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Quiet in the garden
A little boy enjoys going out into his garden. His garden has flowers, produce, and wildlife. The wildlife shows the little boy the importance of the food chain. The little boy enjoys a picnic with the wildlife, because he loves nature.

Raising sweetness
Stanley, Diane
The town sheriff adopts eight orphans to save them from the mean Ms. Stump, but there are a few problems. Pa is not too good at cooking and his cleaning is quite shabby. The orphans one wish is for him to get married. One of the orphans, Sweetness, believes a letter that arrived in the mail is the answer.

Ruby's wish
Bridges, Shirin Yim
Ruby is known for wearing red and being an exceptionally bright student. Even during a time in China when ...most girls were never taught to read and write. However, Ruby's grandfather hires a teacher to come to the house, making it possible for any grandchild living in the house to learn. This initiates a desire in Ruby to attend university, a place that women in China were not encouraged to go.\r\n*Based on a true story of the author's grandmother.

Crews, Donald
Train tracks run right behind Big Mama's house in Cottondale, Florida. Every summer the children go to visit her. They are told time and time again to stay off the tracks. They are in a hurry one day and decide to walk along the tracks for a shortcut. When they get to a point where they can't turn back, a train appears.

Stage struck
DePaola, Tomie
Tommy knows the story of Peter Rabbit by heart. When his class decides to put on the production he wants to be cast in the roll of Peter. Tommy is so excited he does not pay attention to his teacher and as a result gets cast as Mopsy. However, Tommy has a plan to keep him in the spotlight.

Stella, star of the sea
Gay, Marie-Louise
Stella and Sam spend the day at the sea. Sam has never been before so he asks Stella plenty of questions. Stella tells her brother all about starfish, moon shells, sharks, and sea monsters. Then Sam finally gets in the water.

Storm in the night
Stolz, Mary
On the night of a big storm, Thomas is a little afraid, so his grandfather tells him a story about how he overcame his fear when he was a young boy. Thomas is no longer afraid, so he can go to sleep.

Xaba-Mashiri, Zadwa
A man digs out a talking yam from his garden. The man is confused and asks his dog if he is talking, but the dog says it is the yam talking. The man runs to the village to tell people about the talking yam and dog. People do not believe the man until things starts talking to them.

The conversation club
Stanley, Diane
Peter the field mouse moves into a new house and is invited to be a member in the local Conversation Club. When he attends, he finds that everyone is speaking at once and nothing can be understood. With that, Peter decides to organize his own club - the Listening Club.

The day I had to play with my sister
Bonsall, Crosby
A boy has a hard time dealing with his younger sister while teaching her the rules of hide-and-seek. She just won't listen! Uggh...being a big brother can be tough!

The earth and i
Asch, Frank
The child in the story describes the reciprocity between himself,herself and the earth using activities such as playing, listening and growing and emotions and relationships, such as sadness and friendship.

The goat lady
Bregoli, Jane
Two young children new to Lucy Little Road, help us reveal the simple yet important life of the goat lady; a life that many people in the town despise. Through the children's time spent helping the goat lady, they learn of her vast life experiences. It isn't until after the children's mother takes portraits of the goat lady, that the rest of the town see waht a truly wonderful person the goat lady is.

The heroic symphony
Harwell-Celenza, Anna
Ludwig Van Beethoven learns he is going deaf. He is an accomplished and promising young pianist and this devastates him. Beethoven realizes his condition is actually leading to his destiny not his downfall. In creating his symphony no. 3 he searches for a hero on which to base his musical inspiration. He eventually realizes it is about him!

The indoor noisy book
Brown, Margaret Wise
Muffin, a dog, has a cold and must stay indoors to rest. As he sleeps, he hears many indoor noises that children might like to practice.

The listening walk
Showers, Paul
A young girl and her dad love to take silent walks with each other and their old dog. The girl enjoys the silence and is constantly listening to all of the sounds she hears.

The little blind goat
Wahl, Jan
Casimiro, the hero, overcomes his disability in this tale of perserverance. The world is not always kind to our disabled friends, but with a little hard work anything can be overcome.

The old man and his door
Soto, Gary
One day, a man brings el puerto (a door) to the neighbor's barbeque instead of el puerco (a pig). On his way to the picnic, the door becomes very useful when he carries many things on it. Once he gets to the barbeque, his wife tells him about the pig and it is all a big joke.

The paradise garden
Thompson, Colin
Peter likes to sit and enjoy the wildlife and gardens around his house. Peter escaped and lived in the wild on his own. He plants seeds and picks fruits and vegetables. Peter feels lonely when the trees dies so he returns home.

The phantom of the lunch wagon
Pinkwater, Daniel
Old Mr. Wigger knows what has happened but no one will listen, not even the owner of the lunch wagon. Until the phantom strikes again.

The philharmonic gets dressed
Kuskin, Karla
The members of the philharmonic get ready for a performance. Their routines and all the things they have to do before the concert are discussed.

The summer noisy book
Brown, Margaret Wise
A dog named Muffin is very aware of all the sounds surrounding him. He hears trains, whistles, animals, and other noises and explains what each thing sounds like.

The way mothers are
Schlein, Miriam
A baby kitten tries to figure out if his mother loves him the most. The mother cat says she loves him all the time, because he is her son.

Three days on a river in a red canoe
Williams, Vera B
A boy and his brother Sam take a canoe trip with their mother and aunt and engage in a variety of adventurous activities along the way.

Tomorrow on rocky pond
Reiser, Lynn
A child can't wait to go fishing on Rocky Pond so she can see animals and have picnics. It's a day full of adventure and fun.

Welcome with love
Overend, Jenni
The special day has arrived. A new baby has many siblings who are all very excited for the new addition to the family. Jack, his sisters Janie and Bea, Aunt Meg, Dad, and Anna the midwife are awaiting the home birth of mother's new baby. The family experiences a wonderful miracle as Mum delivers her new baby at home.

What do I say?
Simon, Norma
Manuel is a Puerto Rican child living in a large American city. Follow along with him throughout the day as various situations arise and Manuel asks, What do I say?. All of his questions and answers are offered in English and Spanish.

What we like
Rockwell, Anne
Children really like snowmen, fish, bubble bath, goodnight kisses, lullabies, and many other things that excite the five senses. Each page is filled with the things children like to do, wear, feel, eat, and play.

When i feel angry
Spelman, Cornelia Maude
A little rabbit names situations that makes her angry. Depending on the situation, she chooses different activities to help reduce her anger. She attempts to work through her anger in a positive way.

When I heard the learn'd astronomer
Whitman, Walt
A boy is overwhelmed by all the charts and figures about space, but he gets tired of listening to the lectures. He goes outside to look up at the night sky. He is able to make the connection between what he heard and what he sees.

Who, said Sue, said whoo?
Raskin, Ellen
Even though animals cannot speak, they can make all kinds of noises. Words are not everything!

Your body from head to toe
Roca, Nuria
Your body can do so many things. When you were born, you were only a baby. Then as you grew, you learned how to walk, eat, hear, taste, smell, see, and touch things. It is important to take care of your body so that it can continue to sense the world around you.

Zen shorts
Muth, Jon
One day, three young children meet a panda after his umbrella lands in their yard. The children become friends with the panda, whose name is Stillwater. He passes on folktales to them to help them solve problems they are having.