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Max's dragon shirt
Wells, Rosemary
Max does not want to get rid of his old blue pants!Instead he wants a dragon shirt, but his mom did not give his sister enough money to buy one. Max loses his sister at the story and gets into a little mischief.

May'naise sandwiches & sunshine tea
Belton, Sandra
Big Mama shares family memories of her childhood with her grandchild about a special friendship she had with Bettie Jean. Little Miss and Big Mama share the pages of a scrapbook which tells the favorite story of May'naise sandwiches and sunshine tea.

Milo's hat trick
Agee, Jon
Milo the magician had one more chance to pull a rabbit out of his hat or else he would be fired. While searching for a rabbit, he finds a bear. The bear is able to pretend his bones are made of rubber and agrees to jump out of Milo's hat. The show is a huge success until the bear becomes tired. Milo wonders what he will do until he realizes that he too can pretend his bones are made of rubber.

Minnie and moo go dancing
Cazet, Denys
As Minnie and Moo sit watching the stars, they wish they could dance. When their wish comes true, they dress up as the farmer's twin sisters, Opal and Ruby, and attend a party at the farmer's house. They have a wonderful time at the party, but the fun ends when they are offered hamburgers. Fearing for their lives, the cows return to the barn.

Miss Bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten
Slate, Joseph
An alphabet of animal students get ready for kindergarten and so does their teacher Miss Bindergarten. There are many activities and tasks for each student to do before arriving at school to hear Good morning, Kindergarten!

Miss flora mcflimsey's easter bonnet
A little girl dresses up her dolls to go to an Easter party but did not have anything for Miss Flora. A sweet rabbit notices she is crying and finds a solution. He has his aunt make Miss Flora a new bonnet. She wins a prize for the most original costume.

Missing mittens
Murphey, Stuart J.
When Farmer Bill begins to get dressed in his warm winter clothes, he finds he only has one mitten. Therefore, he has an odd number and he doesn't have a pair!When he checks on his animals in the barn he finds that they're missing mittens also. They find the footprints that lead to the mitten thief. Who could it be?

Monkey for sale
Stanley, Sanna
Two little girls in Africa look forward to their village market day in the Congo. They must make wise choices for their spending. They make initial purchases, but later find a monkey they want to rescue. They creatively work together to find a solution.

Monster cleans his house
Blance, Ellen/ Cook, Ann
Monster lives in a tall house in the city. He loves his house! It is very fine. Monster thinks the house will be even finer after he cleans it. He works hard making sure he cleans all of the rooms for potential visitors. He takes a break after all that cleaning and the house looks fine indeed.

Monster comes to the city
Blance, Ellen // Cook, Ann
An unusual, atypical monster comes to checkout a city and observes a variety of different events taking place. His excursion through the city leads him to a group of children playing and swinging in an park. The monster joins them in this activty. Since the monster had an enjoyable and pleasant experience in the city, he decides to make it his home.

Mr. George Baker
Hest, Amy
Harry enjoys spending time with his older next door neighbor, Mr. Baker. Harry likes to wait for the bus with Mr. George Baker. Harry learns about Mr. Baker's life as a musician and learns that a person is never too old to learn to read.

Mr. nicks's knitting
Wild, Margaret
Mr. Nick and Mrs. Jolley ride the train to the city and knit together each day. Mrs. Jolley gets ill and Mr. Nick decides to cheer her up and knit her a very special gift.

Mr. Tanen's tie trouble
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
The principal of Lynnhurst School, Mr. Tanen, is known for his unbelievable collection of 975 ties. He has a tie for every occasion! When the plan for the new playground falls through, everyone is shocked to see Mr. Tannen part with his beloved ties as he auctions them off so that the children at Lynnhurst School can enjoy their new playground.

Mr. tanen's ties
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
The principal, Mr. Tanen, loves wearing different ties until Mr. Apple tells him not to anymore. When Mr. Apple substitutes as principal, he learns the kind of happiness that the ties can bring.

Mrs. mcgarrity's peppermint sweater
Holl, Adelaide
The sweater Mrs. McGarrity makes is too big for any animal. So they decide to use her sweater for a circus tent.

Mud puddle
Munsch, Robert
A mud puddle is chasing Jule Ann! Every time she goes outside in clean fresh clothes, the puddle is hiding and just waiting to jump on her and make her dirty. Will Jule Ann's next plan work to stop the mud puddle?

