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"L" is for library
Terry, Sonya
Children with a friendly tabby cat, a dog, and ducklings move through the library stacks from A-Z as they discover many things to do and see in a library. You can learn about the Caldecott award, the Dewey Decimal System, and URL Web address.

A boy, a dog, and a frog
Mayer, Mercer
A boy and his dog go hunting for a frog. They find one but cannot catch him, so they leave and the frog follows them.

A boy's best friend
Alden, Joan
Will wants a dog for his birthday, but because of his asthma, he gets a stuffed toy dog instead. When Will takes his dog to school, he is made fun of by bullies.

A child story in a south african city
Wulfsohn, Gisele
Presents a day in the life of a child living in Johannesburg, discussing the social life, customs, religion, history, and language of South Africa.

A country mouse in the town house: A hide-and-seek fable
A content country mouse receives an invitation from a friend in the city. Her friend promises delightful foods but fails to mention a prowling dog and cat. While the country mouse finds her friend's house elegant and full of food, she would rather be in the country without the cat and dog.

A cow's alfalfa-bet
Jackson, Woody
This alphabet journey takes you from a to z on a dairy farm. Using the grain, alfalfa, you can experience the alfalfa-bet in farm colors, scenery, and cows.

A day, a dog
Vincent, Gabrielle
A dog is left behind on a road to begin an adventure through the fields, city, beach, and country. Will it ever find someone who will love it again? (A Wordless Book)

A drop of honey
Bider, Djemma
Anayida falls asleep and dreams of baking baklava. When she buys the honey, she drops some of it on the sidewalk. A bee lands on the honey and a cat chases the bee. A dog chases the cat and they all run through the town. The whole town is turned upside down because of one drop of honey.

A fine, fine school
Creech, Sharon
Mr. Keeene knows he has a fine school with great teachers and students. Since everyone is learning so much, he decides to have school on Saturdays, then Sundays, and then eventually all summer. Eventually, one student named Tillie tells Mr. Keene that they are not learning anything outside of school. Everyone is relieved when Mr. Keene announces the return of a normal school year.

A garden alphabet
Wilner, Isabel
In this alphabet garden, you will experience the process of planting a garden through spring, summer, and autumn. While tending to your garden, you may even meet a variety of animals that may lend a hand during the process.

A helpful alphabet of friendly objects
Updike, John
Poems are provided with various pictures of objects which begin with each letter of the alphabet such as apple, bird, jam, egg, nickel, oatmeal, toy and zero.

A home in the barn
Brown, Margaret Wise
In the winter, it is too cold for the animals to be outside but the barn is warm. All the horses, cattle, mice, birds, and cats stay there together to keep away from the cold. Even though there are a lot of animals in the barn, they all get along and help to keep each other warm.

A northern alphabet
Harrison, Ted
A Northern Alphabet provides many examples of people, places, animals and objects under each letter. It also displays an accurate representation of northern life throughout the year.

A penguin pup for Pinkerton
Kellogg, Steven
At school, Emily learns about penguins and how they care for their young. When Emily tells her dog, Pinkerton, about penguins, he begins to dream of having a penguin pup of his own. He even begins to think that his football is a penguin egg and waits for it to hatch. Later, Pinkerton steals a football from a football game. Emily and her family give Pinkerton a baby penguin of his own that he can care for.

A rose for Pinkerton
Kellogg, Steven
Pinkerton's family decides he needs a friend and gets a cat named Rose. The only problem is that Rose thinks she's a Great Dane like Pinkerton, and Pinkerton now thinks he's a kitten.

A seed was planted/ Sembre una semilla
Palazeti, Toulla
A wonderful cycle of giving begins when a single seed is planted and sprouts are passed along from one person to the next. An entire community is touched.

A spree in paree
Stock, Catherine
Monsieur Monmouton has never been to Paris, France so he decides to take a vacation with all of his farm animals. Once there, they shop, eat in restaurants, and go to a museum. But there is much more they have to do!

A symphony of whales
Schuch, Steve
A young girl named Glashka has the gift of hearing whale songs in her dreams. Upon discovering thousands of trapped blue whales in a freezing channel, it is up to Glashka and her small community to save them.

Across the blue mountains
Clark, Emma Chichester
Miss Milberry lives happily at the base of the blue mountains with her beautiful garden and her animals, but she is curious about what it is like on the other side of the mountains. Miss Milberry takes a long trip trying to get to the other side, but she ends up at a place that looks very familiar.

Across the wide dark sea: The mayflower journey
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A young boy and his family leave England with many other people to search for a new life in a new land. They dream of finding a place where they can worship God in their own way. During their journey, everyone endures many hardships, but they find what they are looking for.

Alicia has a bad day
Jahn-Clough, Lisa
Since Alicia is typically a very happy little girl that likes to be silly, she does not like the miserable feeling she experiences one morning. Alicia first handles her emotions by sitting and moping. Later she goes outside to write about her dark and dreary feelings in her notebook, only to be interrupted by a storm. After some alone time under her bed and a lick from her dog, Alizie realizes the world is not so lugubrious and goes outside to play.

All aboard, owney!
Sattler, Jennifer
Climb aboard with Owney the mail dog as he travels the Adirondack railroad! Meet his new wilderness friends and enjoy the colorful view.

All about you
Anholt, Catherine//Anholt, Laurence
Everyone is different, no one is quite the same. Discover all about you!How do you feel today?Are you hungry?Each time it's a new story.

All ready for school
Adelson, Leone
Patty is going to school for the first time. All of her outdoor friends want to know why she is so excited so they follow her to school. The animals don't understand many of the activities that she does at school, but Patty enjoys them all very much.

All the places to love
MacLachlan, Patricia
Eli is a little boy growing up on a farm. He lives with his parents and grandparents, who show him the beauty of farm life.

