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Tulip sees america
Rylant, Cynthia
When he is finally old enough, a young man drives his dog, Tulip, from Ohio to the farms of Iowa. They also experience the skies of Nebraska, the winds of Wyoming, the mountains of Colorado, the desert of Nevada, and the ocean of Oregon. Each place shows a new and wonderful part of America.

The old woman who named things
Rylant, Cynthia
An old woman begins to name her life's belongings because she is lonely and has outlived her friends. When a stray puppy comes to her house one afternoon, the old woman is afraid to become too attached to it. In the end, she does go looking for her new companion.

The sign painter
Say, Allen
A boy with a love of painting wanders into town looking for a job when he sees a sign painter. Together, they go into the desert, painting a dozen billboards with just what was ordered, a woman's face and a single word, Arrowstar. Not understanding the meaning behind these billboards in the middle of the desert, the boy longs to paint beautiful landscapes instead. Still, the sign painter insists they stick to the order. Near the end of their journey, they learn the dream behind the billboards and the boy remembers a dream of his own.

X-rays and other fun things
Scarry, Richard
Huckle and Lowly are learning all sorts of fun things. First, they visit the doctor and learn about x-rays. Then they learn about making bread. Finally, they practice safety outside playing in the sun and while walking to the grocery store.

Heavy is a hippopotamus
Schlein, Miriam
Try to figure out which objects are heavy or light. What may be light for you, may be heavy for someone else. Let's weigh the objects to find out for sure.

Rain talk
Serfozo, Mary
A girl listens to the sounds of the rain. She hears it hit on the pond, her umbrella, and the roof while she travels around her community.

The rain came down
Shannon, David
The rain creates unexpected chaos one Saturday morning. The endless arguments in houses and on the street turn into disaster, until the rain finally stops.

Climbing kansas mountain
Shannon, George
Sam's father takes him to climb Kansas Mountain one day. The mountain in reality is a grain elevator. His father takes him to the top, and they both now share this place together.

The listening walk
Showers, Paul
A young girl and her dad love to take silent walks with each other and their old dog. The girl enjoys the silence and is constantly listening to all of the sounds she hears.

The day Gogo went to vote
Sisulu, Elinor Batezat
Thembi's grandmother is very old and almost never leaves the house. When she learns that black people in South Africa can vote for the first time in the next election, Gogo decides that she will go out and vote too!

Watch out!
Smaridge, Norah
Signs are good things to have around because they keep you safe. Every sign has a purpose and danger strikes when you do not obey them. For example, watch your step signs tell you to be careful so you do not fall down and hurt yourself.

Just the two of us
Smith, Will
A father talks of ongoing love for his son from the moment he is born. As his child grows, the father tries to teach him how to be a man and also tells him how he will always be there for him. Having this child is the father's proof that his dreams have come true.

After charlotte's mom died
Spelman, Cornelia
Charlotte lost her mother only six months ago, so she and her father still grieve a lot over the death. Charlotte gets into a fight at school and has to see a therapist, Anna. Anna helps Charlotte to bring out her emotions which establishes a better bond between her and her father.

Open me...i'm a dog
Spielgelman, Art
The dog narrating this story explains the wizard's curse and many other adventures that turn him into this book. He longs for the curse to be broken and for someone to save him from being the pages of a book. He wants someone to give him a loving home.

Six hogs on a scooter
Spinelli, Eileen
The hog family wants to go to the opera. But when father Hog's car breaks down, they must find a different mode of transportation. After unsucessfully trying a scooter, roller skates, and other ideas, the six hogs take the bus. By the time they get to the opera, the show is over.

Car wash
Steen, Sandra//Steen, Susan
Dad and the twins hop into their car to grab some lunch at a restaurant. On the way, they drive through mud puddles so now it's time for a car wash!As the car enters the car wash, something mysterious happens. Oh boy, the twins are in for a big adventure!

Are we almost there?
Stevenson, James
Two boys are so excited to go to the beach that they fight all the way in the car. Their father gets angry and tells them to stop. After that, all the father hears is Are we there yet?.

