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The half-birthday party
Pomerantz, Charlotte
Daniel decides to give his six-month old sister one half of a birthday party. She receives half presents with whole stones. Very imaginatively, Daniel gives her the best present of all.

The happy birthday present
Heilbroner, Joan
Davy and Peter are brothers. Today it is a special day because it is their mom's birthday. So they set out on a journey to find a present for their mom. Upon this difficult task they come up with the best and most unique present of all.

The last christmas present
Novak, Matt
Irwin is the smallest of Santa's elves, and everyone is always bossing him around. After Santa leaves to deliver the Christmas presents, Irwin discovers a forgotten present. Determined to deliver the present, he goes on the journey himself. He proves to Santa and everyone that he is the head elf.

The little boy and the birthdays
Buckley, Helen E.
A little boy is afraid nobody will remember his birthday so he makes a special effort to remember everyone elses. Eventually he gets so wrapped up in everyone else's birthday he forgets his own, but the others remember and he is surprised.

The little old man and his dreams
Ross, L
A little old man's wish before his death is to attend his granddaughter's wedding and see her happy with her new husband. His journey is plagued with troubles and his gift of pearls is stolen.

The lost christmas
Knotts, Howard
Luke is very sick but determined not to miss Christmas. He has a very high fever, loses consciousness and dreams of a wild flight through the countryside. When he awakens, Christmas has passed but a new present awaits him.

The mother's day mice
Bunting, Eve
It is Mother's Day and three little mice go out into the meadow to get their mother a present. One little mouse cannot find a present, so he makes up a song and sings it to his mother.

The mysterious tadpole
Kellogg, Steven
Louis receives a tadpole for his birthday from Uncle McAllister in Scotland. He names his new pet Alphonse and takes him to school for show and tell. However, Louis and Alphonse must be creative to find Alphonse a new home when he keeps growing and growing and growing...

The night before christmas
Moore, Clement C.
On the night before Christmas, one little boy sees Santa Claus outside his window. Later he sees him in his living room, bringing presents for all.

The piano man
Chocolate, Debbie
A young girl listens to her grandfather share his deep love for music and the piano. Grandfather shares the history of silent movies, Vaudeville, Ragtime, and Broadway. He never lets his passion for music end and continues to share it with his grandaughter.

The practical princess
Williams, Joy
A young princess is given three gifts. One of her gifts is common sense. In the beginning, Princess Bedelia saw this as insignificant, because all she needed was charm. After realizing that charm won't fight off a dragon and save her life, Bedelia values her common sense.

The present
Emberley, Michael
Arne Hansen has been invited to his nephew's birthday party. His search for the perfect gift creates a problem when he discovers he would rather keep the gifts for himself. He must find something new for his new nephew, and in the end it all works out.

The river that gave gifts: An afro american story
Humphrey, Margo
When Yanava and her friends find out that Neema, the elder woman of the town, is losing her sight they decide to make special gifts for her. While sitting next to the river pondering over what to give Neema, Yanava is called to put her hands in the river. The river helps her hands produce a rainbow, which gives Neema the light she needs to see.

The silver slippers
Koda-Callan, Elizabeth
A young girl is always out of step, but wishes to become a prima ballerina. Her mother gives her a silver slipper charm which raises her confidence to meet her dreams.

The stars in my geddoh's sky
Matze, Claire Sidhom
Alex enjoys a brief but special visit of his grandfather to the United States from the Middle East. They spend a lot of time together as Alex learns of his grandfather's homeland, customs, religion, and language.

The third gift
Park, Linda Sue
A young boy learns his father's trade by observing the use and importance of resin from certain trees. One day becomes an important day for the family - and especially for the young boy - when they exchange tears with three merchants who are off to see an important baby.

The twelve days of Christmas
Spirin, Gennady
The Twelve days of Christmas is sung in churches, houses, and concert halls throughout the Christmas season. It is hard to imagine a Christmas celebration without it. From the partridge in the pear tree to the five golden rings to the twelve drummers drumming, carolers enjoy taking turns singing different verses. Gennady Spirin's paintings bring new life and spectacular beauty to this classic song, making it a gift to be treasured at Christmastime. An illustrator' note addresses the song's origin and history.