Muriel's red sweater
Dokas, Dara
Muriel Magee's party invitations are very late because her birthday is today! She runs around town handing out invitations to her friends. What she doesn't realize is that her sweater unravels with each person she invites. By the time she gets home, she sees that her sweater is all gone, but she is in for a surprise! Her friends are all there to wish her a happy birthday, and they give her a present. When she opens it she realizes it's just what she needed - a new sweater!

My best shoes
Burton, Marilee Robin
Days of the week are expressed through many different shoes that children wear. Have you ever worn sturdy lace-up high shoes, run all day shoes, or tiptoe in the sand shoes?

My father who has 10 children
Guettier, Benedicte
A devoted father works hard to take care of his ten children day and night. He decides to get away and sail around the world, until he realizes something is missing and returns home.

My first Chinese New Year
Katz, Karen
Gung Hay Fat Choy! Happy New Year! A Chinese child is getting ready for the Chinese New Year by decorating the walls with red, making an alter to honor ancestors, getting a new dress to wear, and getting a haircut to start the new year off fresh and new. They eat a New Year Eve feast for good health and enjoy the New Year parade with lion dancers, drummers, and the dragon! Then, they wish each other Gung Hay Fat Choy!

My first look at clothes
Pinnington, Andrea//Davies, Charlotte
The different types of hats, shoes, sportswear, underwear, dressing-up clothes, night clothes, cold-day clothes, and hot-day clothes are presented. For example, hot-day clothes include sunglasses, a skirt, a t-shirt, shorts, a swimsuit, a sun hat, and a sundress. Photographs of each article of clothing are provided.

My little round house
Baasansuren, Bolormaa Adapted by: Mixter, Helen
Baby Jilu talks through his first year in the world, from when he is born to when he is a year old. he is born into a round world, with a round bed in a round home in Mongolia. His family comes to meet him, and they travel to their autumn quarters. Once snow begins to fall, Jilu's family moves on to their winter campground and soon celebrate Tsagaan Sar, meaning Spring will come again. In the spring, Jilu can ride on the camel saddle with his mother, and he will not have to wear boots again until after summer.

My name was hussein
Kyuchukov, Hristo
Hussein is a young boy who lives in Bulgaria. He and his family are Muslim and are forced to give up their identities when soldiers come. Hussein is renamed Harry but he holds onto his real name and faith traditions. A pictorial view of this is depicted throughout the story as Hussein tries to understand what is happening around him.

Nettie jo's friends
McKissack, Patricia C.
Netti Jo is desperately looking for a needle to sew her doll's dress. She thinks if she helps others that in return they will help her find a needle.

New old shoes
Blessing, Charlotte
A brand-new pair of shoes begin on the playful feet of an American boy then his shoes are donated and worn on the feet of African children. The shoes are worn and used in many different ways for play and work.

New shoes for silvia
Hurwitz, Johanna
One day Silvia's family receives a package of gifts from Tia Rosita. Silvia's gift is beautiful -- new red shoes!Unfortunately they are too big. Silvia uses her new shoes for many other purposes until one day they fit.

New shoes, red shoes
Rollings, Susan
The little girl's shoes are too small so her mom takes her to get new shoes. On their way she observes different kinds of shoes different people are wearing. She wears her new shoes to a party and is very proud of them.

No mirrors in my nana's house
By looking in her nana's eyes, this little girl sees beauty in ways that others may not see. When her grandmother reflects love back to the little girl, she discovers the beauty in herself and doesn't learn hate. The little girl finds beauty in everything.

No one else like you
Goeminne, Siska
There are seven billion people living in this world. Each person is different and uniquely original. See all the ways that people can move, act, do and be. People come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they wear a variety of clothing and feel a variety of emotions. People believe in different things. Not one of them is just like you.

No roses for harry
Zion, Gene
Harry's grandmother gives him a sweater with roses on it for his birthday. He doesn't like it and tries to lose it. He finally does and grandma gives him a new sweater that has black and white spots!

Not so fast songololo
Daly, Niki
A grandmother and her grandson go for a trip into the city. The young boy looked at a new pair of shoes and wanted them. Although the grandmother had little money, she managed to save enough so she could buy him the shoes.

Not the piano, mrs. medley
Levine, Evan
A grandmother and grandson go the beach together. The grandmother against her grandson's wishes, deems it necessary to bring just about everything -- just in case. Finally when they end up at the beach, they realize that they have everything except their bathing suits.

