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Olive and the magic hat
Christelow, Eileen
While Olive and Otis pretend to do magic with their father's birthday present of a hat, it blows out the window. Mr. Foxley gets the hat and Olive and Otis must work to get it back in time for the birthday party.

Arthur's prize reader
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur loses the Super Chimp Club contest. But because he helped her learn to read, Arthur's sister wins the first grade reading contest and a prize for both of them.

Arthur's loose tooth
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur, the chimp, is worried about losing his tooth because he is afraid of the sight of blood. His sister proves that she is brave by conquering her fear of the dark. Arthur pulls out his tooth to prove he is brave, too.

Be brave, baby rabbit
Manushkin, Fran
Baby rabbit and his big sister go trick-or-treating. In the beginning baby rabbit is afraid of all the costumes, but in the end, he proved that he was brave.

Aunt minnie mcgranahan
Prigger, Mary Skillings
Aunt Minnie McGranahan lives alone and has a very orderly life. She has a system for doing everything from cleaning to feeding her animals. One day, Minnie receives a telegram from across the country telling her that her nieces and nephews need someone to raise them and take care of them. Despite her neighbors' doubts that nine children could never fit into her perfectly ordered schedule, Minnie and the children work as a team and live together quite nicely.

Teacher's pet
Miles, Miska
Lottie is embarrassed as she begins her new school because her clothes are different, and her cat continues to follow her to class. She tries to fit in with the other children but is unsuccessful. Her cat has kittens in the school which helps her win the friendship of Gertrude. Gertrude helps Lottie to realize that uniqueness is special, not bad.

The cat in the hat
Seuss, Dr.
It was too wet to play outside, so Sally and her brother just sat inside. Along came the Cat in the Hat with a bunch of silly tricks that made a huge mess. Right before their mother returns, they clean everything up.

Across the wide dark sea: The mayflower journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A young boy and his family leave England with many other people to search for a new life in a new land. They dream of finding a place where they can worship God in their own way. During their journey, everyone endures many hardships, but they find what they are looking for.

Arthur's halloween costume
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur wants to be a ghost for Halloween. When he realizes that he won't be the only ghost, Arthur creates an original costume that stands out from everyone.

The tale of tom kitten
Potter, Beatrix
Tom Kitten has two siblings. Their mother cleans them all and puts on nice clothes because her friends were coming to tea. The kittens then go out to play and get dirty. Three ducks come by and take their clothes. Their mother is very angry and sends them up to their room.

The porcupine mouse
Pryor, Bonnie
Louie and Dan are two mice brothers that move out into the world on their own. They learn how important a good breakfast is, how scary cats are, and how best friends are important.

Daughtery, Charles M.
Wisher doesn't like being a cat. He always wishes he would be a fish. Wisher finally decides that being a cat is the best thing he could ever be.

Cat and mouse in the snow
Bogacki, Tomacz
When two friends, Cat and Mouse, go outside one day to play in the green meadow, they are very surprised to find snow instead of grass. Together, they discover the fun of playing in the cold, white snow.

New baby
McCully, Emily Arnold
The youngest mouse in a big family finds it very hard to adjust to the new baby. She was used to being the center of attention and now has competition. If she shows the adults that she is still a baby, she thinks she will get more attention. It backfires, but the baby pays attention to her.

The chicken sisters
Numeroff, Laura
The three chicken sisters find happiness as they cook, sing, and knit, although they don't do any of these things very well. This bothers their neighbors until a wolf moves in next door. The neighbors are all frightened by the wolf, but the sisters' cooking, singing, and knitting make him move out of town.

Max's dragon shirt
Wells, Rosemary
Max does not want to get rid of his old blue pants!Instead he wants a dragon shirt, but his mom did not give his sister enough money to buy one. Max loses his sister at the story and gets into a little mischief.

Arthur's honey bear
Hoban, Lillian
A boy and his sister decide to have a garage sale. He decides to sell his old bear and his sister buys it. After he sees her buy it, he is sad and wants it back. Then he realizes that even if the bear is not his now, the bear will be his nephew forever.

Pigs in the pantry: Fun with math and cooking
Axelrod, Amy
Mrs. Pig isn't feeling well so Mr. Pig and the piglets decide to make her favorite chili. There's only one problem--they don't know how to cook! While Mom is taking a nap, Mr. Pig and the piglets make such a mess in the kitchen that Mrs. Pig wakes up to find the firemen cleaning up a big mess.

Mrs. pig gets cross and other stories
Rayner, Mary
Life in the busy Pig household is always eventful. Father, Mother, and their ten children have a big party, struggle against bad moods, and all end up in the same bed one night. A collection of seven stories.

Anno's journey
Anno, Mitsumasa
Anno's journey takes us to Northern Europe where we see the land, the people at work and play, their art, architecture, and folklore. We also see an escaping prisoner, some characters from Sesame Street, and other things.

The big alfie out of doors storybook
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie enjoys the outdoors. He goes camping, plays on big trees, and just about anything one could imagine to do in the outdoors.

Fox in love
Marshall, Edward
Fox falls in love with many girls. He goes to the fair with each of them, but pretty soon they all find out he has other girlfriends. Because all of the girls are upset, he has to enter the dance contest with his sister and they win second place.

Eeny meeny miney mole
Yolen, Jane
Eeny, Meeny, and Miney Mole live life underground and they have no idea what life up above is like. One day, Eeny burrows up above ground and discovers day, night, light, darkness, and the four seasons.

McCully, Emily Arnold
A group of mice go to school and their little brother who is too young for school follows them.

The party
Reid, Barbara
Two sisters leave their friends to go to a family birthday party. When the girls get to the party, they play games with lots of children and eat lots of good food and birthday cake. They have so much fun at the party that they don't want to leave!

