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Miss suzy's birthday
Young, M.
It is Miss Suzy's birthday and her animal friends want to throw her a party. They hold a meeting to discuss what to get her because she only likes simple, wholesome things. They end up each giving her an acorn wrapped in their own special way.

Ahlberg, Allan
The familiar lullaby beginning with Hush, little baby, don't say a word,finds many new twists in this story. Read all about the many adventures that the baby encounters with other members of the family.

Moira's birthday
Munsch, Robert
Moira's birthday wish is to have a party with all of the kids in the school from kindergarten to sixth grade. She orders 200 pizzas and 200 birthday cakes. What will her parents do?

Mommy and me by ourselves again!
Vigna, Judith
Disappointed when her mother's ex-boyfriend forgets her birthday, Amy is comforted by her family when they give her a surprise birthday party and a special gift.

Mommy, buy me a china doll
Zemach, Margot
Eliza Lou has a plan for Mommy to buy her a China doll -- she asks her to sell her Daddy's featherbed.

Morris's disappearing bag: A christmas story
Wells, Rosemary
On Christmas morning, Morris and his two sisters and brother all get their gifts. Morris's sisters and brother will not share their gifts with him. When they see the gift Morris receives, they want to use it. While they are playing with his gift, Morris finally gets to play with all of their toys.

Mouse's first christmas
Thompson, Lauren
Upon the arrival of his first Christmas Eve, a little mouse explores his house which is full of Christmas surprises. His Christmas discoveries culminate in the appearance of the one and only Santa!

Mr. nicks's knitting
Wild, Margaret
Mr. Nick and Mrs. Jolley ride the train to the city and knit together each day. Mrs. Jolley gets ill and Mr. Nick decides to cheer her up and knit her a very special gift.

Mr. rabbit and the lovely present
Zolotow, C.
A girl looks for a birthday present for her mother. She has no money so she asks Mr. Rabbit for help. She tells Mr. Rabbit the various colors that her mom likes. In the end, her mother receives a beautiful fruit basket.

Mr. snow bunting's secret
Quackenbush, Robert
Mr. Snow Bunting opens a bow shop that is only open from March to November. The whole town is so curious about the way he wraps presents that they set out to find what the secret is -- especially Mr. Dog.

Muriel's red sweater
Dokas, Dara
Muriel Magee's party invitations are very late because her birthday is today! She runs around town handing out invitations to her friends. What she doesn't realize is that her sweater unravels with each person she invites. By the time she gets home, she sees that her sweater is all gone, but she is in for a surprise! Her friends are all there to wish her a happy birthday, and they give her a present. When she opens it she realizes it's just what she needed - a new sweater!

Names for snow
Beach, Judi K.
A rabbit asks his mother what is snow? and she responds with several different descriptions of snow and the many names there are for it.

Nana's birthday party
Hest, Amy
Maggie and Brette visit their grandmother to help her set up for her birthday party. This is their annual visit to see each other, sleep in the same room that their mom slept in, and spend some precious time with their grandmother. Challenges always seem to occur when they need to get their grandmother a present.

Odd velvet
Whitcomb, Mary E.
Velvet is different from all her other classmates. After thinking she is quite odd, that students decide she's not reall that different after all. They admire Velvet's picture of an apple and love going to her unique birthday party.

Olive and the magic hat
Christelow, Eileen
While Olive and Otis pretend to do magic with their father's birthday present of a hat, it blows out the window. Mr. Foxley gets the hat and Olive and Otis must work to get it back in time for the birthday party.

Oliver and amanda's christmas
Van Leeuwen, Jean
It is eight days before Christmas and Oliver's family is busy getting prepared for the holiday. They make gifts for each other, chop down a tree, hang their stockings, and make Christmas cookies. On Christmas morning, they open their gifts and play with them.

Oma and baba
Schwartz, Amy
It is Alice's birthday and her mom promises her a dog. She choses one dog, but the dog refuses to listen. They put the dog in obedience school. Another dog teaches Baba how to howl.

