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Jimmy's boa and the big splash birthday bash
Noble, Trinka Hakes
Jimmy takes his goldfish and boa constrictor to Sealand for a birthday party with his friends. Chaos occurs when the goldfish falls in the whale's tank. Jimmy's party ends up in the tank, and they have a blast with the seals and penguins.

Jennie's hat
Keats, Ezra Jack
Jennie gets a hat from her aunt but it is very plain. Jennie is upset because it isn't as pretty as other hats. She tries to find a prettier hat. Finally, as Jennie is leaving church, the birds come and decorate it.

Jeanne-marie in gay paris
Jeanne-Marie visits her aunt in Paris. Her aunt gives her money to do whatever she wants. Jeanne-Marie sees all the sights, but saves some money to buy presents for her friends.

Pearson, Susan
Cary gets a stuffed cat for her birthday and names her Izzie. She takes Izzie everywhere, but when Izzie gets too dirty, Cary stops carrying him around.

It's my birthday!
Hutchins, Pat
It's Billy's birthday party and all of his monster friends want to play with his new toys. Billy does not want to share, so his friends find new games to play without him. He thinks he can have more fun by himself but soon figures out that isn't the truth. When he receives a gift he can't play by himself, he asks his friends to play finally.

If I owned a candy factory
Stevenson, James
A boy imagines owning a candy factory. On each of his friends' birthdays, he gives them a carload of their favorite candy. He then invites all the kids in the world to come to the party.

I will tell you of peach stone
Zimelman, Nathan
A wise old man and his dog bring the gift of the peach from China to the rest of the world.

I love you mary jane
Balian, Lorna
Mary Jane is a dog who is having a birthday party. All the kids from around the block come and bring presents. Mary Jane has a special present for the children -- she has puppies!

I like winter
Lenski, Lois
A boy tells of all the things he likes about winter, including snow, Christmas, ice skating, sledding, etc.

I know a farm
Collier, Ethel
A little girl goes to visit a farm with her father. She gets to see all of the animals in the barn. The owner of the farm, Mr. and Mrs. Green, give her a hen egg, flowers, and apple cake. They tell her that she can come back in a few weeks and take a kitten home.

I have an olive tree
Bunting, Eve
On Sophia's seventh birthday, her grandfather gave her an olive tree. Sophia is a little disappointed by the gift and doesn't understand why her grandfather would give her an olive tree that she can't even see. After all, it is Greece and she lives in California! It isn't until her grandfather passes away that Sophia truly understands the importance and meaning of the gift when she and her mother visit the olive tree in Greece.

I can do it by myself
Little, Lessie Jones//Greenfield, Eloise
A young boy wants to go by himself to buy his mom a birthday gift. He becomes scared, but in the end he manages to do it by himself. He is proud of himself.

Hush, little baby
Zemach, Margot
Based on the popular lullaby, a baby is promised a strange assortment of things, from a mockingbird to a horse and cart--all for not crying.

How Willy got his wheels
Mohler, Diana & Turner, Deborah
As a homeless and handicapped dog, Willy never finds true happiness until he is rescued from the animal hospital and given a home and family. However, Willy lacks the ability to walk on his own and his owner Deborah tries several attempts to help Willy. Finally, Willy is given a wheel chair which enables him to finally be free and live his life to its fullest.

How the grinch stole christmas
Seuss, Dr.
The Grinch wants to stop Chrismas in Who-ville, so he dresses up as Santa and takes all the materialistic parts of Christmas. When the Grinch realizes the Who's are not upset and that there still is a Christmas, he realizes that Christmas is more than presents and decorations. He returns their belongings and discovers the true meaning of Christmas.

How santa got his job
Krensky, Stephen
Santa was not always the lovable gift giver we know him as today. He tried out many jobs starting when he was a young man including chimney sweep, postal worker, cook, zookeeper, and circus performer before he found the job that was right for him. He only became the Santa we know and love after meeting the elves at the circus and going to their homes where he suggested they work together to give gifts to people around the world on one special night a year.

How big is a foot?
Myller, Rolf
The king wants to have a bed made for his wife's birthday, so he measures her by using his feet. They have a problem, because the carpenter's foot is not the same size as the king's.

Housekeeper of the wind
Widman, C.
Yula is the housekeeper of the wind. She gets angry at the wind one day when it won't do what she wants. They are angry with each other for a while, but then they make up with gifts.

Here comes the mystery man
Sanders, Scott Russell
The Goodwin children wait impatiently for the arrival of Merchant Meeks. When Meeks arrives, he brings presents, prizes, and stories to the family. His stories and presents tell of far away places the Goodwins have never seen before. He makes the world look bigger.

Here comes our bride
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
Ekinadose wants his Uncle Osaere to get married - then he can go to a wedding. One day, he sees people welcomed into his grandfather's house. They come to collect their bride - and Edinadose will be going, not just to one wedding ceremony, but two!

Happy father's day
Kroll, Steven
Six children and their mother all pitch in to make Father's Day special for their father. They finish his chores for him, give him homemade gifts, and take him to see his favorite baseball team.

Happy birthday, crystal
Gordon, Shirley
Two girls get together to celebrate Crystal's birthday. They play many games and open presents.

Happy birthday to you
Seuss, Dr.
Birthdays are special in Katroo. Everything that you want on your birthday is yours; it's a special day that celebrates YOU!

Happy birthday moon
Asch, Frank
Bear liked the moon so much he wanted to give it a present. He goes to talk to the moon to see what it wants. Bear has a birthday party for the moon.

