun.

Geraldine's baby brother
Keller, Holly
Geraldine resents her new baby brother and all the attention he gets. Her feelings change after she spends more time with him.

A visit to amy-claire
Mills, Claudia
Rachel is excited when she and her family visit her cousin Amy-Claire. When Amy-Claire pays more attention to Rachel's little sister, Rachel is hurt and angry. Rachel realizes that it is special to be a big sister.

Do you know what i'll do?
Zolotow, Charlotte
A sister tells her younger brother all the different things that she will do for him. She will bring him things that will apply to his five senses. Most of all, she brings her brother her love and attention.

Good-bye, charles lindbergh
Borden, Louise
Gil is on his way to get the laundry for his mom when he sees it. Up in the sky is the shiny orange biplane trying to land in a neighboring field. After the plane lands, Gil discovers the pilot is Colonel Lindbergh. Gil has so many questions to ask him, but he doesn't get the chance.

Tomas and the library lady
Mora, Pat
Tomas and his family are migrant workers who travel between Iowa and Texas to find work. Tomas loves to listen to his grandfather's stories but he knows all of them and decides to go to the library to learn some new stories. The librarian welcomes Tomas in and offers him cold water to drink and stories to read. Tomas visits the library lady whenever he can and even teaches her some of his native language, Spanish. When Tomas' family must leave the library lady gives Tomas a book to take with him.

Home to medicine mountain
Santiago, Chiori
Benny Lee and his brother Stanley must leave their famiy and Indian tribe to go to a boarding school run by the government. At school, the boys must wear uncomfortable clothes, speak English only, and learn lessons in a classroom. The boys visit their family and tribe in their dreams at night. Whem summer comes, the boys do not have a ticket to go home so they figure out a plan to get home to Medicine Mountain.

You're mean, Lily Jean
Wishinsky, Frieda
Sandy always plays with her little sister Carly, but when Lily Jean moves in next door, she has a new friend. Lily Jean never wants to include Carly and bosses her around. When Sandy stands up for her little sister, the three girls learn to play together nicely.

Uno, dos, tres: One, two three
Mora, Pat
Two sisters go shopping in a Mexican market for their mother's birthday. They count the number of presents in Spanish and English as they go along, and also create a rhyme about the gifts.

Ian's walk: A story about autism
Lears, Laurie
Ian, a boy who has autism, goes for a walk in the park with his two sisters. Ian does not sense things or like things that most people do. His sisters explore and learn the differences between how Ian views things and how they do. They learn to appreciate their brother in a loving way.

Open house for butterflies
Krauss, Ruth
An easy to read children's how-to-book. Random definitions and observations from a child's perspective. This story promotes respect for the little everyday things and language development.

Arthur's baby
Brown, Marc
Arthur finds out he is going to have a baby brother or sister. At first, he feels left out and doesn't like his baby sister. Then when he has to help his sister, he realizes that he loves the baby.

Elizabeti's doll
Stuve-Boden, Stephanie
After the arrival of her new baby brother, Elizabeti, from Tanzania, sees her mother care for him and she decides she wants a doll to care for herself. She does everything her mother does to her 'doll' and also faces the problem of losing her. Elizabeti also teaches the reader a little about her culture.

The baby who would not come down
Knight, Joan
The new baby in the family is smothered with kisses and love. Tired of the excessive attention the baby floats into the air after his uncle tosses him up. The baby does not come down until the family realizes that he has too much of some things and not enough of others.

Molly's rosebush
Cohn, Janice
A young girl deals with the loss of her newborn sibling. After spending time with her grandmother, she is better able to understand death.

Henry's baby
Hoffman, Mary
Henry wants to be a part of the in crowd at his school. They want to come over to Henry's house, but he is afraid for them to see he has a baby brother. However, all the guys think the baby is neat.

Kim and me: A book about a little boy and his baby sister
Kessler, Ethel//Kessler, Leonard
A three-year old boy describes all the things he can do that his baby sister, Kim, can't do. He then reflects that all the things he used to do, that Kim does now. Someday she will be able to play with him too.

Lu lu and the flying babies
Simmonds, Posy
Lu Lu is an impatient little girl who wants to play outside, but because her baby brother is cold, they end up in a museum. Her imagination takes over and she has a great time.