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Burglar bill
Ahlberg, Janet and Ahlberg, Allan
While Buglar Bill is out stealing, he takes a box. When he gets home, he finds that there is a baby in the box. When Burglar Betty is robbing Bill, she discovers that he has her baby. They decide to stop stealing and get married.

It's so nice to have a wolf around
Allard, Harry//Marshall, James
An old man and his three old pets needed someone to look after them. The wolf came and helped them get their spirits up. The man and his cats did not know that the wolf was wanted for bank robbery. The wolf was set free because he was so nice to the old man and they all lived happily ever after.

Blaze and the gypsies: Blaze escapes from the horse thieves
Anderson, C.W.
A young boy named Billy and his pony, Blaze, meet a group of gypsies on a road. The gypsies steal Blaze. Billy searches for Blaze, while Blaze searches for home.

Tim to the lighthouse
Ardizzone, Edward
One night, Tim noticed the light from the lighthouse was not flashing past his window. So Tim, the captain, and their friends braved the storm only to find robbers who wanted the ship to crash so they could get their goods. The children help save the lighthouse.

The grey lady and the strawberry snatcher
Bang, Molly
A man with a passion for strawberries gives an old lady some strawberries to take home. On her way home, the strawberry snatcher tries to steal her strawberries. After failed attempts, the strawberry snatcher settles on eating blackberries from a nearby bush. (Wordless book)

In jail, Ms. wiz?
Blacker, Terence
Ms. Wiz changes Lizzie Thompson into a cat to foil a gang of catnappers and now she can't turn her back again. Lizzie's mother is panicking, and the evil Mrs. D'Arcy is closing in. But how can Ms. Wiz straighten things out when she's in jail?

Georgie and the robbers
Bright, Robert
A small ghost named Georgie lives in the Whittkaker house. When the house is threatened by robbers, the friendly ghost and his animal friends work together to scare the robbers away.

The man who could call down owls
Bunting, Eve
A man has control over the owls. He is one in the same with them. A stranger takes the man's owl clothes, but the owl man turns into an owl and wins the confrontation.

Two-ton secret
Christian, Mary Blount
Deke King and his friend open a detective business. A construction company owner hired them to find all of his bulldozers that were stolen. After looking over the site and the clues, Deke solved the mystery and found the bulldozers.

The great poochini
Clement, Gary
The Great Poochini lives with his owner, Hersh, and leaves at night to sing in the opera. Due to his talent, the Great Poochini is the lead singer and, on the night of the premiere, he is unable to leave his home. Then, after a robber breaks into Hersh's home and the Great Poochini scares him away, he makes it to the opera just in time for the show.

Grandpa's teeth
Clement, Rod
Grandpa's teeth have been stolen!Officer Rate comes to investigate and they put wanted posters all over town. To avoid becoming a suspect, everyone in town begins to smile all the time. Tourists are afraid to get out of their cars because everyone is smiling. The problem is solved with a collection of money to get Grandpa new teeth, and the crime is solved in the process.

Buffalo bill and the pony express
Coerr, Eleanor
A young, determined Buffalo Bill uses his head to overcome nature and the dangers of the old west.

Olson's meat pies
Cohen, P//Landstrom, O.
Olson makes meat pies with the best ingredients. One day his bookkeeper runs off with all of Olson's money. Olson is forced to put strange ingredients in the pies- like watches. Finally, the bookkeeper comes back with most of Olson's money and the meat pies are good again.

The angel and the soldier boy
Collington, Peter
A little girl dreams a story. She dreams her little angel and soldier boy come alive to save her coin from the pirates who stole it. (A Wordless Book)

A small miracle
Collington, Peter
This Christmas narrative is a moving visual narrative without words. A hungry, old woman leaves her home to find food in the snow but is sad to give up her treasured accordion for sale when no one gives her money for playing music in the village street. She experiences a theft in the streets and then observes vandalism in the church by a man on a motorcycle. The woman reassembles the nativity scene in the church for Christmas and later earns the mercy and support from the participants when she collapses in the snow. This story of Christmas has a surprise ending (A wordless book).