The wave of the sea-wolf
Wisniewski, David
A young princess takes you on many adventures and helps you understand the value of presents.

The wild baby gets a puppy
Lindgren, Barbro
Ben wants an animal to play with, so for his birthday he gets a stuffed dog. Ben is mad because he wants a real dog, until his imagination brings the stuffed puppy to life. Ben and the puppy have lots of fun together.

The year without a santa claus
McGinley, Phyllis
Santa Claus was going to take a vacation one year because he was so tired. All the little children sent him Christmas presents for a holiday treat. Santa decided to have Christmas after all.

Three cheers for catherine the great!
Best, Cari
A family moves from Russia to America. The grandma of the family has a birthday and she does not want presents. Her grand-daughter spends hours trying to figure out the perfect no present for her grandma.

Tree of cranes
Say, Allen
A young Asian boy learns of Christmas when his mother decorates a tree with cranes for him. She teaches him that it is a day of giving and receiving and he makes a promise to her as a gift. She gives him a kite in return.

Truman's aunt farm
Rattigan, Jama Kim
Truman's Aunt Fran sends him an aunt farm for his birthday. Hundreds of aunts appear at Truman's house. He cares for them until he runs out of room. Truman puts a sign in his yard which says that the aunts are free to good homes. Girls and boys line up at Truman's house and each take an aunt home.

Uno, dos, tres: One, two three
Mora, Pat
Two sisters go shopping in a Mexican market for their mother's birthday. They count the number of presents in Spanish and English as they go along, and also create a rhyme about the gifts.

Welcome dede!: An African naming ceremony
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
Amarlai has a new baby cousin and he can't wait for her to be given a name. A tradtional African name will tell people where she comes from and which child she is in the family.

What the mailman brought
Craven, Carolyn
William Beauregard is sick in bed in a new town. He has missed school and will be missing another week. He puts a sign in his window that says Sick of this and soon starts receiving the most unusual packages from the most unusual mailman.

Hughes, Shirley
Carlos is jealous of his friend Billy's new bicycle. He desperately wants a new one for his upcoming birthday. He realizes that friends are important and gets an unexpected better gift for his birthday.

When the teddy bears came
Waddell, Martin
After Tom's mother brings her new baby home, friends and family bring over lots of teddy bears for the new baby. Soon there are so many teddy bears that there is no room left for Tom to sit with mom and the baby. Tom's mother reassures Tom that there is always a place for Tom.

While the horses galloped to london
Watts, Mabel
Sherman is given a special pot for his grandmother in London. Everyone on the carriage to London thinks the pot is a nuisance. Only when Sherman saves the day was everyone proud to hold the pot.

Why does it always rain on sukkot?
Youdoin, S.S.
Each of the Jewish holidays are explained through a story. The chief angel gives each holiday a gift which explains its meaning.

Willie and the all-stars
Cooper, Floyd
Willie is a young African American boy who learns about discrimination against black baseball players. Willie's fear of prejudice will prevent him from being a famous baseball player. Willie receives tickets to attend a Negro league game and realizes that maybe his dream is possible.

Zamani goes to market
Feelings, Murial L.
Zamani goes on his first trip to the city with his father. He is to take the cow into the market and sell it. His father allows him to buy something in the market with the profits from their day. He decides to buy his mother a necklace, instead of the white shirt he wanted for himself. While he is not looking his father buys him the shirt.

Zelda and ivy one christmas
Kvasnosky, Laura McGee
Two sisters, Zelda and Ivy, can't wait for Christmas morning. Zelda hopes to get a lovely velvet evening gown while Ivy wishes for a princess Mimi doll with all the ballet accessories. The two sisters make a beautiful bracelet for their lovely elderly neighbor. The neighbor receives her christmas wish, but will Zelda and Ivy get their Christmas wish too?