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Bacteria Joe
Adler, Sigal
One night, a boy does not brush his teeth and eats chocolate before going to bed. Bacteria Joe comes along and begins eating away at any remaining sugars and sweets in the boy's mouth. After causing cracks to form in the boy's teeth, Bacteria Joe is finally washed away, and the boy promises his Mom that he will always brush his teeth twice a day in order to maintain a healthy smile and prevent tooth decay!

Africa calling
Adlerman, Dan
A young girl dreams of all the animals in Africa. The animals seem to capture her attention through their actions. The animals frolick in the dusk of beautiful Africa.

The calypso alphabet
Agard, J.
This ABC book shares Caribbean vocabulary in a rhyming fashion. Each page is rich with foods such as okra, roti, sugarcane and yams.

Dancing feet
Agell, Charlotte
Diversity in the world is shown through rhythmical lyrics and warm pictures. Diversity also includes the names of major body parts and functions.

The jolly christmas postman
Ahlberg, Allan//Ahlberg, Janet
Santa's postman visits various nursery rhyme characters to deliver letters from Santa.

Each peach pear plum
Ahlberg, Janet//Ahlberg, Allan
A peach, pear, and plum spy on Tom Thumb. Then the story continues with each folktale spying on another. It lists about ten different fairy tales including Cinderella, Robin Hood, The Three Bears, Baby Bunting, Bo-Peep, Jack and Jill and so on.

Louella mae, she's run away!
Alarcon, Karen Beaumont
Louella Mae has disappeared and her family goes on a wild search around the farm to find her. At the end, not only is her location discovered, but also the fact that Louella Mae is really a pig!

It's the bear
Alborough, Jez
Eddie and his mother plan to have a picnic in the woods but a big bear comes and eats all the food.

Duck in the truck
Alborough, Jez
As duck drives home in his truck, he hits a rock which leaves him stuck in the muck. Frog first tries to help, then sheep and finally goat. Working together the four animals are able to get the truck out.

Pass the peas, please: A book of manners
Anastasio, Dina
Clever, funny rhymes are used to show how to behave in a variety of situations. Eating with your mouth full, taking food that doesn't belong to you, eating spaghetti the right way, and sharing food with others are rhymes about food manners.

There was an old lady who swalled fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
Buzz take Fly Guy with him to visit Grandma. During Grandma's excited hug, she accidentally swalllows Fly Guy! She proceeds to swallow animal after animal in an attempt to catch Fly Guy and all the animals she swallows until Fly Guy finally escapes, followed by the rest.

Castles, caves, and honeycombs
Ashman, Linda
Animals make their homes using many different things. Some are made of twigs, others of sand, and others are in caves. Although they are all different, they also have similarities. Castles, caves, and honeycombs are a place to share, play, rest, and live.

Hickory dickory dock
Aylesworth, Jim
A mouse's adventures are detailed along with a clock and the time of day.

My son john
Aylesworth, Jim
Children go through many different activities that they find enjoyable during these fourteen new verses of the original Mother Goose rhyme.

This is the way we eat our lunch
Baer, Edith
Time for lunch! What will it be? Come along - let's taste and see! Journey across the world as children eat lunch. Discover many new foods and recipes you can make and eat.

Storm coming!
Baird, Audrey B.
A collection of poems describes the different aspects of a storm, including the events before, during, and after. With vivid imagery, even an ordinary storm can come alive with Baird's poetry.

Bugs! bugs! bugs!
Barner, Bob
A child uses rhyme to describe the insects she sees. The actual sizes of the bugs are included, as well as a bug-o-meter, which tells where the bug lives, how many legs the bug has, if it can fly, and if it stings.

Stars! Stars! Stars!
Barner, Bob
Learn about the solar system through colorful pictures and creative rhyme. Blast off into space to see stars and more starts.

The adventures of taxi dog
Barracca, Debra//Barracca, Sal
Maxi tells a story using rhymes of how he came to meet his owner Jim. Maxi also describes his adventures with Jim in their taxi, where they went, and who they met.

Pickles have pimples
Barrett, J
Did you know that pickles have pimples?Well, ice cream has cones, birthdays have cakes, sodas have sips, and potatoes have chips.

Base, Graeme
Rhyme and animals are utilized to show the letters of the alphabet.

April foolishness
Bateman, Teresa
The grandkids are excited to visit grandma and grandpa's farm. Today is April Fool's and they want to trick grandpa. The grandkids can't understand why grandpa remains so calm when they tell him all the animals have escaped. Grandma lends a hand to help trick grandpa.

Thank you for me!
Bauer, Marion
Join in with this storybook rhyme about exploring the body parts and what they do! From your hands, to your feet, and from your ears to your nose, learn about body actions and senses through rhyme, alliteration and a fun steady beat!

I like myself!
Beaumont, Karen
An African American girl tells about the characteristics she likes about herself and the different circumstances in which she likes herself. She is proud of herself no matter where she is or what silly things she is doing. She knows what really counts is inside her and shares this knowledge in an energetic story with imaginative illustrations.

Bemelmans, Ludwig
Madeline is a spunky young girl with a zest for life. Madeline lives in a boarding house with eleven other girls. One night, Madeline gets sick and must have her appendix out. Everyone misses her so they visit her. The other girls see that she is treated royally and she is envied.