Harry the dirty dog
Zion, Gene
When Harry hears that he is about to get a bath, he runs away from home and gets even dirtier until he is a black dog instead of a white dog. When he decides to go home, he is not recognized until he gets a bath!

Harry by the sea
Zion, Gene
On a hot day at the beach, Harry cannot stay cool. He suddenly is covered with seaweed and everyone mistakes him as a sea monster, even his family!

Up a tree
Lubell, Winifred//Lubell, Cecil
A cat named Kira, who is very set in her ways is chased up a tree by the neighbor's dog. Kira's family tries to get her to come down but she won't until she's ready -see what the reason is.

Newberry, Clare Turlay
James receives Barkis, a dog, for his birthday. His sister wants to share her cat and his dog, but James is not interested. It is not until Nell Jean, his sister, saves Barkis' life that James will share his dog.

Scared silly
Howe, James
Harold, Chester, and Howie are a little spooked on Halloween. They became quite scared when Bunnicula, the family rabbit, wakes up in the middle of the night and their master comes home dressed as a witch.

Mama's perfect present
Goode, Diane
Two sweet spirited, young siblings and their mischievous dog exercise their muscles and goodwill as they search for the perfect present for Mama. They experience a comic escapade through the city blocks of markets and vendors.

Morris brookside, a dog
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
The Brooksides enjoy their quiet life now that their children are gone. Soon their life changes after a stray dog joins their family.

Benny: An adventure story
Graham, Bob
Benny is a very talented magician's assisstant. When he outshines the magician though, he is kicked out of the show. For the first time, Benny is on his own and he doesn't know where to go or what to do. He searches everywhere for a place to belong. In the last place he looks, Benny finds the perfect home.

Emily and the klunky baby and the next-door dog
Lexau, Joan M.
Emily tries to run away when her mother shows more interest in taxes than in her. Emily is not able to cross the street alone so she, her baby brother, and the next-door dog end up running around the block. Emily fears she is lost and wants to go home when she realizes she is in front of her house.

Don't worry, dear
Fassler, Joan
Jenny does a lot of things little girls do; she sucks her thumb, wets the bed, stutters her words, and pretends her stuffed animals are real. Many people laugh at Jenny, but her mother tells her not to worry because things will get better as she grows up.

David and dog
Hughes, Shirley
David takes his stuffed dog everywhere. One day he loses his dog and is very upset. Later that day, David goes to a fair and find his dog.

Farmer's market
Johnson, Paul Brett
Every Saturday, Laura's family goes to the market to sell their vegetables. On one lucky Saturday, Laura and her friend Betsy find a delicious surprise!

Arthur's tv trouble
Brown, Marc
Trouble for Arthur begins while he is watching TV. He sees a commercial for Treat Timer and just has to buy one for his dog, Pal. Arthur works hard to save and collect the money, but Treat Timer does not turn out to be all that Arthur had imagined.

Dog breath
Pilkey, Dave
The Tosis family has a dog named Hally. Hally is a wonderful dog except that she has very bad breath. When Mr. and Mrs. Tosis cannot take Hally's bad breath anymore they decide to give her away. The kids try to fix the problem by taking her to a mountain top to see the view, a movie, and a carnival to ride a roller coaster in the hopes that they will take Hally's bad breath away but nothing works. That night two burglars break into the house but when Hally kisses them the burglars pass out from the smell and Hally and her breath are, heroes!

Even that moose won't listen to me
Alexander, Martha
Rebecca has a hard time convincing her busy family that there is a moose tearing up their garden. Rebecca runs the moose out of the garden by herself. When her family finally comes out to see what Rebecca is talking about, the moose and the garden are gone. Rebecca eventually moves onto a new project.

Number nine duckling
Akass, Susan
Eight of Delushka's nine eggs have hatched. The ninth duckling is scared to come out and needs his mother's help. After he emerges from his shell, he lags behind his siblings due to his fears. All of the farm animals encourage him until he can catch up and join his family.

Babar and the ghost
Brunhoff, Jean de
Babar, his friends, and family go on a hike. A storm comes so they go into a castle. The children find a ghost that only they can see, and it follows them home.

Fox and his friends
Marshall, Edward
A fox is asked to watch his sister but he does not watch her and she wanders off. At the end, he learns his lesson and realizes that he needs to be more responsible.

Moon tiger
Root, Phyllis
After getting in trouble because of her little brother, Michael, Jessica Ellen imagines a visit from a wonderful giant tiger who can take her flying though the night or eat Michael.

Mr. tod's trap
Carrick, Malcolm
Mr. Tod does the hunting for the family. The only problem is that he cannot catch any rabbits. Mr. Tod has many clever ideas for traps. The traps work for Mr. Weasel, but Mr. Tod cannot catch rabbits with them. Mr. Tod and Mrs. Tod decide to switch roles. Mr. Tod is going to take care of the cubs while Mrs. Tod hunt for the rabbits.

Mrs. mack
Polacco, Patricia
Patricia has waited ten years to learn to ride a horse. Her father takes her to a stable where she will spend most of her summer learning to ride with Mrs. Mack who knows all about horses. Patricia meets the horse of her dreams named Penny and works hard all summer so that she can ride her. Patricia's summer is complete!

Happy new year
Liang, Yen
Dee-dee and Boo celebrate the Chinese New Year with their family. The celebration includes decorations, dancing, and fireworks.

Little ego
Gilroy, Ruth G.//Gilroy, Frank D.
Little Ego does not want to be a mouse and trys to find a creature he would rather be. He discovers that he is a mouse and always will be.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
Christelow, Eileen
Five little monkey experience the consequences of jumping on the bed because their mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed!