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Schomburg: The man who built a library
Weatherford, Carole Boston
Amid the scholars, poets, authors, and artists of the Harlem Renaissance stood an Afro-Puerto Rican named Arturo Schomburg. This law clerk's life's passion was to collect books, letters, music, and art from Africa and the African diaspora and to bring light to the achievements of people of African descent through the ages. When Schomburg's collection became so big it began to overflow his house (and his wife threatened to mutiny), he turned to the New York Public Library, where he created and curated a collection that was the cornerstone of a new Negro Division. A century later, his groundbreaking collection, known as the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, has become a beacon to scholars all over the world.

Santa's book of names
McPhail, David
Edward has problems reading. He proves to himself that he can read when he has to help Santa on Christmas Eve deliver toys to the girls and boys listed in Santa's book.

Sammy and the dinosaurs
Whybrow, Jan
While helping his grandmother clean out the attic, Sammy uncovers a dusty, old box. He opens the lid and finds that the box is filled with dinosaurs!Sammy proceeds to care for the dinosaurs. He fixes the broken ones, washes them in the sink, and gives them all names. In reply to Sammy's care, the dinosaurs whisper back, Thank you. Sammy does not let his new friends out of his sight, until one day he left them on a train. Sammy and his grandma go down to the train station to find his dinosaurs. He calls them all by their names and Sammy's dinosaur friends come running back.

Ruth and the green book
Ramsey, Calvin Alexander
Ruth and her parents drive from Chicago to Alabama to visit her grandma. Along the way, they saw signs that said "White Only" where they couldn't eat in the restaurants or use the bathroom inside. Ruth's mother had food packed for the trip, and they sang songs along the way to stay happy. They also visited a friend, Eddy, in Tennessee where Eddy and Ruth's daddy played music together. When the family drove into Georgia, a man explained "The Negro Motorist Green Book" which would list places in different states that would welcome black people who were traveling. Ruth and her family learns how to use the Green Book to find places to sleep, eat, shop, and get a haircut on their travels because Jim Crow laws were unfair and discriminatory against black people. When a 'tourist home' welcomes them for free, Ruth learns that it is important to help each other and treat others like a big family. After this lesson, she gives her Brown Bear to a little boy who was traveling away from home with his mother for the very first time. Ruth said that she no longer needed Brown Bear because she was too old now, then she told his mother about buying a Green Book for her travels.

River friendly river wild
Kurtz, Jane
A little girl remembers how her family survived a flood. The once friendly river that she loved turned wild and drove the community to evacuation. The little girl thought she would only be gone a couple of days. Days turned into weeks. When she returns, her family starts over, but where is the cat, Kiwi, that she left behind?

Richard wright and the library card
Miller, William
Due to segregation in the 1920s, African Americans are not allowed to check out books from the library. Richard Wright discovers his passion which becomes a road to his freedom - books.

Preschool day hooray!
Strauss, Linda Leopold
A day in preschool is full of fun activities and energetic students. The students come into the classroom excited to learn and play with friends. They paint, play, eat and sleep. The students explore, dance and play until it's time to go home!

Poppleton everyday
Rylant, Cynthia
Poppleton has several adventures. First, he looks at the stars at night with his friend, Hudson. Next Poppleton buys a new bed to replace the one he has had since he was a boy. Then Fillmore takes Poppleton sailing for the first time.

Please bury me in the library
Lewis, J. Patrick
This unique collection of prose utilizes a variety of poetry styles and play on word techniques. Learn about reading, words, and libraries as gardens with unsurpassed growing excitement.

Pigs from 1 to 10
Geisert, Arthur
Throughout the book, you try to find 10 pigs and the numbers 0-9 in the pictures. A group of pigs are trying to find a place that their mother told them about.

Open me...i'm a dog
Spielgelman, Art
The dog narrating this story explains the wizard's curse and many other adventures that turn him into this book. He longs for the curse to be broken and for someone to save him from being the pages of a book. He wants someone to give him a loving home.

One monkey too many
Koller, Jackie French
When one monkey too many jumps on a bike, trouble is right around the corner. Only two monkeys on the golf cart at once!Add three more monkeys and disaster strikes. These monkeys need help at a restaurant, going to bed, and illustrating this book!

Falconer, Ian
Olivia, a very active pig, wears everyone out during her daily activities. From waking up, going to the beach, dancing and playing, Olivia has a busy day.

Oh, brother!
Grimes, Nikki
Xavier feels sad, angry, and jealous towards his new step brother, Chris. Xavier soon realizes that Chris is coping with loneliness and resentment too. The pain over losing a parent to divorce forms a special band between Xavier and Chris so they promise each other, that no one will ever leave. Through short vignettes, the story ends with Our family is a song we sing, and we can add new notes anytime we like.

Oh say can you say?
Seuss, Dr.
Oh say can you say is filled with tongue twisters to make the reading fun and challenging. The story features pages of rhymes ranging from animals to people.

Noisy Nora (Julieta, estate quieta)
Wells, Rosemary
Nora is always waiting as her parents take care of her siblings, Jack and Kate. To get some attention she decides to knock over and even bring things in the house. Finally, after they tell her to hush, she decides to leave. Will the family notice her absence?

No! No! No!
Rockwell, Anne
It's been a terrible day and nothing has gone this young child's way. Fortunately, Mom knows just what to do and reads a bedtime story which helps the young boy fall asleep.

My librarian is a camel: How books are brought to children around the world
Ruurs, Margriet
Examine many different kinds of libraries from all around the world. Unlike the typical library room or building, many libraries are a bus, boat, train, or camel. Each type is different, but they all serve the same important purpose of delivering books to people, no matter where they live.

My friend harry
Lewis, Kim
James takes his new stuffed elephant, Harry, everywhere with him. Eventually, when Harry begins to become worn and his ears start to sag, James is old enough to start school. Being separated from a close companion like Harry will take a little more effort than James thinks.

Mr. George Baker
Hest, Amy
Harry enjoys spending time with his older next door neighbor, Mr. Baker. Harry likes to wait for the bus with Mr. George Baker. Harry learns about Mr. Baker's life as a musician and learns that a person is never too old to learn to read.

Moving is hard
Prestine, Joan Singleton
A young girl is sad that she has to move from her house. She must leave her friends, her school, and all of her favorite things, like playing baseball and running in the fields with her dog. She soon makes new friends, though, and learns her new apartment is not much different from her old neighborhood and begins to like it.

More than anything else
Bradby, Marie
Booker and all the other African Americans have been set free. Money is tight and food is scarce, but the one thing that Booker cares most about is learning to read. His mother gives him an alphabet book, so he seeks the help of a man who knows how to read.

Monster cleans his house
Blance, Ellen/ Cook, Ann
Monster lives in a tall house in the city. He loves his house! It is very fine. Monster thinks the house will be even finer after he cleans it. He works hard making sure he cleans all of the rooms for potential visitors. He takes a break after all that cleaning and the house looks fine indeed.

Molly bannaky
McGill, Alice
After spilling a bucket of milk and being brought before the court, Molly Walsh is sent from England to America as an indentured servant. After seven long years she gains her freedom, a farm of her own, and an African slave who becomes her husband.

Molasses man
May, Kathy L.
A young boy and his family make molasses every summer. This summer the sourghum turns into a recipe that the boy's Grandfather has perfected. The boy spends his summer days helping his family make molasses and playing outside during the cooking process. While some molasses is cooling, Mama and her sisters pour it into glass jars and set up a stand near the road for passers-by.

Meet Kofi, Maria and Sunita: Family life in Ghana, Peru and India
Simmons, Lesley Anne
Kofi, Maria, and Sunita come from Ghana, Peru, and India. They tell about traditions of their country, their school, and their family.

May'naise sandwiches & sunshine tea
Belton, Sandra
Big Mama shares family memories of her childhood with her grandchild about a special friendship she had with Bettie Jean. Little Miss and Big Mama share the pages of a scrapbook which tells the favorite story of May'naise sandwiches and sunshine tea.

Max makes a million
Kalman, Maira
A dog named Max lives in New York and tells about his life as a poet struggling to survive. In the end, he gets his book published and makes enough money to follow his dreams to Paris.

Magic beach
Johnson, Crockett
Two children draw different words in the sand. As the tide washes over the word, the object written in the sand appears. They explore the land they created by writing in the sand.

Lucy's quiet book
Medearis, Angela Shelf
An annoyed Lucy decides to go the library to get away from her brothers. The librarian gives her a book to quiet her brothers down. Once Lucy begins to read to her brothers, they quiet down and Lucy learns the positive effects of books.

Louanne pig in the talent show
Carlson, Nancy
Louanne's school is putting on a talent show. There's only one problem though: Louanne doesn't have a talent. When an unexpected turn of events causes Louanne to step up to the plate, she discovers her hidden talent: saving the day!

Lola loves stories
McQuinn, Anna
Lola and her dad go to the library on Saturdays to pick out books to read during the week. Every time Lola reads a book, she acts it out the next day. If she reads about building, she becomes a builder. If Lola reads a book about fairies, she becomes a fairy. What will Lola be next?

Literature links for nutrition and health
Ubbes, Valerie A.//Spillman, Diana M.
Provides elementary teachers and teacher preparation faculty with an integrated curriculum model for teaching nutrition and health concepts to children in grades 1, 2, & 3. Twelve focused themes in five units use 227 picture books to teach about variety, moderation, energy, time, patterns, age, culture, behavior, and prevention. The National Health Education Standards are aligned to the literature-based units and a tri-assessment model is promoted. Twenty eight feature books are highlighted and supported by lessons which include questions using Bloom's Taxonomy, additional teaching connections called Across the Curriculum, and Solo Work, Small Group Work, and Whole Class Work for each lesson.

Lin's uncommon life
Shackelford, Scott//Castle, Emily
Elinor Ostrom, also known as Lin, worked "little by little, bit by bit, family by family" in order that the world could become a better place. Lin wanted to study the way that people could share resources because she believed that "so much good can be done on so many levels". Lin was discouraged from going to graduate school but she did and studied hard until she earned her PhD degree in political science. She wanted to create a research center where people could work together and ask hard questions. With her husband, they established the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at the University of Indiana. With their groundbreaking research, Elinor taught people how to share common resources around the world. She also earned the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences - the first woman to do so.

Leo in the library
Mkatshaw, Dumazile
Leo was in the class watching ants crawl on the wall when his teacher asked on what animal he would be doing his project. He could only think of ants, about which he knew nothing. Leo goes to the library looking for a book and causes a terrible mess. Leo must find his book about ants, but he doesnï¾’t know what it would look like.

Kiss good night
Hest, Amy
On a dark and stormy night, Sam's mother puts him to bed in their cozy little house. After a bedtime story and a glass of warm milk, Sam needs a kiss goodnight.

Just like new
Manson, Ainslie
It is a time of war and children in England won't have Christmas presents. A little girl's class decides to give gifts they love that are like new. The little girl unselfishly gives up her most cherished doll and inserts a note, and a girl from England becomes her pen pal after receiving the gift.

Jungle walk
Tafuri, Nancy
After reading a book on jungle animals, a little boy falls asleep and dreams of the animals he read about.

Egielski, Richard
Jazper's dad breaks three legs at work, so Jazper must find a job to pay the rent. He begins watching a house for menacing moths and while at the house, he learns how to transform himself into various things by reading. When the moths find out, Jazper must use his new talent to save himself.

In enzo's splendid gardens
Polacco, Patricia
A young boy eating at a restaruant notices a bee on a tree and drops his book on the ground which causes the waiter to trip and tip his tray. One event leads to another as the mess gets worse and worse. Drinks are spilled, a man falls onto the dessert tray and a pot full of spaghetti falls onto a cat. All of this chaos occurs because a bee landed on a tree!

In control, Ms. Wiz?
Blacker, Terence
It all seems so simple. To stop the local library from being closed down, Ms. Wiz sprinkles her special powder over a few books to bring them to life. But soon the greediest man in the world, some Flopsy Bunnies, and a very royal couple are on the loose. Jack and Podge are worried- this time, is Ms. Wiz really in control?

I hate to go to bed!
Davis, Katie
This little girl hates to go to bed because she knows she is missing a party. But she still comes up with plenty of ways to make it to the party before it's over.

How my library grew, by dinah
Alexander, Martha
There is a new library being built near Dinah's house. She watched it get larger and could not wait for it to open. When it did she wanted to get a card of her own, so Dinah learned how to write her name and got her own library card.

Hooray for diffendoofer day!
Prelutsky, Jack
Everyday the students at Diffendoofer School learn many new things. They become worried though, when they discover that they must pass a special test. They pass with no problems and Diffendoofer Day is declared!

Hip, hug, hooray!
Tangvald, Christine
Do you know how many types of hugs there are? Look and learn how hugs are imporatant everywhere and everyday.

Hughes, Shirley
Who is hiding?Let's see who is hiding behind books, newspapers, and hats.

Henry & the crazed chicken pirates
Crimi, Carolyn
The Buccaneer Bunnies live a happy life until one day they receive a message in a bottle from the Crazed Chicken Pirates. Henry worries about the note and starts writing plans even through the other bunnies don't believe the note. The day the chickens invade, Henry has to be brave and think of a way to save the other bunnies!

Hannah is my name
Yang, Belle
Hannah and her family come to America from Taiwan to gain freedom. For them to become Americans and have their freedom, they must obtain their greencards. Hannah and her family's journey of over 2 years, encompasses many trials. Hannah and her family feel relief, excitement and prode as they finally receive their greencards and are now able to call American their home.

Guji Guji
Chen Chih-Yuan
A rolling egg finds a home in a duck nest. It wasn't until three crocodiles find Guji Guji that she may not be a duck. The crocodiles ask Guji Guji to trap his family for them to eat. Instead Guji Guji, with the help of his duck family, drop heavy rocks into the crocodiles open mouths.

Grandpa's face
Greenfield, Eloise
Tamika loves spending time with her Grandfather. They enjoy walking, talking, and going to theatre together. One day, Tamika gets afraid while watching her Grandfather rehearse for a play. Tamika learns about different emotions, and especially that her Grandfather will always love her.