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Beastly feast
Goldstone, Bruce
The animals are going to have a feast. Each animal brings a food that rhymes with its name. From carrots to honey, all of the food is enjoyed by all of the animals. When the armadillos arrive with pillows the feast is over.

My daddy and i...
Greenfield, Eloise
A young African American boy describes all the activities that he and his father do.

Haas, Jesse
Hurry!Hurry!If the grass gets wet, then the hay will spoil. Grandpa, Grandma, and Nora work hard to gather the hay before the gray clouds bring the rain. Cooperation and commitment help the family successfully gather the hay.

Lucy's summer
Hall, Donald
Lucy spends her New Hampshire summer of 1910 doing a variety of things. She helps her mother can fruits and vegetables and make beautiful hats to sell. She attends a Fourth of July celebration where she meets an organ grinder with a monkey and a gypsy couple trying to sell picture frames. The highlight of Lucy's summer was taking the train into Boston with her mother. That was one day that Lucy will never forget.

Let's play as a team!
Halliman, P. K.
Kids like to play as a team no matter what they do -- football, soccer, baseball and all kinds of sports. When they're done playing, it doesn't matter who wins or loses as long as they all had a great time while they were playing. Join these kids in their fun-filled day of teamwork.

Wag wag wag
Hansard, Peter
At a county fair, there are 500 seeds in one pumpkin. Also, there are 10 cents in one dime, 8 horses on one merry-go-round, 4 wheels on one wagon, and so on.

Old bear
Hissey, Jane
Old Bear was put in the attic. His friends began to miss him so they tried to think of a way to get him down. Eventually, they flew a plane up to the attic and rescued him.

Arthur's honey bear
Hoban, Lillian
A boy and his sister decide to have a garage sale. He decides to sell his old bear and his sister buys it. After he sees her buy it, he is sad and wants it back. Then he realizes that even if the bear is not his now, the bear will be his nephew forever.

Arthur's new power
Hoban, Russell
Arthur's family uses too much electricity and keeps blowing fuses. So Arthur, the chimp, learns how to use water power and he makes a generator for the family to use

The eensy-weensy spider
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Travel beyond the waterspout -- out into the garden, pond, brook, shoe store, and even the park with this determined spring-loving spider. Sing the all-time classic tune or just read with rhythm!This book will catch you in its colorful web and keep you on your toes as you advance beyond the traditional limits.

Teacher! Sharing, helping, caring
Hubbell, Patricia
Great big school! In we go! Our teacher greets us, waves hello! A teacher and her class do lots of interesting things throughout the week. They paint, read, look at weather charts, count money, work on the computer, and greet a special guest. The students not only learn, but they have fun, too. And so does the teacher!

The nursery collection
Hughes, Shirley
A Grandmother tells her granddaughter the story of the house beginning with great-great-great-great grandpa. Grandmother explains how the house was built, what food were grown to eat, and the ways of life throughout the years.

Alfie gets in first
Hughes, Shirley
Alfie is the first one to get home. As soon as his mom opens the door, Alfie runs inside and slams it shut. Alfie has to figure out how to get the door opened by himself.

An evening at alfie's
Hughes, Shirley
A babysitter encounters a crisis situation when a water pipe bursts. She solves the problem by enlisting aid from others.

The big concrete lorry
Hughes, Shirley
The Patterson's house is too small for them, but they cannot afford a larger home. Mr. Patterson decides to build an extension onto the house himself. When the concrete lorry delivers the concrete before it was expected, the neighborhood joins together to build the room.

Changes, changes
Hutchins, Pat
Two dolls work together to build various things. They build a house, a boat, and a train out of wooden blocks. (A Wordless Book)

Batter up!
Johnson, Neil
A young boy named Nick joins a baseball team and learns everything about the game. He has to deal with losing a big game. The loss helps him to refine his weaknesses.

