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Jamie's turn
DeWitt, Jamie
Eleven year old Jamie helps his stepfather, Butch, pick corn one autumn day. When the corn picker becomes plugged up, Butch attempts to climb off the tractor but gets caught and is seriously injured. Jamie saves Butch's life by turning the corn picker off and running for help. Jamie keeps the farm running while Butch recovers from the accident.

Bintou's braids
Diouf, Sylviane
When Bintou, a little girl living in West Africa, finally gets her wish for braids, she discovers that what she dreamed for has been hers all along.

DiPucchio, Kelly
Mrs. Poodle takes Gaston and his three siblings to the park where they meet Mrs. Bulldog and her family. Suddenly, they realize that Gaston looks more like Mrs. Bulldog’s child and Gaston goes to live with her family. However, Gaston realizes that he likes his old family and returns to live with Mrs. Poodle, making sure to play with Mrs. Bulldog’s children when they are at the park.

Radio man = don radio: A story in english and spanish
Dorros, Arthur
Diego's family members are migrant farm workers. Wherever they go, Diego brings his radio, which connects him to the states he crosses and unites him with his best friend.

A family like yours
Dotlich, Rebecca K.
There are so many families who do different things. Different families eat different foods, enjoy different activities, speak different languages, and live in different dwellings. There is always a family that is just right for you.

I hate my brother harry
Dragonwagon, Crescent
Nobody believes that Harry's little sister hates him, not even their parents. He confuses her sometimes by being nice, but then he is mean. Finally, she finds out that Harry really likes her, so she decides she likes him too.

Pig william
Dubanevich, Arlene
William takes his time doing everything. One day he messes around so long that he misses the bus and also the school picnic. At home, William takes his fish and radio outside for his own picnic. At the school picnic, it starts to rain and the picnic is cancelled. By the time his brothers arrive home, it stopped raining and they join in his picnic.

Tell me something happy before I go to sleep
Dunbar, Joyce
Willa is having a hard time falling asleep because she is afraid that she will have bad dreams. So she asks her brother Willouhgby to tell her something happy to help her have good dreams instead. Willoughby helps Willa out and they both eagerly await the morning.

Eppie m. says...
Dunrea, Olivier
Ben Salem worships his older sister, Eppie M., and will do anything she proposes. Since Eppie M. knows the effect she has on her brother, the things she proposes are off-the-wall. Ben ends up in some ludicrous situations.

The house of four seasons
Duvoisin, Roger
A family buys a house and fixes it up. They decide to paint it many colors. They have some trouble getting the colors they want, but in the end, everything works out.

Duvoisin, Roger
Veronica, a hippopotamus, goes into the city to be different. While she is there, she gets into all sorts of trouble. Everything works out in the end.

Papa's latkes
Edwards, Michelle
A Jewish family deals with the recent death of their mother and wife, while trying to keep their Chanukan traditions alive. Each family member deals with their emotions. They work as a single parent family to move on, while embracing their traditions of the past.

Four famished foxes and fosdyke
Edwards, Pamela Duncan
A mother fox leaves her four children at home for five days. They must feed themselves. Three of the siblings plan different ways to catch meat. The fourth fox is a vegetarian and saves the day by cooking a feast for all of them.

Parents in the pigpen, pigs in the tub
Ehrlich, Amy
When little Millie forgets to close the pasture gate, the animals discover the good life inside the house. As the animals take over, the family moves to the barn. After a while, even the animals get tired of their new life, and eventually everything returns to normal.

Where am I sleeping tonight?
Ekster, Carol Gordon
Mark and Evan have a hard time keeping up with all the changes in their lives. Their parents are divorced and it's not easy remembering all the things they need to do. Mark's teacher, Mrs. Demott helps Mark, Evan and their parents get organized and also teaches them how to cope with divorce.

Six foolish fisherman
Elkin, Benjamin
Six brothers venture on a fishing trip to a river. After catching fish from their different spots, the brothers count each other to make sure everyone is OK. When a little boy helps them figure out their mistake, all is well.