Cox, David
Abigail is a little girl who bosses everyone around. On her stagecoach ride to Narrabri, a robber tries to steal all of the passengers' valuables. However, when he encounters Abigail, she yells at him and calls him Bossyboots. He listens to her and gives up all the loot.

Bill and pete go down the nile
dePaola, Tomie
Bill and his friend Pete go on a field trip down the Nile. They are in for a surprise when they encounter a jewel thief and save the precious jewel from being stolen.

Deveaux, Alexis
Na-ni waits all day with much excitement for the mailman to bring his mom's welfare check. He is going to get a bike!But, his plans fall through when a thief breaks into his mailbox and steals it.

Otto in texas
du Bois, William Pene
Duke wants to buy Otto, a giant dog. Duke is offered one million dollars for the pup, but he turned it down. Duke and Otto go to Texas where Otto catches three bad guys stealing oil.

Elliot, Zetta
Mehkai struggles with the challenges of life: death of his grandfather and his older brother's drug addition. He soon learns how to cope and manage his stress through drawing. In fact, drawing is an outlet for Bird's emotions and imagination. Mehkai learns the benefits of perseverance, hard work, and family.

The story of frog  belly rat bone
Ering, Timothy Basil
A boy discovers an unexpected treasure at the junk yard. After some of the treasure is stolen, he makes a creature to stand guard. As they patiently wait, their treasure blooms into a gorgeous garden for them to enjoy.

The big yellow balloon
Fenton, Edward
A little boy takes a walk with his big yellow balloon. A cat follows him because he believes the balloon is the sun. Suddenly a dog follows the cat and a dogcatcher follows the dog. Soon there is a long parade of people and animals following one another. The balloon is finally broken, but the boy is given a hero badge to replace the balloon since the parade he created helped a policeman catch a thief.

The hey hey man
Fleischman, Sid
A thief sees a farmer bury gold by a magical tree. The thief steals the gold and runs away with it. The thief is followed by the tree's Hey Hey man. The wood spirit tricks the thief into returning the farmer's gold.

Squash pie
Gage, Wilson
Due to his love for squash pie, a farmer plants many crops of squash, only to have them stolen repeatedly. The farmer creates different devices to catch the thief, but fails on each attempt. His wife admits to the crime and discovers her own love for squash pies.

Rosie and the rustlers
Gerrard, Roy
When a group of outlaws try to take Rosie's cattle, Rosie and her friends team up. They come up with a plan to capture the villians.

The great diamond robbery
Harris, Leon
Maurice the mouse comes from the Louvre in Francis to live at a Neiman-Marcus store in America. Richard, the store's chairman, finds him and they become good friends. Maurice tries out all of the toys. When someone tries to steal a diamond necklace, Maurice catches the thief.

The missing tarts
Hennessy, B.G
The Knave of Hearts stole tarts from the Queen of Hearts. With the help of other nursery rhyme friends, she finds that the Knave of hearts has given them all away.

Art dog
Hurd, Thacher
Arthur Dog disguises himself as Art Dog to recover the stolen Mona Woofa from the Dogopolis Museum of Art. When he is not Art Dog, he lives as an ordinary citizen who appreciates life.

The baron's booty
Kahl, Virginia
A dutch and dutchess have thirteen girls and a robber baron decides to take the girls for rewards. But as he takes care of the girls, he realizes how much work and trouble they are and will give anything for them to take their children back.

Louie's search
Keats, Ezra Jack
Louie goes out to search for a father and sees all kinds of people. Finally, he finds a music box. A man thinks he stole it so he chases Louie and takes him home. Louie's mom and the man end up getting married.

Maggie and the pirate
Keats, Ezra Jack
Maggie has a cricket in a cage that is stolen. Maggie and her friends look for the pirate who stole the cricket and find him but the cricket is dead. The pirate gives Maggie a new cricket, and they all become friends.

