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When bluebell sang
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Bluebell the cow is on her way to stardom because of her wonderful singing voice. Yet once she hits stardom, she becomes homesick. After tricking her nasty manager, Bluebell spends the rest of her days singing with the other cows.

Gilberto and the wind
Ets, Marie Hall
Gilberto is a friend with the wind. The wind and Gilberto do things for each other.

As i was crossing boston common
Farber, Norma
While a turtle is crossing the Boston Common, he sees a man with many animals. All of these uncommon animals are in alphabetical order.

Casey jones's fireman: The story of sim webb
Farmer, Nancy
Sim Webb is finally getting his chance to work on a train for the famous Casey Jones. Casey is putting a brand new whistle on his train, but Casey knows it's a bad idea. He knows that something bad is about to happen.

March on! The day my brother Martin changed the world
Farris, Christine
Christine King Farris, the sister of Martin Luther King Jr., watched her brother during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. She describes her brother’s journey from writing his “I Have a Dream” speech to joining the crowds in their demand for freedom. She was moved by her brother’s persistence and success in persuading millions to believe in and fight for a better tomorrow in which all men are created equal.

Howie helps himself
Fassler, Joan
Howie is confined to a wheelchair. He must overcome many barriers. He has one thing he wants to do - be able to move his wheelchair all by himself. He succeeds.

The happy lion roars
Fatio, Louise
The happy lion is unhappy because all of his friends have mates. His good friend, Francios, takes him to the circus one day and he falls in love with a beautiful lioness. One night, he sneaks out to meet her and takes her back to his cave at the zoo. After many protests, the zoo keeper and the lion trainer decide she can stay. The lion is happy once again.

Where does the teacher live?
Feder, Paula Kurzband
Alba, Willie, and Nancy are all students in Mrs. Greengrass' class. They all wondered where their teacher lived and searched for several days. They watched her walk out of school each day and collected clues. At the end, they finally ask Mrs. Greengrass where she lives and they were correct. She rewards them with ice cream cones for being such good detectives.

Zamani goes to market
Feelings, Murial L.
Zamani goes on his first trip to the city with his father. He is to take the cow into the market and sell it. His father allows him to buy something in the market with the profits from their day. He decides to buy his mother a necklace, instead of the white shirt he wanted for himself. While he is not looking his father buys him the shirt.

X marks the spot
Felder, Eleanor
The letter X is very versatile and is seen in several situations as well as in the alphabet. This book sights examples of different places in every day life where X is seen and used.

Contrary Woodrow
Felt, Sue
Woodrow was always a very ill-behaved boy. When he started kindergarten, he realized he had no friends from whom to receive Valentine's cards, so he changed his behavior and everyone liked him.

The big yellow balloon
Fenton, Edward
A little boy takes a walk with his big yellow balloon. A cat follows him because he believes the balloon is the sun. Suddenly a dog follows the cat and a dogcatcher follows the dog. Soon there is a long parade of people and animals following one another. The balloon is finally broken, but the boy is given a hero badge to replace the balloon since the parade he created helped a policeman catch a thief.

The green lion of zion street
Fields, Julia
While waiting for the school bus, a group of children enjoy scaring themselves by looking at a lion. However, they find out the lion is just a stone statue.

Burro's tortillas
Fields, Terri
Burro finds it hard to get any help from his friends as he diligently works to turn corn into tortillas. Expect repetition, puns, and an accurate picture of the traditional way that tortillas are made.

Bang bang you're dead
Fitzhugh, Louise
A group of kids like to play fake war on a hill. Another group of kids come to the hill to play too. Both groups have a real war, and some of them get hurt. They eventually decide to share the hill.

Angus and the cat
Flack, Marjorie
Angus, the dog, explored many things. One day he finds a cat in the house. He does not like the cat, until it is gone - then he misses it.

