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Harriet, you'll drive me wild!
Fox, Mem
Harriet is a very busy little girl. She loves to play and be silly. When she makes messes in the house, her mother does not know what to do with her. Harriet spills her juice, drips paint on the floor, and dribbles jam on her pants. What will Harriet do next?How will her mom react?

Happy winter
Gundersheimer, Karen
Two sisters share their snowy days together. There are fun things to do outside and inside the house.

Happy to be nappy
Hooks, Bell
A whimsical rhythm of sweet jive jumps from watercolored illustrations on different pages to portray portraits of little girls who celebrate their African American culture. Hooray for the frizzy, fuzzy, nappy, twisty hair!Hooray for the sizzling semblance and fantastic flare that shines in every hair on every head. Beauty lies everywhere.

Happy feet: The savory ballroom lindy hoppers and me
Michelson, Richard
A father loves to dance. He also loves to retell the story about the opening of the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem. He works hard and saves money so he can put up a shoe shine sign for his own business. When his son is born that day, the new club opens to a sharp-dressing, happy-dancing people from all backgrounds with black people and white people dancing together. The son is named Happy Feet, and he too dreams of dancing at the legendary ballroom someday.

Going to my nursery school
Kuklin, Susan
Heath describes his day playing with his classmates at nursery school. The children play with the water table, the class rabbit, and the blocks. After their snack, they run, climb, ride, slide, bounce balls, play chase and pretend games on the rooftop playground.

Germs are not for sharing
Verdick, Elizabeth
Learn about the different things you can do to prevent germs from spreading and why it is so important. germs are not for sharing because they can spread and make you sick.

Coffey, Melissa
Lots of recycling and composting ideas fill the pages of the microwave, dishwasher, and refrigerator storage. The mayo, meats, and cheeses spoil and the tofu was swimming in goo. So many foods are rancid and decaying. And just when things couldn't get any worse....a food fight erupts in Fridge-opolis! Enjoy the Food for Thought at the end of it all.

Franny B. Kranny, there's a bird in your hair!
Lerner, Harriet//Goldhor, Susan
Franny B. Kranny loves her wild and crazy hairstyle, but her parents say that she needs to get her hair done before the family reunion. Initially she is upset, but then a bird decides to make her new hairstyle its home. Everyone, including Franny, loves the hairstyle. They want her to keep it, but Franny decide it's now time to cut it.

Flossing teeth
Schuh, Mari
Anna acts as an example for how to floss her teeth properly. Anna demonstrates flossing her teeth with traditional floss and a flossing tool in order to remove any plaque from surfaces of her teeth that cannot be reached by a toothbrush. By flossing daily, Anna is able to prevent cavities from forming in between her teeth, which helps her to maintain a healthy smile over time.

Five little monkeys wash the car
Christelow, Eileen
Mama and her five little monkeys want to sell their rusty old car, but they must first clean and paint it. When no one comes to buy it they attempt to move the car, but it ends up in a lake. The crocodiles help to get the car out of the lake then later buy it. With the money from the sale, the monkeys buy a new red convertible.

Five bad boys, billy que and the dustdobbin
Patron, Susan
Billy Que learns an important lesson from the dustbobbin under his bed. Billy learns to think before he speaks.

Earth day - hooray!
Murphy, Stuart J.
Ryan, Carly, and Luke set out to clean up Gilroy Park for an Earth Day celebration. They decide to plant flowers to beautify the park while collecting cans to raise money through recycling. The children use math and find school resources to help them with their project.

Down huckleberry hill
Weisgard, Leonard
While a dogcatcher is in the barber shop, his wagon full of dogs outside the window starts rolling down Huckleberry Hill. As the wind blows harder and harder, the wagon rolls faster and faster. The door eventually flies open and the dogs are free.

Dogs don't wear sneakers
Numeroff, Laura
Many different animals try to do unusual things such as dogs that wear sneakers. The reader is asked to imagine other funny scenarios with animals.

Unknown Author
Children go in and out of this dentist's office for checkups! First, a little boy gets his teeth examined by the dentist, and he finds out that they are a little dirty. Then, the dentist teaches the boy about how teeth develop over time and what he should do to take care of his teeth properly. Next, a little girl visits the dentist, and they find out that she has a hole in her tooth or a cavity. Finally, the little girl gets a filling, and her mouth is good as new!

Dealing with feelings: I'm furious
Crary, Elizabeth
When Matt sees his Reggie Jackson baseball card floating in the toilet, his jaw drops. He is furious that his little brother did that. One thing that will solve his problem is to hit his little brother, right?Wrong!His mother presents him with six ways to successfully handle his anger. After resolving his problems, Matt makes peace with his brother.

Curious george gets a medal
Rey, H.A.
Curious George is home alone and his mischief leads him on quite an adventure. In the end, he goes on his biggest adventure yet and becomes a hero.

Captain bob sets sail
Schotter, Roni
Bob is a young boy who uses his imagination to turn his daily bath into an amazing adventure in which he encounters boats, sea creatures, and a water fall. When his bath is over, the brave Captain Bob drains the ocean and gets ready for bed.

Brushing teeth
Schuh, Mari
Lee sets an example for other children like him by describing how to properly brush his teeth in order to get rid of food and plaque that could build up and cause cavities. Every morning and night, Lee uses his own toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste to clean his teeth, gums, and tongue. After brushing, Lee makes sure to rinse with water in order to maintain a healthy smile. Lee also uses a new toothbrush every few months so his teeth get brushed well. Everyone should try to be more like Lee when brushing their teeth!

Brush, brush, brush!
Unknown Author
Following a series of questions, the narrator provides a detailed description of proper oral hygiene. These recommended dental health behaviors include brushing your teeth thoroughly twice a day. If done properly, patients will maintain a healthy smile!

Blueberry ramble
Hurd, Thacher
When its spring cleaning time, everyone joins in - even the mouse family. Baby mouse gets into mischief upsetting the cow. The mouse family goes on a picnic to get Baby away from home.

Billy Twitters and his blue whale problem
Barnett, Mac
When Billy Twitters doesn't brush his teeth or finish his peas, his mother says we are going to buy you a whale. This does not worry Billy, because he knows how large blue whales are and he couldn't possibly have one delivered. To his surprise, one morning there is a blue whale sitting outside his house, and it is his responsibility. The whale causes problems at school because Billy's classmates pick him at gym. And it just gets worse: his parents give him the owner's manual for the whale. While feeding him, Billy realizes that when he's inside the whale, nobody's laughing and nobody's telling him what to he decides to make himself at home!

Big dreams, small fish
Cohen, Paula
In this New York neighborhood, a store sells gefilte fish but no one wants to buy it. Shirley's family thinks she is too young to help market the gefilte fish. In a timely moment, Shirley gives a surprise to each customer who buys something from the store. The customers come back eager for gefilte fish - much to her parents' surprise.

Benny's had enough!
Lindgren, Barbro
Benny the pig is tired of rules. After refusing to take a bath and pick up his toys, Benny decides he would like to live somewhere else. He soon discovers the problems of being away from home.

Ben and the bear
Riddell, Chris
When a young boy encounters a harmless playful bear, the two become best friends. They go back to Ben's house and eat lunch, dance, and clean up their mess. Then the bear goes home and tells the boy that they will have lunch at his house the next day.

Bathwater's hot
Hughes, Shirley
A little girl discovers opposites in the world around her. She discovers the difference between hot and cold water and many other things in her world.

Bacteria Joe
Adler, Sigal
One night, a boy does not brush his teeth and eats chocolate before going to bed. Bacteria Joe comes along and begins eating away at any remaining sugars and sweets in the boy's mouth. After causing cracks to form in the boy's teeth, Bacteria Joe is finally washed away, and the boy promises his Mom that he will always brush his teeth twice a day in order to maintain a healthy smile and prevent tooth decay!

