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Otto is different
Brandenburg, Franz
Otto is sad because he is an octopus and has eight arms. He feels different from everyone else. He learns that eight arms are better than two and that it is okay to be different.

What can you make of it?
Brandenburg, Franz
The Fieldmouse family has a lot of junk that they take with them when they move - just in case they could use it someday. Their junk eventually takes over all the space in the house. The aunt and uncle suggest that they make an arts and crafts circus out of all the junk.

Good knight for dragons
Bradfield, Roger
A nice, good-hearted prince named Cedric is in for a predicament. His father, the King, wants Cedric to sword the Dragon to proved that he can rule the kingdom. However, Cedric hates to fight and hates violence. At the end, Cedric humorously gets out of the situation while still earning respect and the kingdom.

More than anything else
Bradby, Marie
Booker and all the other African Americans have been set free. Money is tight and food is scarce, but the one thing that Booker cares most about is learning to read. His mother gives him an alphabet book, so he seeks the help of a man who knows how to read.

Hester in the wild
Boynton, Sandra
Hester wants to go camping, but she keeps running into problems. First she has a hole in her canoe, then in her foot. After many other catastrophies, she finally goes home.

How the amazon queen fought the prince of Egypt
Bower, Tamara
The land of Khor was a peaceful place free of men, in which woman could live side by side in harmony. One day, Pedikhous, of Egpyt decides to test the strength of the women through various attacks. To his surprise the women are stronger and more determined than he ever imagined. Instead of fighting against them, de decides to live in peace and love beside them.

Four-ring three
Bourne, Mariam Anne
A little girl wants to modernize her home by having a telephone. Her only problem is that she has to convince her father that it is not an invention that will soon be gone.

Franklin has a sleepover
Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin and Bear are excited for their first sleepover at Franklin's house. It's fun to play games, have a campfire, and campout in the livingroom with your friend. However, when it's time to go to bed, Bear and Franklin realize how scary sleepovers can be.

The boy who wouldn't talk
Bouchard, Lois Kalb
Carlos, a Puerto Rican boy, lives in America and is frustrated with learning the English language. He decides not to talk at all and just nod and draw pictures. He meets a blind boy who cannot see his pictures or nods, so Carlos must talk. Carlos is so happy to meet this boy that he begins to talk again.

Bootsie barber bites
Bottner, Barbara
A little girl's mother and Bootsie Barber's mother are best friends. Bootsie is a very mean child. Bootsie is mean to the little girl and her pet salamander. Finally, the little girl cannot take Bootsie's meanness any more, so she decides to get back at Bootsie.

Junk pile!
Borton, Lady
When Jamie Kay helps her dad in their magical junk yard, Robert Haines and other kids make fun of her. Jamie Kay has to find a way to show the kids that her junkyard is magical. But most of all, Jamie has to find a way to make a friend.

Of course a goat
Bornstein, Ruth
A boy wants a goat so he asks his mother where he can find one. He has to climb a mountain and describes what he will do and see on his journey and how he will bring the goat back home where his mother will be waiting.

The case of the cat's meow
Bonsall, Crosby
A group of friends lose of their cat, Mildred. To find her, they form a private eye detective club. Little do they know that when they find Mildred, they will find new kittens, also!

Madoulina: A girl who wanted to go to school: A story from south africa
Bognomo, Joel Eboueme
Madoulina has dreams of becoming a doctor. She doesn't, however, go to school because her mother needs her to sell fritters in the marketplace to earn money. Madoulina meets her brother's new teacher, who convinces her mom to find a way to let her go to school.

Happy like soccer
Boelts, Maribeth
Nothing makes Sierra happier than soccer does. Sierra eats meals with her aunt after soccer games. Sierra's big game is cancelled one day. Sierra plans a makeup soccer game so that her aunt can see her play. What a great day to play at home in her own neighborhood!

Chipper's choices
Boegehold, Betty
Chipper makes up five stories, riddles, and songs for his friends so they can have something to do when the winter season comes.

Tale of a tail
Bodnar, Judit Z.
A fox catches fish for his dinner. WHen his friend, the bear, finds out he wants to know where the fox got all his fish. The bear takes his friend's advice and spends all night trying to catch fish. At dawn, he does not think he has caught any, but then he realizes he has caught a lot of fish on the way home.

