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The adventures of sparrowboy
Pinkney, Brian
Henry, the paperboy, loves to read the comics. One day while on his route, he imagines that he has the ability to fly. He flies around saving the day like his favorite comic hero.

The awful aardvarks shop for school
Lindbergh, Reeve
This morning the aardvarks are going to the mall for back-to-school shopping. They have a list prepared for backpacks, lunch boxes, school supplies, and more. However, while following their list, they continue to add new items, making for a crazy and chaotic day.

The bee tree
Polacco, Patricia
A little girl is bored with reading. Her grandpa takes her on a chase which leads to a honey tree. The whole town goes with them and enjoys the honey with biscuits and tea. Grandpa uses the chase to teach his granddaughter that adventure, wisdom and knowledge must be pursued and can be found in books just as easily.

The character in the book
Zemach, Kaethe
Although the character in this book enjoys his life immensely, he is ecstatic to receive an invitation to visit his Auntie in another book. There's just one problem: he can't figure out how to get out of his book! After many attempts, he is finally able to hop, skip, whirl, twirl, skate, scoot, and crawl his way through his book and into some new adventures in his Auntie's book.

The cloud eater
Reeves, Katherine
Henry and his dog, Laura, live and travel with the circus. When a problem occurs with their newest member, a giraffe, Henry has to do some critical thinking to solve the problem. Henry becomes friends with the cloud eater in the process.

The coquies still sing: A story of home, hope, and rebuilding
Gonzalez, Karina Nicole
After a terrible hurricane, the family garden is gone and there's no electricity or running water. The mango tree still stands brown and bare, and the native tree frogs stop singing their song. As the family starts the island clean up around their Puerto Rican home, the native coqui's song begins a slow resurgence months after the devastation of Hurricane Maria.

The day the tv blew up
West, Dan
A young boy named Ralph uses his television too much for entertainment. Ralph soon discovers that there are other ways to have fun too. Ralph learns what a library is, how to use a library, and how much fun reading a book can be.

The good-bye book
Viorst, Judith
A little boy is angry when he finds out that his parents are going to a French restaurant without him. He tries to convince his parents to either stay home or take him along. The little boy finally says good bye to his parents when his favorite babysitter arrives.

The hard-times jar
Smothers, Ethel Footman
Emma is a book-loving girl whose parents are poor migrant workers. She decides to pick apples to add money to the hard-times jar. But this year, she attends school which happens to have a whole library of books. Emma's mom reminds her of something important when she eventually follows the rules.

The heartaches of a french cat
McClintock, Barbara
A cat falls in love and escapes her old life. She marries, but soon the marriage falls apart. Her husband falls in love with another cat. She leaves him, writes a book which makes her famous, and is courted by her former husband's lawyer.

The house of wisdom
Heide, Florence Parry//Gilliland, Judith Heide
The House of Wisdom, an ancient library in Baghdad, is the center for new ideas and a quest for knowledge from all parts of the world. As scholars study and translate the ancient manuscripts, one boy, Ishaq, learns the wisdom on Aristotle through his expedition and a special book.

The ink drinker
Sanvoisin, Eric
A boy, who hates to read, is stuck in his father's bookstore for summer vacation. He doesn't like books, so what's he going to do?Things change and an adventure begins when the boy spies a strange customer and follows him. Maybe the boy will realize he does like reading after all, or maybe not.

The library
Stewart, Sarah
Elizabeth Brown spends her whole life buying and reading books because she loves them so much. When she realizes that there is no room for books in her house, she decides to give them all away so others can enjoy them too.

The monster behind the wall
Herbert, Barbara N.
Danny moves to a new house and discovers a monster on the other side of their garden wall. The monster throws Dannyメs soccer ball back to him, talks, plays, and eats candy with Danny. At school the next day, Danny plays soccer and gets tripped. Both boys yell nasty names at each other. Then, Danny goes home to talk to the monster, Fred, but he wasnメt there. Later, a huge thunderstorm tears down the wall, and Danny sees that モFredヤ is the child that tripped him during soccer. They become fast friends, tear the wall down, and play soccer together

The museum of everything
Perkins, Lynne Rae
Through the eyes and thoughts of a child, an imagination opens up to wonderment and original dreams. Many things can be happening all at once and that can be overwhelming. Places for hiding and spaces for shadows makes this geographical experience an artistic escape depicting a museum of everything.

The promise quilt
Ransom, Candice
A little girl, living in the mountaintops of Virginia, wants to go to school. Her father promises to send her when she is old enough, but he goes off to fight in the civil war. During the war the school and books are burned. Find a special way to build a new school.

The red book
Lehman, Barbara
A friendship forms when two boys from different parts of the world find a magical red book. The boy from the urban city decides to use balloons to fly to the island where his new friend lives, but he accidentally drops the red book along the way. The boy on the island is disappointed when he can no longer view his city companion in the pages of the book, but is relieved when he lands on the beach instead! Back in the city, the red book is discovered by a man riding his bike on the street (A wordless book).

The rotten book
Rodgers, Mary
As Simon and his family are having breakfast one morning, Simon's parents talk about a horrible child they know. Simon begins to wonder what this horrible child could have done. He imagines all kinds of trouble the boy could have caused. Simon begins to appreciate the delicious breakfast he is eating instead of complaining about it.

The secret Olivia told me
Joy, N.
Olivia develops interpersonal skills by realizing how her words affect her friends. Olivia and her best friend realize the importance of honesty and trust in their friendship.

