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Do like Kyla
Johnson, Angela
A little girl looks up to her older sister Kyla. Anything Kyla does, her little sister mimics. Her adoration for her sister is evident from waking up to bedtime.

Do you know what i'll do?
Zolotow, Charlotte
A sister tells her younger brother all the different things that she will do for him. She will bring him things that will apply to his five senses. Most of all, she brings her brother her love and attention.

Do you know what i'll do?
Zolotow, C.
A little girl tells her younger brother what she will do when it snows or rains or when she goes to a party.

Doctor shawn
Breinburg, Petronella
Mom went shopping, so Shawn and his sisters decide to play doctor. Shawn is the doctor and he bandages up patients all day long. Then mother comes home and tells them to close the hospital, because it is time for lunch.

Dog breath
Pilkey, Dave
The Tosis family has a dog named Hally. Hally is a wonderful dog except that she has very bad breath. When Mr. and Mrs. Tosis cannot take Hally's bad breath anymore they decide to give her away. The kids try to fix the problem by taking her to a mountain top to see the view, a movie, and a carnival to ride a roller coaster in the hopes that they will take Hally's bad breath away but nothing works. That night two burglars break into the house but when Hally kisses them the burglars pass out from the smell and Hally and her breath are, heroes!

Don't wake up mama another five little monkeys story
Christelow, Eileen
Five little monkeys wake early to make mama a birthday cake. But the five little monkeys must be careful not to wake mama or their surprise will be ruined -- can they do it?

Don't worry, dear
Fassler, Joan
Jenny does a lot of things little girls do; she sucks her thumb, wets the bed, stutters her words, and pretends her stuffed animals are real. Many people laugh at Jenny, but her mother tells her not to worry because things will get better as she grows up.

Don't you remember?
Clifton, Lucille
A four-year old girl asks if she can go to work with her dad, buy a cake from the bakery, see where her mom works, and drink coffee with her brothers. One day on her birthday, she gets everything she's been asking for.

Double-dip feelings
Cain, Barbara S.
When you first started school, were you excited? Were you scared?Did you feel both excited and scared? Feelings can be hard to understand, especially when you have two feelings at the same time. Everyone has feelings at different times for different reasons.

Dragon in the rocks: A story based on the childhood of early paleontologist Mary Anning
Day, Marie
A twelve year old girl loves to find and dig out fossils from the cliffs along the beach. She helps out her family financially by selling the fossils. She uncovers a rare dinosaur and digs it out by herself. Her determination shows as she pieces the puzzle together.

Schotter, Roni
Theo's favorite uncle, Gurney, moves west to try to find work. They correspond through letters, and Theo sends drawings of all his dream machines he has made up. Gurney builds Theo's machines to make an amusement park.

Dumpling soup
Rattigan, Jama Kim
Marisa, a young Asian American girl, attempts to help make the dumplings for dumpling soup which her family has been making for generations. She hold a strong sense of pride, honor, and love in her heart for her family.

Eagle eyes: A child's view of attention deficit disorder
Gehret, Jeanne
A child struggles through life with Attention Deficit Disorder. He goes to the doctor and learns several things that makes life easier.

Easter surprise
Stock, Catherine
On Easter vacation, a family drives to their cabin for a week. They color Easter eggs, go on an Easter egg hunt, and find their Easter baskets.

Eddie's garden and how to make things grow
Garland, Sarah
Eddie and his mother and sister decide to start a garden. While doing this, they have lots of fun and learn everything there is to know about seeds, plants and gardening. Their garden yields just enough yummy food for a family picnic!

Eeny meeny miney mole
Yolen, Jane
Eeny, Meeny, and Miney Mole live life underground and they have no idea what life up above is like. One day, Eeny burrows up above ground and discovers day, night, light, darkness, and the four seasons.

