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Beastly feast
Goldstone, Bruce
The animals are going to have a feast. Each animal brings a food that rhymes with its name. From carrots to honey, all of the food is enjoyed by all of the animals. When the armadillos arrive with pillows the feast is over.

Tripp, Nathaniel
As farmer Ben begins his hot job of bailing hay one summer day, a cold front changes the weather pattern. An explanation of what happens in the clouds is given as Ben works rapidly to get his hay inside. After the storm is over, Ben discovers that there is more work for him to do from the storm's destruction.

Mr. goat's bad good idea
Robinson, Marileta
Three stories featuring Mr. Goat, Jerry Prairie Dog, Grandfather Sheep, and other Navajo friends.

Five little monkeys wash the car
Christelow, Eileen
Mama and her five little monkeys want to sell their rusty old car, but they must first clean and paint it. When no one comes to buy it they attempt to move the car, but it ends up in a lake. The crocodiles help to get the car out of the lake then later buy it. With the money from the sale, the monkeys buy a new red convertible.

Tuttle's shell
Murdocca, Sal
Tuttle, the turtle, loses his shell, so he stays inside a pumpkin. Gradually, he runs into different animals in the forest, and they all pull together to find his shell.

Ten dirty pigs: An upside-down, turn-around bathtime counting book
Roth, Carol
One dirty pig gets into the tub, but what happens when all ten pigs take a bath?See what happens when all ten are clean and you must turn the book around and upside-down to count again.

Piggie pie!
Palatini, Margie
Gritch the witch wakes up one morning with a craving for piggie pie!She spends all day searching for eight piggies on old Macdonald's farm and is fooled by the piggies, who hide from her. She finally gives up and goes home with a wolf.

Sheep take a hike
Shaw, Nancy
As the sheep venture on their way, they find themselves encountering prickly plants, fog, and the frightening feeling of being lost.

Dealing with feelings: I'm furious
Crary, Elizabeth
When Matt sees his Reggie Jackson baseball card floating in the toilet, his jaw drops. He is furious that his little brother did that. One thing that will solve his problem is to hit his little brother, right?Wrong!His mother presents him with six ways to successfully handle his anger. After resolving his problems, Matt makes peace with his brother.

The red racer
Wood, Audrey
Being too embarrassed to ride her old bike, a little girl schemes to get a new bike. But her family works together to fix up her old bike without having to buy the new one.

Subway sparrow (Gorrion del metro)
Torres, Leyla
When a sparrow flies on the D train, four people help figure out a way to get the sparrow off the train. The problem is that the four people on the train speak different languages. The teens on the train speak English, a man speaks Spanish, and a woman speaks Polish. Through various forms of communicating, the four of them come up with a strategy to help the sparrow.

One short week
Eriksson, Eva
Rosalie is bored because she has no one to play with. She calls her friend, Victor. Victor invites Rosalie to his birthday party, a whole week away. She turns one week into one day and ends up playing with Victor for a hundred hours.

Swimmy (Nnadarin)
Lionni, Leo
Swimmy was the fastest fish in his school. When all the other fish in his school get eaten by a new big fish, he explores by himself until he finds a new school of fish. He then teaches his new school how to swim close together so that they look like the biggest fish of all and will scare away the other big fish.

Tucking mommy in
Loh, Morag
Two girls' mother is too tired from work to tell them a bedtime story, so the two girls tell their own story and tuck their mother in bed.

Summer business
Martin, Charles E.
A bunch of children on an island decide to work for the summer. They sell painted rocks, have a flea market, lemonade stand, dog-sit, and take people across the river. They earn enough money to go to the fair and have a wonderful time together.

The enormous potato
Davis, Aubrey
A farmer plants a potato eye to grow a potato. It grows so enormous that the whole family has to work together to pull the potato from the ground. They then cook the potato for the whole town to eat it.

The very messy room
Stanton, Elizabeth//Stanton, Henry
A little girl has to figure out if she likes her messy room or if she should listen to her parents and clean it. Her parents clean it for her, and she realizes how cold and empty her room is clean. With her imagination and her brother's help, she turns her bedroom into superdoo woods.

Changes, changes
Hutchins, Pat
Two dolls work together to build various things. They build a house, a boat, and a train out of wooden blocks. (A Wordless Book)

Georgie and the magician
Briggs, Robert
The town is putting on a benefit for Mr. Whittaker, because his barn burned down. Georgie, a ghost, helps Mr. Whittaker be a magician for the benefit.

Reese's pieces count by fives
Pallotta, Jerry
Counting by fives is not always an easy task, but with the help of construction vehicles and Reese's Pieces candy, the task can be accomplished. First, count to ten by ones then to one hundred by fives. Hopefully a tasty snack will await you in the end.

Alfie gets in first
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie is the first one to get home. As soon as his mom opens the door, Alfie runs inside and slams it shut. Alfie has to figure out how to get the door opened by himself.

Tackle 22
Foley, Louise Munro
A local pee-wee football team's quarterback gets the mumps the week of the big playoff game. The team gets a younger brother to take the open spot. The new player helps the team win the playoff game. A great book for boys who like football.

Magic dogs of the volcanoes
Argueta, Manlio
The people of El Salvador are protected by cadejos, which are magic dogs that are descendents of the volcanoes. Two ancient volcanoes help the cadejos when Don Tonio and his 13 brothers send soldiers to destroy the cadejos. This book contains both Spanish and English text.