Old black fly
Aylesworth, Jim
An old black fly bothers a crazy mixed-up family by flying around and interrupting every aspect of their lives. The fly progresses through the alphabet by landing first on an apple pie, a baby, cookies, then a dog.

Old mother hubbard and her dog
Ness, Evaline
An old lady owns a dog and buys it fish, shoes, and even a hat. The dog does many interesting things like dance and read the news.

Old woman and the willy nilly man
Wright, Jill
The Little Old Woman who lives in the woods has not gotten a good night's rest because every night her shoes get up and dance. She visits a very scary man, the Willy Nilly Man, to ask for his help.

Olive and the magic hat
Christelow, Eileen
While Olive and Otis pretend to do magic with their father's birthday present of a hat, it blows out the window. Mr. Foxley gets the hat and Olive and Otis must work to get it back in time for the birthday party.

Oliver and amanda and the big snow
Leevwen, Jean Van
Amanda and Oliver are brother and sister pigs who see the first snow of the year. They have many adventures in the snow including building a snow fort, sledding, and making a snow pig.

Oliver the mighty pig
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Oliver gets a new cape for his birthday and becomes Mighty Pig to the rescue in four short stories adout his adventures. Oliver fights fires and braves dragons during his quest to save everyone from danger until he has to conquer the hardest task of all which is to have patience while his cape is being washed.

Oliver's fruit salad
French, Vivian
Oliver wants to make fruit salad. He gets canned fruit from his grandpas and also from a market. Oliver helps his grandpa cut the fruit to make great food to enjoy!

One halloween night
Teague, Mark
Three children get more than they are trick-or-treating for, when the night turns into one unexpected event after another. The neighbors pass out Broccoli Chews and Eggplant Fizzlers and the trio runs into their nemesis Leona Fleebish. With a sweep of a wand, flash of a pirate sword, and gulp of magic potion, the children create an unforgetable Halloween.

One lighthouse, one moon
Lobel, Anita
Nini the cat takes an exciting journey in which he discovers the concepts of color, days of the week, months of the year, and numbers. Nini sees a different colored pair of shoes each day of the week, explores a variety of activities during each month of the year, and counting the sights that surround the sea where he finally comes to one hundred stars and one moon lighting up the sky around the lighthouse.

One little lamb
Greenstein, Elaine
One little lamb is shaved for wool. The wool is cleaned, combed, spun into yarn, dipped into dye, and transformed into a pair of mittens. A little girl visits the lambs while wearing mittens.

One mitten lewis
Kay, Helen
Lewis always loses one of his mittens. His mother is continually making or buying him new pairs. Finally, Lewis meets a girl who has the same problem so they end up matching all their odd pairs.

One of each
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Oliver Tolliver lives alone in his one little house that has just one of everything. He thinks he is happy until he discovers that having more to share with friends is even better!

Kline, Suzy
A little girl has many accidents throughout a day. But other people have accidents too!

Henkes, Kevin
Owen just loves his yellow blanket named Fuzzy, which he takes everywhere. Owen's parents decide Owen is getting too old to carry around a blanket. Owen is terribly upset and isn't happy again until Fuzzy is cut up into small pieces for Owen to carry around.

Papa's pastries
Toscano, Charles
Miguel and his father set out to sell their homemade pastries in the near by villages. Since money was scarce, Miguel's father decided that kindness was more important than money and was later repaid.

Pelle's new suit
Beskow, Elsa
One day Pelle takes his shears and trims some wool from his sheep. Then he goes to various people to ask favors in helping him make a new suit. In return for their help, he also does favors for them. In the end, Pelle has a handsome new blue suit.

Peter's pockets
Rice, Eve
Peter's mom made him a new pair of pants, but forgot to sew in pockets. When Peter visits the boat pond with his uncle, he has no place to put the little treasures he finds. When he gets home, Peter's mom sews on lots of pockets.

Pick a pumpkin, Mrs. Millie!
Cox, Judy
Silly Mrs. Millie is at it again. In the fall, she takes her kindergarten class on a trip to pick pumpkins for their harvest party. The class has fun guessing the meanings of their favorite teacher's nonsense words. They go on a dragon (wagon) ride, pet the boats (goats), and drink apple spider (cider). Coupled with hilarious artwork in pen, pencil, and colored dyes by Joe Mathieu, this lighthearted text sets a class trip on its ear with subtle lessons in wordplay.