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Hello muddah, hello faddah! A letter from camp
Davis, Jack E.
On a rainy first day at Camp Granada, a young camper writes home to "Muddah" and "Faddah" to ask them to let him leave the difficult place. The lyrics of this camp song is a letter from camp with all the jokes aside.

Quiet in the garden
A little boy enjoys going out into his garden. His garden has flowers, produce, and wildlife. The wildlife shows the little boy the importance of the food chain. The little boy enjoys a picnic with the wildlife, because he loves nature.

Armadilly chili
Ketteman, Helen
Billie decides to make armadilly chili. She asks her friends to help her but they are all busy and do not want to help. After Billie makes the chili, all of her friends knock on her door. Billie will not let them eat because they wouldn't help. She soon realizes her chili is missing something: her friends!

How groundhog's garden grew
Cherry, Lynne
Little Groundhog is hungry. His friend Squirrel reminds him that it would not be nice to eat from someone else's garden, so he offers to teach Groundhog how to grow food in his own garden. Groundhog learns that cooperation with the birds and insects around him will help meet their needs and help his garden to grow. After planting, tending, and harvesting his garden, Groundhog has a feast with his friends.

Let's find it!
Arnold, Katya
An assortment of environmental themes, such as a park, a street scene, a garden, a pond, a beach and a forest are used as background to identify plants and animals. Words are used to label and identify different plants and aniamls in our environment.

Lady monster has a plan
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy have too many pets. They try to build a house for all of them, but they need help. Lady monster and the little girl come to help and they all cooperate to build the animal house.

Q is for duck
Elting, Mary // Folsom, Michael
A zoo filled with a wide variety of animals, their behaviors, and the noises that they make creates a fun-filled atmosphere for an exciting riddle using all twenty-six letters of the alphabet. This alphabet guessing game keeps children anticipating what is on the next page as they are learning they connections between animals and letters.

Encyclopedia prehistorica: Dinosaurs
Reinhart, Matthew // Sabuda, Robert
Discover the world of dinosaurs as they pop-up and come to life! Learn about various dinosaurs and how multiple body parts made them different from other dinosaurs. With the turn of each page, a new dinosaur jumps out to meet you. Interact with raptors, meat eaters, long necked giants, and frill heads in their long-ago world when they were the rulers!

Tumble bumble
Bond, Felicia
One little bug goes for a walk and meets all kinds of new friends. They all stumble into a yellow house and find some food to eat. They all get tired and settle down in a little boy's bed. When the boy comes home, he celebrates with his nine new friends.

Animals should definitely not wear clothing
Barrett, Judi
Wouldn't it be silly if animals wore clothing? It would probably make the lives of animals much more difficult. Enjoy exactly why clothes for animals are completely unnecessary. Would you want your new dress ruined by your porcupine quills?

Do frogs have fur?
Dahl, Michael
Do dogs have feathers? No! Birds do. Through questioning about animal coats, readers have the opportunity to learn about the functions of various animal coverings. The combination of a glossary, an index and factual information and an engaging text makes the book an effective educational tool.

The grouchy ladybug
Carle, Eric
A grouch ladybug and a friendly ladybug fly to a leaf with aphids. The grouchy ladybug tells the friendly ladybug to go away. They decide to fight, but the grouchy ladybug goes on to look for even bigger food. Every animal the grouchy ladybug encounters is not big enough until the whale slaps her across the ocean. At six o'clock, the grouchy ladybug returns to the leaf. The friendly ladybug saves the grouchy ladybug some aphids, and the two ladybugs become friends.

All butterflies
Brown, Marcia
Let's use every letter of the alphabet to tell a story about different animals, Valentine's Day, Christmas, and the zoo.

Stella and roy
Wolff, Ashley
Stella and Roy's little brother have a race with their scooter and tricycle to the popcorn stand. Stella thinks that she is so fast that she can stop and look around at everything during the race. Who do you think wins the race?



Goffin, Josse
A boy takes a silent journey to see many different animals so he can find a home for the egg that he found. Each animal refuses the egg until a bird takes the top off the egg. The boy sees his book inside.

Twas the day before zoo day
Ipcizade, Catherine
A zoo prepares for Zoo Day. But things do not go according to plan. The llamas won't quit spitting; the giraffes are drooling; and the zebras aren't happy at all with their stripes! Meanwhile, the zookeepers scurry this way and that, clean up poop, ring mealtime bells, and try to get the animals bathed. Will the zookeeper end up spending the night at the zoo? Will Zoo Day go off without a hitch, or will the dancing monkeys take over? This fun story is an adaptation of the classic, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.

A little skink's tail
Halfmann, Janet
While Little Skink hunts for her breakfast, she is attacked by a crow! But she has a trick to escape-she snaps off her lizard tail and it keeps on wiggling. Little Skink is happy to be alive but she misses her bright blue tail.

