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Addie meets max
Robins, Joan
Addie is reluctant to befriend her new neighbor Max, expecially after they run into each other when riding bikes. Eventually Addie's mom sets up a luncheon between the two of them. Addie begins to like Max and they become friends.

Adam's abc
Fife, Dale H
Adam and friends have many adventures in alphabetical order throughout the day.

Adam and the wolf
Gunthorp, Karen
Despite warnings not to go looking for strawberries because of the wolf, Adam goes anyway and finds a pleasant and unexpected friend.

Across town
A man journeys across town and makes friends with a cat (A Wordless Book).

Hiller, Catherine
A boy gets a cat that is magical. The boy tells a friend about his cat and his friend promises not to tell. His friend tells and all the kids laugh and make fun of him. The cat proves to everyone that he is magical and then makes everyone forget, but the friend remembers and never tells.

Aaron and gayla's counting book
Greenfield, Eloise
Two African American children explore numbers on a rainy day. The children play in the rain, counting all the things they see.

A. lincoln and me
Borden, Louise
A young boy discovers that he shares a birthday on the same day as Abraham Lincoln's. Learn how many other common characteristics a boy shares with a past president.

A-hunting we will go!
Kellogg, Steven
As it gets close to bedtime, a brother and sister gather up their animal friends and go on an adventure because they do not want to go to sleep. They go hunting for more friends and fun and travel through woods and across an ocean. As the children and animals get sleepy, they return home to take a bath, brush their teeth, and put on their pajamas. The words of the story are set to the classic children's tune A-Hunting we will go.

A worm's tale
Lindgren, Barbro
Arthur is a lonely man who accidently steps on a worm one day. Arthur adopts the worm and they become good friends.

A weekend in the country
Lorenz, Lee
A bunch of farm animals take a weekend trip form the city to the country to learn about country life.

A village full of valentines
Stevenson, James
Every animal living in various villages celebrates Valentine's Day in a different way. All the animals learn how to appreciate the many ways to celebrate this fun holiday.

A very special friend
Levi, Dorothy Hoffman
Frannie is lonely without friends her age in her neighborhood. When Laura moves in down the street, Frannie is excited but then sad because Laura is hearing impaired and cannot talk. The girls soon learn to communicate through sign language and become close friends.

A very important day
Herold, Maggie Rugg
A snowstorm adds to the wonder and excitement of this very important day during which 219 people become U.S. citizens.

A turkey for thanksgiving
Bunting, Eve
Mr. Moose goes looking for a turkey for Mrs. Moose's Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey that Mr. Moose catches is very frightened about being eaten for dinner. When Mr. Moose returns home with the turkey, they both find out that Mrs. Moose wanted a turkey to join her for dinner.

A troll in passing
Krensky, Stephen
Imagine growing up and being just a little different than everyone else. Morgan was never interested in troll things, even the games they played. He wanted more than troll life could give him. When he gets the job of forager, he begins a whole new life.

A to z do you ever feel like me?
Hausman, Bonnie
How are you feeling today?Join the children in this book to find out if they are feeling the same way. Learn the letters of the alphabet while you solve the puzzles of emotions. Have fun!

A starlit somersault downhill
Willard, Nancy
Friendship is very important to this little rabbit who wants to nap with his bear friend. Unfortunately for the rabbit, he learns he cannot rest as long and as peacefully as the bear can. He learns that he is meant to be free doing somersaults downhill in the snow.

A spider and a pig
Morley, Carol
The mayor's daughter gets carried away by an awful storm. A spider that can't walk and a pig with a cold set out to find the daughter as a team.

A special trade
Wittman, Sally
When Nelly was a baby, Bartholomew would push her in her stroller and tell her stories. Now that he is in a wheelchair and she is older, she pushes him around.

A smooth move
Rabe, Berniece
Gus and his family move from Portland to Washington D.C. when his dad starts a new job. He keeps a journal to help the move go smoothly. While he misses his friends, Gus knows he will like his new home.

A slimy story
Knudsen, Michelle
Dan runs into a problem when he has no money and no time to buy his mom a birthday present. He canï¾’t think of anything and feels hopeless. One day, a bully puts a slimy, gross worm in Danï¾’s pocket on the walk to school. His teacher, Mrs. Stewart, places the worm in a jar, and all the children become interested. Dan even starts to like the worm and decides to give it to his mom to help her garden. She thinks the worm is a great gift.

A sky full of dragons
Wright, Mildred Whatley
Lee Chow's grandfather shows him the wonderful items in the magic Chest of Dragons. What Lee Chow really wants is marbles and the Chest of Dragons cannot provide them. Fortunately, the Spring Festival creates good times, friends, and the beautiful marbles Lee Chow desires.

A rainbow of friends
Halliman, P.K.
A vision of harmony celebrates differences among people. These vibrant pictures and rhymes help portray the notion that uniqueness in individuals is what makes each of us so special.

