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Wood, Audrey//Wood, Don
Ten pigs dance on a child's fingers, and eventually go to sleep.

Arthur's first sleepover
Brown, Marc
Arthur is having his first sleepover in a tent in his backyard. Arthur and his friends Buster and Brian plan to watch for spaceships and aliens during the night. Arthur's sister plays a trick on the boys, and they come up with a plan to get her back.

Free fall
Wiesner, David
After falling asleep with a book, a boy dreams of a magical adventure. He travels to a kingdom, a forest, and a city where he meets animals and many characters. (A Wordless Book)

The tightrope walker
Gervais, Benadette//Pittau, Francisco
Phil dreams of walking on a tightrope. He practices on the edge of his bed and on the clothesline. Phil walks a tightrope that takes him over fields, past Louises's house, past the city, out to the sea, into the mountains, and back home just in time for bed.

Good night, gorilla
Rathmann, Peggy
A zookeeper's keys are taken by a gorilla, who sets all of the animals free. The animals follow the zookeeper home, and his wife returns them to the zoo.

Guess how much i love you
McBratney, Sam
When it is time for Little Nutbrown Hare to go to bed, he tells Big Nutbrown Hare how much he loves him. Little Nutbrown Hare tells Big Nutbrown Hare that he loves him all the way to the moon. Big Nutbrown Hare tells Little Nutbrown Hare that he loves him to the moon and back as Little Nutrbrown Hare falls asleep.

The dark at the top of the stairs
McBratney, Sam
While tucking the three young mice into bed, the old mouse asks the young mice what they would like to do in the morning. The three agree that they want to see the dark at the top of the stairs. Together the four mice venture to the top of the stairs where they run into a monster -- the cat!

What's under my bed?
Stevenson, James
Mary Ann and Louie's grandpa tell them a scarey story. Later one night, they run to tell him that something is under their bed. The grandpa shares another story about when he was young and what he would do when he was scared at bedtime.

Gus and buster work things out
Bronin, Andrew
Brothers Gus and Buster start fighting over their top and bottom bunkbeds. They continue to learn how to trust, share, and cooperate. Eventually they get along very well.

Apple juice tea
Weston, Martha
When Gran first comes to visit, Polly wishes she would leave so her life could get back to normal. One night, Gran babysits and they have a tea party. After that, there are many more tea parties and special times.

Trick-or-treat for diabetes: A halloween story for kids living with diabetes
Gosselin, Kim
Halloween is quickly approaching. Sarah is feeling sad because she knows that she cannot eat as many sweets as her friends. This is because Sarah has diabetes. Sarah and her mother eventually learn that Halloween is not all about candy; it's about having fun.

While the moon shines bright
Peterson, Jeanne Whitehouse
This story is a bedtime chant about a little boy who is too excited to sleep. His grandfather tells him to clean the house, get ready for bed, drink some milk, rock on his lap, listen to stories and finally kiss him goodnight.

Ghost's hour, spook's hour
Bunting, Eve
A young boy wakes up around midnight to no electricity, scary sounds, and the howling wind. He gets really scared, but his parents comfort him.

The butterfly
Polacco, Patricia
When a little girls meets a ghost which turns out to be a girl that is hiding in the cellar with the rest of her family from the Nazi's. They form a friendship that is strong. But the friendship is broken up by the sudden movement of her and her family. But butterflies show that everything is fine even though they are apart.

Just dessert
Powell, Polly
The apple family finish their dinner and desert, but Pasty wasn't quite full yet. Pasty wants that last piece of cake. Her mom tells her that she can not eat it. That piece of cake is on Pasty's mind all night long. After everyone was asleep, Pasty goes downstairs to get the cake. Pasty's journey to the cake provides her with obstacles of the mind.

Baby loves
Lawrence, Michael
Baby loves so many things, including Mommy and Daddy, slippers, food, rain, and bathtime. Each thing is loved more than the last. But Mommy and Daddy love baby more than anything in the world.

My father who has 10 children
Guettier, Benedicte
A devoted father works hard to take care of his ten children day and night. He decides to get away and sail around the world, until he realizes something is missing and returns home.

No such thing
Koller, Jackie French
Howard is afraid to sleep in his new room. He is constantly calling out for his mommy, because he thinks he hears a monster under his bed. When Howard meets the little monster under his bed (who is really afraid of the boy above his bed), Howard is no longer afraid.

Chall, Marsha Wilson
Jean Claude is going to boarding school, but no dogs are allowed at La School d'Excellence. Poor Bonaparte must find a way to be with Jean Claude!

Rodney's inside story
Barasch, Lynne
Mom tells a story to Baby Gray about Rodney Rabbit, who lives in a cabbage and has vegetable toys and furniture.

Old woman and the willy nilly man
Wright, Jill
The Little Old Woman who lives in the woods has not gotten a good night's rest because every night her shoes get up and dance. She visits a very scary man, the Willy Nilly Man, to ask for his help.

The monster bed
Willis, Jeanne//Varley, S.
A young monster is afraid that humans are going to come and get him so he sleeps under his bed to hide. A little boy enters his cave and goes to sleep on his bed. When they see each other, they are both scared away.

Dark closets and noises in the night
Colman, Penny
Ever since they moved into their new house, Susan and Alex are scared to sleep in their own rooms. Alex is scared of his dark closet, and Susan is fearful of the noises that go bump in the night. Each uses their imagination and creative minds to solve their problems.

All about you
Anholt, Catherine//Anholt, Laurence
Everyone is different, no one is quite the same. Discover all about you!How do you feel today?Are you hungry?Each time it's a new story.

And if the moon could talk
Banks, Kate
A young child gets ready for bed. Her father reads her a book, and her mother tucks her into bed. Soon, she is fast asleep and dreaming. The moon watches from outside as the world prepares for nightfall.