Octavia and her purple ink cloud
Rathmell, Donna//Rathmell, Doreen
Octavia Octopus and her sea-animal friends love playing camouflage games to practice how they would hide from a モbig, hungry creature.ヤ Octavia, however, just cannot seem to get her colors right when she tries to shoot her purple ink cloud. What happens when the big, hungry shark shows up looking for his dinner? Learn your basic colors along with the camouflage techniques of various sea animals, and you'll be on your way to being a marine biologist!

The best nest
Mueller, Doris
Long ago, magpie nests were the envy of all other birds. To help the other birds, Maggie Magpie patiently explains how to build a nest. But some birds are impatient and fly off without listening to all the directions, which is why, to this day, bird nests come in all different shapes and sizes. This clever retelling of an old English folktale teaches the importance of careful listening.

The adventures of Marco Flamingo under the sea/ Las aventuras submarinas de Marco Flamenco
Jarkins, Sheila
The comical Adventures of Marco continue as your favorite flamingo explores the wonders of ocean life to find unlikely friends.

My even day
Fisher, Doris and Sneed, Dani
A sequel to One Odd Day, this time the young boy awakens to find that it is another strange day: everything is even! His mother has two heads, and a trip to the zoo is dealt with in an odd, but even-handed, manner.

A day in the salt marsh
Kurtz, Kevin
Watch the animals that have adapted to this ever-changing environment as they hunt for food or play in the sun. Learn how the marsh grass survives even though it is covered by salt water twice a day.

On Meadowview Street
Coles, Henry
Caroline and her family move into a new house on Meadowview street. Much to Caroline's dismay, there is no meadow on Meadowview Street. After Caroline's hard work to create a wild life preserve in her own backyard, there is now a meadow on Meadowview Street, a new home to many.

If I could/ Si yo pudiera
Sweetland, Nancy
A world full of beautiful, fanciful and comical possibilities where you explore what life would be like if you could be anything you wanted to be, if you only could.

I wanna iguana
Orloff, Karen Kaufman
A little boy wants an iguana, but first he has to convince his mother that he is responsible enough to have it. Through a series of letters written between the boy and his mother, they both provide reasons to support whether or not he should get the iguana. They decide that the boy may have the iguana on a trial basis to prove he will take care of it.

The man who called the crocodiles
Mashiri, Pascal
Gyiii-eee! This is the sound that calls a crocodile. In this land, the wealthy king takes Lulaba as his new wife. She eventually has Gobango as her only son. She tells Gobango of stories about her father calling crocodiles. Eventually Gobango has to flee from his mom or the dead kingメs enemies will kill him. He flees to meet Lulabaメs father, his grandfather. He goes on a fishing trip and meets one of the fishermanメs beautiful daughters, Nanjobe. Gobango asks her father if he can marry her. He says no because he isnメt rich enough to take care of his daughter. Therefore, he works to raise money for her. Six months later, Nanjobe is to marry an old man. Gobango and Nanjobe both hate this idea and flee to Gobangoメs boat. Nanjobeメs father sends people after the two, so Gobango calls the crocodiles, Gyiii-eee. Crocodiles surround their boat. The rest of the people search for the lovers and assuming they are dead, take their boats back to the village.

In the small, small night
Kurtz, Jane
A young boy moves to America from Ghana. He is worried about forgetting his past. Thanks to his mother, he is able to go back to the world he once knew.

Sun mother wakes the world: An Australian creation story
Wolkstein, Diane
The indigenous people of Australia believe their ancestors created the world through the sun shining on all living things to wake them up, bringing them to life. Sun Mother then creates the Morning Sun and the Moon to watch over ther children living on Earth in this spiritual, emotional, and multicultural story of creation.

Kessler, Cristina
When a baby rhino leaves his mother, he must rely on his own resources to survive until he is adopted by an old female rhino.

Brown, Marcia
The village storytellers and shamans of African expound on the important, mysterious, haunted, and enchanted life of shadows.

Turtle summer: A journal for my daughter
Monroe, Mary A.
A young mother writes a journal for her daughter. This scrapbook-journal explains the nesting cycle of loggerhead sea turtles and the natural life along the southeastern coast, including local shore birds, shells, and a sea turtle hospital.

Boundless grace
Hoffman, Mary
According to the stories Grace read, her family is not normal. Grace's father lives in Africa while she and her mother live in America. Grace visits her father to learn about his new family and the African culture in Gambia. Grace's visit to Africa helps her to understand that her family is normal.

Tudley didn't know
Himmelman, John
A painted turtle, Dudley, adopts other animalsメ behaviors ヨsimply because he doesnメt know he canメt! Tudley flies like a bird, sings like a katydid, hops like a frog, and glows like a firefly. He uses all his special behaviors to help other animals. Will Tudley's friends help him when he needs help?

