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The surprise garden
Hall, Zoe
Three children eagerly wait to discover what marvelous plants will grow from the seeds they sowed.

The take-along dog
Porte, Barbara Ann
Sam and Abigail take Benton, their dog, everywhere because their mother doesn't like him. However, she learns to like Benton when he scares away another dog to protect her.

The tale of ginger and pickles
Potter, Beatrix
Ginger and Pickles have to close their store when they run out of money, but Henny Penny opens it back up for business.

The tale of jemima puddle-duck
Potter, Beatrix
Jemima wants desperately to hatch her own eggs. She finds a nice place to lay them in Mr. Fox's den. She almost becomes dinner, but Shep the collie saves the day.

The tale of little pig robinson
Potter, Beatrix
Robinson's trip to the market turns into a life changing experience. After a long trip to town, an adventure in the market, and a near excape on the high seas, he ends up on a tropical island paradise.

The tale of the pie and the patty pan
Potter, Peter
Duchess the Dog is scared that Ribby the Cat will feed her mouse pie. Unknowingl, Dog eats the mouse pie and mass confusion occurs.

The tinderbox
Moser, Barry
Yoder is a lost soldier trying to find his way home. He runs into an old man who makes him rich, and he also gets the old man's magic tinderbox. Yoder, still lost, continues into a town. He stays in this town because he wants to marry the princess. The tinderbox ends up saving his life and helps him accomplish his goal.

The trip to grandma's
Hollander, Cass
One day Mom decides to take the whole family to Grandma's. On the way there, they stop and do all sorts of fun things-pet horses, pick apples, and go swimming. It takes the family so long to get to Grandma's, that by the time they arrive it's time to go home again.

The twelve circus rings
Chwast, Seymour
Numbers are shown as characters in the circus. At first there is a dare devil, then a dare devil and two elephants, and then a dare devil, two elephants, and three monkeys.

The very busy spider
Carle, Eric
A spider is busy working on its web. As the day goes by different animals come and visit but the spider doesn't have time to talk. By the end of the day, the spider feasts on a fly and has a good night's rest after a hard day's work.

The village in the valley of darkness
Mashiri, Pascal
I want to see my people in the village. It is no fun to search alone. At last, I can see the light.οΎ” During my travel, a dog at my side with brother and I. People in the village are thankful and at peace!

The whole green world
Johnston, Tony
Put on your shoes and prepare to walk the world! Learn all that goes into planting and growing seeds then watch as the world turns green. Animated text and vibrant illustrations detail this rhyming story so you can dance the whole green world.

The wild baby gets a puppy
Lindgren, Barbro
Ben wants an animal to play with, so for his birthday he gets a stuffed dog. Ben is mad because he wants a real dog, until his imagination brings the stuffed puppy to life. Ben and the puppy have lots of fun together.

The winter noisy book
Brown, Margaret Wise
Muffin, a dog, explores the sounds of winter. Muffin makes several guesses what the sounds are, and eventually figures them out.

The wish-tree
Ciardi, John
A boy dreams on the eve of his sixth birthday about finding his wish tree. He must keep going up and up to higher levels until he discovers the message, You must take care of your wish. Then on his birthday, he gets the dog he'd been hoping for.

Theodor and mr. balbini
Mathers, Petra
Mr. Balbini no longer wants his talking dog, Theodor, so he gives him to Madame Paulet in exchange for her dog.

There was an old lady who swalled fly guy
Arnold, Tedd
Buzz take Fly Guy with him to visit Grandma. During Grandma's excited hug, she accidentally swalllows Fly Guy! She proceeds to swallow animal after animal in an attempt to catch Fly Guy and all the animals she swallows until Fly Guy finally escapes, followed by the rest.

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
Taback, Simms
There once was a lady who ate so much that it got her into trouble. She eats everything from a fly to a horse. In the end her body cannot take the horse and she dies. The moral of the story is stop at the cow and don't eat the horse.

Three names
MacLachlan, Patricia
A boy and his dog have many adventures together going to school on the prairie.

Crum, Shutta
A family is sitting outside on the farm trying to cool off in the summer heat, when storm clouds roll in. They quickly prepare for the storm. They pick up laundry, roundup chickens and run inside only to realize one chicken is left outside. The father runs out and rescues the chicken, who is especially grumpy. After the storm, the children return to the barn and they find that the chicken is protecting a lost kitten.

Szulagyi, Mary
A little girl is playing outside with her dog when a storm rolls in. She runs in the house crying, because she is scared. In the comfort of her mother's arms, they watch the storm.

Tight times
Hazen, Barbara Shook
A young boy does not understand why in tight times he cannot get a dog.

Tim's friend towser
Ardizzone, Edward
Tim and Ginger are cabin boys who find a dog on the S.S. Royal. The captain does not like dogs, so they try to find it a home every time they go to shore. When the captain finds the dog in hiding, he scolds the boys. In the end, the boys get to keep the dog.

Timid timothy: The kitten who learned to be brave
Williams, G.
Timothy is a cat who is afraid of everyting. His mom teaches him how to be mighty. Eventually, Timothy scares a dog which builds his self-esteem.

Timothy Cox will not change his socks
Kinerk, Robert
A young boy, Timothy Cox, decides to go without changing his socks for a month. As the smell from his socks begins to grow, the entire community gets involved in trying to get him to change his socks. Timothy creatively avoids getting caught for the whole month. He aviods the fire fighters with their hoses and even a scout troop! When the month has come to an end, he keeps the socks in a cabinet as a trophy in his determination to stick to his word and not change his socks.

Toddlecreek post office
Shulevitz, Uri
The village of Toddlecreek is very small, but it has a post office that is the heart of the village. A postal inspector comes and decides to close the post office. After this, the village is never the same.