On market street
Lobel, Arnold
A little boy goes to the market to buy gifts for his friend. He buys gifts that begin with each letter of the alphabet. The market is rich with colorful foods.

Wells, Rosemary
Annie receives Peabody for her birthday, and they become the best of friends. However when Rita arrives at Annie's next birthday, Peabody is forgotten. When Rita breaks, Annie goes back to playing with Peabody.

Peacebound trains
Balgassi, Haemi
Sumi, a young Korean girl, lives with her grandmother when her mother goes off to the army. Sumi watches the train go by each day, wishing her mother would come home soon. The train reminds her grandmother of the days of war when she had to leave her own husband.

Peter spier's christmas!
Spier, Peter
A family prepares for the Christmas holiday. They go to speciality stores and the grocery. After all the festivities, the family has to rest in order to clean up (A Wordless Book)

Moss, Elaine
Polar decides to have fun and sled down a big hill. He is careless and breaks his leg. His friends take care of him and find ways to cheer him up.

Power and glory
Rodda, Emily
For his birthday, a young boy gets a video game and keeps playing until he wins.

Punky: Mouse for a day
Moreton, John
When John's uncle gives him a pet mouse for a present, John is disappointed. Then he finds out that Punky the mouse is really a mystery mouse. Punky changes everyday into a new and exciting animal.

Rhymes for annie rose
Hughes, Shirley
More than twenty rhymes tell about the daily life and activities of a young girl named Annie Rose. The playful poems cover several topics including animals, people, seasons, routines and adventures that children love.

Room for a stepdaddy
Cook, Jean Thor
Joey wishes Daddy still lived at home and has a great deal of trouble accepting Bill, his new stepfather. After many experiences with Bill, like playing ball and swimming, Joey decides there is plenty of room in his life for Daddy and Bill. He loves both of them.

Santa from Cincinnati: How a little boy named Santa grew up to become the real thing
Barrett, Judi
Calus was born on Christmas Day at Cincinnati General Hospital, and as he grew up, he developed a love for toys. As a young boy, Calus began building toys with his dad and delivering them to other kids in his neighborhood on Christmas Eve. Soon, everyone wanted toys from Calus, and after going to college and meeting Claus, they moved to the North Pole and began manufacturing toys year-round.

Santaberry and the snard
Schick, Alice//Schick, Joel
Santa and his elves are getting ready for Christmas, until Santa accidently gets eaten by a snard looking for strawberries. Santa is able to get out of the snard, and the elves, Santa, and the snard race to complete Christmas on time.

Saturn for my birthday
McGranaghan, John
Jeffrey wants Saturn for his birthday, and he wants the moons too- all 47 of them! But he's not selfish: he'll share the rings with some of his friends at school and with his teacher, Mrs. Cassini. Facts about Saturn are woven seamlessly throughout this funny story as Jeffrey explains just what he'll do with his present and how he'll take care of it.

Parish, Peggy
It is Todd's birthday and he is getting a kitten. He goes to the animal shelter and gets to pick the kitten out himself. He names his kitten Scruffy.

Secret birthday message
Carle, Eric
The night before Tim's birthday, he finds a message on his pillow. The message gives directions for Tim to go look for his birthday gift. On Tim's birthday, he follows the directions and finds his gift. The gift is a puppy.

Sheep in a shop
Shaw, Nancy
Five sheep go shopping to look for a birthday gift for one of their friends. They find the perfect gift but do not have enough money to buy the gift. The sheep share their wool and trade in for the gift.

Silent night
Turner, Sandy
It is Christmas Eve and Santa is delivering presents. When he arrives at a house, he finds a very noisy, active dog. Santa is still able to drop off the presents without waking the children and they all enjoy their presents the next morning. They also have a red surprise to touch -- thanks to the dog!

Sleds on boston common: A story from the american revolution
Borden, Louise
It's 1774 and British troops are occupying Boston. King George closes Boston Harbor to punish people who speak out against his laws. Henry, a young boy from Boston, hopes to try out his new sled on his birthday. But when he and his brothers and sister get to the hill they find that the troops have set up camp there. After building up enough courage, Henry asks General Gage to move his troops because Boston Common is for everyone. Being a kind man of his word, General Gage agrees and the children can once again sled.

