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Gold fever
Kay, Verla
In a rhyming story a farmer joins a group of miners to look for gold. They travel through praries, deserts, and mountains panning for gold but never find much. The farmer, after finding no gold, leaves the miners to go back home to his farm and family.

Clipper ship
Lewis, Thomas P.
Adventures aboard the Rainbird, a clipper ship, are given from the perspective of the captain's young son as he journey's from New York around South America to California. On the voyage the captain becomes ill so his wives assume the duties of captain on the ship.

Fiddler and his brothers
Nygren, Tord
Three brothers who are each special in their own way grow up and must seek their fortunes. They have a lot of adventures. The brother who plays the fiddle seems to come out on top.

The three legged cat
Mahy, Margaret
Mrs. Gimble's cat is dreaming of seeing the world while she only wants him to sleep and not eat. Her brother stops to visit and upon leaving, he mistakes his hat for the cat. The cat gets to see the world and she doesn't have to feed the cat.

I know a place
Ackerman, Karen
Everyone should have a familiar place where we feel comfortable and loved. This book shows one child's special place and what is done there. The place where this child feels safe and warm is with his family at home.

I want a brother or sister
Lindgren, Astrid
Peter wants a little brother or sister but after Lena is born he feels that his mama doesn't love him anymore. He soon realizes however, that having a little sister is a big responsibility and a lot of fun.

Daisy and the egg
Simmons, Jane
As Aunt Buttercup sits atop her eggs, Daisy awaits the arrival of new cousins and a brother or sister. Soon the eggs begin to hatch, all but the one Daisy has been watching. When Mama gives up hope, Daisy helps hatch the late egg!

Increase rabbit
McCready, Thomas L.
Two supposedly male rabbits produce a family. When the mother escapes from her cage, the family decides to make the rabbit a house pet and later helps out children when selling her babies.

Chidi only likes blue: An African book of colors
Onyefuln, Ifeoma
Nneka and Chidi, two children of a Nigerian village, play a game called Colors. Chidi only likes the color blue, so Nneka shows him all the other colors in the village. She shows Chidi how beautiful and colorful their African lifestyle is. The colors yellow, pink, red, gold are seen, but Chidi only likes blue best of all!

Satchmo's blues
Schroeder, Alan
Louis Armstrong loves to watch the musicians play jazz music. He dreams of playing the cornet someday just like Bunk Johnson who plays in the Eagle Band. One day, Louis spots a cornet in a pawn shop and discovers that it costs five dollars. Louis works very hard for two weeks earning money any way that he can. Once the cornet is his, Louie begins living out his dream of becoming a musician.

Brian's bird
Davis, Patricia
Brian receives a bird for his birthday. The two quickly become friends after Brian overcomes his fear. When Brian's brother Kevin carelessly lets the bird escape, Brian becomes upset. Will he ever see Scratchy again?

I need a lunchbox
Caines, J.
A little boy wants a lunchbox very badly. He feels sad because he can't have one until he starts school like his sister. In the end, his father surprises him with a lunchbox.

Red dancing shoes
Patrick, Denise Lewis
A little girl's Grandmama brings her a new pair of red dancing shoes. She is so excited she dances all around town showing them to everyone she knows.

Always my dad
Wyeth, Sharon
A girl does not get to see her father often and she misses him very much. One summer at her grandparents' farm, she and her three brothers spend some very nice moments with their father. She realizes that no matter where he is, he will always be her father and loves her.

At the mall
Loomis, Christine
Three children and their mother find new and fun things at the mall. As they walk and shop, they notice the candy store, white mice, teens gathering and more. They eventually find the perfect gift to complete their trip.

Noisy Nora (Julieta, estate quieta)
Wells, Rosemary
Nora is always waiting as her parents take care of her siblings, Jack and Kate. To get some attention she decides to knock over and even bring things in the house. Finally, after they tell her to hush, she decides to leave. Will the family notice her absence?

Hard to be six
Adoff, Arnold
This is one little boy's story of coming to accept his age. He feels inferior to his big ten year old sister and he longs to be old like her. It is not until he talks to his grandmother and sees his grandfather's grave that he realizes that life at any age is hard.

A name on the quilt: A story of remembrance
Atkins, Jeannine
A family remembers an uncle that died of AIDS by constructing a quilt. Each panel reminds the family of a memory shared with Uncle Ron.

Mr. Sniff and the motel mystery
Lewis, Thomas P.
Someone is trying to get people to leave Mutt's Motel and it is up to Mr. Sniff with the help of Andy Mutt to figure out who. After finding many clues, Mr.Sniff deduces that it was Andy Mutt. The motive was that Andy wanted his own room.

No fighting no biting!
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Rosa and Willy are constantly fighting and annoying cousin Joan. So Joan tells the kids a story about two little alligators that were always fighting and how each time they were almost eaten by a big alligator because they were not paying attention.

The cat in the hat comes back
Seuss, Dr.
The Cat in the Hat returns to visit Salley and her brother's house while their mother is gone. The children shovel the sidewalk, causing mischief and a big mess. Then, the Cat in the Hat brings out his helpers, Cats A-Z, to help clean up.

Alfie's abc
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie takes you on a search for the things and people in his life that match the letters of the alphabet. Alfie's family and friends are drawn with detail and bright colors that make you excited to see what is next. His sister, Annie Rose, also enjoys Alfie and his things. She is shown quite frequently along with him.

Lucy and tom's abc
Hughes, Shirley
Lucy and Tom explore the alphabet letter by letter with their family.

Clever cat
Collington, Peter
Tibs, the cat, is tired of waiting for his family to feed him every morning, so he decides to start doing it himself!This encourages Tibs to embark on different adventures around town. Everyone thinks that Tibs is such a clever cat, but a turn of events makes Tibs he really that clever?