Lionel in the spring
Krensky, Stephen
Lionel's spring activities include plans to plant a vegetable garden, celebrate his parents anniversary, play with his friend, and participate in spring cleaning.

What can you make of it?
Brandenburg, Franz
The Fieldmouse family has a lot of junk that they take with them when they move - just in case they could use it someday. Their junk eventually takes over all the space in the house. The aunt and uncle suggest that they make an arts and crafts circus out of all the junk.

The mushroom center disaster
Bodecker, N.M.
A beetle finds a home in a community of insects and small woodland creatures and makes many friends. One day the discarded remnants of a human's picnic makes a mess of their mushroom house neighborhood. Through a series of town meetings, the creatures come up with creative ways to use the rubbish to make a park.

An evening at alfie's
Hughes, Shirley
A babysitter encounters a crisis situation when a water pipe bursts. She solves the problem by enlisting aid from others.

Lucky and the giant
Elkin, Benjamin
Lucky, the little boy, has to outsmart the giant, Elmo, in order to get his parents back. He does three tasks to get them back as well as the brook that the giant stole. In the end, the family is together again, and Elmo becomes their friend.

Clara and the bookwagon
Levinson, Nancy Smiler
Clara lives on a farm and does not have time to go to school, but she wants to learn to read. Eventually the Bookwagon (a mobile library) comes to her farm and the librarian convinces her father to let her borrow books and she learns to read.

Rosie and the rustlers
Gerrard, Roy
When a group of outlaws try to take Rosie's cattle, Rosie and her friends team up. They come up with a plan to capture the villians.

Kiki's play
Steiner, Charlotte
Kiki and her friends build a playhouse and a garden. Throughout every season, they play in their playhouse.

The knight and the dragon
dePaola, Tomie
A not-so-mean dragon and an inexperienced knight both learn how to fight one another and, then, decide to battle it out. Who will be defeated?Be ready for a surprise ending.

Maude and walter
Oneal, Zibby
Maude and Walter are brother and sister and they fight often. When separated, they miss each other and realize that they are not only related, but are also friends.

Jam: A true story
Mahy, Margaret
A father stays home with the children. The father finds a plum tree, so the family begins making jam.

The araboolies of liberty street
Swope, Sam
A neighborhood is controlled by a mean man and woman who will not let anything fun happen. Soon the Araboolies move in and everything changes.

Jam day
Joosse, Barbara M.
An annual family reunion involving berry picking and jam making, reminds Ben that he is part of a big family, even though his immediate family is small. It is also a noisy family of grandparents, cousins, uncles, and aunts.

Come a tide
Lyon, George Ella
Snow and rain come together and cause a flood. This story explains how one family overcomes the flood.

The big concrete lorry
Hughes, Shirley
The Patterson's house is too small for them, but they cannot afford a larger home. Mr. Patterson decides to build an extension onto the house himself. When the concrete lorry delivers the concrete before it was expected, the neighborhood joins together to build the room.

Carlstrom, Nancy White
As an Indonesian extended family prepares for a trip to the market, the preparation and responsibilities of the family members are explained. We see the family and their goods on a bus during their journey through the hills to the market. The family completes a successful day at the market and returns home.

Tillie and mert
Luttrell, Ida
Tillie and Mert are best friends. They do everything together. After going to a garage sale and buying many things, the friends decide to open their own store. Because they both cooperate and do what they are best at, they have the best store in town, even though they do not make much money.

Our snowman
Goffstein, M.B.
A boy and his sister build a snowman. At night, they notice the snowman looks lonely. The girl and her father build a snowwoman to keep him company.

If all the seas were one sea
Domanska, Janina
A good book for beginners that discusses realizing that all the world is one.

The easter egg farm
Auch, Mary Jane
Pauline, the hen, is trying to lay eggs, but the henhouse is too noisy!She concentrates very hard and finally lays a very unusual egg. Pauline keeps laying eggs, each with a different design and pattern. The eggs are so beautiful that people come from all around to view her eggs.

Mr. grumpy's outing
Burningham, John
Mr. Grumpy allows all the neighborhood children and animals to go fishing with him, as long as they obey him. No one listens to Mr. Grumpy and the boat tips over. Mr. Grumpy laughs and invites everyone home for hot tea.

Barrels to the moon
Berson, Harold
People in a town in France want to try to bring the moon closer by hooking it to a church steeple so they can always look at it. No matter how hard they try, they do not succeed.

Snow day
Maestro, Betsy
Today is a snow day!Since the roads are covered with snow, school is cancelled. City workers and people in their homes must clear away the snow.

Bunny rabbit rebus
Adler, David A.
A little rabbit is hungry, but his mom does not have any food in their cupboards. So, little rabbit and his mom go to a neighbor to get some food. In return for the food, they must do many favors.

Katy and the big snow
Burton, Virginia Lee
Katy is a steam shovel, which is a bull dozer and a snow plow combined. One winter the town has a big storm. It is all up to Katy to clear the roads so that people can be rescued.

Pelle's new suit
Beskow, Elsa
One day Pelle takes his shears and trims some wool from his sheep. Then he goes to various people to ask favors in helping him make a new suit. In return for their help, he also does favors for them. In the end, Pelle has a handsome new blue suit.

Bear's bargain
Asch, Frank
Bear wishes he could fly like Little Bird, and Little Bird wants to be big and strong like Bear. Both of them got their wishes fulfilled in a very creative and imaginative way.