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Coffey, Melissa
Lots of recycling and composting ideas fill the pages of the microwave, dishwasher, and refrigerator storage. The mayo, meats, and cheeses spoil and the tofu was swimming in goo. So many foods are rancid and decaying. And just when things couldn't get any worse....a food fight erupts in Fridge-opolis! Enjoy the Food for Thought at the end of it all.

The carp in the bathtub
Cohen, Barbara
Leah and Henry want to save the carp that their mom will want to cook for dinner. They try to hide the carp in the tub and also in a bucket. Their dad explains that fish are for eating so he gives them a cat as a pet.

Texas star
Cole, Barbara Hancock
Cold winter weather is coming, so Mama decides to have a quilting party even though Papa does not think another quilt is needed. When the snow comes and the family cuddles under the quilt, Papa admits maybe another quilt was needed.

White socks only
Coleman, Evelyn
A young African American girl walks into town and is faced with prejudice. The community proudly stands up for her and the rights of all African Americans.

To be a drum
Coleman, Evelyn
Daddy Wes whispers to his two young children about the history of Africans forced into slavery and how the pulse of the drum has moved through them over time. Daddy Wes promises his children that as long as they can hear the heartbeat of the earth, they will be free.

Collier, Bryan
Join this boy's pride as he shares his town's sights and sounds the way he sees and hears them. You'll see Harlem along the river, street, and neighborhood.

Colon, Raul
A young boy living in New York City rides his skateboard to the Museum of Modern Art where he meets figures in paintings. Soon after, these characters leave their paintings and spend the day with the boy, going to a hot dog stand and riding roller coasters together. Eventually, the characters must return to their paintings and, in order to remember them, the boy makes his own artwork and goes to bed dreaming of the day he had.

The story of noodles
Compestine, Ying Chang
The Kang family decides to switch up their usual annual cooking contest recipe from dumplings to 'noodles' with the help from their three rambunctious sons.

The runaway wok
Compestine, Ying Chang
Ming lives in a poor family. He goes to the market to trade and receive food so he and his neighbors can share a Chinese new year feast. Instead of buying food, Ming chooses a magical wok. The wok rounds up the food and prized possessions of the rich to bring food to Ming's family and poor neighbors. Ming celebrates a wonderful new year, and he sells more woks to help other poor families.

The most important gift of all
Conway, David
Ama wants to honor her newborn baby brother with a special gift, as is the custom of the people in her village. When Grandma Sisi suggests the gift of love Ama sets off in search of this important present, but how will she know when she has found it? This story celebrates a young girl's discovery of the most important gift of all.

Cooper, Elisha
An empty lot is transformed by an architect, surveyors, and workers of all kinds. Big construction equipment moves earth and trucks deliver materials throughout the building process. The building stands between two other buildings not far from downtown. It stands empty now, waiting to be filled with people.

The milkman
Cordsen, Carol Foskett
A milkman delivers eggs, milk and ice cream to various people in a small community. While on his route, he discovers a sign that says lost dog. He begins to look for the dog along the way.

Hooray for fish!
Cousins, Lucy
Come travel along with Little Fish to meet his many friends. As we count, identify colors, and look for opposites among the many examples, we learn it is okay to have friends different from you.

It takes a village
Cowen-Fletcher, Jane
Young Yemi's responsibility is to look after her brother, Kokou, while at the market with her mother. Yemi quickly loses sight of her brother, but Kokou is safe with the neighbors in the community. Yemi learns that It takes a village to raise a family.

The watertower
Crew, Gary
Two friends, Bubba and Spike, go for a swim in the Preson Water Tower. Bubba's clothes are blown away so Spike has to go get some more clothes, leaving Bubba alone. The water tower seems to hold some power over the whole town, so what will happen when Bubba is left alone to face the tower?

Jack & Jim
Crowther, Kitty
An adventurous blackbird wants to venture out, beyond his home in the forest, to explore the beach. He meets a white seagull and the two quickly become friends. However, their outward appearances quickly cause some adverse reactions from others in town. These friends stand fast to their friendship and overcome adversity. Eventually, the village of seagulls accepts Jack for his gift of stories.