Tomorrow's alphabet
Shannon, George
Join in and guess the product that will be made tomorrow from the clue given today. For example, A is for seed, tomorrow's apple.

Toni's topsy-turvy telephone day
Ljungkvist, Laura
Toni wants to have a potluck dinner. She calls all of her guests and tells each of them what to bring. It's the day of the party and her guests have arrived. Something has happened! Her friends misunderstood what Toni told them to bring. Now Toni has no food to feed her guests. What will Toni do?

Too many cooks...
Kneen, Maggie
Twenty well known proverbs are given meaning through clever illustrations featuring animals in a variety of situations. Some of the proverbs illustrated include, Too many cooks spoil the broth, Half a loaf is better than none, and Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Too many kittens
Schenley, Ruth Stewart
When a mother says there are too many kittens, the four children in the family must find homes for them. As the children journey, they each find a good home for their kitten by trading it in for another animal. Now there are too many pets for the mother to take care of.

Toot, toot
Wildsmith, Brian
Let's count up to five and watch the animals on each page increase by one. Do you know what noises the animals make?

Tortillas and lullabies: Tortillas y cancioncitas
Reiser, Lynn
The relationship between mother and daughter is seen in one girl's family. Each generation of women in the family makes tortillas, picks flowers, washes clothes, and sings lullabies. The little girl does these same things for her doll. This story is told in both English and Spanish.

Trouble with trolls
Brett, Jan
Treva takes her dog with her to visit her cousin in the mountains. Unfortunately, nasty trolls, who want to steal Tuffi, confront Treva. Treva refuses to give up, which leads to quite an adventure.

Truffles is sick
Anbolt, Catherine
Truffles wakes up sick and is covered with spots. He has to stay in and take awful medicine. By the end of the day, Truffles realizes that being sick and resting is not so bad after all.

Tucker flips
McGuirk, Leslie
After Tucker and his brothers are born, they do everything together. The puppies eat, sleep, play, and watch T.V., but Tucker likes adventures. He especially loves the snow, and his ability to flip comes in handy when he goes for a ride on some children's sled.

Tulip sees america
Rylant, Cynthia
When he is finally old enough, a young man drives his dog, Tulip, from Ohio to the farms of Iowa. They also experience the skies of Nebraska, the winds of Wyoming, the mountains of Colorado, the desert of Nevada, and the ocean of Oregon. Each place shows a new and wonderful part of America.

Two dog biscuits
Cleary, Beverly
Jimmy and Janet each get a dog biscuit from their neighbor. Since they don't have a dog to give the biscuits to, they go on a walk with their mother to find one. After searching for the perfect dog, they decide to give the biscuits to a cat, who eats them quickly.

Uncle's new suit
Passen, Lisa
Uncle Carmen gets a new job, and the entire family goes to the store to help him pick out a new suit.

Up a tree
Lubell, Winifred//Lubell, Cecil
A cat named Kira, who is very set in her ways is chased up a tree by the neighbor's dog. Kira's family tries to get her to come down but she won't until she's ready -see what the reason is.

Voices in the park
Browne, Anthony
A typical day's walk through the park is seen through the eyes of a grouchy woman, an unhappy man, a lonely boy, and a happy young girl. An intriguing look at how friendships are made and torn apart.

Wagons west
Gerrard, Roy
Buckskin Dan and his followers embarked on a wild and dangerous journey on the Oregon Trail. After many exciting adventures like fighting off outlaws and saving an Indian boy, the group finally settles in the Willamette Valley.

Wake up farm!
Tresselt, Alvin
Many different farm animals begin to wake each other up and start their days. Finally, the little boy who lives on the farm wakes and begins his day. This farm is full of many sights and sounds.

Wake up mr. b!
Dale, Penny
Little girl wakes up early while her family continues to sleep. She seeks out Mr. B to accompany her on her make-believe journey.

Walter's tail
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
A dog and its owner enjoy time together. Some town members dislike the dog until he saves the day.

Watch out!
Smaridge, Norah
Signs are good things to have around because they keep you safe. Every sign has a purpose and danger strikes when you do not obey them. For example, watch your step signs tell you to be careful so you do not fall down and hurt yourself.

Watch william walk
Jonas, Ann
William walks with his dog Wally and meets up with Wilma and her duck Wanda. They all walk together, but find when they wade in water, Wanda can move much faster.

Weekend girl
Hest, Amy
Sophie always spends a weekend with her grandparents when her parents take a trip to honeymoon cottage. Every year her grandparents have a special surprise, so she can hardly wait for this year's surprise.

Welcome with love
Overend, Jenni
The special day has arrived. A new baby has many siblings who are all very excited for the new addition to the family. Jack, his sisters Janie and Bea, Aunt Meg, Dad, and Anna the midwife are awaiting the home birth of mother's new baby. The family experiences a wonderful miracle as Mum delivers her new baby at home.

Wet dog!
Broach, Elise
An old dog, hot from the noon day sun, wanders down the road in search of a way to cool off. He discovers different sources of cool water, but is always chased away until he meets a too-hot baby. When the baby's family sees her and the wet dog enjoying the cool water, they join in the splashing having a wonderful time.

What a truly cool world
Lester, Julius//Cepeda, Joe
God created the world with water, trees, land, animals, and people, and thought he had done a great job. God's angel Shaniqua told God that the world looked too boring. God then set out to make the world more interesting. First he made grass but that did not help much so God started singing and making beautiful music. When the flowers complained about being lonely, God called on Shaniqua to sing. Her voice was so pretty that the planets and starts started crying. The people on earth were very happy with their world and so was God.