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Dress up and let's have a party
Charlip, Remy
John dressed up in his mother's pots and pans while she baked a cake. He called his friends to come and dress up with him. Each friend came in a different creative costume. They ate the cake when it was done and went home.

Tea with milk
Say, Allen
Masoko's life changes dramatically when her parents move from California back to their native country, Japan. Masako feels like she will never belong in this new country where her life is so completely different.

Presenting tanya the ugly duckling
Gauch, Particia Lee
Tanya's ballet class is getting ready for their recital. Tanya is not sure why she was chosen to play the lead, after all she is only Tanya. During practices, Tanya has a hard time dancing like the ugly duckling. After the dress rehearsal, it is time for Tanya to find her character.

My best shoes
Burton, Marilee Robin
Days of the week are expressed through many different shoes that children wear. Have you ever worn sturdy lace-up high shoes, run all day shoes, or tiptoe in the sand shoes?

The ridiculous story of gammer gurton's needle
Lloyd, David
Gammer Gurton's servant loses her needle while sewing Gammer's pants. One of Gammer's friends accuses the neighbor of stealing the needle. After duking it out with the neighbor, Gammer realizes his friend is lying and insists on his punishment.

Nettie jo's friends
McKissack, Patricia C.
Netti Jo is desperately looking for a needle to sew her doll's dress. She thinks if she helps others that in return they will help her find a needle.

Somebody's new pajamas
Jackson, Isaac
Jerome becomes good friends with Robert, a new boy at school. On the night that Jerome sleeps over at Robert's house, Robert shares a pair of his pajamas. Jerome learns that it's okay if people do things a little differently.

Felix the bald-headed lion
Townsend, Kenneth
Felix, the lion, is embarassed about his bald head and will do anything to cover it up, including stealing hats from people. When none of the hats work, Felix becomes discouraged. With the help of a friendly colonel, Felix becomes the talk of the town.

Not the piano, mrs. medley
Levine, Evan
A grandmother and grandson go the beach together. The grandmother against her grandson's wishes, deems it necessary to bring just about everything -- just in case. Finally when they end up at the beach, they realize that they have everything except their bathing suits.

Wake up mr. b!
Dale, Penny
Little girl wakes up early while her family continues to sleep. She seeks out Mr. B to accompany her on her make-believe journey.

Miss flora mcflimsey's easter bonnet
A little girl dresses up her dolls to go to an Easter party but did not have anything for Miss Flora. A sweet rabbit notices she is crying and finds a solution. He has his aunt make Miss Flora a new bonnet. She wins a prize for the most original costume.

Chicken sunday
Polacco, Patricia
Three children want to thank Miss Eula for her chicken dinners she makes each Sunday. They decide to sell Easter eggs. They make enough money to buy her an Easter hat.

Sounds my feet make
Blanchard, Arlene
A girl's feet make different sounds depending on what shoes she wears, how she moves, and where she is.

A winter day
Florian, Douglas
A family spends a winter day together. After a breakfast of pancakes, everyone puts on their coats, boots, and hats. While outside, they skate, sled, and make snowballs. They warm their toes by the fire when they go inside for their evening meal.

Winthrop, Elizabeth
A young brother and sister are excited that the sledding hill is covered with snow. When they finally get dressed to go outside, they have fun with the other children sledding down the hill.

The chalk doll
Pomerantz, Charlotte
Rosie is sick and asks her mother to tell her stories about when her mom was young. Her mother remininses about the clothes she used to wear, the toys she played with, and the foods she ate when she was little. At the end of the day, Rosie is feeling better so they make a paper doll together.

Rita goes to the hospital
Davison, Martine
Rita gets very scared when a letter from the hospital arrives announcing that her tonsils will be taken out. Eventually, the hospital workers help Rita overcome her fears of surgery. She is happy when she wakes up afterwards and is given her favorite ice cream for dinner -- strawberry!

Little cliff's first day of school
Taulbert, Clifton
Little Cliff is dreading the first day of school. He has heard that school is all work and no fun. With the continued encouragement of his great-grandmother, Cliff finally heads to school. Upon arrival, he sees all of his friends and discovers that school can be fun too.

Lottie's princess dress
Dorrie, Doris
Lottie wakes up from a dream of castles and gold and realizes that it is a very special day. She cannot wear her usual outfit to school, she must wear her special princess dress. Although her mother says that it is too cold outside, Lottie tries to explain that it is a very special day and everyone should be dressed up. Eventually, Lottie's mother agrees and they both wear princess dresses all day.

My father who has 10 children
Guettier, Benedicte
A devoted father works hard to take care of his ten children day and night. He decides to get away and sail around the world, until he realizes something is missing and returns home.

New shoes, red shoes
Rollings, Susan
The little girl's shoes are too small so her mom takes her to get new shoes. On their way she observes different kinds of shoes different people are wearing. She wears her new shoes to a party and is very proud of them.

Welcome with love
Overend, Jenni
The special day has arrived. A new baby has many siblings who are all very excited for the new addition to the family. Jack, his sisters Janie and Bea, Aunt Meg, Dad, and Anna the midwife are awaiting the home birth of mother's new baby. The family experiences a wonderful miracle as Mum delivers her new baby at home.

The mud family
James, Betsy
Susi and her family are in desperate need of rain to save their corn and land. If it does not rain soon Susi and her family will have to move to a different place. Susi runs away to a secluded place and prays to her mud family to bring rain to the canyon. Eventually, the rain does come bringing Susi back to the family that needs her most of all.

