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Molly bannaky
McGill, Alice
After spilling a bucket of milk and being brought before the court, Molly Walsh is sent from England to America as an indentured servant. After seven long years she gains her freedom, a farm of her own, and an African slave who becomes her husband.

Mufaro's beautiful daughters: An African tale
Steptoe, John
The king of Zimbabwe is choosing a new wife. Mufaro sends his two beautiful daughters to be considered. The main difference between the daughters is that one has a kind temperment and the other has a bad temper.

Night of the goat children
Lewis, J. Patrick
The safety of Princess Birgitta's kingdom is threatened when a band of outlaws come to conquer it. The brave princess outsmarts the outlaws and they are scared away by immortal goats who are really children in disguise.

One grain of rice
The raja thinks he is a kind man, but his country is going hungry. One day a very wise girl tricks the raja into giving her all of his rice through a simple math trick. When she is done and shares the rice with all of the other people, the raja learns what it means to be wise and fair.

One monday morning
Shulevitz, Uri
On Monday,a king, queen, and little prince go to visit a little boy to play. He is not home, so they return on Tuesday. The next day they bring along a knight with them and he is still not home. Each day another person comes along until Sunday when he is finally home.

Babbit, Natalie
A baby born with the destiny of marrying a princess is brought by the King and thrown into the river to prevent a possible marriage with his newborn daughter. Rescued by a loving couple, the boy grows up and meets the King once again. The Kings plan to kill the young man backfires again and the young man marries the princess. As a test, the King sends the new prince to steal the golden hairs off the devil's head. In a surprise ending, the prince prevails, but the King is not so lucky.

Peter penny's dance
Quin, Janet
Peter Penny goes around the world dancing. As he travels, everyone wants him to stay, but he must move on. He returns home after his great voyage to marry a beautiful girl.

Piggins and the royal wedding
Yolen, Jane
A ring is stolen before a royal wedding. The only person who can crack the case is Piggins who is at his home.

Plum pudding for christmas
Kahl, Virginia
When the kingdom celebrates Christmas, the King demands Plum Pudding. Unfortunately someone has eaten all the plums in the land. Follow the cooks as they try to save the feast...and their heads.

Popcorn at the palace
McCully, Emily Arnold
Based on real events, Maisie Ferris, a girl from the mid-1800s, and her family don't really fit in with their neighbors in the small town of Galesburg, Illinois with their new ideas. They take one of their American creations, popcorn, to England and impress everyone with their corn that turns to snow.

Prince boghole
Haugaard, Erik Christian
Princes from all around want to marry the princess. The king promises his daughter to the prince that brings back the most wonderful bird.

Princess jessica rescues a prince
Brooks, Jennifer
A young princess with a pure heart plays with three gnomes who are handicapped. She is kind and accepting to her new friends. In turn, she gains another friend.

Princess kalina and the hedgehog
Marshall, F.
Kalina, a very untidy Princess, was ordered to clean up herself and her room. A hedgehog, who was actually a Prince, helped her clean up her room. When everything was cleaned up, he turned back into a Prince and the two were married.

Queen of the may
Kroll, Steven
Because of Sylvie's goodness, her wicked stepmother and stepsister are vanquished, and she becomes Queen of the May. Because she selflessly helped others, they help her in return.

Rachel fister's blister
MacDonald, Amy
Rachel gets a blister and her mother calls all kinds of people to cure it. None of the remedies work so the queen tells them just to kiss it and it works.

Rex q.c.
King, Dorthea
Rex Q.C. is a dog that belongs to the queen of England. He is allowed to follow the queen wherever she goes. He follows her to goverment parties, garden parties and other special occasions.

Roland, the minstrel pig
Steig, William
Roland, a singing pig, travels far away to play for the king. Little does he know that a sly fox wants to eat him.

Rolling round
Myller, Rolf
The king had to deal with his horse getting sick, so he invents a wheel after many tries. Everyone is happy about this new excitement and means of escape.

Rumpelstiltskin's daughter
Stanley, Diane
When Rumpelstiltskin's daughter is ordered by the King to spin straw into gold, she tricks him instead by telling him that sharing his gold with the townspeople is the way to increase his wealth.

