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The house gobbaleen
Alexander, Lloyd
After a stroke of bad luck, Tooley calls up on the Friendly Folk to help him improve his luck. When Hooks comes to the door, Tooley invites him in the house despite warnings from his cat. Hooks takes advantage of Tooley and makes his luck even worse than before-until the house gobbaleen scares Hooks away.

First come the zebra
Barasch, Lynne
In the Kenyan grassland, Abaani, a Maasai boy takes his cattle out to graze. While he is out he sees a vegetable stand with a young boy from the Kikuyu farms, who are rivals of his tribe because they destroy their land. While arguing, a group of Kamba women and children approach to trade for fruits and vegetables, and one baby wanders toward three warthogs. Abaani sees this and knows he can save the baby himself so he calls to Haki to help. Together they save the boy, which is the beginning of a growing friendship. They learn how to appreciate one another and hope to teach their families to be friends.

The Berenstain bears visit the dentist
Berenstain, Stan & Berenstain, Jan
Sister Bear wakes up to find that she has a loose tooth, and she tries to wiggle it out all day, but it won't budge! That afternoon, Brother Bear goes to see Dr. Bearson, the family dentist. After watching his checkup, Dr. Bearson gently pulls Sister Bear's tooth out, and she is no longer scared of the dentist.

Blake, Robert
A fledgling spreads his wings and flies from a skyscraper for the first time. His flight leads him to an amusement park and subway. He gets lost and becomes scared. Will he ever find his way home?

Monster goes to the museum
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and his friend, the little boy, head to the museum. When they get there, they see ships, cars, trains, and dinosaurs. The boy is so engrossed in the artifacts that he doesn't realize he lost monster. Luckily, the policeman helps the boy find monster who is hiding amongst the dinosaurs.

Ruby's wish
Bridges, Shirin Yim
Ruby is known for wearing red and being an exceptionally bright student. Even during a time in China when ...most girls were never taught to read and write. However, Ruby's grandfather hires a teacher to come to the house, making it possible for any grandchild living in the house to learn. This initiates a desire in Ruby to attend university, a place that women in China were not encouraged to go.\r\n*Based on a true story of the author's grandmother.

Stellaluna: A pop-up book and mobile
Cannon, Janell
After being separated from Mother Bat, Stellaluna falls into a nest of baby birds. The family of birds adopt Stellaluna as one of their own, while Stellaluna does her best to eat bugs without making faces, sleep during the night, and stop hanging upside down. In the end, Stellaluna rejoins her mother.

Loudmouth George and the sixth-grade bully
Carlson, Nancy
George's first day of school is ruined by Big Mike, who bullies George and steals his lunch. All week, George does everything he can to keep Big Mike happy. However, George can't live in fear forever! George and his friend Harriet spend the weekend devising a plan to stop Big Mike and his evil ways.

What planet are you from, Clarice Bean?
Child, Lauren
Clarice Bean is having a hard time coming up with an idea for her project on the environment. To make matters worse, she is paired up with her tag-along neighbor, Robert Granger. Her situation looks hopeless until her brother becomes an ecowarrior in an effort to free the tree from being cut down in their neighborhood. Robert and Clarice become ecowarriors themselves, saving the tree and their project.

Fair monaco
Cole, Brock
Three sisters go to stay at their grandma's house. They ask to do things, but their grandma won't let them do anything but eat dinner and go to bed. She is too worried about all the horrible things outside. While the girls are dreaming, they end up in their grandma's horrible dream. The only way they can change it is to dream of their own good dreams. When their grandma wakes up, she is happy because of the good dream she had, since it was the same as her grandchildren.