The mushroom center disaster
Bodecker, N.M.
A beetle finds a home in a community of insects and small woodland creatures and makes many friends. One day the discarded remnants of a human's picnic makes a mess of their mushroom house neighborhood. Through a series of town meetings, the creatures come up with creative ways to use the rubbish to make a park.

Oh, crumps! Ay, caramba!
Bock, Lee
One night, a sleepy farmer has a lot of chores to do and also has a hard time keeping his chore list straight. One mishap after another keeps him from getting sleep. As a result, he mixes up his tasks so that he plans to mow the cow, climb the fence, repair the hay, and milk the silo. Hopefully no one will disturb the farmer's sleep again before morning!

Beware of boys
Blundell, Tony
A young boy is captured by a seemingly clever wolf while walking in the woods one day. When the wolf threatens to eat the boy, the boy creatively sends the wolf running in circles and ends up stumping him and escaping!

Old henry
Blos, Joan W.
When Henry moves into the old, run down house in the neighborhood, all of the neighbors hope he will fix it up and make it look nice like the other homes. When he doesn't, they petition to make him clean up or get out. It is only after he leaves voluntarily that they discover how much they miss him.

Angel's kite
Blanco, Alberto
Young Angel is sad because the town bell is missing. One night, Young Angel builds a giant kite that mysteriously turns into the town bell. (Also in Spanish).

Lady monster helps out
Blance, Ellen & Cook, Ann
Monster gets a bike for his birthday. Monster doesn't know how to ride a bike. He is discouraged. The little boy and his friends try to help him, but he is too big. Lady monster comes to help and encourages him. Monster learns how to ride his bike just like all the others in the park.

Monster comes to the city
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
An unusual, atypical monster comes to checkout a city and observes a variety of different events taking place. His excursion through the city leads him to a group of children playing and swinging in an park. The monster joins them in this activty. Since the monster had an enjoyable and pleasant experience in the city, he decides to make it his home.

Monster and the magic umbrella
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster enjoys a day of play with his friends and his magical umbrella. Monster and the little boy play games in the afternoon sun and make sure to follow good hygiene practices and sun safety by wearing hats and carrying a giant magical umbrella that provides protection from the sun. The monster's umbrella eventually, magically opens into a much larger umbrella filling with rain so all of the neighborhood children can play and cool off.

Lady monster has a plan
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy have too many pets. They try to build a house for all of them, but they need help. Lady monster and the little girl come to help and they all cooperate to build the animal house.

Monster buys a pet
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
A friendly monster and a little boy think it is lonely in their house. They decide that if they go to the pet store and buy an animal to keep them company, it will help. After picking out two dogs and two cats, the owner of the pet store coaxes monster and the little boy to give all the pets a home.

Monster looks for a house
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
A friendly purple monster comes to a new city to look for a new place to live. Since this monster is different from others in the city, he must hunt for a house that fits him. After looking at many houses, he finally finds one that he can live in comfortably.

Monster goes to the beach
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
On a nice sunny day, Monster and the little boy and little girl go to the beach. While relaxing near the water, all the children came over to ask Monster to play hide and seek. Monster hides, but the children always find him. They tell Monster to hide where he cannot be found, so he covers himself with sand. When the children canメt find him, they play on a sand hill. Soon, a boy begins to dig in the sand and found Monster.

Monster and the toy sale
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy see an ad in the newspaper that reads モTOY SALE TODAY!ヤ Together, they bicycle to the store. On their journey, they are very helpful to others. Monster and the little boy serve as policemen to direct traffic, and as mangers at the toy store. They are so busy that they run out of time to shop for their own toys. Everyone is grateful for their unselfish behavior.

Monster and the surprise cookie
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy decide to throw a party! They travel to the supermarket to find refreshments for their guests. They pack their shopping cart full of cookies, but when they go through the line, they realize that they donメt have enough money! Instead, they buy a few ingredients, so they can make cookies at home. Using a recipe book, they make a variety of shaped cookies. Surprisingly, these cookies take the shape of Monster when placed together. The cookies are delicious and everyone is pleased!