Marianthe's story one: Painted words. Marianthe's story two: Spoken memories
When a child moves to a new school it can be frightening. Mari not only moved to a new school, but a new culture as well. Mari uses painted pictures to communicate her words and recalls her life through spoken memories.

Jump frog jump
Martin, Patricia Miles
Two young children enter their newly found frog into a jumping contest. They train the frog to jump, but the frog decided he did not want to jump that day.

Daddy is a monster...sometimes
Steptoe, John
Bweela and her brother, Javaka, think their dad turns into a monster when they do something wrong. But at other times he is not so bad.

Ziggy piggy and the three little pigs
Asch, Frank
A new character is added to the story of the three little pigs, changing the tale to four little pigs. The fourth pig saves his brothers from the wolf by being resourceful.

Monnie hates lydia
Pearson, Susan
Monnie, Lydia's little sister, does all she can to be nice to her on her birthday, but Lydia is still very mean. In the end, they resolve their conflict and enjoy the rest of the day.

The cello of mr. o
Cutler, Jane
Join Mr. O and the rest of his worn-torn city as he plays music to improve the city's spirits. Just when things were bad enough, a rocket destroys the truck that helps to save the town. See what the community does to keep healthy during this crisis time of war.

The great gum drop robbery
Hoban, Russell
Three boys imagined that they were deep sea diving. The oldest boy wants a gum drop, but the middle boy would not share. While they were fighting, the other boy took all the gumdrops and ate them. Finally on the way back home, they all made up and had dinner with their parents.

Sheila rae the brave
Henkes, Kevin
When brave Sheila Rae becomes lost and scared, her younger sister Louise comes to her rescue.

You are here
Crews, Nina
Have you ever been bored on a rainy day?Follow these two young girls on an exciting adventure with their imaginations and a magic map. Just as the magical map ends their rainy day doldrums, their mother tells them the sun is out and it's time to go to the park.

Words in our hands
Litchfield, Ada B.
Gina, Diane, and Michael's parents are all deaf. Communication isn't easy, especially when they move to a new town. Soon the family finds some new friends at a school where people know sign language.

Bright fawn and me
Leech, Jay//Spencer, Zane
Bright Fawn is a young Indian girl who is left in the care of her older sister. Bright Fawn's sister is upset at this, but learns to appreciate her younger sister. The tribe trades, dances, and plays games.

The sorely trying day
Hobin, Russell
Father comes home after a long day of work. Things in the house are hectic and all the children blame each other and the pets. Eventually, they share the blame and apologize to each other.

Before the storm
Yolen, Jane
On this hot summer day not much activity is taking place. The dog is laying around trying to keep cool and the children were not active. When one of the children gets the hose out, everyone became excited to be cooled off. A storm came through and it rained all day. The rain caused the children to wish for the hot summer sun.

Flicka, ricka, dicka: The big red hen
Lindman, Maj
Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka offer to care for their Aunt's hens while she is away. One of the hens disappear and the girls find her and a great surprise!

A northern alphabet
Harrison, Ted
A Northern Alphabet provides many examples of people, places, animals and objects under each letter. It also displays an accurate representation of northern life throughout the year.

Russell rides again
Hurwitz, Johanna
There are six stories in this book. Russel is entering kindergarten. On the first day of school, he plays a joke on his teacher. Russel, the adventureous and creative lad that he is, makes up stories and learns how to ride his bike.

I lost my bear
P. Feiffer, Jules
Oh no, a little girl lost her teddy bear!Her family doesn't have time to help her, so she becomes a detective. In the process of searching for her bear, she finds many of her other missing toys before finding her bear.

Major: The story of a black bear
McClung, Robert M.
A bear cub discovers the dangers and delights of the forest. The cub learns to hunt, fish, hibernate, and eventually chooses a mate.

Two by two: The untold story
Hewitt, Kathryn
Noah builds a boat to sail two of every animal for forty days and forty nights. It starts out as a pleasure trip until the rain becomes a problem. All the animals fight but in the end, they learn a valuable lesson never to be forgotten again.

Tomorrow on rocky pond
Reiser, Lynn
A child can't wait to go fishing on Rocky Pond so she can see animals and have picnics. It's a day full of adventure and fun.

Tell me something happy before I go to sleep
Dunbar, Joyce
Willa is having a hard time falling asleep because she is afraid that she will have bad dreams. So she asks her brother Willouhgby to tell her something happy to help her have good dreams instead. Willoughby helps Willa out and they both eagerly await the morning.

Stanley and rhoda
Wells, Rosemary
Stanley and Rhoda are brother and sister. They have fun in three short stories as they clean Rhoda's room, deal with Rhoda's bee sting, and play with the babysitter.

Get out of bed!
Munsch, Robert
Any stays up too late watching television and does not make it to breakfast with her family. They decide to take Amy to school in her bed because she was going to be late. At school the principal tries to wake her up but she keeps sleeping. Her teacher covers reading, math, and art, and her friends go to the gym, recess, and lunch-- all while Amy sleeps!The next day, Amy's habit is hilariously contagious!

All the way home
Marshall, James
Juliet, George and their mom went to the park. Juliet cries and George grins all the way home. A bird, cat and dog follow them, each one making its own noise.

What baby wants
Root, Phyllis
When mama goes to bed, it is up to grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, sister, and brother to help care for baby. Baby won't stop crying and everyone tries to help figure out what baby wants.

More tales of amanda pig
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Amanda pig and her family experience five short stories. One describes Amanda playing with her brother and another describes how she organized a birthday party for her dad.