Elizabeti's doll
Stuve-Boden, Stephanie
After the arrival of her new baby brother, Elizabeti, from Tanzania, sees her mother care for him and she decides she wants a doll to care for herself. She does everything her mother does to her 'doll' and also faces the problem of losing her. Elizabeti also teaches the reader a little about her culture.

Emily and the klunky baby and the next-door dog
Lexau, Joan M.
Emily tries to run away when her mother shows more interest in taxes than in her. Emily is not able to cross the street alone so she, her baby brother, and the next-door dog end up running around the block. Emily fears she is lost and wants to go home when she realizes she is in front of her house.

Emily emerson's moon
Merrill, Jean//Solbert, Ronni
Emily's father promises her he can give her the moon, but Emily's brother does not believe he can. Her father finds a creative way to present her with the gift of the moon.

Emma's magic winter
Little, Jean
When a new neighbor named Sally moves in, Emma learns to overcome her shyness and her fear of reading out loud to her schoolmates. Early readers can explore their friendships and activities during winter then spring.

Eppie m. says...
Dunrea, Olivier
Ben Salem worships his older sister, Eppie M., and will do anything she proposes. Since Eppie M. knows the effect she has on her brother, the things she proposes are off-the-wall. Ben ends up in some ludicrous situations.

Eugene the brave
Conford, Ellen
Eugene, the possum, is afraid of the dark. This is a real problem since possums sleep in the day and look for food at night. When he has to rescue his sister one dark night, he discovers he is brave.

Evan's corner
Hill, Elizabeth Starr
Evan needs a place of his own so he fixes up a corner in his house with pictures, furniture, and pet turtles!When Evan is done with his corner, he decides to help his siblings fix up their corners!

Even that moose won't listen to me
Alexander, Martha
Rebecca has a hard time convincing her busy family that there is a moose tearing up their garden. Rebecca runs the moose out of the garden by herself. When her family finally comes out to see what Rebecca is talking about, the moose and the garden are gone. Rebecca eventually moves onto a new project.

Everything about easter rabbits
Roser, Wiltrud
As everyone knows, the Easter Rabbit comes on Easter Sunday. But did you know there are many different kinds of Easter rabbits?Let's learn about the funny and interesting characteristics of each kind!

Exactly alike
Ness, Evaline
Elizabeth has four brothers who look exactly alike and she cannot tell who is who. Though her brothers make fun of her, she decides to be nice and share her toys with all of them. In return, they are nice to her and tell her their names.

Fair monaco
Cole, Brock
Three sisters go to stay at their grandma's house. They ask to do things, but their grandma won't let them do anything but eat dinner and go to bed. She is too worried about all the horrible things outside. While the girls are dreaming, they end up in their grandma's horrible dream. The only way they can change it is to dream of their own good dreams. When their grandma wakes up, she is happy because of the good dream she had, since it was the same as her grandchildren.

Faraway drums
Kroll, Virginia
Jamila has the important responsibility of watching her little sister when their mom goes to work. While trying to ignore unfamiliar creepy sounds, Jamila comforts her sister and herself by recalling their grandmother's stories about their native homeland, Africa.

Farmer's market
Johnson, Paul Brett
Every Saturday, Laura's family goes to the market to sell their vegetables. On one lucky Saturday, Laura and her friend Betsy find a delicious surprise!

Blackall, Sophie
A farmhouse where twelve children grow up holds evidence of their stories long after they are gone.

Father's rubber shoes
Yeo, Yumi
Yungsu's family moves from Korea to America. When Yungsu goes into his new town and sees children playing, he missed his friends from Korea. Yungsu tells his mother that he wants to go back to Korea, but his father explains that their life will be better in America.

Feast for 10
Falwell, Cathryn
A family goes grocery shopping. As they find the groceries, they count each item as it is put in the cart. When they get home, they unload the groceries and count the items as they take them out.

Fiddler and his brothers
Nygren, Tord
Three brothers who are each special in their own way grow up and must seek their fortunes. They have a lot of adventures. The brother who plays the fiddle seems to come out on top.