A spree in paree
Stock, Catherine
Monsieur Monmouton has never been to Paris, France so he decides to take a vacation with all of his farm animals. Once there, they shop, eat in restaurants, and go to a museum. But there is much more they have to do!

Window music
Suen, Anastasia
The train trip of a little girl and her family is described through colorful illustrations and rhyming words. She travels over streets, past horses at play, around growing fruit trees, and through a city to the final stop.

Safari journal
Talbot, Hudson
Carey is a young boy who goes on vacation to Kenya with his aunt. While there he learns about the culture and all of the animals.

Follow the road
Tresselt, Alvin
The road travels through many settings and environments and goes in many directions. It travels over hills, through valleys, across train tracks, and around parks--all over the world!

Octo Annie: Home-help super star
Ullrich, Nai D.
Octo Annie, an octopus, lives in a great big glass tank at Underwater World until one day she becomes part of a real family. The Martin family of two parents, two sons, and two pets are all surprised by their new addition, Octo-Annie. With Octo-Annie's eight arms, the Martin family's move to a new house is accomplished. But something and someone is left behind...

Saying goodbye to daddy
Vigna, Judith
A young girl copes with the death of her father. Her mother and grandfather help her through the painful grieving after the car accident.

A day, a dog
Vincent, Gabrielle
A dog is left behind on a road to begin an adventure through the fields, city, beach, and country. Will it ever find someone who will love it again? (A Wordless Book)

Lyle, lyle crocodile
Waber, Bernard
A crocodile named Lyle has a big impact on those he meets in his community. One day, a member of his family loses his job. In the end this bad event is turned around into a job well done by everyone.

Racing against the odds: The story of Wendell Scott, stock car racing's African-American champion
Weatherford, Carole Boston
Wendell O. Scott made history as the only black driver to win a race in a NASCAR Grand National division. Using secondhand Fords that he fixed up in his garage, he competed in five hundred races in NASCAR'S top division. This is the story of a man who worked full time while racing on the side. A man who didn't just dust the competition, he blazed the trail.

You can't take a balloon into the national gallery
Weitzman, Jacqueline//Glasser, Robin
A little girl is sad when she must leave her balloon outside the National Gallery with the lady who takes pictures for tourists. Little does the girl know that the balloon will take the picture lady along with many famous people on a tour of Washington D.C.!Will the balloon come back to the little girl?

The talk
Williams, Alicia D.
Jay has many favorite things he likes to do with his friends and family. His mom measures him as he grows inch-by-inch which means he can do more and more as he gets older and older. Although his feet don't reach the gas pedal of his Daddy's car, he can skateboard up and down the street and and do flips with many friends. Jay's grandpa tells his grandchildren not to crowd in groups of four or more - which is only one of many unfortunate realities of African American families and parents when they have to say, "Jay, its time we had a talk" about racism.

Kevin's grandma
Williams, Barbara
A young boy tells tales about visits with his grandma.

When Africa was home
Williams, Karen Lynn
A home is a place of security and happiness. Peter finds Africa to be more of a home than America. In Africa, Peter is treated with respect, politeness, and care. After learning more about the world, Peter gets to go home again.

Williams, Karen Lynn
Kondi needs wire to make his galimoto, the word in Malawi Africa which means car. He thinks of clever ways to make his galimoto in the shape of a car. He falls asleep imagining what shape he might twist it into the next day.

Three days on a river in a red canoe
Williams, Vera B
A boy and his brother Sam take a canoe trip with their mother and aunt and engage in a variety of adventurous activities along the way.

What dads can't do
Wood, Douglas
Throughout the day, a dad shows his love for his son by showing him things that he can't do alone such as pitching a baseball very fast, reading a book to himself, fishing alone, and winning at cards.

Sea-fari deep
Woodman, Nancy
The JASON Project is studies underwater life in Mexico. When Dusty finds out about this, she writes the scientists to ask if she can go along. During her adventures, Dusty learns all about deep sea plants and animals. It is the adventure of her life!

How the second grade got $8,20550 to visit the statue of liberty
Zimelman, Nathan
Tells the triumphs and setbacks of the second grade as they try a variety of fundraisers to save money for a trip to the Statue of Liberty.