Sheep in wolves' clothing
Kitamura, Satoshi
Three sheep go to the beach for the last swim of the year and ask some wolves to watch their fleecy coats. When they return from their swim, they find that their wool is gone. They hire a detective to solve the mystery of their stolen wool.

Mr. and mrs. thief
Kojima, Naomi
A boy and his friend, Old Chief, watch their neighbors. The boy assumes they are thieves because Old Chief tells him so.

Fox under first base
Latimer, Jim
Fox has a habit of stealing baseballs. With the help of his bear friend, he learns the error of his ways and returns the balls. In turn, he receives a baseball autographed by Shoeless Joe Jackson.

A ride on the red mare's back
Le Guin, Ursula K.
A young boy is taken by trolls and his older sister tries to find him with the help of her magic wooden horse. The red mare comes to life and they rescue her brother from the troll's high mountain.

Nobody stole the pie
Levitin, Sonia
In the town of Little Digby, there is a Lollyberry tree that grows delicious berries. Each year, they have a festival and eat a big lollyberry pie. Everyone takes a little piece throughout the day and think nothing of it. By the time of celebration, there is only one piece left for the mayor. Nobody admits to stealing the pie, but the mayor knows everybody stole the pie.

Something queer at the ball park
Levy, Elizabeth
When Jill's lucky baseball bat is stolen at practice, her best friend Gwen uses her detective skills to help her recover the bat.

How the rooster saved the day
Lobel, Arnold
A robber loves the night and wants to kill a rooster so the sun will never come up again. The rooster outsmarts the robber and the robber calls up the sun himself.

Scornful simkin
Lorenz, Lee
A cheap miller steals wheat from people as they bring it to him. So two lads from Cambridge University set out to fool the miller.

Why the chicken crossed the road
Macaulay, David
A chicken crosses a road. This starts a whole series of events which eventually come back to the beginning to explain why the chicken crossed the road.

Buster loves buttons
Manushkin, Fran
Buster loves buttons and even goes so far as to take them right off of people's clothing. Finally, a little girl and her dog set Buster straight.

Chameleon was a spy
Massie, Diane Redfield
A chameleon decides to go to work as a spy. He tries to get a stolen pickle recipe, when he is bottled up in a pickle jar. He saves the recipe and the company.

The potato man
McDonald, Megan
A young boy steals potatoes and has bad luck. He then meets the potato man he stole from and eventually respects him enough to become his customer.

Stanley henry bear's friend
McPhail, David
Stanley leaves his comfortable country home in search of adventure and fortune. He meets characters who manipulate him and others who treat him will.

Martha speaks
Meddaugh, Susan
Martha, a dog, eats alphabet soup and learns to talk. Her talking becomes annoying until it saves their home from a robbery.

The enchanted sticks
Myers, Steven J.
The old man in the story vanquishes a band of vicious robbers with the help of enchanted sticks.

Beats me, claude
Nixon, Joan Lowery
Shirley and Tom are a lonely old couple until Tom comes to stay with them. Shirley tries to make pie but everytime she tries, robbers come. The pie is so bad it makes them all sick.

You bet your britches, claude
Nixon, Joan Lowery
Tom is adopted by Shirley and Claude, and he hopes that they will adopt his sister, Bessie. Bessie and Shirley make a great team of catching crooks. Bessie spots them, and Shirley stops them. Bessie makes a great deputy and new daughter.

The christmas eve mystery
Nixon, Joan Lowery
Susan and Mike accompany their neighbors on Christmas Eve to find out if horses really talk at midnight. While in the barn, Susan and Mike hear a robbery take place and help to find the robbers and the money stash.

Elmer blunt's open house
Novak, Matt
Elmer is late for work so in his hurry he does not shut his door. While he is at work, animals and then a robber come in his house. The animals scare away the robber. When Elmer gets back, he does not even realize that anyone was ever there.