Bogart, Jo Ellen
Whenever Grandma goes on a trip, she brings back a present. Sometimes it's something tangible and other times it's just a memory. No matter what Grandma brings, it's always special and can be shared.

Fox under first base
Latimer, Jim
Fox has a habit of stealing baseballs. With the help of his bear friend, he learns the error of his ways and returns the balls. In turn, he receives a baseball autographed by Shoeless Joe Jackson.

Fox and heggie
Guzzo, Sandra E.
Fox tries to earn enough money to buy a Greek fishing hat by helping out all his friends and neighbors. But, his generosity keeps him from earning the money, so his friends pull through for him in the end.

Five bad boys, billy que and the dustdobbin
Patron, Susan
Billy Que learns an important lesson from the dustbobbin under his bed. Billy learns to think before he speaks.

Emmet otter's jug-band christmas
Hoban, Russell
Emmet and his mother are poor and each want to get the other something special for Christmas. They each enter a contest to win money but lose. However, both tried hard and are touched by the effort.

Emma's christmas
Trivas, Irene
A prince asks a farm girl to marry him. When she refuses, he presents her with the gifts of the 12 days of Christmas. He wins her over and moves to her farm.

Elephant prince:  The story of Ganesh
Novesky, Amy
In this mythical story, that takes place in India, a girl grows up listening to her motherï¾’s and grandmotherï¾’s stories. As a princess, she meets her love and is married. He promises her a baby and has one within a year. When gods gather around the babyï¾’s head vanishes. Another god helps save the baby with the help of an elephant offering his life. The little boy was saved and became the elephant prince, listening to his motherï¾’s stories everyday.

Elephant dance: memories of India
Heine, Theresa
Ravi's grandfather comes from India so Ravi asks him questions aabout India. Grandfather uses a simile to describe different aspects of India. Ravi is interested in the elephants of India and dances an elephant dance.

Edward, benjamin & butter
Hall, Malcolm
Edward Tapir hopes to cheer up his friend Benjamin Horse. He plays a little joke to get him out of his slump with a pound of butter.

Easter treat
Duvoisin, Roger
Santa travels in-cog-ni-to to a town during Easter time to see what it is like. When he says that he is Santa Claus, no one believes him at first.

Dream snow
Carle, Eric
A farmer lives on a small farm with his animals named one, two, three, four and five. One night as he naps, he dreams of snow fall covering his animals and him. He wakes up to discover real snow covering the ground and almost forgets a special Christmas surprise.

Don't you remember?
Clifton, Lucille
A four-year old girl asks if she can go to work with her dad, buy a cake from the bakery, see where her mom works, and drink coffee with her brothers. One day on her birthday, she gets everything she's been asking for.

Don't open this box
Razzi, James
Harry finds a box at his door with Don't Open this Box written on it. Ultimately, Harry's curiousity gets the best of him and he opens the box. Inside is a boat called Don't Open this Box.

Don't forget me, santa claus
Mayo, Virginia
Santa Claus comes to deliver presents but he forgets to give them to the youngest boy. The boy becomes very upset and follows Santa outside and gets in his sleigh. When Santa realizes he has company, he gives the boy his presents and takes him back home.

Bang, Molly
Delphine receives a present from her grandmother, but she must go to the post office (far away) to get it. Delphine encounters many exciting adventures on her way to pick up the present.

December 24th
Cazet, Denys
Emily and Louie vist Grandpa and give him a surprise gift. Grandpa tries to guess what the holiday gift could be. Eventually, he sees that it is his birthday gift.

Ungerer, Tom
Madam Bodot was given a pet snake for her birthday and she named it Crictor. She treated Crictor like her child. She fed him and took him everywhere with her. Crictor becomes the heroic snake of the town when he saves Madam Bodot.

Company's coming
Yorinks, A.
One day, aliens land in Moe and Shirley's yard. They seem friendly, so Shirley invites them to dinner. Moe becomes distressed and calls the FBI. The entire country becomes unnecessarily threatened by these harmless visitors.

Come to my party
Richardson, Judith Benet
All the animals of the jungle are sleeping when a loud roar comes from a leopard who is having a birthday party. As a team, the animals of the jungle work together to create a present to bring to the party.

Clifford's christmas
Bridwell, Norman
Emily and Clifford prepare for Christmas. Clifford helps Santa save Christmas after he drops all of the presents in his waterbowl.

Christmas with grandfather
Wolf, Winfried
After the death of his father, Thomas is not looking forward to Christmas. Christmas at his grandfather's house in the country changes that when Thomas receives a special gift.

Chita's christmas tree
Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Chita is excited about Christmas. She picks out a tree for the family. Together they decorate the tree the night before Christmas. They all wake up together on Christmas morning to find presents under the tree.

Calvin's christmas wish
Miles, Calvin
Calvin is worried that his parents are Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus after his two friends tell him that this is true. Calvin is relieved and excited when he receives a bike for Christmas, which confirms his belief in Santa Claus.

Bunny money
Wells, Rosemary
Max and Ruby go shopping to get a birthday present for Grandma. They spend their money on other things however, and don't have enough for what they want to get. Grandma is happy with her present at the end anyway.

Bunnies at christmas time
Ehrlich, Amy
An invitation is sent to Santa Claus to join the bunnies for a Christmas party. Instead of Santa, their Uncle Jack dressed as Santa arrives with plenty of gifts.

Brian's bird
Davis, Patricia
Brian receives a bird for his birthday. The two quickly become friends after Brian overcomes his fear. When Brian's brother Kevin carelessly lets the bird escape, Brian becomes upset. Will he ever see Scratchy again?