Runaway radish/ El rabano que escapo
Levy, Janice
It s the Night of the Radishes and don Pedro wants to carve the best radish sculpture in town. But one radish will not cooperate. The Night of the Radishes is an annual festival held on the evening of December 23rd in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Sarah and the dragon
Coville, Bruce
After an argument with her friend Oakhorn the unicorn, Sarah is kidnapped by a lonely dragon. In his castle, he is human and they become friends. The only way he can break the spell is to do something good while he is a dragon.

Sense pass king: A story from cameroon
Tchana, Katrin
Ma'antah is an exceptional girl who has many abilities, such as cooking and talking to animals. The villagers call her Sense Pass King because she has more sense than the king. The king is frustrated by her and tries to kill her but she outsmarts him. Later, she works in the palace and is able to make the country better.

Steig, William
Shrek, an ugly beast, is sent out in the world by his parents to discover his future. He scares everyone who sees him. He marries an ugly prince and lives happily ever after.

Sir toby jungle's beastly journey
Tripp, Wallace
A feared knight, growing old, decides it is time for his last adventure. He goes into the forest and finds all of his enemies. They travel with him in the hopes of getting revenge. However, the revenge is Sir Toby's.

Sleds on boston common: A story from the american revolution
Borden, Louise
It's 1774 and British troops are occupying Boston. King George closes Boston Harbor to punish people who speak out against his laws. Henry, a young boy from Boston, hopes to try out his new sled on his birthday. But when he and his brothers and sister get to the hill they find that the troops have set up camp there. After building up enough courage, Henry asks General Gage to move his troops because Boston Common is for everyone. Being a kind man of his word, General Gage agrees and the children can once again sled.

Blake, Quentin
Snuff lives wiht a knight and wants to become a knight someday. He begins his training, but does not do anything right. Until one day, he comes up with a brilliant strategy to save the bootmaker's boots from the thieves. It works and Snuff is on his way to becoming a knight after all.

Stephen's feast
Stephen, a page in King Wenceslas's court, is always being teased by other pages. Stephen is called upon to accompany the king on a journey through the snow and cold. Stephen is surprised to find out how enjoyable the trip is -- especially the feast at the end!

The 500 hats of bartholomew cubbins
Seuss, Dr.
Bartholomew goes into town wearing his grandfather's red hat and runs into the king. The king orders him to take off his hat, but every time he tries to take off his hat another one appears. He keeps trying to take his hat off until he finally took off his 500th hat; it was so beautiful that the king wants to buy it.

The balloon sailors
Swanson, Diana
When bickering princes take the throne, the kingdom is split in two by a wall so that each brother rules half. The kingdom is divided and it is illegal for people to cross the wall. Since Tamala and Abalon are forbidden to see their grandmother and cousin on the other side of the wall, they decide to float over it in a hot air balloon. They work with their parents to collect materials, build the balloon, and wait for the perfect weather conditions. The family departs during the night, escapes military fire from soldiers, and surprises their relatives in the morning. This adventure is loosely based on the true story of two East German families sailing over the Berlin Wall in their own hot air balloon in 1979.

The baron's booty
Kahl, Virginia
A dutch and dutchess have thirteen girls and a robber baron decides to take the girls for rewards. But as he takes care of the girls, he realizes how much work and trouble they are and will give anything for them to take their children back.

The castle builder
Nolan, Dennis
Christopher goes to the beach and builds a magnificant sand castle. When his castle becomes life size, Christopher becomes its ruler. He faces many conflicts as ruler. In the end, he is saved from danger and returns to the beach.

The children of LIR
MacGill-Callahan, Sheila
When the evil new wife of King Lir becomes jealous of his children and turns them into swans, the two sets of twins must make new friends and problem solve to go back to their beloved father.

The chinese siamese cat
Tan, Amy
In this beautifully illustrated book, Ming Miao tells her kittens the tale of why they look like siamese cats, but are truely Chinese. This tale goes back thousands of years to their ancestor, Sagwa Miao of China.