A porcupine named fluffy
Lester, Helen
A young porcupine named Fluffy is unhappy with his name and tries to change himself until he meets a rhino named Hippo.

A name on the quilt: A story of remembrance
Atkins, Jeannine
A family remembers an uncle that died of AIDS by constructing a quilt. Each panel reminds the family of a memory shared with Uncle Ron.

A million fish...more or less
McKissack, Patricia C.
Hugh Thomas lives in a place where weird things happen and people spin tales. Elder Abbajon and Papa-Daddy tell Hugh Thomas a tale about Bayou Clapateaux. On the way home from fishing, Hugh Thomas makes up his own spin tale.

A lion named Shirley Williamson
Waber, Bernard
When the new lion, Shirley Williamson, arrives at the zoo, all the other lions are jealous of the attention she receives from the public. After the zoo director changes Shirley's name to Bongo and fires her keeper, Shirley runs away. Luckily, she goes to her trainer's house and he returns Shirley to the zoo.

A letter to amy
Keats, Ezra Jack
Peter writes an invitation to Amy to attend his birthday party. It is an adventure trying to mail the invitation in the wind and rain. Peter thinks Amy may never come to his party.

A kiss for little bear
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Little Bear draws grandma a picture and sends it with Hen. Grandma is pleased with the picture and sends Little Bear a kiss in return through Hen, who passes it on to a friend. Eventually, the kiss reaches two skunks who decide to get married.

A joyful day!
Stanbridge, Bobette
Cheerful bird has many nature-filled adventures with her tree friends and rock friends. Also meet Miss Annie Elephant who changes colors with her mood, and Selina Butterfly who changes patterns.

A is for africa
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
The author, a member of the Igbo tribe in Nigeria, presents text and her own photographs of twenty-six things, from A-Z, representative of all African peoples.

A house for hermit crab
Carle, Eric
Hermit crab outgrew his shell in January so he must find a new home. Month by month he collects friends to make his home better. As he outgrows his shell, Herman is sad because he will have to leave his friends. A smaller homeless crab comes along and promises to take care of Herman's friends and home.

A friend is someone who likes you
Anglund, Joan Walsh
This book describes all the different kinds of friends a person could have.

A day, a dog
Vincent, Gabrielle
A dog is left behind on a road to begin an adventure through the fields, city, beach, and country. Will it ever find someone who will love it again? (A Wordless Book)

A day with Wilbur Robinson
Joyce, William
Wilburs best friend spends the day at his house looking for his grandfather's false teeth. In the process, they meet one crazy relative after another.

A cow for jaya
Grant, Eva
Jaya, a young boy in India, desperately wants a cow for his family. However, when his parents buy Khubi, the cow, Jaya is disappointed because she is so ugly. Despite Khubi's physical apperance, she and Jaya develop a close friendship when Khubi saves Jaya from trouble.

A country tale
Stanley, Diane
Cleo and Lucy are great friends who live in the country. Mrs. Snickers, who came from the city, moves into the mansion next door and Cleo is enchanted by her elegance.

A country far away
Gray, Nigel
This is a story comparing two young boys who live in Africa and the United States. Their lives are identical even though they live in different countries.

A color of his own
Lionni, Leo
A little chameleon is sad because he does not have a color of his own. He meets another chameleon who befriends him and they become the same colors together.

A christmas story
Chalmers, Mary
A little girl and her animal friends get ready for Christmas by putting up a tree. They have to go looking for a star for the top of the tree because they do not have one.

A child story in a south african city
Wulfsohn, Gisele
Presents a day in the life of a child living in Johannesburg, discussing the social life, customs, religion, history, and language of South Africa.

A cane in her hand
Litchfield, Ada B.
Valerie, a young girl, has poor eyesight. She needs to use a cane to walk around. She eventually learns to use the cane and not feel bad about it.

A candle for christmas
Speare, Jean
Thomas's parents need to help his uncle, so they leave Thomas with a friend one week before Christmas. Thomas is afraid that his parents won't make it home. They show up late Christmas Eve and Thomas is happy.

A cake for herbie
Mathers, Petra
Lottie's friend Herbie loves to use words in a poetic and unique way, but it takes special friends to understand how special he is. Will Herbie come up with the prize winning poem in the contest in order to win a delicious cake?

A button in her ear
Litchfield, Ada B.
Angela Perkins sturggles to hear others, so her parents take her to the doctor for an examination. She must wear a hearing aid. Her friends think she is special and she enjoys wearing the hearing aid.

A busy year
Lionni, Leo
Twin mice, Willie and Winnie, befriend Woody, the talking tree. They visit her every month and witness the changes the different seasons bring to their friend.

A boy, a dog, a frog and a friend
Mayer, Mercer//Marianna
A boy and his friends go fishing. Their fishing party is interrupted when a turtle bites the line. The boy catches a turtle.

A bargain for frances
Hoban, Russell
Frances saves money to buy a real china tea pot. Thelma swindles Frances out of her money and buys the tea pot. Frances then tricks Thelma out of the tea pot and they are friends again.