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Elijah's angel
Rosen, Michael
Elijah and Michael have a unique friendship. Elijah is an 80 year old black Christian barber and Michael is a 9 year old Jewish boy. Elijah and Michael exchange Hanukah and Christmas gifts and reach a level of understanding between their different religions.

Rosen, Michael
This dog has three pet humans for whom he is responsible. He loves them and takes care of them. Sometimes they all go to the beach together. The littlest human, Rover, wanders away. No one can find her but the dog. When she is found, the dog promises never to let her out of his sight again.

Soup for supper
Root, Phyllis
A small woman who has a hearty vegetable garden that she loves very much, encounters a giant who steals all her vegetables. She chases after him and realizes that they can share vegetable soup and a friendship.

With my brother (con mi hermando)
Roe, Eileen
Younger siblings often wish that they were old enough to do the things that their brothers and sisters enjoy. But sometimes, older siblings do spend special, quality time with their younger siblings. These make special moments and deeper relationships.

Paul and arthur search for the egg
Rockwell, Anne
Paul and Arthur the bull, hear a crying seagull. The seagull has lost her egg and Paul and Arthur take on the responsibility of finding it. When they do, a baby gull is born and the mother gull is very happy.

Albert b. cub & zebra
Rockwell, Anne
Albert B. Cub's friend named Zebra is missing. Albert looks all over for Zebra, travelling from A to Z. Finally, Albert finds Zebra at the zoo. (A Wordless Book)

Mr. goat's bad good idea
Robinson, Marileta
Three stories featuring Mr. Goat, Jerry Prairie Dog, Grandfather Sheep, and other Navajo friends.

Addie runs away
Robins, Joan
Addie's parents want to send her to camp. She thinks that they do not want her anymore, so she runs away. Her friend, Max, tells her camp is fun and they decide to go to camp together.

Addie meets max
Robins, Joan
Addie is reluctant to befriend her new neighbor Max, expecially after they run into each other when riding bikes. Eventually Addie's mom sets up a luncheon between the two of them. Addie begins to like Max and they become friends.

Jazzy Miz Mozetta
Roberts, Brenda C.
One night Miz Mozetta decided that she felt like dancing. Her friends outside made excuses not to dance and the children across the street would not let her. Miz Mozetta sulks to her room, but soon enough her friends and the children show up in her memories ready to dance the jitterbug all night long.

The invisible princess
Ringgold, Faith
Mama and Papa Love are two of Captain Pepper's slaves. They are going to have a baby, but they fear for it's life. With the help of the Powers of Nature, their baby is saved. For years Mama and Papa Love live peacefully until Captain Pepper threatens their child once again. By asking for help from the Powers of Nature, the slaves are able to live happily and peacefully with out any fear of Captain Pepper.

Ben and the bear
Riddell, Chris
When a young boy encounters a harmless playful bear, the two become best friends. They go back to Ben's house and eat lunch, dance, and clean up their mess. Then the bear goes home and tells the boy that they will have lunch at his house the next day.

Once in a wood: Ten tales from aesop
Rice, Eve
Follow the Fox, the Lion, and other animals through the various lessons of life. Aesop's Fables teach many lessons about being clever and playing the fool.

Curious george goes to the hospital
Rey, Margret//Rey, H.A.
Curious George needs to go to the hospital. While he is there, he succeeds in making a sad girl very happy and creates a lot of mischief.

Curious George rides a bike (Georges fait du velo)
Rey, H.A.
Curious George, a monkey from Africa, receives a new bicycle from a man who wears a yellow hat. He has many interesting adventures on his new bike, including riding into a rock when he watches boats travel down the river.

Curious george gets a medal
Rey, H.A.
Curious George is home alone and his mischief leads him on quite an adventure. In the end, he goes on his biggest adventure yet and becomes a hero.

Best friends think alike
Reiser, Lynn
Ruby and Beryl are best friends. They spend an afternoon in the park using their imaginations, proving that best friends really do think alike.

Lemon whip
A cake and a lemon escape from a refrigerator to explore the world together. They see many things and decide to travel over land and sea together, forever.

Mr. and mrs. pig's evening out
Rayner, Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Pig decide to go out for the evening so they get a babysitter, Mrs. Wolf, for their piglets. Mrs. Wolf gets hungry while she is sitting, but not for anything in the kitchen.