The crippled lamb
Lucado, Max
A little lamb named Joshua has one leg that doesn't work well so he always limped when he walked. His best friend, Abigail, was an old cow who encouraged Josh with her voice in a kind and friendly way. Abigail also told Josh about God who has a special place for those who feel left out. When all the other sheep are moved to a new meadow, a shepherd tells Josh to go back to the stable and spend the night. Josh gains companions when a young woman with her baby, Jesus, is born in that stable. Even shepherds come to the door to see God's son.

The cucumber princess
Wahl, Jan
The cucumber princess comes of age in this mysterious story with Aztec-style illustrations.

The dark princess
Kennedy, Richard
The princess is so beautiful that others become blinded if they look directly at her; in fact, she is even blinded by her beauty. Many princes want to marry her, but only for her beauty, not for herself. Thus, the princess must look in a surprising place to find the meaning of true love.

The day they put a tax on rainbows
Valentine, Johnny
In a magical land far away, there is a girl who has a magic ring which leads her to discover an undersea kingdom. In this kingdom, a boy who likes to feed birds comes face-to-face with a dragon. A king decides to put a tax on rainbows because his throne is lumpy. Throughout each of these adventures, lessons are learned.

The dragon kite
Luenn, Nancy
Ishikawa, a thief who steals from the rich and gives to the poor, learns to build kites in order to take the emperor's golden dolphins.

The dragon that lived under manhattan
Hildick, E. W.
Jimmy and the prince explore under Manhattan in search of a dragon. They become friends with the dragon.

The duchess bakes a cake
Kahl, Virginia
The Dutchess of Vingdom with many children is tired of her daily duties, so she bakes a cake. As she pushs the cook out of the kitchen saying she needs no help, disaster strikes. After making a mess and starting a fire the dutchess decides to stick to her usual routine

The duke who outlawed jelly beans
Valentine, Johnny
This collection of modern fairy tales includes references to homosexuality and independence. A grand duke is left in charge of a kingdom. He makes all types of silly decrees but when they begin to affect homelife, children fight against his purpose.

The dwarf giant
Lobel, Anita
A Japenese prince and princess come upon a dwarf who enchants the prince and makes him do foolish things. The prince finds a clever way of disenchanting the prince.

The emperor and the kite
Yolen, Jane
A little Chinese princess is ignored by her brothers and sisters and especially by her father, the emperor. No one realizes her importance until she is able to save her father's life using her kite.

The emperor's old clothes
Lasky, Kathryn
A farmer is on his way home from the market and discovers the emperor's old clothes along the road. He tries them on and feels wonderful!When he gets back to his farm and beloved animals, he discovers how hard it is to do his chores in his new clothes and finds it is better to just be himself and wear his regular clothes.

The feathered ogre
Lorenz, Lee
A terrible ogre comes to live at the edge of a peaceful kingdom. When he kidnaps the princess, a small piper volunteers to rescue her. In his efforts to do so, many secrets of the town are revealed and several spells are broken, allowing the people to live happily ever after.

The frog band and the mystery of lion castle
Smith, Jim
A frog band and a detective discover the secret of Lion Castle through a combination of incidents.

The frog prince continued
Scieszka, Jon
When the Princess kissed a frog that turned him into a Prince, they thouhgt they would live happily ever after. But unfortunately, he still had many frog characteristics which made him think he would be happier as a frog. He goes to all of the local witches, but the Fairy Godmother was the only one who could help. She accidentally turned him into a carriage but when the clock strikes twelve, he turns into a prince. When he later kisses his wife, they both turn into frogs.

The grand old duke of york
Ian, Nicholas
The music and song lyrics of this children's march is a nursery rhyme from England where the Grand Old Duke of York once sent his solders off to battle. Sing along as you learn how ten thousand men marched up to the top of the hill and marched down the hill again.

The great white owl of sissinghurst
Simmons, Dawn Langley
Three young children stay at an English castle and are fascinated by a great white owl who lives there. The owl is shot and the children help to restore its health.

The greatest blessings
Isaacs, Mark
Fame, Fortune, and Power are brothers who decide how well all people in their kingdom will fare in life - especially Boy who is an abused and abandoned child. In this tale, Boy spurns the three brothers in favor of family, friendship, and brotherhood.