First pooch: The Obamas pick a pet
Boston Weatherford, Carole
Throughout their father's twenty-two month campaign for president, Malia and Sasha Obama beg their parents for a dog. Finally, when their father becomes the forty-fourth president of the United States, he rewards their patience and good behavior in his victory speech: Malia and Sasha will get their new puppy. What type of dog will they choose? Finally, on April 14th, 2009, a new puppy moves into the White House. It is a Portuguese water dog, and the girls name him Bo.

First snow
McCully, Emily Arnold
A scared little mouse discovers the joys of sledding in the first snow of winter (A Wordless Book)

First words and pictures
Salt, Jane//Hawksley, Gereard
A baby has many new things to see and touch at the supermarket. At home, it is time to unload the groceries and make dinner.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
Christelow, Eileen
Five little monkey experience the consequences of jumping on the bed because their mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

Five little piggies
Martin, David
Everyone knows the five little piggies- one that goes to the market, one stays home, one has roast beef, one has none, and one goes we, wee, wee all the way home. Now we will finally learn why these little piggies did all these different things!

Five live bongos
Lyon, Ella
Five brothers and sisters make a giant drum set from a bunch of junk. They gather this junk from their garage and from a garbage dump. They play music all day long.

Flicka, ricka, dicka: The big red hen
Lindman, Maj
Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka offer to care for their Aunt's hens while she is away. One of the hens disappear and the girls find her and a great surprise!

Flim and flam and the big cheese
Garrison, Christian
Two brothers, one fat and one thin, live together. Flam eats all the food and leaves nothing for Flim. So Flim decides to trick Flam into drinking the pond by placing a piece of cheese in the middle of it. Flam drinks the whole pond not realizing the cheese was the reflection of the moon. When Flam cannot move, Flim eats a very satisfying meal.

Flood fish
Eversole, Robyn
Every year the fish come with the flood waters. Every spring a young boy in Australia enjoys exploring the mystery the waters bring to the once-dry banks of the river.

Flowers on the wall
Nerlove, Miriam
During 1938 in Poland, Rachel and her family are struggling to survive along with other Jews in the area. Her father loses his store, Rachel and her brother stop going to school, and they have nothing to eat. Rachel paints flowers on their apartment walls to pass the time.

For you are a Kenyan child
Cunnane, Kelly
Follow a little Kenyan boy through his village on a typical but eventful day in Kenya. He learns an important lesson about listening to his elders as he visits with the neighbors in his village.

Four famished foxes and fosdyke
Edwards, Pamela Duncan
A mother fox leaves her four children at home for five days. They must feed themselves. Three of the siblings plan different ways to catch meat. The fourth fox is a vegetarian and saves the day by cooking a feast for all of them.

Fox and his friends
Marshall, Edward
A fox is asked to watch his sister but he does not watch her and she wanders off. At the end, he learns his lesson and realizes that he needs to be more responsible.

Fox in love
Marshall, Edward
Fox falls in love with many girls. He goes to the fair with each of them, but pretty soon they all find out he has other girlfriends. Because all of the girls are upset, he has to enter the dance contest with his sister and they win second place.

Fruits: A caribbean counting poem
Bloom, Valerie
Counting fruit can be fun, especially if you get to eat it when you're done! From half a pawpaw to ten bananas, these two sisters count it all. They forget one thing though -- eating too much can make you sick!

Garth pig and the ice cream lady
Rayner, Mary
When Garth Pig goes to buy ice cream for himself and his nine brothers and sisters, he is kidnapped in the ice cream truck by a wolf pretending to be the ice cream lady. His siblings come to rescue him.

Garth pig steals the show
Rayner, Mary
The Pig Family puts on a musical concert for charity, and during their performance, they discover that their newest member, a lady sousaphonist, is there for more than helping pigs.