Elliot, Zetta
Mehkai struggles with the challenges of life: death of his grandfather and his older brother's drug addition. He soon learns how to cope and manage his stress through drawing. In fact, drawing is an outlet for Bird's emotions and imagination. Mehkai learns the benefits of perseverance, hard work, and family.

I'm the big sister now
Emmert, Michelle
Nine year old Michelle describes the joys, loving times, difficulties, and other special situations involved in living with her older sister. Her sister, Amy, has cerebral palsy.

Flood fish
Eversole, Robyn
Every year the fish come with the flood waters. Every spring a young boy in Australia enjoys exploring the mystery the waters bring to the once-dry banks of the river.

The magic house
Eversole, Robyn Harbert
April has a very vivid imagination which turns her house into a magical house. April's sister does not believe in the magic and when she is around it disappears for April too. One day when Meredith is struggling with her dance steps, April helps her to see the magic.

Feast for 10
Falwell, Cathryn
A family goes grocery shopping. As they find the groceries, they count each item as it is put in the cart. When they get home, they unload the groceries and count the items as they take them out.

Don't worry, dear
Fassler, Joan
Jenny does a lot of things little girls do; she sucks her thumb, wets the bed, stutters her words, and pretends her stuffed animals are real. Many people laugh at Jenny, but her mother tells her not to worry because things will get better as she grows up.

The fish in the castle
Fife, Dale H
Eric, a young boy, is on vacation at the beach with his family but has not found a treasure to take home. Eric meets a native Californian who tells him of a fish that comes to shore that night. Eric catches a fish at the beach in his hands, gets his picture taken with the fish, and then lets it go back to the sea.

The fabulous firework family
Flora, James
The mayor of the village asks Pepito's father to prepare a huge fireworks display for the village celebration. A display is prepared, but Pepito's father is hurt so Pepito must set the display off. He does and becomes the hero of the village.

Tackle 22
Foley, Louise Munro
A local pee-wee football team's quarterback gets the mumps the week of the big playoff game. The team gets a younger brother to take the open spot. The new player helps the team win the playoff game. A great book for boys who like football.

Freedman, Deborah
Emma and Lucie are sisters and they both love to draw. They don't always like each other's drawings, but Lucie learns through a fantastic adventure that drawings don't always agree with their artists and they sometimes decide that they like each other.

How my parents learned to eat
Freidman, Ina R.
A little girl tells the story of how her mother and father met. Her father was a sailor and he met his future wife in Japan. She teaches him how to eat with chopsticks and he teaches her how to eat with silverware.

The princess knight
Funke, Cornelia
Princess Violetta has been raised by her father, King Wilfred, to joust, ride horses, and fight with swords. Despite her small size, Princess Violetta quickly becomes one of the best knights in her father's kingdom, ever surpassing her three older brothers. Princess Violetta learns that before her sixteenth birthday, her father will hold a tournament to win her hand in marriage. Princess Violetta is not about to let a tournament decide her future and she decides to take action.

Wee and the wright brothers
Gaffney, Timothy
An educational story told from Wee the mouse's point of view, of how the Wright brothers succeeded in flight. Wee, an ambitious mouse, tells the story in a humorous yet detailed way of the historical Wright brothers and their flying machine.

The adventures of connie and diego
Garcia, Maria
Connie and Diego are born multi-colored and get laughed at by their siblings. They travel to try to find a place where they fit in. They find that they are human beings and the place they belong is with their parents and family with the other humans.

Eddie's garden and how to make things grow
Garland, Sarah
Eddie and his mother and sister decide to start a garden. While doing this, they have lots of fun and learn everything there is to know about seeds, plants and gardening. Their garden yields just enough yummy food for a family picnic!

Flim and flam and the big cheese
Garrison, Christian
Two brothers, one fat and one thin, live together. Flam eats all the food and leaves nothing for Flim. So Flim decides to trick Flam into drinking the pond by placing a piece of cheese in the middle of it. Flam drinks the whole pond not realizing the cheese was the reflection of the moon. When Flam cannot move, Flim eats a very satisfying meal.

