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The cow that went oink
Most, Bernard
All of the animals on the farm laugh at the cow that says oink and the pig that says moo. This makes the animals feel badly about themselves. The cow and the pig decide to work together and teach each other what they know. In the end, they become the envy of all of the other animals on the farm.

The day I had to play with my sister
Bonsall, Crosby
A boy has a hard time dealing with his younger sister while teaching her the rules of hide-and-seek. She just won't listen! Uggh...being a big brother can be tough!

The day of ahmed's secret
Heide, Florence Parry//Gilliland, Judith Heide
Ahmed has a secret which he keeps all day long. Tonight he will tell his secret to his family but first he has work to do. Ahmed works in the loud and crowded city. The sights and lovely sounds fill his day while he works. When at last he has done all of his work, he can reveal his secret.

The dog who cried wolf
Kasza, Keiko
Feeling bored and trapped with his current life, Moka the dog runs away. Moka then questions his decision as he becomes homesick.

The everything book
Fleming, Denise
An educational book with a little bit of everything from nursery rhymes to counting plus colors, fruits, seasons, alphabet, and animals.

The everything book
Fleming, Denise
From ABCs to 123s, children learn about the world around them. They are introduced to food and animals, along with colors and shapes, so that they can understand their environment.

The fast sooner hound
Bontemps, Anna//Conroy, Jack
A railroad man's dog outruns the trains and makes even the fastest train look slow. The Roadmaster will not let the dog ride in the cab with his owner until he races and beats The Cannonball.

The ghost of nicholas greebe
Johnston, Tony
At midnight, Nicholas Greebe dies. The following day he is buried by his family. However, a small dog digs around his grave and runs off with one of Nicholas Greebe's bones!This upsets Nicholas. His ghost decides to haunt his family until the missing bone is returned.

The good luck cat
Harjo, Joy
Woogie, the cat, is thought to have good luck. But when she goes missing, will her good luck run out or will it bring her back home before her nine lives run out?

The goodbye painting
Berman, Linda
Nick's babysitter, Sara, is the best ever. She paints with him, bakes cookies with him, and even teaches him to paint. But one day, Sara has bad news for Nick -- soon she will be moving to California. Nick must learn to let go of not only a babysitter, but a good friend.

The great big scary dog
Gleeson, Libby
Jen, her sister, and a friend decide to scare a dog with their dragon costume for the Chinese New Year's dance. When they roar and try to scare the dog, the dog is very friendly to the girls and allows them to pet him.

The great fuzz frenzy
Stevens, Janet & Grummel, Susan Stevens
When a dog drops a tennis ball into a Prairie Dog hold, it travels down, down, down to their home. Once they've overcome their fear, the Prairie Dogs begin to collect the fuzz from the ball to adorn themselves. When word of this gets out, more prairie dogs come in search of fuzz, and a fight begins. The fight is ended by the largest of the Prairie Dogs, Big Bark, as he takes all of the fuzz to adorn himself. Just as the prairie dogs are about to get mad at Big Bark, Eagle swoops down and picks him up by the fuzz to carry him off. Big Bark then uses his loud bark to scare the eagle and protect the other prairie dogs.

The hallo-wiener
Pilkey, Dav
Oscar is teased by the other dogs because of his oblong shape. He soon proves that a dog his shape can do things that other dogs cannot.

The heart of the lion
Watson, Pete
An American boy comes to understand and admire the rich culture and traditions of West Africa.

The house I'll build for the wrens
Neitzel, Shirley
A young boy plans to build a house for the wrens in the yard. He starts with a diagram showing what the house will look like. He gets out a toolbox which holds wooden boards, a ruler, hammer, sandpaper, nails, a level, paintbrush, paint, and a scredriver. While he is constructing the birdhouse, his mother comes home. The boy and his mother hang the birdhouse from a tree in the backyard and admire his accomplishment.

The house that jack built
Galdone, Paul
Jack's house is a lot more than just his house. Many animals and people have a connection to this seemingly simple house.

The howling dog
Pearson, Tracey Campbell
A howling dog howls and barks all night until the entire town is awake. The howling dog is no longer lonely, so she stops howling and barking. The town goes back to sleep and so does the howling dog.

The indoor noisy book
Brown, Margaret Wise
Muffin, a dog, has a cold and must stay indoors to rest. As he sleeps, he hears many indoor noises that children might like to practice.

The itch book
Dragonwagon, Crescent
On a hot summer day in the Ozarks, the itch begins. It's an itch epidemic and no one can escape it. Finally, without even discussing it, the whole town shows up at King Creek for a social picnic full of cold, itch-freeing water.

The julia rockhound
Karwoski, Gail Langer
When a girl becomes interested in rocks, she becomes Julia the Rockhound. Julie learns how to dig for minerals and explain the wonder of crystal information from her Dad.

The kids yoga book of feelings
Humphrey, Mary
Kids model yoga poses to help them identify different feelings they have within. Twenty simple poses are provided to help children calm, center, and balance themselves. Each pose is correlated with an animal or nature connection then supported with human feelings and words of affirmation.

The listening walk
Showers, Paul
A young girl and her dad love to take silent walks with each other and their old dog. The girl enjoys the silence and is constantly listening to all of the sounds she hears.

The little fireman
Brown, Margaret Wise
A small fireman and a large fireman attempt to fight fires of comparable dimensions to their size.

The little red hen
Galdone, Paul
The little red hen lived with a cat, dog, and mouse, but was the only one who ever did any work. She planted wheat, took it to the mill to ground into flour, and made a cake. Even though she asked for help, no one helped her with anything. But once the cake was made, they all wanted a piece. After the hen finished the cake herself, she had three eager helpers whenever there was work to be done.