Octavia and her purple ink cloud
Rathmell, Donna//Rathmell, Doreen
Octavia Octopus and her sea-animal friends love playing camouflage games to practice how they would hide from a モbig, hungry creature.ヤ Octavia, however, just cannot seem to get her colors right when she tries to shoot her purple ink cloud. What happens when the big, hungry shark shows up looking for his dinner? Learn your basic colors along with the camouflage techniques of various sea animals, and you'll be on your way to being a marine biologist!

Carolina's story: Sea turtles get sick too!
Rathmell, Donna
Follow the photo journal of Carolina, a critically ill loggerhead sea turtle, as she is cared for and nursed back to health at the Sea Turtle Hospital of the South Carolina Aquarium. \r\n\r\nJust like hospitalized children, Carolina goes through a variety of emotions and procedures during her care and recovery process. When she first arrives at the hospital, she is too sick, weak, and confused to understand what is happening. She has blood drawn, x-rays taken, gets shots, and is fed through an IV...just as ill children may be! As she gains strength, she begins to interact with her caregivers and begrudgingly, understands that they are really trying to help. Join her as she interacts with her many caregivers and her sick or injured roommate turtles.

Moose, goose, and little nobody
Raskin, Ellen
All the animals have a home except for little nobody. Moose and Goose try to find his home which leads them to a mouse hole.

And it rained
Raskin, Ellen
A pig, a parrot, and a monkey try to have tea, but their tea party is ruined by a rain storm. They all come up with ideas to solve the problem, but only one works.

Raschka, Chris
Two boys are talking on the telephone. They get into an argument about their other peers. By the end, both sides of the conversation are known.

The blushful hippopotamus
Raschka, Chris
Roosevelt's sister teases him when he makes mistakes and blushes, calling him a blushful hippopotamus. This makes him angry and sad, but his best friend helps him realize how special he really is.

Arlene sardine
Raschka, Chris
Have you ever wanted to be a sardine?Arlene does, but there are many steps to go through first. From going into the nets, to the factory, and finally into a can. Arlene becomes a sardine right before your eyes.

Donkey it's snowing
Raphael, Elaine//Bolognes, Don
Carlo walks out one morning to find water frozen in his bucket. Then he goes on to tell the donkey all about winter. The two friends prepare for winter together.

Ruth and the green book
Ramsey, Calvin Alexander
Ruth and her parents drive from Chicago to Alabama to visit her grandma. Along the way, they saw signs that said "White Only" where they couldn't eat in the restaurants or use the bathroom inside. Ruth's mother had food packed for the trip, and they sang songs along the way to stay happy. They also visited a friend, Eddy, in Tennessee where Eddy and Ruth's daddy played music together. When the family drove into Georgia, a man explained "The Negro Motorist Green Book" which would list places in different states that would welcome black people who were traveling. Ruth and her family learns how to use the Green Book to find places to sleep, eat, shop, and get a haircut on their travels because Jim Crow laws were unfair and discriminatory against black people. When a 'tourist home' welcomes them for free, Ruth learns that it is important to help each other and treat others like a big family. After this lesson, she gives her Brown Bear to a little boy who was traveling away from home with his mother for the very first time. Ruth said that she no longer needed Brown Bear because she was too old now, then she told his mother about buying a Green Book for her travels.

A smooth move
Rabe, Berniece
Gus and his family move from Portland to Washington D.C. when his dad starts a new job. He keeps a journal to help the move go smoothly. While he misses his friends, Gus knows he will like his new home.

Dancing hands: A story of friendship in filipino sign language
Que, Joanna//Marquez, Charria
The new neighbors do not use their voices to speak. Their hands move in a rhythm to express their thoughts and feelings. Mai teaches her friend to communicate using her "hands to dance". The girls share their dreams and their aspirations for careers. Sam and Mai become best friends.

Piet potter retruns
Quackenbush, Robert
Piet and his friends go around their town to find clues to solve the problem of the mysterious gum-chewer!

The porcupine mouse
Pryor, Bonnie
Louie and Dan are two mice brothers that move out into the world on their own. They learn how important a good breakfast is, how scary cats are, and how best friends are important.