Faraway drums
Kroll, Virginia
Jamila has the important responsibility of watching her little sister when their mom goes to work. While trying to ignore unfamiliar creepy sounds, Jamila comforts her sister and herself by recalling their grandmother's stories about their native homeland, Africa.

City rhythms
Grifalconi, Ann
Jimmy's dad talks about keeping up with the rhythm of the city, but Jimmy doesn't understand what his dad means until the end of the summer when Jimmy makes the city rhythms his own.

50 below zero
Munsch, Robert
Jason is repeatedly awakened from the noises his father makes when he is sleep walking. The last straw is when he finds him outside in the snow with only his pajamas on.

Poinsettia and the firefighters
Bond, Felicia
Poinsettia becomes afraid her first night alone in her new room because it is dark and there are many strange noises. She spots a fire outside her window and the firefighters become her nighttime friends.

Five bad boys, billy que and the dustdobbin
Patron, Susan
Billy Que learns an important lesson from the dustbobbin under his bed. Billy learns to think before he speaks.

Everything to spend the night
Paul, Ann Whitford
A little girl packs her bag full of things she will need for an overnight at her grandparents. She brings, snacks, toys, clothes, a toothbrush, and many other things A through Z. She does forget one very important thing, her pajamas. She borrows some from her grandfather and says I love you!

First words and pictures
Salt, Jane//Hawksley, Gereard
A baby has many new things to see and touch at the supermarket. At home, it is time to unload the groceries and make dinner.

What's the matter with carruthers?
Marshall, James
Carruthers, the bear, is in a very grumpy mood and has been for days. His two friends notice it and try to cheer him up. Finally they realize Carruthers is tired and should have been asleep for the winter, so they help him go to bed.

It's about time, jesse bear
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Jesse Bear tells of his adventures of his day from start to finish. He tells his adventures through songs. Jesse Bear gets sick and must stay in bed to get better. Mama Bear comes in to put Jesse Bear to bed for the night and tells him to rest up for adventures tomorrow.

Mommy go away
Jonell, Lynne//Mathers, Petra
Christopher is tired of his mommy telling him what to do. Christopher tells his mommy to go away. Suddenly, mommy shrinks to the size of a toy and he sends her away on a toy boat in his bathtub. After Mommy's scary adventure, she realizes that it is rough being little.

Wind says goodnight
Rydell, Katy
A child is having a hard time going to sleep. The wind must convince all of the night creatures to go to sleep. The moon is loud and eventually stops glowing. It begins to rain and finally it is time to rest.

James, Betsy
Marie is afraid of the dark while she is sleeping over at her grandparent's house. Her grandpa gives her a flashlight to become familiar with her surroundings and to overcome her fear.

Maggie and the monster
Winthrop, Elizabeth
Every night a monster comes into Maggie's room and messes it up. Maggie asks the monster what she wants and the monster tells Maggie that she is looking for her mother. Maggie helps the monster find her mother in the hall closet.

I love you stinky face
McCourt, Lisa
A mother explains to her child how she would love her child no matter how the child smelled or what she looked like. The child's imagination creates an ugly, sick, terrible, and scary monster that the mother says she still loves.

Bed bouncers
Knutson, Kimberly
Two young children become bed bouncers in a fantasy through the sky. They see the moon, the stars, and friends from other lands. The kids return home to wait for their next bed bouncing adventure.

Stars for sarah
Turner, Ann
Sarah cannot fall asleep because she is worried about what her life will be like when her family moves to their new house. Sarah's mother comes to her room to comfort and reassure her.

Bedtime monster (A dormir, pequeno monstruo!)
Burnell, Heather
A little boy doesn't want to go to bed. He whines. He cries. He throws a tantrum. He begins to grow a tail. What? A tail? It's true! This little boy is not only acting like a monster, he turns into one! He growls a scary growl. He grows long hair and sharp claws. But, his parents know what to do. They calmly cuddle, rock, and sing to him. Here is a monster you might actually want to snuggle with as bedtime draws near.

Ten, nine, eight
Bang, Molly
While counting backwards from ten to one, a father and his daughter get ready for bedtime.

Ma dear's aprons
McKissack, Patricia C.
David Earl knows what day of the week it is by the color of Ma Dear's aprons. She wears a different apron each day to reflect the day's chores. Ma Dear is a single, hard-working mother from the South that creates a loving home for her son.

Rhymes for annie rose
Hughes, Shirley
More than twenty rhymes tell about the daily life and activities of a young girl named Annie Rose. The playful poems cover several topics including animals, people, seasons, routines and adventures that children love.

What dads can't do
Wood, Douglas
Throughout the day, a dad shows his love for his son by showing him things that he can't do alone such as pitching a baseball very fast, reading a book to himself, fishing alone, and winning at cards.

Starry night
Spohn, David
Nate, Matt, and their dad go camping. The three enjoy the stars and each other's company. They stoke the fire and settle down for the chilly night.

Skofield, James
A little boy is awakened by the sounds of the night. He goes outside with his parents and enjoys the night by dancing with nature until he gets tired and goes back to bed.

What!Cried granny: An almost bedtime story
Lum, Kate
It is Patrick's first time to sleep over at Granny's house. When it is time for him to go to bed, Patrick tells his Granny that he does not have a bed, so Granny chops down some trees for wood and makes him a bed. Patrick then tells his Granny that he did not have a pillow at her house, so Granny collected feathers from her chickens and made him a pillow. Granny also has to make Patrick a blanket and teddy bear, but by the time she is finished, it is morning.

A bedtime story
Fox, Mem
Polly has a room filled with books but does not know how to read. With her stuffed animal, Bed Rabbit, Polly interrupts her parents' reading time for a bedtime story.