Over in the ocean: In a coral reef
Berkes, Marianne
Count one through 10 while using rhymes to talk about different activities between mother fishes and their babies. Move to the rhythm of this poem about ocean creatures !

It's raining said john twaining
Bodecker, N.M.
A collection of Danish nursery rhymes that are similar to Mother Goose. They do not have morals and are basically written for entertainment and enjoyment.

The gummi bear counting book
Boegehold, Lindley
One lonely bear sits by himself and has nothing to do. He is joined by another, and eventually is joined by eight more. They all participate in several fun activities together.

Tumble bumble
Bond, Felicia
One little bug goes for a walk and meets all kinds of new friends. They all stumble into a yellow house and find some food to eat. They all get tired and settle down in a little boy's bed. When the boy comes home, he celebrates with his nine new friends.

Head and shoulders
Borgert-Spaniol, Megan
Use the music and the song lyrics of this active song to touch your "head, shoulders, knees and toes" over and over again. Add your "eyes and ears and knees and toes" to the song and you have learned how your body parts work together to help you move and live as a human being.

The tremendous tree book
Brenner, Barbara // Garelick, May
Characteristics of different trees are given with descriptions of different leaves. Tree history, tree survival strategies and uses of trees by both humans and wildlife are shared.

A stitch in time for the brothers rhyme
Brinckloe, Julie
Two brothers, Alvin and Calvin Rhyme, become bored with their daily routine so they decide to trade professions. When they realize that they prefer their own jobs, the brothers return to their original professions after an exciting day of doing something different.

Johnny crow's party
Brooke, L. Leslie
Johnny crow has a bunch of animals that gather in his garden. They have many rhyming adventures.

Johnny crow's new garden
Brooke, L. Leslie
Johnny Crow has a new garden of the local animals. They sang, dance, and have a party thanking Johnny Crow.

Johnny crow's garden
Brooke, L. Leslie
Johnny Crow makes a garden that all the animals in the kingdom come to see. When a clever fox captures all the animals, Johnny Crow must save them. He rescues all the animals and they have a party to thank him.

Little fur family
Brown, Margaret Wise
A father bear goes to work, and the younger bear goes exploring. He comes across many animals different from him. He comes home for dinner and bed.

A home in the barn
Brown, Margaret Wise
In the winter, it is too cold for the animals to be outside but the barn is warm. All the horses, cattle, mice, birds, and cats stay there together to keep away from the cold. Even though there are a lot of animals in the barn, they all get along and help to keep each other warm.

Christmas in the barn
Brown, Margaret Wise//Cooney, Barbara
The story of Christmas begins with Mary and Joseph being refused at the inn, so they experience the birth of a special baby in the barn.

Beautiful blackbird
Bryan, Ashley
Colorful birds in the forest want to be like the blackbird. The blackbird teaches the other birds that each one is beautiful in its own unique way and that beauty does not come from a color.

A boy and his bunny
Bryan, Sean
One morning a boy wakes up to discover that he has found himself a new friend. Fred the bunny is on his head. The boy's mother is unsure about his new friend, but he assures her that he can accomplish many things with Fred on his head.

A kiss is round
Budney, Blossom
Many things have the same shape, but we rarely notice them. Come and see some of the things that are round.

Moonstick: The seasons of the sioux
Bunting, Eve
A young Sioux is taught the way of life by his father. The young boy is too young to do many things, but one day he will be able to do what he is taught. When the seasons change, he makes another notch in his moonstick.

Girls a to z
Bunting, Eve
Here's a new twist on the alphabet, just for girls. For each letter of the alphabet, read a girl's name and her career matching that letter.

Messenger, messenger
Burleigh, Robert
Being a bicycle messenger in a big city is a rigorous job, but someone has to do it. The messenger wakes early and works late to deliver the proper messages to their appropriate places. Nothing can stop him, not rain, snow, or distractions of others.

The truck on the track
Burroway, Janet
A circus truck is stuck on railroad tracks. The circus animals and people try to push the truck off the tracks. They are unable to and the train hits the truck.

Dinner at the panda place
Calmenson, Stephanie
Mr. Panda opens his restaurant and the animals come in by one's, two's, all the way to ten's to dine in his restaurant, Panda Palace. After all the patrons are seated and the restaurant is full, one more guest arrives, a tiny mouse. Will Mr. Panda be able to find room for him?

Sometimes my mommy gets angry
Campbell, Bebe Moore
When Annie wakes up in the morning, she is relieved to find her euphoric mother in the kitchen. They share a healthy breakfast, then her mother helps her get ready for school. After a fun day at school, Annie comes home to an angry and yelling mother. Annie copes by calling her grandmother to talk about her feelings. She takes care of herself and maintains a positive attitude with happy thoughts. She uses effective strategies to accept her motherメs bipolar disorder.

Let's count it out, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Join Jesse Bear on his trip to an amusement park. Jesse Bear counts everything from his shoes to the bumper cars to the stars in the sky.

Jesse bear, what will you wear?
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Jesse Bear talks about what he wears in the morning, at noon, and at night. Written in verse.