Big mama
Crunk, Tony
Billy Boyd's grandmother is the best according to the neighborhood kids. She allows them to use their imaginations when she works and plays with them. Their journey to the ice cream shop is full of neighborhood excitement, but the trip back home is the most important part.

I took the moon for a walk
Curtis, Carolyn
A little boy takes the moon on an adventurous walk. At first the moon is timid but then opens up to the little boy. They do things together such as swing, hold hands, and dance until the boy goes home to go to the sleep.

The paper dragon
Davol, Margueritte W.
Sui-Jen, the dragon, is awakened and begins to destroy everything. Mi Fei is the only person brave and wise enough to put the dragon back to sleep. Mi Fei needs courage, heroism, and wisdom to save his village from the dragon.

Old granny and the bean thief
Defelice, Cynthia
Granny loves her beans any way she can get them. A mischievous thief steals Granny's beans three nights in a row. She embarks on a journey to tell the sheriff about the thief. Along the way she makes several friends. They help Granny stop the thief in a very unique fashion.

A long long song
Delessert, Etienne
Acrobats and musicians appear out of nowhere and perform on the front steps of a town hall. The show takes place in a small New England village. Those who see them perform never forget who they are.

A walk on a snowy night
Delton, Judy
A girl and her father go out in the snow together. They see many of the normal sights, but they look different at night covered with snow. They stop at a local cafe to get hot chocolate before bundling up their coats and walking home.

The crayon box that talked
DeRolf, Shane
While walking through a toy store, a little girl overhears a box of crayons arguing. Yellow and green don't like red and no one likes orange, but for no apparent reason. After buying the box of crayons, she takes them home and begins to draw a picture. Using every color in the box, the little girl created a picture. As she completed her drawing and began to walk away, she heard the crayons resolve their hatred and realize the beauty they make when they all work together.

Deveaux, Alexis
Na-ni waits all day with much excitement for the mailman to bring his mom's welfare check. He is going to get a bike!But, his plans fall through when a thief breaks into his mailbox and steals it.

I lost my tooth in africa
Diakite, Penda
Amina and her parents take a trip to Mali to visit family. On the way, Amina realizes that her tooth is loose! While visiting her father's family, Amina loses the tooth and places it under a calabash tree. She receives a hen and a rooster from the African Tooth Fairy.

Uncle willie and the soup kitchen
DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne
A little boy has an Uncle Willie who works at a soup kitchen during the day. The little boy doesn't understand what a soup kitchen is so Uncle Willie takes him to work. They prepare and serve a meal to the poor people of the community.

A castle on Viola street
Disalvo, Dyanne
Andy's family lives in a small, cramped apartment, and his parents work long hours to support the family. He never thought that they would ever live in an actual house, but one day they find a flyer saying You too can own a home. The organization buys empty houses and allows families to fix-up houses and then other people will help fix up a house for them. Andy's family is so excited as they help clean, paint, put down hard wood flooring, and pass out lemonade. At the end of the year, they find out that the next house to be built will be theirs!

Everybody cooks rice
Dooley, Norah
Carrie's mom sends her out looking for her little brother at dinner time. While she is looking, she stops at many of her neighbors' houses and tries their cultural dinners made with rice

A family like yours
Dotlich, Rebecca K.
There are so many families who do different things. Different families eat different foods, enjoy different activities, speak different languages, and live in different dwellings. There is always a family that is just right for you.

The itch book
Dragonwagon, Crescent
On a hot summer day in the Ozarks, the itch begins. It's an itch epidemic and no one can escape it. Finally, without even discussing it, the whole town shows up at King Creek for a social picnic full of cold, itch-freeing water.

The boy who ate around the world
Drescher, Henrick
Mo thinks his dinner is lizard guts and worms when it is really string beans and cheese souffle. He decides to become a monster and eat around it. Mo eats everything in sight including his parents and the world. When Mo becomes lonely he decides to spit out all that he ate so he can have his parents and friends back.

Otto in Africa
du Bois, William Pene
Otto is a huge dog. His master takes him to Africa because he is too large for their town. They travel to Africa and help to win a war. Otto receives a medal for saving the town.