Dance, Tanya
Gauch, Patricia Lee
Tanya, the little sister, wants to dance just like her big sister. She watches her big sister during dance class and during a performance. One day, Tonya gets to join her sister at a dance class.

Christina katerina and the great bear train
Gauch, Patricia Lee//Primavera, Elise
When Christina's family goes to visit her mom and new baby sister, Christina makes a train out of boxes and baskets for her teddy bears. She travels around the block. Just when she thinks she may be lost, her father comes to get her.

Good night sam
Gay, Marie-Louise
Sam and Stella lay down to go to sleep, but Sam can't fall asleep without his dog Fred. Stella gets up to help him find his dog. They look everywhere before giving up and going back to bed. They find Fred asleep in Sam's bed!

Nutik, the wolf pup
Gearge, Jean
As Eskimo girl brings a sickly wolf pup home to her brother who cares for it until it's old enough to rejoin the pack. The two grow close, so when it is time for the pup to leave, they can't say good-bye.

Eagle eyes: A child's view of attention deficit disorder
Gehret, Jeanne
A child struggles through life with Attention Deficit Disorder. He goes to the doctor and learns several things that makes life easier.

Pigs from a to z
Geisert, Arthur
Seven pigs are trying to build the perfect tree house. Throughout the book, the reader must find seven pigs, 5 forms of a letter, the letter before it, and the letter after it.

Dancin' in the kitchen
Gelsanliter, Wendy//Christian, Frank
Dinner at Grandma's house begins with dancing in the kitchen. Each family member has their own job and makes dinner preparation a celebration. Clean up starts as they dance their empty plates to the kitchen.

The roman twins
Gerrard, Roy
Maximus and his twin sister Vanilla are slaves to the cruel master Slobbus Pompius. They run away when Slobbus buys Polydox the horse then quickly decides to kill him. Maximus and Vanilla go through a chariot race and an invasion of Rome before they finally gain their freedom.

Arnold of the ducks
Gerstein, Mordicai
A boy is taken from his home and dropped into a duck nest. He grows up thinking he is a duck. He eventually must struggle to regain his true identity.

The story of may
Gerstein, Mordicai
May gets lost and is found by her Aunt Jane. She is informed that she has a father and trys to find him.

Cora cooks pancit
Gilmore, Dorina, Lazo, K.
Cora finally gets the chance to help her mother cook her favorite dish, pancit. Her older siblings are out for the day and she gets to help with all the grown-up jobs. Her mother is careful to make sure Cora is using food and kitchen safety. Fruits, vegetables, and chicken are served with the pancit. Cora longs for her family's approval of her first dish at dinnertime.

Little ego
Gilroy, Ruth G.//Gilroy, Frank D.
Little Ego does not want to be a mouse and trys to find a creature he would rather be. He discovers that he is a mouse and always will be.

You cheat!
Gilson, Jamie
Two brothers are always putting each other up to things. These two boys begin their day inside playing the game at which the older brother is winning. They end up outside fishing where the younger boy is most comfortable.

The great big scary dog
Gleeson, Libby
Jen, her sister, and a friend decide to scare a dog with their dragon costume for the Chinese New Year's dance. When they roar and try to scare the dog, the dog is very friendly to the girls and allows them to pet him.

Berry song
Goade, Michaela
As a young Tlingit girl collects a variety of wild berries over the seasons in Alaska, she sings with her grandmother as she learns to speak to the land and listen when the land speaks back. Have you ever heard of dogberry, swamp berry, thimbleberry, lingonberry, or bunchberry?

No one else like you
Goeminne, Siska
There are seven billion people living in this world. Each person is different and uniquely original. See all the ways that people can move, act, do and be. People come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they wear a variety of clothing and feel a variety of emotions. People believe in different things. Not one of them is just like you.

Our snowman
Goffstein, M.B.
A boy and his sister build a snowman. At night, they notice the snowman looks lonely. The girl and her father build a snowwoman to keep him company.