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Iva dunnit and the big wind
Purdy, Carol
A pioneer woman named Iva Dunnit tries to save her house from the Big Wind. Her children use their wits and work with their mother to save their property from the wind storm.

Jam day
Joosse, Barbara M.
An annual family reunion involving berry picking and jam making, reminds Ben that he is part of a big family, even though his immediate family is small. It is also a noisy family of grandparents, cousins, uncles, and aunts.

Jam: A true story
Mahy, Margaret
A father stays home with the children. The father finds a plum tree, so the family begins making jam.

Katy and the big snow
Burton, Virginia Lee
Katy is a steam shovel, which is a bull dozer and a snow plow combined. One winter the town has a big storm. It is all up to Katy to clear the roads so that people can be rescued.

Kiki's play
Steiner, Charlotte
Kiki and her friends build a playhouse and a garden. Throughout every season, they play in their playhouse.

Lady monster has a plan
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
Monster and the little boy have too many pets. They try to build a house for all of them, but they need help. Lady monster and the little girl come to help and they all cooperate to build the animal house.

Lemon whip
A cake and a lemon escape from a refrigerator to explore the world together. They see many things and decide to travel over land and sea together, forever.

Lemonade for sale
Murphy, Stuart J.
The clubhouse is falling apart, but how will the kids get the money to fix it?They decide to sell lemonade to make money. Each of the kids is given a different job, including graphing the number of cups sold. Not only do the kids learn how to cooperate, they learn a little about graphing too.

Let's play as a team!
Halliman, P. K.
Kids like to play as a team no matter what they do -- football, soccer, baseball and all kinds of sports. When they're done playing, it doesn't matter who wins or loses as long as they all had a great time while they were playing. Join these kids in their fun-filled day of teamwork.

Lionel in the spring
Krensky, Stephen
Lionel's spring activities include plans to plant a vegetable garden, celebrate his parents anniversary, play with his friend, and participate in spring cleaning.

Little bunny's cool tool set
Boelts, Maribeth
Little Bunny saves up all of his money to buy a tool kit, then decides to take it to school for show-and-tell the next day. Although he is usually good at sharing, Little Bunny finds it difficult to share his new tool kit while at school, even with his best friend.

Lucky and the giant
Elkin, Benjamin
Lucky, the little boy, has to outsmart the giant, Elmo, in order to get his parents back. He does three tasks to get them back as well as the brook that the giant stole. In the end, the family is together again, and Elmo becomes their friend.

Lucy's summer
Hall, Donald
Lucy spends her New Hampshire summer of 1910 doing a variety of things. She helps her mother can fruits and vegetables and make beautiful hats to sell. She attends a Fourth of July celebration where she meets an organ grinder with a monkey and a gypsy couple trying to sell picture frames. The highlight of Lucy's summer was taking the train into Boston with her mother. That was one day that Lucy will never forget.

Magic dogs of the volcanoes
Argueta, Manlio
The people of El Salvador are protected by cadejos, which are magic dogs that are descendents of the volcanoes. Two ancient volcanoes help the cadejos when Don Tonio and his 13 brothers send soldiers to destroy the cadejos. This book contains both Spanish and English text.

Mattie and the chicken thief
Luttrell, Ida
Mattie's cat, Prowler, and dog, Howler, accidentally scare off her four hens. They must get the hens back without getting caught in any of Mattie's thief-traps.

Maude and walter
Oneal, Zibby
Maude and Walter are brother and sister and they fight often. When separated, they miss each other and realize that they are not only related, but are also friends.

Mississippi bridge
Taylor, Mildred D.
Jeremy Simms, a young white boy, lives in a small town in Mississippi that is segregated. One foggy, rainy day, a bus full of people (mostly whites since some black people had been thrown off to make room for the whites), heads across the bridge and, because of the weather, crashes through the railing and into the water below. Blacks and whites, together, come to the rescue.

Monster and the mural
Blance, E. & Cook, A.
Monster has a new-found hobby; painting! His inspired friends crowd into his house to try painting too. In order to avoid a mess, Monster invites his friends to go outside and paint an old brown wall in the city. Together, they create a beautiful mural of a park. It is eye-catching and makes everyone in the community happy!

Mr. and mrs. pig's evening out
Rayner, Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Pig decide to go out for the evening so they get a babysitter, Mrs. Wolf, for their piglets. Mrs. Wolf gets hungry while she is sitting, but not for anything in the kitchen.

Mr. goat's bad good idea
Robinson, Marileta
Three stories featuring Mr. Goat, Jerry Prairie Dog, Grandfather Sheep, and other Navajo friends.

Mr. grumpy's outing
Burningham, John
Mr. Grumpy allows all the neighborhood children and animals to go fishing with him, as long as they obey him. No one listens to Mr. Grumpy and the boat tips over. Mr. Grumpy laughs and invites everyone home for hot tea.

Mr. t.w. anthony woo
Ets, Marie Hall
Mr. T.W. Anthony Woo is a friendly mouse that keeps the cobbler of Shooshko company. The cobbler's sister wants the dog and cat to catch the mouse and be rid of him. Instead, the cat, dog, and mouse cooperate to get rid of the cobbler's sister and live in peace.

Mrs. pig gets cross and other stories
Rayner, Mary
Life in the busy Pig household is always eventful. Father, Mother, and their ten children have a big party, struggle against bad moods, and all end up in the same bed one night. A collection of seven stories.

My daddy and i...
Greenfield, Eloise
A young African American boy describes all the activities that he and his father do.

My name was hussein
Kyuchukov, Hristo
Hussein is a young boy who lives in Bulgaria. He and his family are Muslim and are forced to give up their identities when soldiers come. Hussein is renamed Harry but he holds onto his real name and faith traditions. A pictorial view of this is depicted throughout the story as Hussein tries to understand what is happening around him.