The shaking bag
Battle-Lavert, Gwendolyn
Though Miss Annie Mae doesn't always have much food for herself or her dog Effie Lucille, she faithfully feeds the birds in the lawn. One day a stranger comes to visit. He shakes many special surprises for her out of the old seed bag to reward her for all her generosity.

The tower of life: How Yaffa Eliach rebuilt her town in stories and photographs
Stiefel, Chana
Yaffa loved helping her Grandma Alte in her photography studio in Poland. Many people had their photographs made during special events and celebrations, then they were mailed overseas to relatives before the Jewish New Year. After the Holocaust when 3500 Jewish souls were murdered by Nazi soldiers, Yaffa worked for 17 years to recover 6000 photographs and stories about people from Eishyshok, which is now a different town in Lithuania. Yaffa became a professor of history who rebuilt the lives of those lost by connecting with their loved one's photographs from six continents.

The underbed
Hoellworth, Cathryn Clinton
Tucker is unable to fall asleep at night until his mom helps him scare away the underbed that Tucker says is living under his bed.

The wednesday surprise
Bunting, Eve
Wednesday nights are special for Anna, because she gets to see her grandmother. Together they read book after book and plan a surprise for Anna's father on his birthday.

Things to play with
Rockwell, Anne
Bicycle, pinwheels, balloons, sand, slides, and kites are some of the things to play with in the park. Noisy things to play with in the yard, things to play with at school, and things to play with at a party are some of the other areas described.

Tomas and the library lady
Mora, Pat
Tomas and his family are migrant workers who travel between Iowa and Texas to find work. Tomas loves to listen to his grandfather's stories but he knows all of them and decides to go to the library to learn some new stories. The librarian welcomes Tomas in and offers him cold water to drink and stories to read. Tomas visits the library lady whenever he can and even teaches her some of his native language, Spanish. When Tomas' family must leave the library lady gives Tomas a book to take with him.

Too many books
Bauer, Caroline Feller
Maralou loved books and received them on all occasions. Soon she had too many books and did not know what to do. She decided to give them away and now all the children in towns nearby were reading books too.

Virgie goes to school with us boys
Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald
After President Lincoln frees the slaves a man opens up a school for African Americans. All boys attend the school. Five boys that go to this school have a little sister that badly wants to go also. They tell her the hourney is too treacherous. After asking to go all summer, her parents finally allow her to go to school with her brothers.

Wally the wordworm
Fadiman, Clifton
Wally the worm is intrigued by different words. He looks up new, complex words in the dictionary instead of the words he already knows.

We share everything!
Munsch, Robert
Jeremiah and Amanda are ready for kindergarten, except for the part where they need to share. Amanda wants the book, the blocks, and the paint. Jeremiah wants the book, the blocks, and the paint. In kindergarten, sharing is key. Will Jeremiah and Amanda find the key?They sure have a surprise for everyone!

What dads can't do
Wood, Douglas
Throughout the day, a dad shows his love for his son by showing him things that he can't do alone such as pitching a baseball very fast, reading a book to himself, fishing alone, and winning at cards.

What happens next
Hughes, Susan
Bully B. makes a student feel uncomfortable at school by making fun of him and calling him mean names. This student goes home and acts like he is fine, but his mother is able to tell that this is not true and she suggests that her son talks to the bully. With this advice, he talks to Bully B. and expresses how her behavior makes him feel and explains how similar they actually are, ending their negative relationship.

What's alive
Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner
Understand the simple distinctions between living and nonliving things. Experience the living things through plants and animals. Experience the nonliving things through objects such as a rock. The cycles of life and materials for living are explained as well.

What's in aunt mary's room
Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Susan and Sarah love to play what's in Aunt Mary's room? All great Aunt Flossie will say is: It's full of things to save, things to keep. One day the girls get to find out what's in Aunt Mary's room, and they get to learn about their ancestors in the process.

When vera was sick
Rosenberry, Vera
Vera is sick. She has to sleep in the spare bedroom until she feels better, but it's lonely and scary in there. Her mother tries to make her more comfortable, but she just can't sleep and she's too sick to do anything else. After a few days of rest, Vera is feeling better. She plays games, sings songs, painted pictures, and then finally goes outside to play.

Where are my books?
Ohi, Debbie Ridpath
Spencer loves to read books every night at bedtime. He always puts the book back on the shelf before sleep. One morning, he noticed that his book was gone. A different book was missing the next day and the next day. Spencer finds his books being read by squirrels , so he helps them pick out their first book to read from his collection and also teaches them how to return books at the library so they can keep borrowing books to read. Spencer reads a book out loud to his sister and the squirrels - and everyone is happy.

Where does it go?
Miller, Margaret
Various children learn where different objects are supposed to go. After four tries, the correct answer is given.

Where's Jamela?
Daly, Niki
A young girl named Jamela is upset when hearing the news from her mother that they will be moving to a new house. When itメs time to leave, everyone wonders where Jamela is and begin to search for her everywhere. Suddenly, she jumps out of a box from the back of the truck and agrees to go with her mother. On reaching her new house, she starts to like it and settles down in her room.

Bloom, Becky
A wolf is determined to learn to read so he can gain acceptance by a group of educated farm animals. The wolf goes to school to learn to read and refines his skills through practice and using the library. The wolf becomes so talented his skilss impres the farm animals who then welcome his company.

Banyai, Istvan
These artistic scenes aren't what you might think. Each is really a picture within a picture. Images zoom in and out from different perspectives and scenes from land, sea, and air in this wordless book.