Aunt minnie mcgranahan
Prigger, Mary Skillings
Aunt Minnie McGranahan lives alone and has a very orderly life. She has a system for doing everything from cleaning to feeding her animals. One day, Minnie receives a telegram from across the country telling her that her nieces and nephews need someone to raise them and take care of them. Despite her neighbors' doubts that nine children could never fit into her perfectly ordered schedule, Minnie and the children work as a team and live together quite nicely.

At the dentist
Schuh, Mari
Lena goes to see Dentist Doug and Deb, the hygienist, because her teeth need a checkup. During her appointment, Deb explains good dental hygiene to Lena and, soon after, Deb takes x-rays of her teeth and cleans them. After Dentist Doug checks for cavities, Lena goes home and continues to brush and floss every day in order to maintain her healthy smile.

Angel pig and the hidden christmas
Waldron, Jan
All the little pigs are in a hurry to go Christmas shopping. However, they discover they have an empty wallet. When angel pig pays them a visit, they soon learn what Christmas is really about.

An anteater named arthur
Waber, Bernard
An anteater named Arthur learns that he can overcome certain problems with the help of his mother. Arthur learns to eat right, clean, and become a responsible anteater.

Amanda pig on her own
Van Leeuwen, Jean
A collection of four short stories tell the adventurous tales of a young pig and her family. Often having a moral or value, the pigs usually resolve their problems well.

Alpha and the dirty baby
Cole, Brock
Alpha's parents get replaced one day with two of the devils' imps. The imps bring their dirty baby and mess up Alpha's house. When the imps go to sleep, Alpha washes the house and the baby, which upsets the imps, so they bring back her parents and leave.

All about you
Anholt, Catherine//Anholt, Laurence
Everyone is different, no one is quite the same. Discover all about you!How do you feel today?Are you hungry?Each time it's a new story.

All about teeth
Schuh, Mari
Lee acts as a role model for others and describes what he does in order to maintain a healthy smile by brushing and flossing his teeth every day. To explain why taking care of your teeth is so important, Lee also demonstrates the structure of a tooth and the unique functions of canines, incisors, premolars, and molars in the mouth that allow him to eat and digest food. Given the importance of his teeth, Lee practices habits of proper oral hygiene and visits the dentist regularly!

A-hunting we will go!
Kellogg, Steven
As it gets close to bedtime, a brother and sister gather up their animal friends and go on an adventure because they do not want to go to sleep. They go hunting for more friends and fun and travel through woods and across an ocean. As the children and animals get sleepy, they return home to take a bath, brush their teeth, and put on their pajamas. The words of the story are set to the classic children's tune A-Hunting we will go.

A visit to the dentist's office
Murphy, Patricia
Patients visit Oz Family Dentistry for a checkup to ensure that they have a healthy smile and know how to care for their teeth. After meeting the dental hygienist in the exam room, patients get their teeth cleaned and polished before getting x-rays of their mouth. Then, the dentist meets with patients to teach them more about oral hygiene.

A trip to the dentist
Smith, Penny
Sarah and Josh go to see Dr. Richards, their local dentist, for routine checkups. Josh is examined first and, after the dentist checks his mouth for evidence of cavities, Dr. Richards shows Josh how he can do a better job of brushing teeth in the back of his mouth in order to prevent the buildup of plaque. Next, Dr. Richards examines Sarah's mouth and finds a cavity which he fixes by adding a filling to her infected tooth. After explaining how to maintain a healthy smile by avoiding sugary foods and beverages, Sarah and Josh are done with their appointments and ready to keep taking good care of their teeth!

A toothbrush tale
Smith, Stacy
A little boy goes to sleep one night without brushing his teeth, and then he hears a song coming from his bathroom. When he goes to investigate the noise, he finds his toothbrush singing and dancing about why it is so important to brush his teeth every morning and night. Scared that he will develop cavities (or even worse, that his teeth might fall out), the little boy brushes his teeth well and continues to do so every day in order to keep a healthy smile!