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Valentine foxes
Watson, Clyde
It's Valentine's Day and four little foxes want to surprise their parents by making Valentines and baking a special Valentine's Day cake. They work together for a special Valentine's Day.

A family like yours
Dotlich, Rebecca K.
There are so many families who do different things. Different families eat different foods, enjoy different activities, speak different languages, and live in different dwellings. There is always a family that is just right for you.

Timothy Cox will not change his socks
Kinerk, Robert
A young boy, Timothy Cox, decides to go without changing his socks for a month. As the smell from his socks begins to grow, the entire community gets involved in trying to get him to change his socks. Timothy creatively avoids getting caught for the whole month. He aviods the fire fighters with their hoses and even a scout troop! When the month has come to an end, he keeps the socks in a cabinet as a trophy in his determination to stick to his word and not change his socks.

The summer sands
Garland, Sherry
When a raging storm destroys the sand dunes that several animals and plants called home, a community works together to restore the dunes in a most creative way. Includes an author's note about the ecology of the coastal sand dunes and what is being done to preserve them.

Iva dunnit and the big wind
Purdy, Carol
A pioneer woman named Iva Dunnit tries to save her house from the Big Wind. Her children use their wits and work with their mother to save their property from the wind storm.

The house that jack built
Galdone, Paul
Jack's house is a lot more than just his house. Many animals and people have a connection to this seemingly simple house.

Biggest frog in australia
Roth, Susan L.
The biggest frog in Australia just woke up, and he is very thirsty!After he drinks all the water in the ground and the sky, there isn't any left for the other animals. The other animals now have to come up with a plan to get the water out of the frog!

The eensy-weensy spider
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Travel beyond the waterspout -- out into the garden, pond, brook, shoe store, and even the park with this determined spring-loving spider. Sing the all-time classic tune or just read with rhythm!This book will catch you in its colorful web and keep you on your toes as you advance beyond the traditional limits.

Who's whose?
Ormerod, Jan
Three families come together every day of the week to do activities help each other out. Some observe activities, do chores with others, or run errands with their friends. With so many people doing things together it is hard to keep track of who's whose!

Raising sweetness
Stanley, Diane
The town sheriff adopts eight orphans to save them from the mean Ms. Stump, but there are a few problems. Pa is not too good at cooking and his cleaning is quite shabby. The orphans one wish is for him to get married. One of the orphans, Sweetness, believes a letter that arrived in the mail is the answer.

Great-grandma tells of threshing day
Cross, Verda
Great Grandma tells her grandchildren of threshing day. It is a day in late June when the wheat is harvested. The men harvest the wheat while the women cook a hearty meal. This was always an exciting day for grandma and her brother. Threshing day was a day she will never forget.

Santa's book of names
McPhail, David
Edward has problems reading. He proves to himself that he can read when he has to help Santa on Christmas Eve deliver toys to the girls and boys listed in Santa's book.

Lucy's summer
Hall, Donald
Lucy spends her New Hampshire summer of 1910 doing a variety of things. She helps her mother can fruits and vegetables and make beautiful hats to sell. She attends a Fourth of July celebration where she meets an organ grinder with a monkey and a gypsy couple trying to sell picture frames. The highlight of Lucy's summer was taking the train into Boston with her mother. That was one day that Lucy will never forget.

My daddy and i...
Greenfield, Eloise
A young African American boy describes all the activities that he and his father do.

Little bunny's cool tool set
Boelts, Maribeth
Little Bunny saves up all of his money to buy a tool kit, then decides to take it to school for show-and-tell the next day. Although he is usually good at sharing, Little Bunny finds it difficult to share his new tool kit while at school, even with his best friend.

Where's wallace?
Knight, Hilary
Wallace, an orange orangutan, lives in a cage in a zoo. Wallace is very curious about the world outside of the zoo, so he goes on adventures to discover this outside world. Although Wallace is curious about the outside world he always returns to his cage at the zoo.

