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A creepy countdown
Huck, Charlotte
Using ten scary Halloween things readers count from one to ten and then back down again. Each page has illustrations that sequentially correspond to a number, featuring bats, ghosts, skeletons and other Halloween symbols.

A kitten's year
Day, Nancy Raines
A kitten explores her environment during her first year of life. She uses her senses to absorb the surroundings and playfully interacts with the world around her. Month after month the kitten grows and develops into a cat.

A prairie year
Bannatyne-Cugnet, Jo
Take a trip through the various activities that occur within a year. Start with hockey games, planting potatoes, fairs, and harvesting wheat. When fall approaches you will experience Halloween. To end the year is the celebration of Christmas.

A woggle of witches
Adams, Adrienne
A small group of witches prepare for their favorite night of the year, Halloween. The witches become frightened of the children that are dressed up in costumes.

Albert's halloween: The case of the stolen pumpkins
Tryon, Leslie
It's Halloween time, but someone has stolen the pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. Detective Albert and his friends solve the mystery piece by piece. Readers can join in this game and solve the mystery with Albert and his friends.

An autummn tale
Updike, David
On the eve of Halloween, Homer carves a jack-o-lantern from a pumpkin in his yard. That night, when he goes to watch the moon rise, he puts the pumpkin on his head. He is surprised to see the trees moving and talking. Homer goes on a short journey with the trees and returns home the next morning.

Apples and pumpkins
Rockwell, Anne
A little girl goes with her parents to a farm where they pick apples and choose the best pumpkin for carving. At home, the family prepares for Halloween by carving the jack-o-lantern, dressing up, and going trick-or-treating.

Arthur's halloween
Brown, Marc
Arthur is scared of Halloween. He finally makes it through his day at school when he has to take his sister trick-or-treating. His sister wanders into the scariest house, and Arthur has to go in and get her.

Arthur's halloween costume
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur wants to be a ghost for Halloween. When he realizes that he won't be the only ghost, Arthur creates an original costume that stands out from everyone.

Be brave, baby rabbit
Manushkin, Fran
Baby rabbit and his big sister go trick-or-treating. In the beginning baby rabbit is afraid of all the costumes, but in the end, he proved that he was brave.

Beneath the ghost moon
Yolen, Jane
A colony of mice take revenge on the creepy-crawlers who tear up their Halloween costumes. They scare these mean creatures out of the farmyard so that they can live together in peace.

Branigan's cat and the halloween ghost
Kroll, Steven
Llewellyn, the cat, earns the villager's respect when he challenges the ghost of Martin Grimes on Halloween night.

By the light of the halloween moon
Stutson, Caroline
A little girls toe is the basis of this cummulative tale, or a story that repeats and adds on with each new character that is introduced. There are many pictures of witches, ghosts, and ghouls.

First comes spring
Rockwell, Anne
The seasons are described through the activities of the bears, the weather, the changes in the environment, and the attire of Bear child.

Fox outfoxed
Marshall, James
It's Halloween and Fox and his friends are looking forward to it, until Fox's little sister wants to come along. They scare her away, but she plays a trick on them. This makes them wish they had been nicer to her.

Frankie Stein
Schaefer, Lola
Frankie is born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Stein and grows up with monster changes to his hair and skin with his parents' help. Frankie learns how to walk like a Frankenstein and learns about his family tree so he can become more scary.

From far away
Munsch, Robert
In a letter, Saoussan tells about when she first moved to Canada from her old country where there was war. She was scared at school because she didn't understand the language or traditions. Two years later, she has learned them and is happy.

Gather up, gather in
Helldorfer, M.C.
Let's enjoy the frosts of autumn, the snow of winter, the renewal of spring, and the warmth of summer. What do we all look forward to during each season of the year?

Georgie's halloween
Bright, Robert
Herman the cat and Miss Oliver the owl try to convince Georgie to enter the Halloween costume contest, but he is just too shy. His mice friends give him a ribbon for winning their own costume contest.

Grandpa's ghost stories
Flora, James
A grandfather tells a series of related ghost stories about himself when he was his grandson's age. The grandfather is portrayed as a witty character who is always one step ahead of the creature persuing him. A great book for Halloween ghost storytelling.

Halloween pie
O'Malley, Kevin//O'Tunnell, Michael
An old witch makes Halloween pie and puts a spell on it so she is protected when she flies on her broom. Several graveyard creatures smell her pie and eat it-- only to have the spell cast upon them.

Henry and mudge under the yellow moon
Rylant, Cynthia
Together, Henry and his dog, Mudge, watch the leaves turn colors, listen to Halloween stories and eat Thanksgiving dinner.

Barton, Byron
Hester was going to have a halloween party. Before the party, she decided to go trick-or-treating. She ended up flying around on a broom with an old lady. Hester ends up giving her broom to the old lady.

How do you say it today, jesse bear?
Carlstrom, Nancy White
For Jesse Bear, every month has a fun activity or holiday to celebrate. From January to December, Jesse Bear wishes his family and friends many special moments.

In the haunted house
Bunting, Eve
Take an adventure through a haunted house with lots of witches, ghosts, and vampires.

It's pumpkin time!
Hall, Zoe
Halloween is on its way, and it is time to plant the pumpkin seeds. A little girl and her brother plant the seeds and watch them grow. The shoots pop up, grow into vines, flowers bloom, and at last the pumpkins are ready to be picked!