Chestnut cove
Egan, Tim
Chestnut Cove is a town of strange events, but caring and helpful townspeople. That all changes when King Milford decrees that the one who can grow the largest watermelon will inherit the kingdom. Pretty soon, everyone becomes too greedy to even talk to one another, and it takes a big event to get them back to normal.

Speak English for us, Marisol!
English, Karen
Marisol is anxious to get home from school to see if she has new kittens or not. Unfortunately she is delayed by relatives and friends that stop Marisol for a favor, to speak or translate English. She happily complies and solves everyone's problems and is rewarded with her mother's love and pride.

No milk!
Ericsson, Jennifer
A little city boy tells jokes, juggles, and sings so a cow will give milk. Eventually, he learns that in order to get milk he needs to squeeze the cow's udders.

Walter's tail
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
A dog and its owner enjoy time together. Some town members dislike the dog until he saves the day.

Stella louella's runaway book
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Stella Louella cannot seem to find her library book that is due at 5:00 All day, she tracks down its whereabouts along with others in the community who have seen the book along its trip. Find out where the book ends up.

Little bit & big byte: A day at the beach
Feigh, C
Big Byte, Joy, and Little Bit go to the beach to be with their friends Webster and Kay Board. They all see a couple of nefarious bugs named Vi and Russ who are going surfing. Big Byte and Kay Board want to go with them but Joy and Little Bit warn them that it is too dangerous. When Big Byte and Kay Board find themselves in danger, what will happen? Will Little Bit, Joy, and Webster be able to do anything to help them in this computer age adventure?

The boats on the river
Flack, Marjorie
There are many, many different kinds of boats that float down the river. The river comes from the mountains, by the city, and out to the sea.

A pig is big
Florian, Douglas
What is bigger than a pig?A variety of comparisons are expressed through poetic lyrics and illustrations, all of which are bigger than a pig.

The bakers dozen
Forest, Heather
Jan Van Amsterdam is a well known baker. People travel from all over to buy his goods. When he begins to get greedy, he starts to use less ingredients in his cookies. When a woman asks for a bakers dozen, he only gives her 12 She puts a curse on him and his baked goods. When he finally realizes that a bakers dozen is 13, the curse is broken.

The house that jack built
Galdone, Paul
Jack's house is a lot more than just his house. Many animals and people have a connection to this seemingly simple house.

The summer sands
Garland, Sherry
When a raging storm destroys the sand dunes that several animals and plants called home, a community works together to restore the dunes in a most creative way. Includes an author's note about the ecology of the coastal sand dunes and what is being done to preserve them.

The hunter
Geraghty, Paul
Jamina goes looking for honey in the bush with her grandfather. She hopes to see an elephant, but her grandfather tells her that it is not likely since the hunters have come. Jamina tells her grandfather that she wants to be a hunter. When she helps a little elephant whose mother was shot by hunters, she realizes she never wants to be a hunter.

Marge's diner
Gibbons, Gail
Everyone goes to Marge's Diner because it is open 24 hours a day. Marge feeds all kinds of people: truck drivers, families, travelers, school kids, businessmen, and telephone company workers. Everyone is friendly at the diner, and it is a big meeting place for friends.

Knoxville, Tennessee
Giovanni, Nikki
A young girl likes summer best because of the fresh corn from her daddy's garden, the okra, barbecue, and homemade ice cream from the church picnic, and the gospel music from the church homecoming. She also likes to go to the mountains with her grandmother where she feels safe and warm.

The story of an English village
Goodall, John S.
This very detailed book shows the development of an English village from the 14th century to the present day. (A Wordless Book)

The story of main street
Goodall, John S.
An English main street is shown from medieval times to present day. The illustrations are half hidden to the reader. (A Wordless Book)



Graham, Bob
Max is the son of the legendary superheroes Captain Lightning and Madam Thunderbolt. His family has high expectations for him to follow in their footsteps and become a superhero too. Now he just needs to learn how to fly. After many persistent tries, Max still can't keep himself off the ground. His family is supportive and determined to get him to fly. Will this confidence be enough to help him fly like the birds?

My father's luncheonette
Greenberg, Melanie Hope
A little girl enjoys going to her father's luncheonette to eat, dance, waitress, clean-up, and close.