All the way home
Marshall, James
Juliet, George and their mom went to the park. Juliet cries and George grins all the way home. A bird, cat and dog follow them, each one making its own noise.

Always in trouble
Demas, Corinne
Emma's dog ,Toby, always seems to be in trouble. When Emma gives him more attention, he still gets into trouble. At dog training school, he is the best dog and receives a diploma after all the classes, but he still gets into trouble. So Emma takes him back to the school, and leaves Toby with the teacher for a week. When he comes back, Toby seems like the perfect dog, but Emma soon finds out, no dog is perfect.

Amos camps out
Seligson, Susan//Schneider, Howie
Amos is a dog that rides his couch everywhere, even camping. He has a good time camping and even uses his couch to scare a bear away from camp.

Amos: The story of an old dog and his couch
Seligson, Susan//Schneider, Howie
An old dog is bored and sad because the kids are all grown up and the Bobsons are always gone. He later discovers he can make new friends and his couch can go places if he uses his imagination.

An angel for solomon singer
Rylant, Cynthia
Solomon Singer, alone and lonely, wanders the streets of New York City dreaming of things he will never have. He dreams of a fireplace, porch swing, a purple wall, a cat, and his boyhood home in Indiana. One night he wanders into a small restaurant where he reads on the menu that this is the place where all dreams come true.

An apple pie for dinner
VanHecke, Susan
Wishing to bake an apple pie, Old Granny Smith sets out with a full basket, trading its contents for a series of objects until she get the apples she needs.

An autummn tale
Updike, David
On the eve of Halloween, Homer carves a jack-o-lantern from a pumpkin in his yard. That night, when he goes to watch the moon rise, he puts the pumpkin on his head. He is surprised to see the trees moving and talking. Homer goes on a short journey with the trees and returns home the next morning.

And the cow said moo!
Phillips, Mildred
A cow wonders why she says moo but all the other farm animals make different noises. She soon learns that each animal has its own identity and makes its own sounds, making them all unique.

Andreas in king's park
Andreas, Matt, and Ruff are great friends who do everything together. When Ruff runs off, Matt and Andreas use clever thinking and courage to find their dog.

Angel's kite
Blanco, Alberto
Young Angel is sad because the town bell is missing. One night, Young Angel builds a giant kite that mysteriously turns into the town bell. (Also in Spanish).

Angus and the cat
Flack, Marjorie
Angus, the dog, explored many things. One day he finds a cat in the house. He does not like the cat, until it is gone - then he misses it.

Angus and the ducks
Flack, Marjorie
Angus is a curious dog who wonders what the sound is on the other side of the hedge. He discovers ducks and scares them away. The ducks finally turn on Angus and scare him.

Angus lost
Flack, Marjorie
Angus, the dog, becomes bored with all his familiar surroundings. One day, he leaves the yard in search for something different. Realizing he cannot communicate with many things, he is happy to return home.

Animalogy: Animal analogies
Berkes, Marianne
Compare and contrast different animals through predictable analogies that rhyme. Find the similarities between even the most incompatible animals....bat is to flit as eagle is to soar; dog is to bark as lion is to roar. Comparisons include sounds, physical adaptations, behaviors, and animal classifications.

Anno's animals
Anno, Mitsumasa
Look carefully at every page because animals, birds, and people are hidden in the pictures.

Ant plays bear
Byars, Betsy
Ant is a young boy with a wild imagination. An imagination that allows him to be a bear and a dog. He also imagines a giant outside his window and experiences the careers of his dreams.

Art dog
Hurd, Thacher
Arthur Dog disguises himself as Art Dog to recover the stolen Mona Woofa from the Dogopolis Museum of Art. When he is not Art Dog, he lives as an ordinary citizen who appreciates life.

Arthur's back to school day
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur and his friends are very excited about going back to school. They even have new lunch boxes!School goes great that first day as the friends learn about school bus safety and eat their yummy chocolate chip cookies for snack.

Arthur's halloween costume
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur wants to be a ghost for Halloween. When he realizes that he won't be the only ghost, Arthur creates an original costume that stands out from everyone.

Arthur's pet business
Brown, Marc
Arthur's parents say he may have a puppy if he proves that he is responsible. Arthur decides to get a job pet sitting a neighbor's dog and eventually many pets. Finally when the neighbor comes home, she finds her dog and new puppies. She pays Arthur ten dollars and gives him one of the new puppies to care for himself.

Arthur's prize reader
Hoban, Lillian
Arthur loses the Super Chimp Club contest. But because he helped her learn to read, Arthur's sister wins the first grade reading contest and a prize for both of them.

Arthur's tv trouble
Brown, Marc
Trouble for Arthur begins while he is watching TV. He sees a commercial for Treat Timer and just has to buy one for his dog, Pal. Arthur works hard to save and collect the money, but Treat Timer does not turn out to be all that Arthur had imagined.

Aunt lulu
Pinkwater, Daniel
Aunt Lulu, the librarian, grows tired of living in Alaska. So she moves to New Jersey and takes her fourteen sled dogs with her.

Aunt pitty's patty's piggy
Aylesworth, Jim
Aunt Pitty Patty and her niece Nelly bring a pig home from the market. But the pig won't enter the gate to Aunt Pitty Patty's yard. Nelly seeks out the help of others to get the pig through the gate but no one is willing. Nelly problem solves to get others to help and they get the pig through the gate before dinner.

Bad dog school
Joosse, Barbara M.
Harris and his dog Zippy are the best of friends and enjoy spending time together. They dig for treasures, sleep in the same bed, and play on the couch. When Zippy's behaviors seem to be out of control, obedience school seems to be the perfect answer. However, the results are not what the family expected. Harris and his family decided Bad Dog school is the perfect solution.