Angus lost
Flack, Marjorie
Angus, the dog, becomes bored with all his familiar surroundings. One day, he leaves the yard in search for something different. Realizing he cannot communicate with many things, he is happy to return home.

Angus and the ducks
Flack, Marjorie
Angus is a curious dog who wonders what the sound is on the other side of the hedge. He discovers ducks and scares them away. The ducks finally turn on Angus and scare him.

Tim tadpole and the great bullfrog
Flack, Marjorie
Tim is a tadpole who feels sorry for himself because he can only swim and not jump. A bullfrog tells Tim not to be discouraged. Tim soon matures into a bullfrog and is able to jump.

The story about ping
Flack, Marjorie//Wiese, Kurt
To avoid getting a spanking for being the last duck to cross the bridge, Ping stayed overnight on the river bank. He loses his family and is captured by a little boy. He is held hostage on the little boy's boat. Finally the little boy sets Ping free and he is reunited with his family.

McBroom and the great race
Fleischman, Sid
Farmer McBroom is a successful farmer who has an evil neighbor, Heck Jones, who has tried to steal his farm several times. McBroom is tricked into betting his farm against his neighbor's farm in a race. McBroom overcomes the trickery to win the race and keep his farm.

The hey hey man
Fleischman, Sid
A thief sees a farmer bury gold by a magical tree. The thief steals the gold and runs away with it. The thief is followed by the tree's Hey Hey man. The wood spirit tricks the thief into returning the farmer's gold.

When agnes caws
Fleming, Candace
Agnes Peregrine has always loved birds and has recently found out that she has a true talent for bird calling. She goes to the Himalayan Mountains with her mother in search of the rarest bird of all. Little does she know that an evil colonel has followed them and wants this rare bird for his own collection!

The fabulous firework family
Flora, James
The mayor of the village asks Pepito's father to prepare a huge fireworks display for the village celebration. A display is prepared, but Pepito's father is hurt so Pepito must set the display off. He does and becomes the hero of the village.

Tackle 22
Foley, Louise Munro
A local pee-wee football team's quarterback gets the mumps the week of the big playoff game. The team gets a younger brother to take the open spot. The new player helps the team win the playoff game. A great book for boys who like football.

Shop talk
Ford, Juwanda G.
Solomon enjoys hanging out at his neighborhood barbershop because he feels at home and comfortable there. He gets along great with his barber, Alton. Solomon scored in his basketball game so he recieved a free haircut from Alton.

Poor gabriella
Forrester, Victoria
The birth of Christ has just taken place, and everyone in the barn is warm and safe except for poor Gabriella, a cow who is locked outside. Is it a miracle that a strong, fierce wind causes Joseph to let the cow in so she is safe and warm also?

Hattie and the fox
Fox, Mem
Hattie the hen sees a fox approaching her and the other animals. The fox attacks, and the cow scares the fox away with a loud moo. Then, the animals are silent for a long time.

Ski pup
Freeman, Don
A dog named Hugo is a rescue dog for skiers. One day, Hugo finds a lost skier and brings him to safety.

Freeman, Don
Corduroy lives in the toy department of a big store. He is a little lonely bear whom no one wants to buy. One day a little girl comes along and thinks that he is perfect. She comes back the next day and buys him with the money that she has in her piggy bank.

Anancy and mr. dry-bone
French, Fiona
Anancy and Mr. Dry-Bone attempt to win the hand of the beautiful Miss Lause by making her laugh.

Under the moon
French, Vivian
Three classic fairytales are retold. An old lady cleans the cobwebs from the sky. A young boy is tricked by a Mother Wolf, and a log produces an Apple Child with magical abilities.

Furlie cat
Freschet, Bernice
Furlie is a cat who is afraid of everything and hides in the house all day. He feels his life is dull, so he practices being brave. He becomes overly confident in himself and becomes a bully. He learns after he meets a bear that everyone should treat one another kindly and equally.