Knuffle bunny
Willems, Mo
Trixie, her daddy, and her trusty bunny companion are heading to the laundry mat. While there, Trixie helps her daddy sort the clothes. Unfortunately, Trixieï¾’s bunny becomes part of the dryer pile. Trixieï¾’s dad doesnï¾’t realize that the bunny is in the dryer. In trying to get his attention Trixie says her first word. In the end, she and both parents run to retrieve Knuffle Bunny.

Minnie and moo go dancing
Cazet, Denys
As Minnie and Moo sit watching the stars, they wish they could dance. When their wish comes true, they dress up as the farmer's twin sisters, Opal and Ruby, and attend a party at the farmer's house. They have a wonderful time at the party, but the fun ends when they are offered hamburgers. Fearing for their lives, the cows return to the barn.

Little anna and the magic hat
Sandberg, Inger//Sandberg, Lasse
Little Anna has a babysitter that is too tall to stand up in her house, so he has to lie on the floor. While on the floor, he shows Anna his magic hat. Unfortunately what he commands to come out is not always what appears from the hat.

The honest-to-goodness truth
McKissack, Patricia C.
Libby lies to Mama about feeding the cow. When she is caught and punished, Libby vows to tell the truth from then on. She ends up hurting her friends when she tells it like it is. Can Libby tell the truth and get her friends back?

Old woman and the willy nilly man
Wright, Jill
The Little Old Woman who lives in the woods has not gotten a good night's rest because every night her shoes get up and dance. She visits a very scary man, the Willy Nilly Man, to ask for his help.

One of each
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Oliver Tolliver lives alone in his one little house that has just one of everything. He thinks he is happy until he discovers that having more to share with friends is even better!

Where's our mama
Goode, Diane
After arriving in the Paris train station, the two young children lose their mother while she goes looking for her lost hat. A young man helps them search for their mother and eventually returns to the the trainstation to find her.

A woggle of witches
Adams, Adrienne
A small group of witches prepare for their favorite night of the year, Halloween. The witches become frightened of the children that are dressed up in costumes.

The scarebird
Fleischman, Sid
A lonely man builds a scarecrow, puts clothes on him and plays chess with him. Eventually, a young man comes along and offers to be a hired hand. The old man gives the young man some clothes, a job, his friendship.

A sweater for Duncan (Un sueter para Duncan)
Malone, Margaret
Little Duncan penguin is proud of his fuzzy coat. He sticks out his chest as he waddles among the other penguins. He knows he is the handsomest one in the frozen south. Trouble jumps in when his fuzz flies off in clumps and floats on the wind like butterflies. His mother agrees to knit him a sweater, but will that solve the problem? The sweater is just too small. What is he to do? Finally, his mother leads him to a mirror like a piece of ice, where a happy surprise awaits. He is all grown up and is again the handsomest penguin in the frozen south.

Martin's hats
Blos, Joan W.
Join Martin and his many different hats as he explores caves, joins a birthday party, engineers a train, puts out a fire, and even welds a girder.

50 below zero
Munsch, Robert
Jason is repeatedly awakened from the noises his father makes when he is sleep walking. The last straw is when he finds him outside in the snow with only his pajamas on.

Snow on snow on snow
Chapman, Cheryl
Playing in the winter snow leads to a search for a missing companion.

Froggy gets dressed
London, Jonathan
When Froggy wakes up and decides to play in the snow, he needs to get dressed. Each time he goes out, he forgets to put something on and must come back inside. At last Froggy is ready to play, or is he?

Everything to spend the night
Paul, Ann Whitford
A little girl packs her bag full of things she will need for an overnight at her grandparents. She brings, snacks, toys, clothes, a toothbrush, and many other things A through Z. She does forget one very important thing, her pajamas. She borrows some from her grandfather and says I love you!

Hide and snake
Baker, Keith
A snake plays hide and seek with the reader by hiding amidst familiar objects such as hats, cats, cakes, ice cream, baskets, and garden plants. The colorful snake blends in with the colorful pictures.

Not so fast songololo
Daly, Niki
A grandmother and her grandson go for a trip into the city. The young boy looked at a new pair of shoes and wanted them. Although the grandmother had little money, she managed to save enough so she could buy him the shoes.

First words and pictures
Salt, Jane//Hawksley, Gereard
A baby has many new things to see and touch at the supermarket. At home, it is time to unload the groceries and make dinner.

The growing-up feet
Cleary, Beverly
Jimmy and Janet want their feet to grow so they can get new shoes. Their mom buys them new red boots that stretch with their feet. They play all day in their new boots.

Henkes, Kevin
Owen just loves his yellow blanket named Fuzzy, which he takes everywhere. Owen's parents decide Owen is getting too old to carry around a blanket. Owen is terribly upset and isn't happy again until Fuzzy is cut up into small pieces for Owen to carry around.

Clancy's coat
Bunting, Eve
Some old friends have a conflict, but they come back together when one of them needs help.

Georgie's halloween
Bright, Robert
Herman the cat and Miss Oliver the owl try to convince Georgie to enter the Halloween costume contest, but he is just too shy. His mice friends give him a ribbon for winning their own costume contest.

Grandmother and the runaway shadow
Rosenberg, Liz
A young girl escapes alone to America and finds companionship in a runaway shadow. They experience their new world together.

Boot weather
Vigna, Judith
A little girl uses her imagination while playing in the snow in her favorite boots.

Whose shoes?
Wildsmith, Brian
Pictures show many different types of shoes. In the end, the shoes end up belonging to a caterpillar.

A pocket for corduroy (Un bolsillo para corduroy)
Freeman, Don
Corduroy the teddy bear wants a pocket for his outfit. He goes with his owner to a laundromat to search for one and gets into many mishaps. Written in English and Spanish.

The jacket i wear in the snow
Neitzel, Shirley
A girl is playing in the snow. Her zipper gets wet and becomes stuck so she goes home so her mother can help her.