Jam day
Joosse, Barbara M.
An annual family reunion involving berry picking and jam making, reminds Ben that he is part of a big family, even though his immediate family is small. It is also a noisy family of grandparents, cousins, uncles, and aunts.

Iron horses
Kay, Verla
Building a railroad takes a lot of work. Many people must be involved from the planners and politicians in the capital, to the Irishmen and Chinese men building the track out west. When it is finally finished, the track is a wonderful form of transportation.

Timothy Cox will not change his socks
Kinerk, Robert
A young boy, Timothy Cox, decides to go without changing his socks for a month. As the smell from his socks begins to grow, the entire community gets involved in trying to get him to change his socks. Timothy creatively avoids getting caught for the whole month. He aviods the fire fighters with their hoses and even a scout troop! When the month has come to an end, he keeps the socks in a cabinet as a trophy in his determination to stick to his word and not change his socks.

Where's wallace?
Knight, Hilary
Wallace, an orange orangutan, lives in a cage in a zoo. Wallace is very curious about the world outside of the zoo, so he goes on adventures to discover this outside world. Although Wallace is curious about the outside world he always returns to his cage at the zoo.

Do you want to play?A book about being friends
Kolar, Bob
Do you want to play?These two children have lots of ideas about what they can do. They can play together or alone or even in a big group. The park is fun, so is a board game, There are so many things to do with a friend, the possibilities are endless!

Lionel in the spring
Krensky, Stephen
Lionel's spring activities include plans to plant a vegetable garden, celebrate his parents anniversary, play with his friend, and participate in spring cleaning.

My name was hussein
Kyuchukov, Hristo
Hussein is a young boy who lives in Bulgaria. He and his family are Muslim and are forced to give up their identities when soldiers come. Hussein is renamed Harry but he holds onto his real name and faith traditions. A pictorial view of this is depicted throughout the story as Hussein tries to understand what is happening around him.

Clara and the bookwagon
Levinson, Nancy Smiler
Clara lives on a farm and does not have time to go to school, but she wants to learn to read. Eventually the Bookwagon (a mobile library) comes to her farm and the librarian convinces her father to let her borrow books and she learns to read.

Something queer is going on
Levy, Elizabeth
Jill's dog Fletcher is not on the front steps when Jill arrives home from school, so Jill and her friend Gwen search the neighborhood for Fletcher. They believe Mr. Fernbach has Fletcher and convince Jill's mother to follow Mr. Fernbach to his studios. Fletcher is found in the studios where he is being used in a dog food commercial.

Nicolas, where have you been?
Lionni, Leo
The field mice and birds compete for the bright red berries. The birds usually get the berries first and this angers the mice, especially Nicolas. One day, Nicolas is swooped up by a big, mean bird and dropped into a nest of nice birds that bring him berries and they share stories. He returns to tell the other mice that not all birds are bad.

Swimmy (Nnadarin)
Lionni, Leo
Swimmy was the fastest fish in his school. When all the other fish in his school get eaten by a new big fish, he explores by himself until he finds a new school of fish. He then teaches his new school how to swim close together so that they look like the biggest fish of all and will scare away the other big fish.

The alphabet tree
Lionni, Leo
The alphabet tree is full of letters. After the storm, all the letters grouped together because they were afraid. A bug and a caterpillar teach teamwork so the letters can say something important.

Tucking mommy in
Loh, Morag
Two girls' mother is too tired from work to tell them a bedtime story, so the two girls tell their own story and tuck their mother in bed.

Mattie and the chicken thief
Luttrell, Ida
Mattie's cat, Prowler, and dog, Howler, accidentally scare off her four hens. They must get the hens back without getting caught in any of Mattie's thief-traps.

Tillie and mert
Luttrell, Ida
Tillie and Mert are best friends. They do everything together. After going to a garage sale and buying many things, the friends decide to open their own store. Because they both cooperate and do what they are best at, they have the best store in town, even though they do not make much money.