Dog biscuit
Cooper, Helen
Bridget ate a biscuit, but it was a dog biscuit. Her babysitter, Mrs. Blair, found out and told her she would turn into a dog. The rest of the day, Bridget could feel things changing and she even starts acting like a dog, but even her mom did not notice. During the night, she goes out and plays with other dogs and is finally happy about eating the dog biscuit until she thinks about her family. She starts howling, until she finds herself back in her bed with her mom by her side. When she confesses, her mom assures her Mrs. Blair was teasing and the next day Mrs. Blair agrees and gives her human treats instead!

Bullies never win
Cuyler, Margery
Jessica always worries and in first grade her biggest worry is the class bully, Brenda. Brenda picks on Jessica about her homework, her clothes and sports, but it was the worst at lunch. Jessica feels lonely and hurt, and can't seem to stand up for herself. Finally Jessica has had enough and she takes a stand for herself!

Lucy dove
Del Negro, Janice
Lucy Dove is up for a challenge. In the town she lives in, there is a rich laird. He was told by a fortune teller that a pair of trousers sewn by the light of the full moon in the graveyard of old St. Andrew's Church would bring him good luck. The rich laird proclaims that a sackful of gold will be awarded to whoever sews the trousers. St. Andrew's churchyard is believed to be haunted by some fearsome thing and anyone who enters the churchyard is said to never be seen again. Despite these factors, Lucy takes on the laird's challenge. As Lucy sits and sews in the graveyard, she is greeted by the fearsome thing that everyone had talked about. The monster runs after Lucy as she carries the finished trousers in her hands. Finally, Lucy gets the trousers to the laird and receives her well deserved bag of gold.

Loon chase
Diehl, Jean Heilprin
A boy discovers that his domesticated dog still has powerful instincts similar to animals in the wild. There is a surprise encounter between the dog and a mother loon: the bigger animal doesn't necessarily prevail. In his moment of wonder, the boy finally meets the loon himself.

Stella louella's runaway book
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Stella Louella cannot seem to find her library book that is due at 5:00 All day, she tracks down its whereabouts along with others in the community who have seen the book along its trip. Find out where the book ends up.

Hush harbor: Praying in secret
Evans, Freddi Williams
Simmy is both excited and nervous for his job as Scout during the community meeting. Simmy is excited because this means the elders trust him, but he is nervous because slaves are not supposed to gather and sing together. Simmy must be very careful and listen for the master during the meeting.

Wagons west
Gerrard, Roy
Buckskin Dan and his followers embarked on a wild and dangerous journey on the Oregon Trail. After many exciting adventures like fighting off outlaws and saving an Indian boy, the group finally settles in the Willamette Valley.

Haas, Jesse
Hurry!Hurry!If the grass gets wet, then the hay will spoil. Grandpa, Grandma, and Nora work hard to gather the hay before the gray clouds bring the rain. Cooperation and commitment help the family successfully gather the hay.

The storm
Harshman, Marc
A young boy confined to a wheel chair because of an accident, doesn't like the way people see and talk about him. He wants people to see past the wheelchair and see him. A tornado comes through Indiana and he shows how strong and able he truly is.

Wemberly worried
Henkes, Kevin
A young mouse named Wemberky worries about everything. Now she faces her biggest worry, the first day of school. Find out what Wemberly will do with so many worries to worry about!

Robert lives with his grandparents
Hickman, Martha Whitmore
After his parents divorce, Robert goes to live with his grandparents. Robert's father moves away and his mother goes into drug rehabilitation. Even though Robert loves his grandparents, he is embarrassed to bring them to Parent's Day at school.

The seven silly eaters
Hoberman, MaryAnn
Mr. and Mrs. Peters have seven lovely children but they are all very picky eaters. Each child wants his or her particular food at every meal. Soon they discover a food that all the children will eat - Mrs. Peter's birthday cake made from a combination of everyone's favorite foods!

Apples to oregon
Hopkinson, Deborah
Loosely based on a true pioneer story, this tale describes the trip of apples across the country. When Papa decides to travel the Oregon Trail, he refuses to leave his beloved fruits, especially the apples. Building a wagon to carry his trees, the family forges rivers, endures hailstorms and droughts, and deals with nasty Jack Frost. Papa has the help of his children (and their clothing) to save his trees.