Small clown
Faulkner, Nancy
Pete wakes up on his eighth birthday excited to find out what presents he received. He receives a clown suit he had been hoping for. He goes to the circus to perform with his father who is also a clown. The ringmaster allows him, and he has the best act of all the clowns.

Somebody loves you, Mr. Hatch
Spinelli, Eileen
Mr. Hatch is a lonely man. He does the same thing every day. On Valentine's Day he receives a box of candy and a note that says, Somebody loves you. He begins to talk with his neighbors and finds out that many people love him.

Something from nothing
Gilman, Phoebe
Joseph's grandfather makes him a wonderful blanket when he is born. As Joseph gets older, the blanket gets older too. However, his grandfather creates something special from the blanket each year.

Start saving Henry
Carlson, Nancy
Henry gets $5 every week for his allowance, but he spends it immediately on something that catches his eye. One day he sees Super Robot Dude, but his mother won't buy it for him and tells him he has to save his allowance. Whenever Henry is close to $30, something happens to make him lose his money again. One day, his grandma has a surprise for Henry, and he learns that working hard to save money will pay off in the end!

Surprise box
Weiss, Nicki
A girl explores her indoor and outdoor surroundings. She finds ants, dandelions, and a surprise present. She puts all of these things in a box to give to her Grandma as a present.

Ten mice for Tet
Shea, Pegi Deitz // Weill, Cynthia
A group of mice prepare for Tet, the Vietnamese New Year. The mice plan parties and a feast to celebrate.

Herzig, Alison Cragin
Great-Great Uncle Thaddeus always gives unique birthday presents to his nephew. This year Uncle Thaddeus gives him best present ever. The present is a book about all the birthdays they have shared together. Their relationship grows stronger as they grow older.

The big box
Morrison, Toni//Morrison, Slade
Patty, Mickey, and Liza Sue just can't handle their freedom. The things they do frighten the adults around them. The adults decide to put them in a big brown box because they care about the youngsters. The children will have everything they need, except their freedom. Isn't that the one thing children need?

The birthday door
Merriam, Eve
It is Helen's birthday. She wakes up and there is an envelope with a clue inside it. Her parents made several clues, each of them rhyming directions to different doors in her home. The last one leads her to a dollhouse which looks just like her home.

The birthday pet
Javernick, Ellen
Danny can have a pet for his birthday and he knows exactly what he wants. The other members of his family think differently.

The birthday swap
Lopez, Loretta
Lori wants to find her older sister the perfect gift for her birthday. At the market, Lori learns that it's not easy to find the right gift. Little does Lori know that the best gifts can come to us when we least expect them. Why is this the year of the best birthday party ever?

The christmas box
Merriam, Eve
A family awoke Christmas morning expecting to find lots of presents from Santa. Instead, there was only one box under the tree. Inside the box, there were gifts for everyone.

The christmas bunny
Lipkind, William//Mordvinoff, Nicolas
Davy ventures into the woods on Christmas Eve and meets the animals who have a party. Santa shows up and offers Davy a rabbit for his Christmas gift.

The christmas gift
McCully, Emily Arnold
A family of mice celebrate Christmas. They go to their grandparents and open gifts. Unfortunately, one of the children break all of their toys, so Grandpa takes him up to the attic and gives him his old train set.

The crystal apple
McDermott, Beverly B.
Three sisters work in the fields all day. Their father goes to market and bring each of them a gift. Marusha receives a crystal apple, but her sisters break it. She realizes that she did not need it, because she has her imagination so she forgives her sisters.

The fourth wise man
Summers, Susan
Atraban is the fourth wise man who is to go see the new born King of the Jews. He never meets the Messiah, but during his travels he is able to help many people with the gifts he carries for the King. After years of travel, Artaban still hasn't met his King, but before both men die Artaban hears the voice of the Messiah.