The best place
Meddaugh, Susan
After talking with a bird on his lovely screen porch, an old wolf realizes that he may be missing out on some wonderful places because he's spent so much time admiring his porch with the beautiful view. Determined to see the world, the old wolf sells his house to a young rabbit family and sets out on his travels. However, after a trip down a river, an afternoon in the hot desert, and a tour of London drowned in rain, the wolf realizes that his front porch really is the best place in the world. However, the rabbits have settled and will not give the wolf his house back. Saddened he runs far into the forest and retreats to the top of a tall tree for the night. When he awakens, he realizes that this could be his new best place so he and his old neighbors work together to build his new home.

The sneetches: And other stories
Seuss, Dr.
One group of sneetches believe they are better than the others. As each changes to become like the other, they realize the unimportance of it. Other stories include The Zax, Too Many Daves, and What Was I Scared Of? Which story teaches you how to get along with others?

No fighting no biting!
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Rosa and Willy are constantly fighting and annoying cousin Joan. So Joan tells the kids a story about two little alligators that were always fighting and how each time they were almost eaten by a big alligator because they were not paying attention.

A garden alphabet
Wilner, Isabel
In this alphabet garden, you will experience the process of planting a garden through spring, summer, and autumn. While tending to your garden, you may even meet a variety of animals that may lend a hand during the process.

Raising yoder's barn
Yolen, Jane
A boy and his family lose their barn to a fire but their Amish community works together to raise the barn again.

Nicolas, where have you been?
Lionni, Leo
The field mice and birds compete for the bright red berries. The birds usually get the berries first and this angers the mice, especially Nicolas. One day, Nicolas is swooped up by a big, mean bird and dropped into a nest of nice birds that bring him berries and they share stories. He returns to tell the other mice that not all birds are bad.

Ziggy piggy and the three little pigs
Asch, Frank
A new character is added to the story of the three little pigs, changing the tale to four little pigs. The fourth pig saves his brothers from the wolf by being resourceful.

Haas, Jesse
Hurry!Hurry!If the grass gets wet, then the hay will spoil. Grandpa, Grandma, and Nora work hard to gather the hay before the gray clouds bring the rain. Cooperation and commitment help the family successfully gather the hay.

Albert's ballgame
Tryon, Leslie
Pleasantville is the place where the games take place on Old Field. Every spring two teams meet to play baseball. The ball is thrown, caught, hit, and pitched. In the end, one team wins and the other team loses.

Big bear to the rescue
Margolis, Richard J.
A bear sees his friend, Mr. Mole, at the bottom of a well. The bear rounds up his friends to rescue Mr. Mole.

Paul and arthur search for the egg
Rockwell, Anne
Paul and Arthur the bull, hear a crying seagull. The seagull has lost her egg and Paul and Arthur take on the responsibility of finding it. When they do, a baby gull is born and the mother gull is very happy.

The little red hen
Galdone, Paul
The little red hen lived with a cat, dog, and mouse, but was the only one who ever did any work. She planted wheat, took it to the mill to ground into flour, and made a cake. Even though she asked for help, no one helped her with anything. But once the cake was made, they all wanted a piece. After the hen finished the cake herself, she had three eager helpers whenever there was work to be done.

The supreme souvenir factory
Stevenson, James
Only Chester, the dog, who gets a job at the Supreme Souvenier Factory can save the factory from being taken over by greedy Mr. Sashwayte.

Anotole and the pied piper
Titus, Eve
Anotale, a mouse, has to be a hero and save the children of his village from a musician. The musician steals the children so he can use them in his symphony. The mice end up escaping because they trick one of the musicians.

Dog in, cat out
Rubinstein, Gillian
With limited words and large illustrations, this story describes of a family with both a cat and a dog. When the cat is in the house, the dog is out and vice versa.

Uproar on hollercat hill
Marzollo, Jean
The cat family is getting along great, playing games and building things. Suddenly everything goes wrong and everyone is mad at each other. Finally, they work it out and all is well again.