Nate the great and the boring beach bag
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Nate the Great is at the beach when Oliver, the pest, loses his beach bag. With the help of his dog, Sludge, and information from other children on the beach, Nate successfully solves the case of the missing bag.

Nicolas, where have you been?
Lionni, Leo
The field mice and birds compete for the bright red berries. The birds usually get the berries first and this angers the mice, especially Nicolas. One day, Nicolas is swooped up by a big, mean bird and dropped into a nest of nice birds that bring him berries and they share stories. He returns to tell the other mice that not all birds are bad.

No fighting no biting!
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Rosa and Willy are constantly fighting and annoying cousin Joan. So Joan tells the kids a story about two little alligators that were always fighting and how each time they were almost eaten by a big alligator because they were not paying attention.

Old bear
Hissey, Jane
Old Bear was put in the attic. His friends began to miss him so they tried to think of a way to get him down. Eventually, they flew a plane up to the attic and rescued him.

One big building
Dahl, Michael
Children learn about the importance of teamwork, cooperation, and goal-setting as an entire twelve-story building is constructed from an initial simple plan. Numbers one through twelve illustrate the entire building process in a fun and strategic way.

One short week
Eriksson, Eva
Rosalie is bored because she has no one to play with. She calls her friend, Victor. Victor invites Rosalie to his birthday party, a whole week away. She turns one week into one day and ends up playing with Victor for a hundred hours.

Our snowman
Goffstein, M.B.
A boy and his sister build a snowman. At night, they notice the snowman looks lonely. The girl and her father build a snowwoman to keep him company.

Panda's new toy
Dunbar, Joyce
Panda just got a new toy and he is having a lot of fun playing with it. Gander wants to try it too, but Panda is unwilling to share. When Gander decides to play with another toy, Panda wants that one too. The friends talk about it and decide that sharing and working together are more fun than being selfish.

Papa, please get the moon for me
Carle, Eric
Monica wants her father to get the moon so she can play with it. So her father finds the tallest items he can and climbs until he reaches the moon. He brings the moon back only to discover that it keeps changing sizes as it passes through the lunar cycle.

Paul and arthur search for the egg
Rockwell, Anne
Paul and Arthur the bull, hear a crying seagull. The seagull has lost her egg and Paul and Arthur take on the responsibility of finding it. When they do, a baby gull is born and the mother gull is very happy.

Peanut butter and jelly
Westcott, Nadine Bernard
Through a rhyme, two little children show how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Pelle's new suit
Beskow, Elsa
One day Pelle takes his shears and trims some wool from his sheep. Then he goes to various people to ask favors in helping him make a new suit. In return for their help, he also does favors for them. In the end, Pelle has a handsome new blue suit.

Piggie pie!
Palatini, Margie
Gritch the witch wakes up one morning with a craving for piggie pie!She spends all day searching for eight piggies on old Macdonald's farm and is fooled by the piggies, who hide from her. She finally gives up and goes home with a wolf.

Pizza party!
Maccarone, Grace
A group of children gather to make a pizza. They go through the steps of making a pizza with each child having their own job. When the pizza is done, they all eat the wonderful pizza they had fun making.

Raising sweetness
Stanley, Diane
The town sheriff adopts eight orphans to save them from the mean Ms. Stump, but there are a few problems. Pa is not too good at cooking and his cleaning is quite shabby. The orphans one wish is for him to get married. One of the orphans, Sweetness, believes a letter that arrived in the mail is the answer.

Raising yoder's barn
Yolen, Jane
A boy and his family lose their barn to a fire but their Amish community works together to raise the barn again.

Recycle every day!
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth
Through a poster contest at school, Minna and her family discover many ways they can recycle. Many of the other contestants' posters demonstrate ways to recycle, however Minna ultimately wins the contest through her poster that reminds everyone to re-re-remember, re-re-recycle every day.

Reese's pieces count by fives
Pallotta, Jerry
Counting by fives is not always an easy task, but with the help of construction vehicles and Reese's Pieces candy, the task can be accomplished. First, count to ten by ones then to one hundred by fives. Hopefully a tasty snack will await you in the end.

Rosie and the rustlers
Gerrard, Roy
When a group of outlaws try to take Rosie's cattle, Rosie and her friends team up. They come up with a plan to capture the villians.

Santa's book of names
McPhail, David
Edward has problems reading. He proves to himself that he can read when he has to help Santa on Christmas Eve deliver toys to the girls and boys listed in Santa's book.

See you in second grade
Cohen, Miriam
A first grade class spends their last day of school at the beach. They are afraid of going onto second grade, but the teacher assures them it will be fun. When they go home for the summer, they are excited about what the next school year may bring.

Sheep take a hike
Shaw, Nancy
As the sheep venture on their way, they find themselves encountering prickly plants, fog, and the frightening feeling of being lost.

Silver threads
Skrypuch, Marsha Forchuk
Ivan and Anna flee from Ukraine and sail to Canada where they are promised land for farming. They begin a new life, but Canada soon joins World War I. Ivan tries to fight for Canada in the war, but they take him as a prisoner instead. Years pass and Anna waits alone until Ivan finally returns to the farm from an internment camp

Snow day
Maestro, Betsy
Today is a snow day!Since the roads are covered with snow, school is cancelled. City workers and people in their homes must clear away the snow.

Something queer is going on
Levy, Elizabeth
Jill's dog Fletcher is not on the front steps when Jill arrives home from school, so Jill and her friend Gwen search the neighborhood for Fletcher. They believe Mr. Fernbach has Fletcher and convince Jill's mother to follow Mr. Fernbach to his studios. Fletcher is found in the studios where he is being used in a dog food commercial.