The lizard man of crabtree county
Nolan, Lucy
Join James Arthur on his adventure in uncovering the identity of the Lizard Man, who is supposedly causing an uproar in quiet Crabtree County. Is it really a frightening creature invading the community? Or is it a familiar face?

The magician and McTree
Coombs, Patricia
An old magician accidentally creates a potion that makes his cat, McTree, talk. Although he is supposed to keep his new talent a secret, McTree ends up a famous attraction at the palace. But when McTree loses his appeal, the King and Queen order the old magician to be kidnapped so he can make all of the castle pets to talk. McTree must use his sense to outwit the royal party and save his old companion.

The mare on the hill
Locker, Thomas
A man buys a mare for his stallion. However, the mare is afraid of people. With a little love, the mare finally learns to love the ones who take care of her.

The milkman
Cordsen, Carol Foskett
A milkman delivers eggs, milk and ice cream to various people in a small community. While on his route, he discovers a sign that says lost dog. He begins to look for the dog along the way.

The mystery of the missing red mitten
Kellogg, Steven
While out playing in the snow, Annie has lost one of her mittens. Annie and her dog Oscar search each place Annie has been that day to try and find the red mitten. You'll never guess where they find it!

The napping house
Wood, Audrey
Grandma, child, dog, cat, and flea are all sleeping on top of each other in the Napping House. The flea bites the cat and a chain reaction begins. The whole house is awakened to see a beautiful day.

The night after christmas
Stevenson, James
A doll and teddy bear are thrown out after Christmas, because their owners received new toys for Christmas. A dog befriends them and finds them a new home.

The old pirate of central park
Priest, Robert
An old pirate who lives in New York City takes a walk in Central Park and spends time with other old pirates. One day, when he brings his ship to sail on the pond, he meets the retired Queen. A battle ensues between vessels. Chaos reigns until a truce is called. Now the Old Pirate and the Old Queen spend time together at the pond every day as Retirates.

The old woman & the wave
Jackson, Shelley
Once upon a time, a dog and a woman lived under a wave that never fell. The old woman finally comes to understand and appreciate the huge wave that has hung in the air, sheltering her house all her life.

The old woman who named things
Rylant, Cynthia
An old woman begins to name her life's belongings because she is lonely and has outlived her friends. When a stray puppy comes to her house one afternoon, the old woman is afraid to become too attached to it. In the end, she does go looking for her new companion.

The oreo cookie counting book
Albee, Sarah
From 10 to 1, it's Oreo counting fun. Practice counting down from 10 to 1 with the help of Oreo cookies. Oh, some friends have come along to help. Turn the page and find out how many Oreos are left.

The ornery morning
Demuth, Patricia Brennan
Farmer Bill wakes up one morning and soon discovers that every animal on the farm refuses to do any work.

The outside dog
Pomerantz, Charlotte
Marisol lives on the hills in Puerto Rico with her grandpa. After wanting a dog of her own for so long, her grandfather consents, as long as he is an outside dog.

The paperboy
Pilkey, Dav
While everyone else is still asleep, the paperboy is up making his rounds. He has to get up very early and get dressed, eat breakfast, and fold his papers. When he is finally done delivering his papers, he goes back to bed just when everyone else is getting up.

The party
Reid, Barbara
Two sisters leave their friends to go to a family birthday party. When the girls get to the party, they play games with lots of children and eat lots of good food and birthday cake. They have so much fun at the party that they don't want to leave!

The poodle who barked at the wind
Zolotow, C.
A little black poodle barks at everything to keep his family safe.

The puddle pail
Kleven, Elisa
Ernst and Sol, two crocodile brothers, set out for the beach one morning. Sol suggests that they should start collecting various items along the beach. To Sol's disapproval, Ernst decides he wants to collect puddles. By the end of his tale, Ernst finds a creative use for his puddle collection.

The puppy who wanted a boy
Thayer, Jane
Petey, the puppy, wants to find a boy for Christmas, but he has a hard time because there is a shortage of boys without dogs. However, right before Christmas, he finds a boys orphanage who wants him.

The quilt
Jonas, Ann
A child receives a patchwork quilt made up of fabrics that have special meaning. One bedtime, the quilt serves as background for a nightime adventure for the child and her stuffed dog, Sally.

The rain came down
Shannon, David
The rain creates unexpected chaos one Saturday morning. The endless arguments in houses and on the street turn into disaster, until the rain finally stops.

The shaggy little dog
Maksimovic, Desanka
A shaggy little dog just appears one day and keeps everyone company. Everyone loves him and enjoys his company. Then just as suddenly as he came, he disappears.

The shaking bag
Battle-Lavert, Gwendolyn
Though Miss Annie Mae doesn't always have much food for herself or her dog Effie Lucille, she faithfully feeds the birds in the lawn. One day a stranger comes to visit. He shakes many special surprises for her out of the old seed bag to reward her for all her generosity.

The sky dog
Turkle, Brinton
While spending the summer at the beach, a boy notices that the clouds look like a dog. He wishes the dog was real and that it belonged to him. One day the boy finds a dog like the one in the clouds. He asks people in the town if it belongs to them, but no one claims it. At the end of the summer, the boy takes the dog home.

The sorely trying day
Hobin, Russell
Father comes home after a long day of work. Things in the house are hectic and all the children blame each other and the pets. Eventually, they share the blame and apologize to each other.

The summer noisy book
Brown, Margaret Wise
A dog named Muffin is very aware of all the sounds surrounding him. He hears trains, whistles, animals, and other noises and explains what each thing sounds like.

The supreme souvenir factory
Stevenson, James
Only Chester, the dog, who gets a job at the Supreme Souvenier Factory can save the factory from being taken over by greedy Mr. Sashwayte.