Mr. t.w. anthony woo
Ets, Marie Hall
Mr. T.W. Anthony Woo is a friendly mouse that keeps the cobbler of Shooshko company. The cobbler's sister wants the dog and cat to catch the mouse and be rid of him. Instead, the cat, dog, and mouse cooperate to get rid of the cobbler's sister and live in peace.

The tale of samuel whiskers
Potter, Beatrix
Tom is a kitten who climbs up a chimney and gets lost. Samuel Whiskers is a rat who found Tom and wanted to make him into pudding. His family rescues him and expels the rats. Tom is now afraid of rats.

Mattie and the chicken thief
Luttrell, Ida
Mattie's cat, Prowler, and dog, Howler, accidentally scare off her four hens. They must get the hens back without getting caught in any of Mattie's thief-traps.

Mr. and mrs. pig's evening out
Rayner, Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Pig decide to go out for the evening so they get a babysitter, Mrs. Wolf, for their piglets. Mrs. Wolf gets hungry while she is sitting, but not for anything in the kitchen.

Arthur's honey bear
Hoban, Lillian
A boy and his sister decide to have a garage sale. He decides to sell his old bear and his sister buys it. After he sees her buy it, he is sad and wants it back. Then he realizes that even if the bear is not his now, the bear will be his nephew forever.

Nate the great and the boring beach bag
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Nate the Great is at the beach when Oliver, the pest, loses his beach bag. With the help of his dog, Sludge, and information from other children on the beach, Nate successfully solves the case of the missing bag.

Mrs. pig gets cross and other stories
Rayner, Mary
Life in the busy Pig household is always eventful. Father, Mother, and their ten children have a big party, struggle against bad moods, and all end up in the same bed one night. A collection of seven stories.

Old bear
Hissey, Jane
Old Bear was put in the attic. His friends began to miss him so they tried to think of a way to get him down. Eventually, they flew a plane up to the attic and rescued him.

Bizzy bones and the lost quilt
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs
Bizzy loses his favorite quilt. He cannot sleep and is very sad. Some other mice find it with a hole in it. They help Bizzy repair it and Bizzy makes new friends.

The conversation club
Stanley, Diane
Peter the field mouse moves into a new house and is invited to be a member in the local Conversation Club. When he attends, he finds that everyone is speaking at once and nothing can be understood. With that, Peter decides to organize his own club - the Listening Club.

Batwings and the curtain of night
Davol, Marguerrite W.
In the beginning, there was nothing. Then the mother of all things created day, night, and the animals. The animals discover that there is a problem with the night curtain because it is too dark at night. How can the animals work together to solve the problem?

Wag wag wag
Hansard, Peter
At a county fair, there are 500 seeds in one pumpkin. Also, there are 10 cents in one dime, 8 horses on one merry-go-round, 4 wheels on one wagon, and so on.

The nursery collection
Hughes, Shirley
A Grandmother tells her granddaughter the story of the house beginning with great-great-great-great grandpa. Grandmother explains how the house was built, what food were grown to eat, and the ways of life throughout the years.

Something queer is going on
Levy, Elizabeth
Jill's dog Fletcher is not on the front steps when Jill arrives home from school, so Jill and her friend Gwen search the neighborhood for Fletcher. They believe Mr. Fernbach has Fletcher and convince Jill's mother to follow Mr. Fernbach to his studios. Fletcher is found in the studios where he is being used in a dog food commercial.

The cloud eater
Reeves, Katherine
Henry and his dog, Laura, live and travel with the circus. When a problem occurs with their newest member, a giraffe, Henry has to do some critical thinking to solve the problem. Henry becomes friends with the cloud eater in the process.

Babar the king
Brunhoff, Jean de
Babar, now king, decides to build a beautiful city. With the help of a teacher, he is able to bring things back from his honeymoon to build the city with. All the elephants make the city and the rest of the animals are confused by all the commotion.

The story of the three kingdoms
Myers, Walter Dean
A shark, elephant, and a hawk believe that each rules the earth. One day people show up and want to figure out why the animals will not share. They sit around and talk, coming up with stories to help get the animals to cooperate.