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The greatest potatoes
Stowell, Penelope
Cornelius Vanderbilt sets out on a mission to find the best potato dish ever. He travels around and finds none that are good enough. Vanderbilt goes to Cary Moon's Restaurant, where George Crum is the head chef. Crum makes many dishes that Vanderbilt does not like. Crum decides to make the potatoes so crispy and salty, so he will not like them. Vanderbilt loves them and that is how the potato chip is invented.

Preschool day hooray!
Strauss, Linda Leopold
A day in preschool is full of fun activities and energetic students. The students come into the classroom excited to learn and play with friends. They paint, play, eat and sleep. The students explore, dance and play until it's time to go home!

Gotta go!Gotta go!
Swope, Sam
A bug crawls all the way out of her skin! She sleeps then she blossoms into a beautiful butterfly. On her journey, she repeats her chant, Gotta Go! Gotta Go To Mexico! to all the insects and animals along her way. When her destination is reached, she flutters and dances around in the warm sky with her companion. A bug returns, lays her eggs, and the cycle of life is repeated again and again.

Thaler, Mike
Owly, a baby owl, asks his mother questions about the woods and she in turn helps him to discover the answers on his own.

Museum shapes
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Children will love learning about shapes through works of art from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

I have heard of a land
Thomas, Joyce Carol
Moving across country must have been very hard. Pioneers often picked up their belongings and moved on toward a common goal: starting a new life!

Mouse's first christmas
Thompson, Lauren
Upon the arrival of his first Christmas Eve, a little mouse explores his house which is full of Christmas surprises. His Christmas discoveries culminate in the appearance of the one and only Santa!

Somebody and the three blairs
Tolhurst, Marilyn
When the Blair family returns home one day, they find that someone or something has been there. Food is all over the floor, chairs are broken, and there is water all over the bathroom. Little do they know, the culprit is asleep in baby's bed!

Albert's halloween: The case of the stolen pumpkins
Tryon, Leslie
It's Halloween time, but someone has stolen the pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. Detective Albert and his friends solve the mystery piece by piece. Readers can join in this game and solve the mystery with Albert and his friends.

The mellops strike oil
Ungerer, Tomi
During a picnic, the Mellops family drinks water from a spring and finds it tastes like oil. The family looks for the possibility of oil in the area. When they find that there is oil, they build a derrick. A forest fire sends the family home to take baths.

Danilo the fruitman
Valens, Amy
Danilo, the fruitman, sells oranges to all the people in town. One day he discovers a new fruit, but when he tries to sell it, people just laugh at him. When he discovers the secret of this fruit, he becomes very popular with all the people.

One dad, two dads, brown dads, blue dads
Valentine, Johnny
Lou and his friend are discussing their dads. Lou has two dads that are blue. Lou's two blue dads like to cook, play, laugh, and work just like his other dads. Lou and his friend discover that blue dads aren't really different from other dads.

The day they put a tax on rainbows
Valentine, Johnny
In a magical land far away, there is a girl who has a magic ring which leads her to discover an undersea kingdom. In this kingdom, a boy who likes to feed birds comes face-to-face with a dragon. A king decides to put a tax on rainbows because his throne is lumpy. Throughout each of these adventures, lessons are learned.

The wretched stone
Van Allsburg, Chris
A sailor keeps a journal about the journeys of his ship and crew mates. They discover an unusual island where they come upon a stone which has a beautiful glow. However, the stone brings danger to the ship until the glow turns gray.

Something to crow about
Van Woerkom, Dorothy
Ralph, a rooster, living alone, finds three eggs on his porch one morning. He decides to keep the chicks and brave being a single parent.

My cat ginger
Wahl, Jan
A young boy and his cat, Ginger, do things together. Ginger starts running away and disappearing for whole days and nights. The boy imagines where Ginger could be, and then finds out that Ginger has seven kittens.

What does it look like?
Webber, I.E.
Three mice live on different sides of a barn. They explain what the animals look like from their point of view. Then they all see a cat and discover the concept of perspective.

Sammy and the dinosaurs
Whybrow, Jan
While helping his grandmother clean out the attic, Sammy uncovers a dusty, old box. He opens the lid and finds that the box is filled with dinosaurs!Sammy proceeds to care for the dinosaurs. He fixes the broken ones, washes them in the sink, and gives them all names. In reply to Sammy's care, the dinosaurs whisper back, Thank you. Sammy does not let his new friends out of his sight, until one day he left them on a train. Sammy and his grandma go down to the train station to find his dinosaurs. He calls them all by their names and Sammy's dinosaur friends come running back.

Alfonse: Where are you?
Wikler, Linda
Join Alfonse and Little Bird as they play the game of hide-and-seek. Alfonse and the other geese search all around for Little Bird but have no luck in finding her. If Alfonse were quiet, however, perhaps he might be able to hear her.

The tale i told sasha
Willard, Nancy
Follow along in an adventure as a yellow ball rolls out of sight and into a place where all lost things are found. Discover a quiet, small, and plain house where its rooms run far and wide and adventure lurks in the shadows.

Secret knowledge of grown-ups
Wisniewski, David
All those rules that grown-ups tell us aren't really true. Like why do you have to comb your hair or why can't you play with your food?Find out about several secret tricks that grown-ups use to get kids to do stuff. Do so quickly before any grown-ups find out that their secrets are being revealed.

Old turtle
Wood, Douglas
This is a tale of the animal's and nature's search for God, and later man's search for God. Through the eyes of God's other creations, we are shown God's unending love and eternal presence in our lives, and we are reminded that we were put on earth to be stewards for the earth and messengers of God's love.

Sea-fari deep
Woodman, Nancy
The JASON Project is studies underwater life in Mexico. When Dusty finds out about this, she writes the scientists to ask if she can go along. During her adventures, Dusty learns all about deep sea plants and animals. It is the adventure of her life!

The other side
Woodson, Jacqueline
A fence not only divides two properties -- it segregates two families because of their different cultures. Initial fears from the parents cause them to set rules that will forbid the friendship of their young daughters. Little did they know that their daughters would break the barrier as they climbed the fence together to see the world as it should be, not as it is.

Blue rabbit and friends
Wormell, Christopher
Blue Rabbit, Bear, Goose, and Dog all go looking for new places to live because each of them are unhappy with where they currently live. They help each other find new places to live.

Something beautiful
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis
A little girl looks out her window only to see broken glass and trash in the court yard. She remembers her mother once told her everyone should have something beautiful. She sets out to look for something beautiful in her neighborhood.

Eeny meeny miney mole
Yolen, Jane
Eeny, Meeny, and Miney Mole live life underground and they have no idea what life up above is like. One day, Eeny burrows up above ground and discovers day, night, light, darkness, and the four seasons.

The girl who loved the wind
Yolen, Jane
Danina's father does not want her to experience life's harshnesses or sorrows. She is surrounded only by beauty. Then, the wind comes and tells her of another world. She accepts it's challenge by setting out to discover the real world and broadening her sheltered life.

Oh, brother
Yorinks, A.
Milton and Morris are orphaned twins. They try to agree and work to survive. A job as tailors brings them back to their parents whom they thought were dead.

One step, two
Zolotow, C.
A little girl takes her mother for a walk and shows her all the wonderful things to see.