One odd day
Fisher, Doris//Sneed, Dani
A young boy awakens to find everything around him is モodd.ヤ He has one shoe, his shirt has three sleeves, and his dog has five legs. Things are crazy at school when he stares at a calendar with only odd days. Will his odd day end when he goes to bed that night?

Carolina's story: Sea turtles get sick too!
Rathmell, Donna
Follow the photo journal of Carolina, a critically ill loggerhead sea turtle, as she is cared for and nursed back to health at the Sea Turtle Hospital of the South Carolina Aquarium. \r\n\r\nJust like hospitalized children, Carolina goes through a variety of emotions and procedures during her care and recovery process. When she first arrives at the hospital, she is too sick, weak, and confused to understand what is happening. She has blood drawn, x-rays taken, gets shots, and is fed through an IV...just as ill children may be! As she gains strength, she begins to interact with her caregivers and begrudgingly, understands that they are really trying to help. Join her as she interacts with her many caregivers and her sick or injured roommate turtles.

Turtles in my sandbox
Curtis, Jennifer Keats
Imagine finding turtle eggs in your sandbox! When a mother diamondback terrapin lays eggs in a young girlメs sandbox, the girl becomes a モturtle-sitterヤ to help the babies safely hatch. She raises the teeny hatchlings until they become big enough to fend for themselves in the wild. Then, with the help of experts, she releases them. Along the way, she learns about these unique animals and that she has made an important contribution to their survival.

The desert alphabet book
Pallotta, Jerry
A reptile, insect, or animal is found in its environment or habitat as you learn your ABC's.

Get to work trucks!
Carter, Don
In the morning trucks, such as dump trucks, bulldozers, cement mixers, tow trucks, cranes, and rollers, go to work. Learn about types of machines, sizes, colors, and numbers. At night, the trucks are finished working for the day.

Van Fleet, Matthew
Check out these rhyming, interactive pages with texture. Colorful 3-dimensional pictures come to life with humor on every page (A Board Book).

Old granny and the bean thief
Defelice, Cynthia
Granny loves her beans any way she can get them. A mischievous thief steals Granny's beans three nights in a row. She embarks on a journey to tell the sheriff about the thief. Along the way she makes several friends. They help Granny stop the thief in a very unique fashion.

Hip & Hop, don't stop!
Czekaj, Jef
Hip, a turtle from Slowjamz Swamp, and Hop, a rabbit from Breakbeat Meadow, both love to rap. Hip raps very slowly, and Hop raps very slowly. Animals of Slowjamz Swamp and Breakbeat Meadow don't socialize until one day Hip and Hop meet each other when they see a sign for a rapping contest. In this twist of the fable Tortoise and the Hare, Hip and Hop bring the animals of the swamp and meadow together through their performance.

Inside-outside dinosaurs
Munro, Roxie
Enjoy a giant dinosaur, a flying reptile, a dinosaur with plates and spikes on its body, and even a baby dinosaur cracking out of their shells. There is a ferocious dinosaur that eats meat and vegetarian dinosaurs that hide from carnivores. Look inside the dinosaurs and you'll see a dynamic view of eight dinosaur skeletons. Look outside the dinosaurs and you'll see sweeping paintings of these creatures as they once lived on our planet.

If a dolphin were a fish
Wlodarski, Loran
A dolphin imagines that she is a fish, a turtle, a bird, an octopus, a shark, and a manatee. Learn how special she really is and how special each of her other sea animal friends are too.

Lazy lion
Hadithi, Mwenye & Kennaway, Adrienne
Lazy lion orders everyone to build him a house, but he is not satisfied with it. When a big rain comes, all the other animals go into the house that was built for the lion to keep dry. This is why lions must roam the earth.

Animals are sleeping
Slade, Suzanne
Lyrical text provides fascinating information onnimals such as location, position, and duration of their sleep patterns on animals living in different habitats. Learn about the interesting sleeping habits of different animals that live on land, in water, and fly through the air.

Guess who?
Miller, Margaret
Decide if you have an answer to the main question in this book. Words and photographs become an exciting and educational game for the reader.

The alligator's toothache
Dorian, Marguerite
Alli, the alligator has a toothache, but does not want to go to the dentist. His friends and the zoo director decide that his toothache will not go away with their home remedies, so he should see a dentist.

Rockin' reptiles
Calmenson, Stephanie//Cole, Joanna
Allie the Alligator is a typical young girl. She and her two girlfriends have lots of fun together playing games and dressing up. The three of them will do anything to be able to go to the Rockin Reptiles concert, their favorite band. There's a catch though -- only two can go.