Great aunt martha
Jones, Rebecca C.
A young girl wonders what is so great about Great Aunt Martha when she comes to visit. Since Great Aunt Martha is visiting, the girl has to be very quiet. She decides nothing is great about her great aunt until Great Aunt Martha wants to have fun and make noise.

River friendly river wild
Kurtz, Jane
A little girl remembers how her family survived a flood. The once friendly river that she loved turned wild and drove the community to evacuation. The little girl thought she would only be gone a couple of days. Days turned into weeks. When she returns, her family starts over, but where is the cat, Kiwi, that she left behind?

The christmas donkey
McClure, Gillian
When news arrives that everyone has to return to the place where they were born to pay tax, a local donkey dealer sells all of his donkeys, including Arrod, a wild and proud donkey. Arrod believes only a king is good enough to have him, but he leads the way to Bethlehem when Joseph, a poor carpenter, and his pregnant wife, Mary, buys him.

How Willy got his wheels
Mohler, Diana & Turner, Deborah
As a homeless and handicapped dog, Willy never finds true happiness until he is rescued from the animal hospital and given a home and family. However, Willy lacks the ability to walk on his own and his owner Deborah tries several attempts to help Willy. Finally, Willy is given a wheel chair which enables him to finally be free and live his life to its fullest.

Coral island
Mordivnoff, Nicolas
Terii dreams of growing bigger so he can become a pearl-shell diver like his Uncle Teopu. Uncle Teopu always tells Terii that he will grow bigger when Teopu's hat is all worn out. Whe Terii saves the hat from Kaveka, Uncle Teopu let Terii paddle the canoe. After he saves Teopu from a shark, Terii is ready to become a diver.

Hooray for diffendoofer day!
Prelutsky, Jack
Everyday the students at Diffendoofer School learn many new things. They become worried though, when they discover that they must pass a special test. They pass with no problems and Diffendoofer Day is declared!

Octavia and her purple ink cloud
Rathmell, Donna//Rathmell, Doreen
Octavia Octopus and her sea-animal friends love playing camouflage games to practice how they would hide from a モbig, hungry creature.ヤ Octavia, however, just cannot seem to get her colors right when she tries to shoot her purple ink cloud. What happens when the big, hungry shark shows up looking for his dinner? Learn your basic colors along with the camouflage techniques of various sea animals, and you'll be on your way to being a marine biologist!

Loose tooth
Schaefer, Lola
A young boy wakes up and realizes he has a loose tooth. He wiggles the tooth and shows his mom, dad, sister, brother, and dog, but it won't fall out. He tries to eat hard food or have his brother yank it out with a wrench, but the tooth finally comes out all on its own!

A bad case of stripes
Shannon, David
Camilla Cream absolutely enjoys eating lima beans. She is afraid though that her friends will make fun of her for eating them. After getting dressed one morning, she looks in the mirror to find herself covered in stripes! If she thought eating lima beans was embarassing, what will her peers think of her stripes?

No dinner! The story of the old woman and the pumpkin
Souhami, Jessica
An old woman is on her way to her granddaughter's house for dinner, but meets many animals on her way. In order to escape the animals, she promises to come back all fat and fed. The animals are outwitted when the old woman is disguised as a pumpkin.

You can't take a balloon into the metropolitan museum
Weitzman, Jacqueline
A little girl spends a day with her grandma at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. When the little girl decides to bring along her bright yellow balloon, a security guard sees her and quickly tells her that she can't bring it in. He assures her he will watch over it as she views the exhibits, but the task ends up being more work than he ever imagined. (A Wordless Book).

George hogglesberry grade school alien
Wilson, Sarah
When George begins a new school different from his old planet, he is worried he won't fit in. When the school play comes around, he thinks of a perfect costume to impress his classmates.