The old pirate of central park
Priest, Robert
An old pirate who lives in New York City takes a walk in Central Park and spends time with other old pirates. One day, when he brings his ship to sail on the pond, he meets the retired Queen. A battle ensues between vessels. Chaos reigns until a truce is called. Now the Old Pirate and the Old Queen spend time together at the pond every day as Retirates.

How to make an apple pie and see the world
Priceman, Marjorie
A girl decides to make an apple pie. She goes to the store and finds it closed. Now she must travel across the world to gather ingredients for her pie. She goes to Italy, France, Sri Lanka, England, Jamaica, and Vermont. Once her ingredients are gathered, she takes them home and bakes an apple pie.

Friend or frog
Priceman, Marjorie
Kate is a little girl whose best friend is a frog. When the frog causes too much trouble, her mom tells her to get rid of it. As Kate tries to find a decent home for her frog, he escapes.

Mom and dad break up
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young boy expresses his feelings about his parents' divorce. He feels angry, sad, and lonely at the same time, and often takes it out on his friends. But eventually, he learns to adjust to the change, and learns that he is not at fault for the break up of his parents.

Moving is hard
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl is sad that she has to move from her house. She must leave her friends, her school, and all of her favorite things, like playing baseball and running in the fields with her dog. She soon makes new friends, though, and learns her new apartment is not much different from her old neighborhood and begins to like it.

Sometimes i feel awful
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl has a day full of different moods. Although she starts out happy, she begins to feel different throughout the day. She does not want to share with her friend and gets upset when he plays with her toys. She learns what she should have said to make her family and friends understand.

Potter, Katherine
A young boy, who is often picked on, makes friends with an imaginary stick figure. His new found friend drastically changes his life.

Harry in trouble
Porte, Barbara Ann
Harry tells his own story about how he misplaces his library cards. He feels ashamed about not being responsible, but then learns that he is not the only one.

Our community garden
Pollak, Barbara
Neighborhood children plant a garden together and each contribute by helping to take care of the garden. They set goals, work hard, and build healthy friendship. After harvesting their crops, everyone from the community comes together for a special meal made from vegetables grown in the garden. What a nutritious, heart-warming treat!

John Philip Duck
Polacco, Patricia
Edward and his father work at a hotel and return home on the weekends. One weekend, Edward finds a motherless duckling near the pond. Edward is permitted by his father to take the duck to work, only if he keeps it out of the hotel managerメs sight. When the manager discovers the duck, Edward saves the day by showing the manager how he has trained the duck to march to music by John Philip Sousa. Edward trains many more ducks to live in the hotel fountain.

Welcome comfort
Polacco, Patricia
Welcome Comfort is the new kid in school and his peers tease him. Quintin Hamp, the school custodian, befriends him and teaches him to believe in himself and Christmas. Welcome is visited by Santa and starts to believe. After graduating from high school, Welcome joins Quintin as the school custodian and their Christmas experiences continue on a whole new level of love.

Chicken sunday
Polacco, Patricia
Three children want to thank Miss Eula for her chicken dinners she makes each Sunday. They decide to sell Easter eggs. They make enough money to buy her an Easter hat.

Rechenka's eggs
Polacco, Patricia
Babushka rescues an injured goose Rechenka. Because the goose accidentally breaks all of Babushka's paints and eggs, Rechenka pays Babushka back by laying eggs that win in the Easter Festival.

Mrs. mack
Polacco, Patricia
Patricia has waited ten years to learn to ride a horse. Her father takes her to a stable where she will spend most of her summer learning to ride with Mrs. Mack who knows all about horses. Patricia meets the horse of her dreams named Penny and works hard all summer so that she can ride her. Patricia's summer is complete!

Appelemando's dreams
Polacco, Patricia
Appelemando's dreams color the town. The adults do not appreciate the significance of his dreams until he uses his power to save the children.

Mrs. katz and tush
Polacco, Patricia
Larnel unexpectingly finds himself befriending an old, Polish woman. From Mrs. Katz, he learns Jewish history and begins to appreciate his own African roots.

The mushroom man
Pochocki, Ethel
An old man, known as the mushroom man, works on a mushroom farm. People say that his head looks like a mushroom. They tease him and call him names. He befriends an even uglier animal, and they are happy together.