Come a tide
Lyon, George Ella
Snow and rain come together and cause a flood. This story explains how one family overcomes the flood.

Pizza party!
Maccarone, Grace
A group of children gather to make a pizza. They go through the steps of making a pizza with each child having their own job. When the pizza is done, they all eat the wonderful pizza they had fun making.

Snow day
Maestro, Betsy
Today is a snow day!Since the roads are covered with snow, school is cancelled. City workers and people in their homes must clear away the snow.

Jam: A true story
Mahy, Margaret
A father stays home with the children. The father finds a plum tree, so the family begins making jam.

Big bear to the rescue
Margolis, Richard J.
A bear sees his friend, Mr. Mole, at the bottom of a well. The bear rounds up his friends to rescue Mr. Mole.

Summer business
Martin, Charles E.
A bunch of children on an island decide to work for the summer. They sell painted rocks, have a flea market, lemonade stand, dog-sit, and take people across the river. They earn enough money to go to the fair and have a wonderful time together.

Bizzy bones and the lost quilt
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs
Bizzy loses his favorite quilt. He cannot sleep and is very sad. Some other mice find it with a hole in it. They help Bizzy repair it and Bizzy makes new friends.

Uproar on hollercat hill
Marzollo, Jean
The cat family is getting along great, playing games and building things. Suddenly everything goes wrong and everyone is mad at each other. Finally, they work it out and all is well again.

The baby beebbe bird
Massie, Diane Redfield
All day long, the zoo animals roar and make noise. When they lay down to go to sleep, something keeps them awake: a new baby beebee bird isn't tired and sings all night long. When morning comes, all the animals are still tired. To prove their point, the animals make noise all day, keeping the bird awake. The next night all the animals, including the baby beebee bird, are fast asleep.

Santa's book of names
McPhail, David
Edward has problems reading. He proves to himself that he can read when he has to help Santa on Christmas Eve deliver toys to the girls and boys listed in Santa's book.

The best place
Meddaugh, Susan
After talking with a bird on his lovely screen porch, an old wolf realizes that he may be missing out on some wonderful places because he's spent so much time admiring his porch with the beautiful view. Determined to see the world, the old wolf sells his house to a young rabbit family and sets out on his travels. However, after a trip down a river, an afternoon in the hot desert, and a tour of London drowned in rain, the wolf realizes that his front porch really is the best place in the world. However, the rabbits have settled and will not give the wolf his house back. Saddened he runs far into the forest and retreats to the top of a tall tree for the night. When he awakens, he realizes that this could be his new best place so he and his old neighbors work together to build his new home.

No fighting no biting!
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Rosa and Willy are constantly fighting and annoying cousin Joan. So Joan tells the kids a story about two little alligators that were always fighting and how each time they were almost eaten by a big alligator because they were not paying attention.

Tuttle's shell
Murdocca, Sal
Tuttle, the turtle, loses his shell, so he stays inside a pumpkin. Gradually, he runs into different animals in the forest, and they all pull together to find his shell.

Lemonade for sale
Murphy, Stuart J.
The clubhouse is falling apart, but how will the kids get the money to fix it?They decide to sell lemonade to make money. Each of the kids is given a different job, including graphing the number of cups sold. Not only do the kids learn how to cooperate, they learn a little about graphing too.

Earth day - hooray!
Murphy, Stuart J.
Ryan, Carly, and Luke set out to clean up Gilroy Park for an Earth Day celebration. They decide to plant flowers to beautify the park while collecting cans to raise money through recycling. The children use math and find school resources to help them with their project.

The story of the three kingdoms
Myers, Walter Dean
A shark, elephant, and a hawk believe that each rules the earth. One day people show up and want to figure out why the animals will not share. They sit around and talk, coming up with stories to help get the animals to cooperate.

Maude and walter
Oneal, Zibby
Maude and Walter are brother and sister and they fight often. When separated, they miss each other and realize that they are not only related, but are also friends.