A web in the grass
Freschet, Bernice
A lonely spider spins a web in order to catch some food. The spider is careful not to be caught by a toad or an owl. She lays an egg sac and hundreds of spiderlings are produced. The babies, like their mother, spin webs and wait to capture food.

The wishing hat
Fuchshuber, Annegert
A person's main intention in life should not be for money. Magic makes it fun though.

Hattie, tom, and the chicken witch
Gackenbach, Dick
An Easter play is presented in which there are no parts for rabbits. Through perserverance, a rabbit earns a role in the play.

Harry and the terrible whatzit
Gackenbach, Dick
A young boy confronts a two headed monster in the cellar and wins self confidence.

Noisy nancy norris
Gaeddert, Lou Ann
The Norris family is instructed by their landlady to quiet their noisy daughter Nancy, or else be evicted from the neighborhood.

Wee and the wright brothers
Gaffney, Timothy
An educational story told from Wee the mouse's point of view, of how the Wright brothers succeeded in flight. Wee, an ambitious mouse, tells the story in a humorous yet detailed way of the historical Wright brothers and their flying machine.

Cully cully and the bear
Gage, Wilson
Cully Cully wants a new bearskin, so he goes out to hunt a bear. He shoots an arrow at the bear and misses. The bear chases Cully Cully. They start to run around a tree and forget who is chasing who. They get tired and finally both give up and go home.

The house that jack built
Galdone, Paul
Jack's house is a lot more than just his house. Many animals and people have a connection to this seemingly simple house.

The little red hen
Galdone, Paul
The little red hen lived with a cat, dog, and mouse, but was the only one who ever did any work. She planted wheat, took it to the mill to ground into flour, and made a cake. Even though she asked for help, no one helped her with anything. But once the cake was made, they all wanted a piece. After the hen finished the cake herself, she had three eager helpers whenever there was work to be done.

The gingerbread boy
Galdone, Paul
In desire for a boy of their own, a couple bakes a gingerbread boy. The gingerbread boy comes to life, and runs for freedom while being chased by hungry people. A fox, who outsmarts the boy, ends up with a tasty snack.

The three little pigs
Galdone, Paul
When three little pigs leave home to seek their fortune, each builds a house made of various materials. A mean wolf blows down the houses of the first and second pigs, then eats them for dinner. The wolf is outsmarted by the third pig who cooks the wolf for dinner.

The monster and the tailor
Galdone, Paul
A tailor is asked by the Grand Duke to make a suit. For good luck, the tailor must sew it at a grave yard at night. Even though a monster appears, the tailor works hard and completes his task. For the completion of the suit, he receives a bag of gold.

The christmas train
Gantschev, Ivan
Translated from German, this is a true story of a young girl whose wise actions saved many passengers on a train.

Flim and flam and the big cheese
Garrison, Christian
Two brothers, one fat and one thin, live together. Flam eats all the food and leaves nothing for Flim. So Flim decides to trick Flam into drinking the pond by placing a piece of cheese in the middle of it. Flam drinks the whole pond not realizing the cheese was the reflection of the moon. When Flam cannot move, Flim eats a very satisfying meal.

Christina katerina and the time she quit the family
Gauch, Patricia Lee
Christina becomes intolerant of her annoying family and decides to change her name to Agnes. She disowns her family. After days of doing what she wants, she decides her family needs her and rejoins the family.

Christina katerina and the great bear train
Gauch, Patricia Lee//Primavera, Elise
When Christina's family goes to visit her mom and new baby sister, Christina makes a train out of boxes and baskets for her teddy bears. She travels around the block. Just when she thinks she may be lost, her father comes to get her.

Elena's serenade
Geeslin, Campbell
Elenaメs father is a glassblower. Elena wants her father to teach her how to blow glass. He refuses to teach her because she is a girl. After disguising herself as a boy, she learns how to blow glass. She shows her father she can blow glass and then reveals that it is her.