Blake, Quentin
Clown and his friends are thrown into a garbage can in the city by a woman who no longer wants them around. Clown, however, hops out of the garbage and wanders the city to look for someone to love them. By accident, Clown finds a family and he and his buddies live happily ever after. (A Wordless Book)

The story of the dancing frog
Blake, Quentin
A woman, Gertrude, finds a dancing frog by the river and becomes famous with her frog.

Mrs. Armitage on wheels
Blake, Quentin
Mrs. Armitage starts out with just a bike, but ends up with a one-of-a-kind contraption! After a great deal of additions and improvements, Mrs. Armitage's bike can't take it any more. Mrs. Armitage is forced to junk the bike and start over with roller skates.

Blake, Quentin
Snuff lives wiht a knight and wants to become a knight someday. He begins his training, but does not do anything right. Until one day, he comes up with a brilliant strategy to save the bootmaker's boots from the thieves. It works and Snuff is on his way to becoming a knight after all.

The terrible thing that happened at our house
Blaine, Marge
When a mother goes back to work, things in the house get out of control. The kids feel left out and start to get upset. Finally, with a little compromising, things work out for the best.

The five chinese brothers
Bishop, Clair Huchet//Wiese, Kurt
A young boy persuades one of the five identical brothers that has special powers to drink the sea so he could catch fish. The boy exploits his power and ends up drowning. The brother goes to trial and the other brothers come to his rescue. The brother that tried to help the boy was found innocent.

Billout, Guy
Time passes on as a man grows older.

The velveteen rabbit
Bianco, Margery Williams
A stuffed rabbit searches for his life, yearning to be free and real. He reaches his destiny with the help of a few friends.

Three cheers for catherine the great!
Best, Cari
A family moves from Russia to America. The grandma of the family has a birthday and she does not want presents. Her grand-daughter spends hours trying to figure out the perfect no present for her grandma.

Best, Cari
A child's parents are divorced. She spends every Sunday with her father. She enjoys these days because she never knows what to expect.

Children of the forest
Beskow, Elsa
Four forest children learn about nature and their surroundings. Their days revolve around the light and the weather. The children also are taught lessons throughout their childhood.

Pelle's new suit
Beskow, Elsa
One day Pelle takes his shears and trims some wool from his sheep. Then he goes to various people to ask favors in helping him make a new suit. In return for their help, he also does favors for them. In the end, Pelle has a handsome new blue suit.

A family that fights
Berstein, Sharon Chesler
Henry, Joe, and Claire live in a very sad family. Sometimes, their dad gets very angry and hits their mom. This doesn't happen all the time, though-sometimes, Dad is nice and fun. Henry, Joe, and Claire wish these fun times would never end. They must learn to understand that the fights are not their fault, and they must learn to talk to an adult about the feelings they are having.

Henry possum
Berson, Harold
Young Henry Possum has so much energy that he'll never learn to play dead. He makes many friends, but one is a wolf, so he soon discovers what his mother has been trying to teach him all along.

Balarin's goat
Berson, Harold
A husband treats his goat better than his own wife. However, the wife gets angry and decides to act like a goat. This begins to worry the husband who starts having nightmares. As a result, he realizes who is more important and begins to fix his mistakes.

Why I sneeze, shiver, hiccup, and yawn
Berger, Melvin
What makes you sneeze? Why is it so hard to get rid of the hiccups, or you hold back a yawn? Inside, you'll find the answer to these questions about reflexes, and you'll also learn lots of easy experiments to try out on your friends.

Not norman:  A goldfish story
Bennett, Kelly
When a boy gets Norman, a goldfish, for his birthday he is disappointed. He wants an energetic pet with which to run and play. He makes a plan to take Norman back to the pet store and get another pet. After show and tell at school, he decides to keep him. Norman likes his music and makes him laugh; besides any other pet just wouldnメt be the same, they would not be Norman.

Red fox and his canoe
Benchley, Nathaniel
A little Indian boy, Red Fox, takes out the canoe his father made for him. Something unexpected happens when he is fishing.

Hosni the dreamer: An arabian tale
Ben-Ezer, Ehud
Hosni is a shepherd who spends his days telling stories to his sheep and his nights dreaming about the city. When he finally has the opportunity to travel to the city, his life changes. He hears some special words of wisdom from a wise old man.