Jeb scarecrow's pumpkin patch
Dillon, Jana
A scarecrow family is frustrated by the crows. See how young Jeb plans to scare them away.

John pig's halloween
Waldron, Jan L.
John Pig was afraid of Halloween and did not go trick-or-treating with his friends. But then, just when he was feeling scared and alone, a witch and a cat bring Halloween to him. They have a party and make lots of treats. John learns that Halloween is a fun holiday.

Lionel in the fall
Krensky, Stephen
Lionel returns to school, meets his new teacher, rakes leaves with a friend, and goes trick-or-treating on Halloween. During these adventures, Lionel learns some new things about himself.

Little witch's big night
Hautzig, Deborah
Little witch is punished because she has been too good. She has to stay home on Halloween night. But by staying home, she makes new friends and has very nice time by giving her new friends rides on her broomstick.

Lyle at the office
Waber, Bernard
Lyle, the crocodile, possesses incredible people skills. Sometime this gift can cause problems.

Lyle, lyle crocodile
Waber, Bernard
A crocodile named Lyle has a big impact on those he meets in his community. One day, a member of his family loses his job. In the end this bad event is turned around into a job well done by everyone.

Miss flora mcflimsey's halloween
Miss Flora McFlimsey is a doll who decides to take an adventure on a witch's broom on All Hallows' Eve. The adventure is ruined when she must return home to rid her house of five goblins.

Mousekin's golden house
Miller, Edna
A little mouse finds a jack-o-lantern in the woods and gives it a home. It protects him from predators and the cold air.

My parents are divorced, my elbows have nicknames, and other facts about me
Cochran, Bill
Ted's parents are divorced but that doesn't make him weird. His elbows have nicknames and he sleeps with a sock on one foot, and he admits that may make him weird. Ted lists off many other facts about himself that may seem weird to others, but that's him and he is happy the way he is! He is sad though when his parents can't hug him at the same time.

Never poke a squid
Cazet, Denys
Arnie and Raymond come home from a Halloween celebration at school. Arnie's mother asks them all about the adventures of the day. They tell her about decorating the classroom, playing games, and marching in a parade. After their story, they go off to trick-or-treat.

Old devil wind
Martin, Bill Jr.
All the haunting sounds of Halloween are pieced together in this house. A stool begins making noises, and then everything else joins in until the wind decides to join in and blows everything away.

On halloween night
Wolff, Ferida
An adventurous travel through Halloween night which uses thirteen holiday objects such as crows, witches, and bats describe the scary evening.

One dark night
Preston, Edna Mitchell
A robber, ghost, witch, scarecrow and jack-o-lantern are all scared by a noise. They run to their homes to learn that the noise came from a mouse.

One halloween night
Teague, Mark
Three children get more than they are trick-or-treating for, when the night turns into one unexpected event after another. The neighbors pass out Broccoli Chews and Eggplant Fizzlers and the trio runs into their nemesis Leona Fleebish. With a sweep of a wand, flash of a pirate sword, and gulp of magic potion, the children create an unforgetable Halloween.

Pumpkin circle: The story of a garden
Levenson, George
Did you ever wonder how pumpkins grew? From seeds to plants to flowers to pumpkins, the color of this vegetable changes three times. Beautiful photographs show the life cycle of the pumpkin.

Pumpkin eye
Fleming, Denise
A dark night of Halloween fright brings you colors, sounds, and sensory sights.

Pumpkin pumpkin
Titherington, Jeanne
A little boy plants a pumpkin seed and watches it grow from a tiny sprout to a huge orange pumpkin. In the end, he picks the pumpkin and carves it for Halloween. However, he does save six seeds for planting next spring.

Scared silly
Howe, James
Harold, Chester, and Howie are a little spooked on Halloween. They became quite scared when Bunnicula, the family rabbit, wakes up in the middle of the night and their master comes home dressed as a witch.

Scary, scary halloween
Bunting, Eve
There are many scary things that come out on Halloween. Things like devils, ghosts, goblins, skeletons, werewolves, vampires and witches may come out to trick or treat.

Snow pumpkin
Schaefer, Carole Lexa
Lily and Gram can't believe how much snow has fallen in October. Lily and her friend, Jesse, have a wonderful time rolling around in the snow and building a snowman. When they run out of snow for the snowman's head, Lily and Jesse go to Gram's vegetable patch and find a snow pumpkin with a face. The snowman eventually melts, but the pumpkin remains smiling on Gram and Jesse's window sill.

Space case
Marshall, Edward
A little thing from outer space is observing our planet. He learns about school, Halloween, and Christmas. He meets a new friend named Buckly who he helps out of a jam.

Space witch
Freeman, Don
A witch is building a spaceship to go and scare others on a different planet. When she is in space, instead of scaring others, she gets scared herself. She comes back to the earth and decides to stick with a broom.

Speaking of Mrs. McCluskie
Maiden, Cecil
Baby rabbit wants to jump a bushel of apples like her sister but can't until she gets the courage to stand up to a huge purple monster. She then has the confidence to jump the apples.

That terrible halloween night
Stevenson, James
Marry Ann and Louie try to scare their grandpa on Halloween. Instead he tells them a story about a terrible Halloween he had years ago. He went into an old, rundown house and was scared by terrible creatures.